Teacher's Pet (OUAT)

By RegalChromaggia

40.9K 783 533

Emma Swan just wants to get through her final year of Storybrooke High to start a life in Boston. Then she me... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Fourteen

1.8K 26 16
By RegalChromaggia

"Ah!" The blonde teenager jolted upright from her slumber as she felt something heftily slap her on the chest.

Emma groaned softly, stirring in her spot to glare at the source on the opposite side of the bed. However, the glowering look hadn't lasted more than a few milliseconds before realizing that it had been Regina- who currently was still slumbering with an innocent look on her visage. The woman was absolutely stunning and the way that the morning sun's soft rays of light had Regina's skin absolutely glowing. She was nothing but pure perfection.

Although, her position was a little awkward, being splayed out on her stomach with one arm under her chin and the other haphazardly thrown on Emma's side. She must be cold with her thighs being the only thing covered, or perhaps too warm.

Regina must have rolled over just moments ago into that position per Emma's reason of waking. But the blonde still couldn't be angry at all with the brunette, for she was sleeping after all, plus, she looked just so damn adorable with that relaxed expression on her face.

"Beautiful..." Emma whispered, bringing a hesitant hand out to gently stroke the older woman's raven locks. Regina stirred only slightly, a soft smile on her face before a snore ripped through the otherwise quiet air.

"Wow, you're... still too adorable." She smirked and stroke the brunette's cheek with the back of her hand. She knew how much Regina detested being called adorable, because she just simple could not be. Emma did not care, she would keep calling Regina adorable all she wanted until she finally accepted that fact, or at least the fact that the blonde was rather relentless.

Right now, though, the brunette didn't exactly fall in the adorable category- or at least when Emma let her eyes drift down the taut, sun kissed skin of Regina's back. Damn, even her back was beautiful and perfect, and it looked so touchable...

She ran her fingers through brunette hair one last time, her fingers sliding from the tendrils to skitter down the olive toned flesh. It was just as soft as it had looked and lived up to her imagination. Emma's eyes followed her fingers as they traced the brunette teacher's spine, stopping abruptly at the base with wide eyes. There, underneath her pale fingers, was not natural colored flesh.

Emma moved her hand away to squint at the rather small discoloration to find it shaped as a deep, red apple. A very detailed apple, at that and it appeared to have very small words written around it. The blonde knew that she loved the fruit, but why would she have a tattoo of one?

The curiosity getting the better of her, Emma wiggled her way down the mattress to soon come closer to the apple tattoo. It was rather hard to concentrate on what the tiny words said when the older woman's voluptuous behind was in her face. They were like two scoops of ice cream and looked far better out of those tight skirts and ass-hugging slacks. Her dream of being able to touch Ms. Mills' posterior had come true, and god, she could actually do it if she wanted to right now.

But, she had a mission to complete. Tearing her eyes away from Regina's bum, she, instead, guided her attention to the apple that lay in a very enticing place and read the small, cursive print.

"Have a taste of my forbidden fruit."

"Fucking hell..." Emma reread the small font several times over, trying to conceive what it had said and make sure that she hadn't misread anything.

"I see you've discovered my tattoo." A voice, heavy with sleep, grumbled and Emma's hand felt the vibrations underneath her as Regina had spoken. That didn't sate her more-than-mild jump of surprise and embarrassment of having been caught.

"Y-yeah..." The blonde stuttered, trying to find the right words to not sound like a complete idiot. "When... Why? I mean..."

"I know what you mean, dear." The brunette's body began to rumble with laughter. "I got it when I was your age, dear. I was young and careless and I didn't think it mattered- since I strongly believed that I would be a successful writer with a risqué tattoo- also, defying my mother seemed quite an attractive idea. But I was wrong about my career and my defiance. I'm lucky that I got it on my lower back, so it's easily hidden."

"But... why..." Emma sucked in a breath and squirmed her way back up to face the brunette, who was still lying in the same position. "Why that?"

"I like apples and I thought it to be humorous at the time since apples are the forbidden fruit as well as... well, genitals. I was a rather... dirty girl."

"You still are..." The blonde mumbled under her breath, earning a chuckle from the older woman.

"Indeed I am, so the tattoo still suits me, correct?"

"You like apples." Emma shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips as her fingertips traced the contour of the apple tattoo. "And I'm quite sure your forbidden fruit tastes delicious."

"Wouldn't you like to find out?" The brunette flashed a seductive grin, her nose wrinkling ever so slightly as she bared her pearly teeth. "And I'm being absolutely serious when I'm asking you that question."

"Oh, are you now?" The blonde's fingers made small, circular strokes around the tattoo on the small of the teacher's back. "What does this say, now?" she asked innocently, bending over the older woman to take a peek, her blonde locks lightly tickling the olive toned surface.

"Why don't you read it and find out?" Regina purred.

Emma let a grin spread wide across her lips as her eyes, once again, scanned over the words. "Have a taste of my forbidden fruit," she repeated what she had read. "God, you're bad, you know?"

"Oh, I know." The brunette chuckled deeply, which had raised the hairs pleasantly up on Emma's body. "I do hope you know what you need to do."

"I think I do." Emma bit her lip and brought herself onto her knees to get better balance on the bed. She reached for the opposite side of Regina and, without hesitancy, flipped the brunette teacher over, earning a squawk of surprise.

"Why, hello there, dear." The brunette smirked, her whisky colored eyes staring lustfully at the blonde above her.

"You're even more beautiful in the sunlight, Gina. Breathtaking, even." Emma whispered as she moved to straddle the older woman's hips. A sweet smile was soon spread across her lips, and a hand had found its way onto the brunette's soft cheek, her thumb stroking it in the slightest.

Regina nuzzled the warm hand, her eyes half-mast as she watched Emma through slit eyes. Her cheeks were dusted with pink, her eyes on Emma's every movement and her breath hitching when the blonde's pale fingers roamed over her satin skin, soon covering one of the swells on her chest.

Emma couldn't bite back the smile that spread wide across her lips. The expression Regina wore was breathtaking and also quite arousing. Her visage was lax with a blissful, pleasured smile. Her breast felt like a little sack of heaven, which was everything that Emma had thought. It was soft and firm, and the peak of it greeted Emma's hand eagerly.

"Emma..." The brunette murmured breathlessly, slender fingers combing through the girl's blonde mane.

"It's soft," she muttered stupidly in response, kneading the mound of flesh rather slowly, as if she were admiring and marveling in the feel of it. "I think I found my new favorite thing."

"Oh, have you, love?" Regina purred, pressing herself against the blonde's hand. There was a soft smirk on her plump lips as she let her fingers slide through the younger woman's curls and down her smooth, pale back.

Emma shivered underneath her touch and grinned at the little endearment as she shifted her body into a far more comfortable position, nestling herself between the brunette teacher's spread legs. "I am 'love' now?"

The older woman nodded, her arms now wrapping completely around Emma, pressing their exposed skin against each other. "Indeed you are, my love. You are all mine and I am all yours."

"Who would have thought that," the blonde chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to Regina's throat, then trailed soft kisses further down until they reached the brunette's clavicle. Her lips peppered the expanse of skin there, causing Regina's body to shake with small bouts of laughter. Emma couldn't help the curve that immediately lifted her mouth into a grin.

What did Regina taste like, she wondered? She was in the correct position, and she was quite sure the brunette surely wouldn't mind if she licked her? So Emma did just that, dragging her tongue back up to Regina's throat, using the valley between her breasts as a guide.

She tasted faintly of apples.

The brunette shivered underneath the younger woman's mouth, her back slightly arching and her nails digging into Emma's pale skin.

"Oh, Emma..." she mewled into the blonde locks.

Emma smiled against the teacher's sun kissed flesh as she soon brought them down once again, tracing an invisible line down Regina's torso. The further she went, the louder the whimper came from the brunette, and a few pleas for her to soothe her aching arousal. It wasn't long before Emma had reached the woman's intimate flesh, her body now inched down on the bed and her head level with Regina's slick heat.

Tentatively, the blonde laved her tongue along the older woman's folds, her eyes immediately drooping as she enjoyed the new flavor that exploded on her taste buds. Regina was slightly sweet, just as her favorite apples, and bitter- but in all good ways possible. Emma could swear she was her new favorite flavor, and every time the blonde would eat an apple, she would be brought back to this very morning- or at least her thoughts would veer to the brunette.

"Hu... yes... More, Emma. Please." The brunette moaned, her back arching as her hips gyrated forward against the blonde's mouth, trying to add more pressure and movement to her aching center.

Emma abided the request and proceeded to repeat her movement, this time adding slightly more pressure as she ended on the older woman's sensitive nub. Regina's body jerked slightly before grinding against the blonde's face, her legs spreading wide as she begged for more. Emma could only groan against the slick flesh in response before slipping her tongue into the brunette, her hands finding purchase on the insides of Regina's thighs.

Emma set a steady pace as she darted her tongue from Regina's writhing form.

The brunette made few noises as she concentrated on finding her release, which hadn't taken long as the blonde slipped her tongue from the older woman's entrance and found her throbbing bundle of nerves, and flicked the little pink muscle over it and teased her until she came with a soft cry of pleasure. Her back arched off the bed in the intense moment of pure bliss and her fingers tugged and twisted in the soft blonde locks on her lover's head as she helped the brunette through the spasms of her orgasm and the aftershocks, licking and laving up any juices that had seeped out.

"Fuck," the brunette allowed a soft moan to rumble in the back of her throat when Emma had finished up with her licks and crawled back up the length of Regina's body.

"Language," Emma whispered, pressing a kiss just below the older woman's ear. "You always tell me to keep a clean mouth."

"Having sex is an exception." Regina smirked and wrapped her arms tightly around the younger woman's body, her chest heaving as she continued to catch her breath.

"It sounds sexy coming from you."

"You think everything I do is sexy, Emma."

"That's because you're just an all-around sexy woman, Gina," Emma purred. "And I love it. I... love you."

That had the brunette teacher beaming, a watery, yet affectionate smile, spread widely across her lips. She brought a hand up to push a few strands of the blonde hair from Emma's face before cupping her cheek. "And I love you, beautiful."

The blonde's cheeks heated with embarrassment and buried her face in Regina's raven locks, inhaling the faint apple scent with a purr. "You're a sweetheart, Gina. And I'm genuinely surprised... just... flabbergasted that you actually love me back."

"Why wouldn't I, dear?" The brunette frowned softly, her tanned fingers combing through golden strands of hair.

Emma let herself go limp against Regina's body, a strained sigh slipping from her lips. The blonde had been set to firmly believe that she would never be worth anyone's love, especially after the foster kids had brought her down and rubbed her unworthiness in her face.

But there was Regina, here in Storybrooke. There was Storybrooke and the Nolans, who loved her dearly. There was this place that actually made the blonde teenager feel happy and feel wanted. And there was that one person, that one person that loved her in the ways Emma thought would never be a possibility. It was something like a miracle that the blonde was ever able to find Regina, even though she may be several years her senior.

"I'm an unlovable, worthless piece of trash, or so I had been told many times when I was younger... and then some until I arrived here." Emma murmured, scooting her body down the brunette's slightly to lay her chin on the older woman's chest.

"Oh, Emma, dear..." Regina had a visible frown on her face, although had nothing but love sparkling in her chocolate eyes. "Why haven't you told me this before?"

"I don't want people to feel sorry for me or anything... and if I say something like this to certain people, they may think that I am looking for some sort of sympathy. But I'm not. I... I just like to be left alone." Her eyes fell shut as she felt Regina's hand gently caressed her cheek. "It wasn't like anyone cared about me, anyways."

"Let me tell you something, Emma." Regina shifted slightly up to bring her back to the headboard and Emma up with her. Her soft, pink lips pressed a tender kiss to the blonde's awaiting forehead. "You are worth something to me. Emma, I have similar fears to your own that I have not expressed to anyone. But that is not the point.

The point is, that those kids were wrong. Everyone deserves love, everyone is worth something, and everyone has a purpose. They were just trying to hurt you because they were already hurting, and I doubt that they would want to see you happy and whole while they were shattered..."

"I know... I've figured all of that out. But what they have said to me had stuck and my brain believes that I am not worth anything to anyone, especially not worthy of love." The blonde tilted her head, emerald eyes meeting with soft, brown ones. "You're an amazing woman and you deserve so much more than me."

"But I don't want anyone else but you, Emma." Regina whispered, bringing Emma's face closer to her own. "You've shown me that I could love and that someone could feel the same about me."

"But what about our age difference? Aren't you... scared?"

"I was at first, trust me, Emma. I was. It had scared me- these feelings that were starting to form upon meeting you and our time spent together. I found myself slowly yearning to see you again, and anxious for the fourth period class when I would. And lunch, where we would talk and spend time with one another... alone. I liked being alone with you and I still do quite enjoy it.

"And when we first kissed, I knew where I was with my feelings for you. And right then, I knew that I couldn't possibly lose you- at least so soon. All of the fears about our age difference and the consequences that might come of our student-teacher relationship had vanished. Love doesn't know any boundaries, and life is too short to pass up such a rare opportunity. You never know if it will come again and you'll never know where something like this would go if you were to pursue it."

"I can't promise anything, Gina. I can't. One day I may be up for whatever the world may throw at me and the next I might want to run away and hide..." Emma sighed softly, her voice a soft murmur. "But whatever might happen between us..."

"Nothing bad will happen." Regina whispered, petting the blonde's hair in rhythmic strokes.

"How can you be so sure?"

"I can't, but someone needs to say it so we're reassured. I know that whatever we have here will be a long, bumpy road, with many twists and turns, and something will be bound to happen, but we'll just have to strive through it... Unless we can't."

"I don't want to get to a point like that." Emma sighed and rolled onto her back next to the brunette woman.

"I assure you that it won't happen anytime soon, alright, sweetheart?" Regina flashed her that perfect, radiating smile before tossing onto her side with a finger trailing down the blonde's abdomen. Emma shivered from the contact, her muscles constricting with angst.

"Now, let me-" The teacher grunted slightly as she hoisted herself up and on top of the blonde teenager that lay next to her. "-make love to you. It's my turn."

"Make love?" Emma quirked a brow and bit her lip as dark, lust filled eyes stare curiously at Regina.

"Yes. I am going to make up for last night... I want to make this special for you." The brunette purred, her hot mouth mere inches from Emma's own.

"Special..." She echoed.

"Yes." Regina smirked, pressing her lips lightly to the blonde's. "And I do hope you will enjoy it."

"I will, Gina. I definitely will." Emma breathed, tilting her head up to capture the brunette teacher's plump lips again, this time in a proper kiss. Her fingers twisted in raven locks as the older woman kissed her back with great vigor, the entire lower half of her body pressing against Emma's naked flesh.

Their lips molded together in a heated tango with pale fingers curling into raven locks and olive fingers skating down porcelain flesh. Emma's breath hitched as she felt those very fingers slide further south, down her awaiting flesh. When they met with her core, her entire body reacted with great enthusiasm; nails digging into tanned skin, hips bucking upwards, and legs closing in around the hand that pleasured her.

"Oh, Regina..." she moaned softly, her back arching slightly off the bed as her hips continued to roll at their own mediocre pace when the brunette teacher had started to slowly add pressure to a certain spot that had Emma's eyes nearly rolling to the back of her head. "Please don't stop."

"I don't plan on it, dear. The precious noises that you make are quite... enticing, and they are my new favorite melody." Regina purred into the blonde's ear before using that mouth of hers to trail tender kisses down the sweat-beaded skin of Emma's neck. "I plan to keep the song playing. After all, this is special."

"Mhm...yes, it is." The blonde bit her lip, her eyes squeezing shut as the brunette let her fingers pump harder onto the spot that had her squirming on the bed underneath the older woman's slowly rocking form.

"You like this, hm?"

"I-I do..." Emma groaned, her short nails digging into Regina's arms as the brunette made one hard thrust, then proceeded to keep at that pace.

"Tell me, how much do you like this?"

"I love it," she tried to keep at the new pace, her hips grinding and moving wantonly against her lover's hand.

"Good." The word that came out of her mouth was a deep, seductive growl that had Emma nearly over the edge already. "Now, tell me... What do you want? Do you want more? Do you want it harder? Do you want it faster? Tell me, Emma dear, what do you want?"

"I-I want all of those things." Emma couldn't help but to moan her words as the brunette had, in fact, sped up with harder thrusts, her fingers soon delving further between the folds and knuckle-deep into the blonde's body.

"Then you shall receive, my dear." Her voice was nothing but pure lust and her pupils were blown wide with desire. This woman was nothing but a walking, talking body of pure sex and everything she did, even so much as a single glance, had Emma tingling in all the right places. Did she only hope that she at least sparked something for the brunette teacher as well. Regina had said something about the way Emma made her feel, hadn't she?

"Fuck, Gina..." she whimpered, the pace of her lower half increasing in time with each wrist flick. "Please... m-more..."

"Of course, my dear." The brunette smirked, her mouth soon attaching itself to the blonde's neck with teeth scraping against pale flesh and tongue tasting the salty surface. "Anything for you..."

"Aah... That's good..." The blonde murmured against raven hair as the older woman made her move down to the swell of flesh on Emma's chest. Her lips ghosted over the soft mound, her tongue every so often darting out to catch a taste of the pale skin until it had reached the already hardened nub waiting as it protruded proudly in its rose-colored glory.

Then Regina's hot mouth was covering the tip and sucking rhythmically with each thrust she put into Emma. This had the blonde squirming in her spot, her back arching almost involuntarily into the brunette's mouth and her entire being moving to the beat that the older woman had set. It wasn't long until she felt the pressure building and thought nothing but to achieve the release that she needed. Every movement was jerky and frantic, and she could feel the brunette's fingers moving faster and her tongue swirling even quicker around her swollen nipple.

And then she exploded. Little white stars clouded her vision and she felt nothing but pure bliss as her body tensed and slowed in its ultimate release. And as she was coming down from her high, Regina's fingers pulling from her body and her mouth moving away from her chest, she heard three little words expressed in a husky, yet rather sweet, whisper.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," she panted, sinking against the mattress, completely spent.

"I like it when you say that." Regina smiled sweetly, brushing a few wayward strands of gold from Emma's face. "It feels so... good to be loved by someone."

"Have you never been loved by anyone?" Emma frowned and shifted her body as the older woman occupied the open space next to her. "I couldn't imagine that."

"My mother was the only one to ever love me, or that I had ever loved." She confessed, her voice meek. "It was all of my mother's fault, really. She's one of those twisted women that get into your head and make you believe everything that she says, and her being my mother was just the icing on the cake. She made me... she made me believe that no one would ever love such an insolent child such as I- or at least that's what she said whenever I will have done anything remotely a normal child should."

Emma's face creased into a much deeper frown at this new information as she digested what the brunette teacher was telling her. That was really screwed up, but she feared that what Regina was telling her right now wasn't even the worst part of it. The way her chocolate orbs shimmered was proof enough, if the next words that came out of her mouth were.

"And, even when I was good, she had always said she was the only person in my life that I needed. My father had died when I was rather young and she had said that it meant our bond and love for one another would only be stronger since there would be no one else to love. Any friends that I had had when I was younger somehow always managed to disappear at some point in time- either to move or altogether quit talking to me. I had always suspected my mother, after all, every time one of my friends had disappeared, she always tried to reassure me and say that mother loved and liked me the most and that she would never leave me like those ungrateful brats, and that mother was the only one that I had ever needed.

"By the time I had ever reached middle school and high school, I was known as the loner. The only time people had ever taken notice in my presence or had wanted to talk to me was when they wanted something. My mother was, and is, quite rich. I probably should have been the most popular girl in school and living the dream with all the luxuries that I had, but I was nothing but a mama's girl. But behind all of that was a darkness not even the devil himself could imagine...

"Despite how much my mother manipulated me and had caused my ever growing loneliness, I loved her and I firmly believed that I needed no one besides her. She had corrupted my young mind and it had taken me quite some time to figure out that that was wrong and that I shouldn't have had to live like that. I know now what she was trying to do, especially after my leaving home- which was hell in itself.

"She had literally kicked me out after she found out that I was gay." Regina closed her eyes, a few tears slipping down her flawless olive face. "God, and what a way for her to find out. She was supposed to have been taking a business trip and wasn't due back for a while. My mother had decided- instead of calling ahead and informing me of her arrival- to surprise me with her presence... and with surprising me, came surprising the girlfriend that I had at the time. Least to say, she wouldn't have bought the sleepover bit that I had used before since the girl and I were completely nude and virtually humping each other against the wall.

"I was freshly graduated from high school and she had wanted to keep me home for whatever twisted reason she had planned. That woman was manipulative, abusive, and not the least bit of sane- and boy, was I definitely glad to get the hell out of that place. Perhaps not at first, since, after all, I was alone, afraid, and my girlfriend had freaked out and dumped me. But I managed to pull myself together and use the money that my mother had saved up for me in a college fund.
"After finding solid ground, though, and acquiring a job at the local newspaper, I had realized how much better off I was without my mother. I found that it was easier to breathe without her suffocating aura around me and I felt free for once. Of course, I still had all of the fears that my mother had shoved into my head haunting me on a daily basis. It was rather hard to become friends with others, and after having to survive three other schools with fake friends because of my rich background and the lies that my mother had crammed into my brain, I just hadn't trusted anyone. My mother was the only person that I needed in my life- and for some reason I had always wanted to make her proud. I..."

The brunette paused, her lips slightly parted in thought about what she had wanted to say next. Whatever it was, it was putting up a rather difficult battle inside her head. She hesitated a bit more and Emma thought she wouldn't even finish her thought, but then she spoke with a very, very quiet voice that the blonde would have missed if she weren't so concentrated on the teacher's next words.

"I still want to..."

"Hey, you don't have to feel bad about that. You're lucky to have a mother that loves you..." Emma reached out to gently grace her fingers across Regina's tear stained cheeks.

"I know... but I feel so horrible for wanting her. She... she was the only one that I had ever talked to about major personal things... A-and I felt so lost when she stopped returning my messages..."

"Gina..." Emma's green eyes were wide as saucers as she watched the brunette teacher break down in front of her.
The blonde's heart went out to the woman. They weren't so different after all, as Emma had thought they were. Regina seemed to have the perfect life and she even envied her, but after hearing what her mother had done and what she was... She wasn't so jealous anymore. The two were more alike than Emma could ever imagine. Neither had luck with friends nor love and both were convinced that they would never be loved nor liked- although each were different in their own ways.

"Hey, look, ba-...uh...Gina, I'm sure your mother just got caught up with stuff or maybe something happened and she just can't contact you." Emma tried her best to comfort the sniveling woman. She was quite awkward in these types of situations and she didn't know quite how to handle them. But that didn't stop her from trying. Regina was her girlfriend after all and she loved her more than she ever thought she could love another, and she just did not want to see her cry, because seeing her cry broke Emma's heart.

"You're probably right, Emma." Regina sighed softly, shaking her head with a pathetic smile. "Look at me, crying like a child. I shouldn't be doing this. Crying after sex is a big no-no."

Emma ran her fingers through Regina's hair one last time before pushing a lock behind her ear with a soft chuckle. "It's alright, Gina. You're allowed to be vulnerable every once in a while."

"No... No, not on our date." The brunette kissed her lover's cheek. "I can't."

"You can do whatever you want, b-... Gina."

"Are you having a hard time with speaking as well, dear?" Regina cracked a smile through teary eyes as she brought a hand up to wipe at her cheeks.

"I want to call you 'babe' or 'baby' for some weird reason. I dunno. I was never one to think that I would use pet names or anything and I don't think those really suit-"

"Use them if you wish, sweetheart." She chuckled, a husky and melodic sound that had expanded Emma's heart and brought a smile to her face.

Yup. She could definitely listen to that laugh on repeat.


"I do not mind at all. I find it rather... endearing, and anything from you will make me smile regardless." She purred, leaning forward to press a kiss to Emma's cheek. "So, please do use those cute little pet names that you feel so inclined to say. I do not mind one bit, and I would rather like it. Just remember, though, when we are in class you may not call me 'baby'. You must-"

"Address you as Ms. Mills, yes, I've got it." Emma gave her a wry smile, but they had both ended up laughing regardless. "I've got it, babe."

Then she was snickering with a hand flapping uselessly in the air. Emma stare at the brunette with incredulous eyes, unable to comprehend what the hell was going on. Did Regina finally lose it?

"What the fuck, Gina?"

"You said 'I've got it, babe.'" Her words were several strangled gasps as she tried to stop the snickers, finally succeeding enough to speak.

"What's so funny about that?"

"I've got you, babe." The brunette finally muttered, a wide smile on her face.

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't get it."

Regina jutted out her bottom lip and gave Emma the most pitiful of looks before flipping the covers completely onto the blonde and slipping out of the bed. "Figures you wouldn't. You're too young."

"Hey! No age jokes! That's... that's... age-ist!"

"Age-ist, Emma?"

"Discriminatory!" The blonde corrected as she also clambered out of bed, following the brunette as she moved across the rather spacious bedroom bit of the hotel suite. "Anyways, what did you mean by what you said?"

"I've got you, babe. That's a song, a rather old one at that-"

"Oh!" Emma lightly slapped the older woman's tanned arm as the light bulb finally lit up in her head. "I know what you're talking about! Sonny and Cher. It's an alright song. I like Cher a bit, I mean."

"You do?" Regina grinned and turned around, seizing both of Emma's hands. "I love her."

"I never took you as a Cher fan, Gina."

"Likewise," the brunette arched a brow. "I thought you were mostly into rock."

"I am, but the arsenal of music that I enjoy are quite contradictive to one another. It's strange, but so am I." Emma giggled as she was dragged into the bathroom. "Also, for my birthday, I got her new CD. Maybe we can listen to it sometime?"

"That sounds like a brilliant idea, darling." Regina smiled, turning around to place a kiss on the blonde's nose. "But right now, we need to bathe and set off. It's nearly eleven and that's the checkout time."

"Shit, right. And we still need to find out where Graham lives so we can visit him before we leave."

"Indeed, dear. So we must act fast and take a shower together to save time."

"Oh, kinky-"

Regina rolled her eyes and turned on the overhead shower, then gave Emma a gentle push towards the tub. After the blonde had gotten in, she did as well. "No funny business, alright? We don't want to get back too late."

"Okay..." The blonde muttered solemnly. Even though they had just finished a wonderful round of steamy love making, Emma wanted more. She wanted Regina's hands on her and she wanted to touch Regina. She loved the way the older woman's sun-kissed skin felt so soft underneath her fingertips, or the way her breasts felt like little beanie babies.

And not to mention the way she moaned and groaned when Emma touched her. That was climax-inducing itself. She was so beautiful, the blonde had noticed, when she had pure bliss on her features. She looked so relaxed and Emma was proud of herself for making the teacher react in the ways that she did. And it wasn't bad, either. The woman tasted damned good and Emma found herself already hungry for more.

Oh, god, what had Regina Mills done to her? She felt so goddamn insatiable and all she wanted was that goddamn sexy woman's hands on her. This shower was going to be rather long if there were to be no funny business, as Regina had said.


The funny business as Regina had said shouldn't be had was, for once, listened to. Emma hadn't tried to touch her or make any advance and the brunette didn't either. It made things much quicker, although, they were quite built up with sexual frustration- or at least Regina was.

She had virtually punished herself by applying the rule before climbing into the shower because she had nothing but an eyeful of blonde beauty, and a luscious ass that she could definitely have breakfast on. And, god, when Emma had turned around she was met with boobs. And boobs were all she was concentrated on until she managed to peel her eyes away to meet with emerald ones, then she had melted. Good thing she was in the shower, because she was quite sure she would be a puddle if she had looked any longer into her young lover's eyes.

It was quite cliché to say such a thing, but it was true. Regina couldn't believe it herself, upon gazing at the blonde as she nonchalantly washed those beautiful blonde locks, that she could feel something like this for someone. The things told in those romance novels were true. Her heart could just squeeze in her chest and sometimes it hurt, but it felt so good. She could even feel a dopey smile form on her lips as she just stared at the eighteen-year-old in front of her, who had her eyes closed and was trying to do what they were supposed to be doing and rinsing the soap from her hair.

So many times did Regina restrain from reaching out to touch Emma and run her fingers through her hair, or lathe up her body with the small bar of soap. Of course, it would have been innocent enough if they were to wash each other, but Regina knew that one touch and they would be having sex right there in the shower, because she just could not keep her hands off the blonde- and Regina was quite sure Emma couldn't do the same, either. So she had to abstain from doing such a thing. They weren't supposed to fool around again. They didn't have the time and they needed to get the hell out of there before it got too late.

They had packed up everything and checked out just in the nick of time. There were a few minutes to spare by the time the two had reached the front desk, both with damp hair and sheepish smiles. If the receptionist had noticed their condition, she didn't say anything about it. Neither one had cared about their appearances for they were in a rush to get out of Boston- or at least the Nine Zero, for now, since they still needed to pay a visit to Graham.

Emma had a moment, after entering the car, with the paper with Graham's address in hand and the teacher's cellphone in the other. She had asked if Regina felt comfortable with going over to Graham's apartment, because she didn't have to if she didn't feel too uncomfortable with it. Regina had asked Emma about her friend's persistence upon them coming to visit him and what he would think if they were to not show up at all. That's when the blonde had revealed that it was Graham that had suggested that Regina needn't go over to his apartment, and that Emma didn't exactly mind if they were to just go straight home since he would be coming down in a couple of weeks- which would be just in time for winter break.

But, Regina being the courteous one, had decided that she didn't exactly mind if they were to go to Graham's apartment and visit for a while. Besides, the blonde was using him as her cover and why not visit him as the least they can do as a sort of compensation. Anyways, Regina wouldn't mind thanking him, either, for allowing her to take Emma out on a real date. It was worth everything in the world for what had happened last night and even dipping into this morning.

This trip to Boston had been a huge step in their relationship. The road ahead was an unclear and long one, but it was sure as hell worth the ride.

Although, the road that they were currently on was absolute hell. There was traffic both left and right in abundance that was quite unpleasant. This would make their trip twice, or even three times, as long as it should have been. And they were still quite lost. Graham had only given Emma the address to his apartment and Regina had told the blonde to ask her friend for directions. Of course, they hadn't known where they were at the time and that had taken at least another ten minutes to get the street address to where they were.

Finally, and luckily, Graham had been able to pinpoint their location and give them directions to his apartment. They had taken each turn and road each street that he had told them and that Emma had repeated to Regina every so often.

"And take a left, then we're there." Emma announced with a chipper tone, a wide smile on her face. "Fucking finally."

"Language, dear." Regina gave her a wry smile, reveling in the way Emma had made petulant face as a child would when they were scolded for using such language.

The brunette had always enjoyed reprimanding the teenager when she used crass language- or any of her students for that matter- because it was hilarious when they made a scoffing noise or that face that clearly represented the whole 'oh shit, she heard me' thing that had them almost apologizing at her feet. She quite enjoyed being the authoritative figure and having control over the younger population of the school- or at least her classes- most of the time because sometimes they could just be plain assholes and not listen, or insult her, thinking that she didn't know.

Usually, she never took what they said to heart, it really wasn't a big deal. She remembered being in school and having teachers that she didn't like very well, so she could relate to them, like every other teacher could. And she wasn't the best teacher, she knew, or at least she wasn't as lenient as some of the teachers in the school and they didn't like that about her. They should know that they can't get everything so easily, but apparently this generation thinks that they could just get things handed to them.

Whatever that may be, she would never slacken her teachings, and they needed to be taught not to slack off and to try their best rather than give a half-assed job on their assignments. Perhaps continuing in the direction that she is taking, she could benefit greatly from it down the road- or just get screwed over in the end like everything else that she had in her life. Whatever it may be, she'll just stick to what she's used to and see where that takes her.

"We're here!" Emma grinned as they drove up the street that Graham's building was on and parked in front of it. Soon, the two of them got out of the vehicle and made their way up the path to the rather rundown apartment building.

Of course, Regina hadn't expected anything more than this, seeing as to how Graham was just a college student and she knew that his family wasn't exactly wealthy. He was lucky to have an apartment to himself, and Emma was lucky that she would be able to readily move into one as well once she had graduated from high school.

That thought, though, had Regina's heart sinking to the pit of her stomach. She didn't want to think about Emma graduating and leaving her behind in Storybrooke. Although, there really was no telling where their relationship would be at that point in time. If they were still going on strong, what would they do? Would they have a long distance relationship? Would Emma decide to stay in town? Or would the off-chance of Regina wanting to move to Boston with her arise? She honestly did not know and really didn't want to think of the future- especially if it had meant a drastic change in their relationship.

"What the fuck is that stench?" Regina heard the blonde beside her groan as soon as she opened the door to the apartment building. The brunette wrinkled her nose upon smelling the scent that Emma was referring to. She couldn't quite place what it was, but it was a rather rancid odor and she wished to escape it quickly. Hopefully Graham's apartment didn't smell this horribly or else she would get sick.

"I am unsure, but let us quickly get to your friend's apartment so we don't soon find out."

"Agreed..." Emma reached over and slipped her hand into the teacher's, earning a smile from the brunette, and led her towards the stairs. Soon enough, they arrived in front of a door with the numbers- or what was left of the numbers and what could be deciphered from the original paint- 208.

The blonde knocked on the door with three, sturdy raps and backed up, the grip she had on Regina's hand tightened ever so slightly as they waited. Regina, in return, had squeezed her hand back and smiled, moving to stand behind the blonde. Even though she said she was ready to come here and not feel any sort of discomfort, she still felt rather shy about meeting a new person- especially one so young and one that could be secretly judgmental of hers and Emma's relationship. Her thoughts and any sort of worry quickly dissipated as the slide of a lock sounded and the doorknob to the apartment opened up to reveal a rather handsome young man with a scruffy beard and kind eyes.

"It's about time that you showed up." Graham joked as the two stood outside his apartment door, Emma rolling her eyes at his statement. He had an accent, Regina noted as she eyed the man before her curiously. It sounded rather familiar. Had she had him in a class before?

"It's only one," the blonde playfully shoved his shoulder as Regina stood behind with an awkward look on her face. She really didn't feel as comfortable as she thought she would coming here with Emma. The two were so familiar with each other and the brunette felt as if she were in high school again, being placed in a classroom full of people that had at least one friend with them as she sat alone, nose in book.

"Still, too late. I've been up since ten." He sniffed and stepped aside, allowing room for the two to enter. "Please, come in. I know it's not the tidiest, but it's a hell of a lot cleaner than that hallway."

"Yeah, it reeks out there. What the hell, man?" Emma wrinkled her nose before following behind her friend, Regina's hand in her own. As they entered the apartment and the door was closed behind them, Regina was relieved to find out that it did not, in fact, smell anything like the putrid hallway.

"I don't know, it's a shitty building." Graham shrugged, leading the two following behind him to the living room. "I didn't have enough money to get an apartment on the good side of town."

"I know. I'm just joking, Graham. I'll be living here soon anyways."

"Oh, you're still going to move up here?" He smirked and gave the brunette teacher behind Emma a look.

Regina, though, tried to avoid the young man's stare. It was bad enough that she recognized his face from one of the previous years. He had taken her English class his freshmen year. The boy's name didn't ring a bell at first, but now that she knew who he was and what he looked and sounded like, it made things quite more problematic than she thought.

It was like gazing at the students in her classroom, knowing that she was coupling with one of the students within their age group. And she couldn't let them know nor find out. She couldn't let anyone know, but here they were, virtually flaunting their relationship in front of this boy.

The brunette teacher felt uncomfortable with this entire situation. Emma had given her an option upon whether or not she wanted to come, because she had said that despite Graham's persistence, he didn't want to make either one feel uncomfortable under the pressure of having to visit. Regina had said that it was fine, and that she hadn't minded visiting Graham at all. After all, how bad could it be? And she would be doing it for the girl that she loved; who also wanted so badly to see her best friend.

But now that she was here, Regina felt as if she were having second thoughts. Of course, she couldn't act upon them and just leave, Emma wouldn't appreciate that and they were already here, after all. She would just have to suffer through this quietly and hope she wouldn't be talked about. Perhaps the two would just try to catch up for the months that they had been apart.

"How long's it been since the last time we've seen each other?" Graham asked, gesturing the two to a rather ratty looking couch. Emma only smiled and plopped onto the surface as Regina was a bit warier over the piece of furniture, inspecting it thoroughly before finding what appeared to be the cleanest spot next to the blonde, who had pulled her down almost immediately.

"It feels like it's been years." Emma answered, a humored tone to her voice at the brunette's reaction.

"Yeah, I know." He readily agreed. "Although, I'll be going back to Storybrooke to see everyone in a couple weeks. It'll feel weird, you know? It's been so long and it feels weird seeing you again."

"Oh, thanks."

"No, I don't' mean it like that. I just mean... I don't know. Everything seemed to have changed, you know? I'm a college man now and I have a good job; well, kind of a crappy job, but at least it's getting me this apartment. And you... well, you've got yourself a lady." He winked, his eyes momentarily shifting to their intertwined hands. "And she's a rather quiet one. Never used to be in class, though."

"I don't know what's gotten into her... or out of, since she doesn't seem all there." Emma joked, giving a squeeze to Regina's hand, which had the teacher snap out of the little daze she had put herself into to idly pass the time.


"You're not talking."

"Oh." The brunette bit her lip, chocolate eyes moving over to the man sitting next to Emma. "I had assumed you two would like to catch up, so I had decided to stay quiet. I do not wish to intrude."

"You aren't, ma- Ms. Mills-"

"Regina," the older woman corrected. "You can call me Regina. After all, you are not in school any longer and I am Emma's... girlfriend."

"Sorry... Regina." Graham smiled anyways, despite the small error. "But it'd be nice to know what's going on in your classes, you know? Got any interesting... uh... What about- no... Anything interesting happening? Anymore asshole students?"

"Two, yes." The brunette shrugged. "They had decided to rile up a fight with Emma and had ultimately lost."

"Yeah, I gave Jefferson the old decker." Emma smirked, rather proud of herself, as she held up her fist. "But the motherfucker got me back the next day. What an ass. But Gina was nice and gave me drugs for my black eye."

"That was because you were hurting, dear. I do not like to see you in pain." Regina quirked a brow. "After all, you stood up for me and I do quite appreciate that."

"Well, I like you, a lot, you know? I don't want to see you hurt, even if it isn't physically." Emma turned her attention to the brunette, her loving, green eyes meeting with soft, chocolate ones.

"Okay, awkward." Graham coughed from beside the blonde and stared at the two of them, his brows quirked. "I did not need to see my former teacher act all lovey-dovey; it's really weird."

"Excuse me, but she's mine. She's not a teacher when she's with me. So, shove it, you butt." Emma nudged the man's arm.

"Yeah... but..."

"Well, if you two are going to bicker all night, I might as well get heading back to Storybrooke. I have tests to grade."

"You still haven't graded those?"

"I don't have all the time in the-"

"Can we not school talk, please?" Graham wore a smirk on his face and a devilish twinkle in his eye.

"Then why do you not discuss your... doings whilst being apart, hm? I'll just sit by and idly listen if you wish. I do not have to partake in your, should-be, private conversation." Regina shifted slightly, crossing one leg over the other, causing her skirt to hitch further up her thigh. She felt Emma's gaze on her stocking-clad legs and that had shot heat immediately to her core.

Regina couldn't help the smirk that began to play on her lips nor the blush that had started to dust her already rouged cheeks a pretty shade of pink. She squeezed her legs together to ease the tingling sensation between them and guided her attention to the large, box TV on a dark, wooden entertainment center to take her mind off it.

Then the two began to talk, reminiscing about this past year and the summers that they had spent together playing video games. Regina had tuned them out, becoming rather disinterested in how many kills they got for one game, or how many points they had in another, or whatever the hell they were talking about with building things from a game with mines in it.

Then they proceeded to step away from the video game subject to going out to the movie theater to catch the latest flick before having a gaming night, or something of that ilk. Or that they went to some restaurant and ate together, which the two of them started to joke about them having dates because they often times hit a movie afterwards, then spent most of the night playing video games.

That had something burning in Regina's gut and constricting her heart. They had dates? Or at least that's what she had caught from that. She hadn't noticed that they were obviously joking, seeing as to how Emma was clearly into girls and Graham saw her as nothing more than a friend. But there was a radar in Regina's brain that got set off over that subject and she saw green.

She couldn't fathom Emma being with someone else; especially a boy. She couldn't imagine her spending so much time with him. He probably knew her better than Regina did, and that really set something else off in the brunette. She really needed to spend more time with the blonde in order to get to know her more, even if some of the things that she had previously told her were things that she hadn't told anyone else. Regina wanted to make up for lost time and ensure that she knew everything that she needed to know about Emma and vice versa.

Then she heard her name being mentioned by Emma, which had caught her full attention. She was speaking of the first day of school and how she was absolutely terrified of going into Regina's classroom because of the rumors her friends had told her. But she was soon captivated by the brunette's beauty and all-around sexiness (why was she so goddamn blatant?) and definitely needed to stay. She couldn't help but to ogle her ass every time she turned around- and why Emma was explaining this in front of Regina to Graham, the teacher never knew. She took the blonde as a person who would conceal these feelings and keep them to herself, not go around flaunting them to others so freely.

Although, when she had started to speak of times further into the year and other bits of their relationship with each other throughout the course of the year, she had left quite a bit out. Regina was rather relieved that she hadn't expressed any of their private conversations nor any of the previous dates that they had (which really was only one) or meetings before they had even started to date.

Regina had ended up tuning them out once again, her eyes roving over the living area from the boredom she had found herself suffering from. They had started to talk about the months and days leading up to today, of course, most of it was vague and rather boring to Regina's ears. She didn't want to seem mean nor impolite, but she barely knew Graham and she had no interest in his life, and what Emma was telling him, she knew most of except for a few blurbs of her time spent with her other two friends.

Then, as if her prayers had been answered, Graham had spoken those words that she had been waiting for, for what seemed like hours. Of course, she hadn't exactly minded sitting here as Emma enjoyed a chat with her friend, but it was rather boring when they hadn't talked about anything that was interesting. She really was in no rush to return back home, for there was nothing exciting to do there, but she knew that Emma needed to be home, and with a quick glance at her watch, she found it to be around four.

"It's getting pretty late and I know how long it takes to get back."

"Yeah," Emma muttered forlornly. "Damn, I've missed you. It was nice talking to you again, though."

"You guys should come back and visit. Maybe we can do something more fun, because Regina looked as if she were about to fall asleep over there."

That comment had the brunette teacher blushing. So he had noticed that bored glaze in her eyes. She hadn't meant to let it show.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Gina. I didn't mean to make you feel so bored..." Emma frowned and brought the older woman's hand up to her lips to press a tender kiss to the top. "And if you don't mind, we could come back again and go out to do something fun. There's a lot more here than there is in Storybrooke, I know for sure."

"I would like that." Regina nodded and stood just as Graham had. She offered him a polite smile and extended a hand, in which he took. "It was quite lovely seeing you again, Graham. I do hope you have a safe time here, yes? And if you do not mind, we may come back and visit you once again."

"That sounds good to me, actually. It gets boring around here when there's no one to hang out with." He smiled and shook her hand. "And it was nice seeing you again, Ms.- Regina. I hope to see you again."

"Oh, I wouldn't doubt that you will, dear." She chuckled and wrapped her arm around Emma's waist. That would be true, even if they weren't to come down again. If Emma and herself were to continue their relationship, there was no doubt that she'd be seeing more of Graham and her other friends. She knew that she could get used to them, but that would more than likely be a few years down the road; if the two of them would even still be together.

"Great. Hey, Em!" He turned to the blonde. "Let me know if you two plan on coming down again. I'll even offer myself up as a cover for you."

"I'll make sure." Emma grinned, wrapping her free arm around the man in a quick, tight hug before pulling away. "Thanks again, though, for covering for my ass this weekend."

"Hey, no problem. What are friends for?"

"I would like to thank you as well, Graham. I appreciate that you have done this for us, even if it were just for Emma. It means a lot to me."

"Really, it's no problem. You're welcome and I'd gladly do it again, like I said. You two seem so perfect for each other." Graham turned towards the two of them, making sure to look at each for a few seconds. "I mean; the way you look at each other is just magical itself. I haven't seen Emma this happy in the years that I've known her, and by the way she speaks of you, you make her really happy and I'm glad of that. Just don't hurt her, you know? She's had a tough enough life."

"Graham..." Emma groaned.

"I won't, Graham. I promise." Regina gazed down to the blonde, a smile of pure admiration on her lips. "We've both been to hell and back. I think we're meant to fix each other."

"You're getting goopy again," he joked. "I'll be having to clean the shit out of the apartment if you continue any longer."

"Oh, don't worry. We're leaving." Emma rolled her eyes and tugged on Regina's hand as she headed towards the door, Graham following behind the two.

"Well, fine. I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks, alright? Open up some time for me, Emma, 'kay?"

"I will, Graham." The blonde giggled. "Don't worry."

"Good." The three of them stood there in a slightly awkward silence for a few moments before he had spoken again, reaching for the door. "Well, I guess this is goodbye."

"Yeah... Goodbye, Graham. I'll see you soon." Emma smiled rather sadly at her friend and Regina gave a slight grin.

"Goodbye, dear. Take care."

"Yeah, you too. And have a safe trip back."

"Thanks." They both chimed.

After saying their goodbyes, the two of them left the apartment building and rushed towards the parked car, trying their best to avoid the bitter wind nearly blowing them off the sidewalk. The weather had changed drastically from when they had first arrived. It was rather calm out then and promised good temperatures for the rest of the day, but that had been a rather large fib. It felt as if it were below zero and the wind was rather unpleasant. Luckily the car wasn't far and they would have a warm ride for the trip home.

"I hate winter," Emma mumbled as she put her seat belt on and Regina started the car, automatically going for the heater buttons.

"I do, as well. I dislike the cold."

"Me too. And after walking to your house in that goddamn blizzard, I really hate the snow, too."

"You're an idiot." Regina muttered fondly. "But, for some reason, I tolerate it."

"I'm glad you tolerate me."

"Are you ready to return home, dear?" Regina inquired after a few moments of silence on the road.

"Not really, but I know I have to." Emma groaned. "And there's school tomorrow, too, which sucks major ass."

"Tell me about it, dear. I have to get up even earlier than yourself in order to get things completed in the mornings." Regina lamented, her grip tightening on the steering wheel. "And it's a tedious job to grade tests, especially when they're written word."

"Oh, I bet that's a bitch." Emma nodded. "Hey, Gina?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you think I could help you with it sometime?"

"Well, not tonight. It is rather late and I'm quite sure that your mother is worried about where you are."

"No, I know. I just mean sometime. Anytime. I wouldn't mind, just as long as I get to hang out with you." The blonde shrugged and played with her hair.

"We'll see, Emma."

"Cool," she grinned. "What are you doing tomorrow after school?"

"Well, if you are wondering if I will be grading papers, I will be. Would you like to join me?"

"Oh, well I was just going to use you as a ride home after detention, but sure!"

Regina couldn't help but to shake her head, an amused smile on her lips. "I can do both if you wish. I'll kill two birds with one stone."

"Aren't we a little violent?"

"It's a saying, dear."

"I know, but... God, can't you just humor me?"

"No." She murmured wryly.

"Sometimes you're a pain in my ass, Gina."

"Yes, well you can be a thorn in my side, Emma dear."

"Oh, hah-hah..." Emma whined playfully and crossed her arms. "I'm not gonna talk to you for the rest of the way there."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Y-..." The blonde suddenly stopped before nodded her head.

"Really, Emma? How childish of you."

Her only response was a shrug.

If Emma was truly being serious about not speaking for the rest of the way back, it was going to be a long trip, what with four hours still to go since they hadn't reached the highway quite yet.

"Are you really going to do this?" Regina had asked after several minutes. They were finally on the road back home.

Emma nodded once again, not making a single peep.

Yes, this definitely is going to be a long trip.


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