The Story of Her, Her nobody...

By waffle_llamas

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This is the story of a girl named Alexis and her journey as a newly chosen keyblade wielder. It's also about... More

The Story of Her, Her nobody, and Their Journeys ; A Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Chapter I .*. A New Beginning to a New Day

Chapter II .*. The Remembrance of the Night the Heartless Attacked

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By waffle_llamas

Chapter II .*. The Remembrance of the Night the Heartless Attacked < Alexis's View

I explained to them about the strange dreams I've been having recently for the past weeks, how I haven't been feeling the same lately, and also about the mysterious shadows that I've been seeing lurking around everywhere I go. "Well does it look like a persons' shadow?" Asks Pence. I think about that and picture the shadow in my mind. "Actually, to think about that, it really does appear to look as if it were a persons' shadow." I reply. "Well then, if that's true, why would a person be following you?" Wonders Olette. I think about that as well. "I mean, we're practically the only people here besides the House of the Elderly and our former mayor after the night the heartless attacked Twilight Town ..." Adds Olette.

We're all silent for a long period. Remembering that night was like someone stabbing you with a thousand knifes stimultaniously. It was so heartstopping where some of the nurses has to use a diphibulator on Olette to make her heart start again.(That was the time I was talking about when Pence brought her there and acted intelligent for once). If it wasn't for Pence carrying her to the section where nurses were working on the wounded at what's now the House of the Elderly, Olette may not have been here today. Maybe that's why she sees so much in Pence. Even though it's painful to remember, I can still force myself to go back to the memory of that dreadful night that changed all of our lifes forever;

It was six months, three days ago, and about ten hours ago in June at around 10:00 p.m.

I have never seen the sky so dark ever in my whole fourteen years of youth that the lamposts that dot our neighborhood couldn't give up a shred of light because of the darkness being "so thick". My mother and father were very concerned about how things looked outside. Hayner was at my house then and just came back to pick up his things that he needed to have so he can sleepover. My parents hurried him into the house. I can understand why because we all knew right away that something wasn't right and it was going to get worse. We tried not to set our minds into the lurking danger ahead and watched a frightening scary movie (yeah I know. Out of all the great times to watch a scary movie I picked now). All of a sudden, the danger had just begun after we heard an echoeing crash coming from the roof.

BOOM!!! That's when it happened. We both jumped up from the couch and looked out the big window in the living room. There was dark objects crashing down from the sky like meteors crashing down from above. We saw these glowing objects in the shape of a heart floating to the darkening sky. Then a moon, in the shape of a heart, starts to form in the sky. It was so.. beautiful.. in a way that grasped my gaze and held my sight onto it until-- "You children need to go, NOW!" My father ordered. He was holding my mother, who looked practically dead in her arms. I couldn't tell what was wrong with her. It appeared to look as if she's still breathing.. but something else was wrong.. "NOW!! You and Hayner need to get out of here before it's too late!!" My father ordered. "But why? What's going on?" I commanded. It looked as if something had grabbed him from behind. He lets out a whince of pain and throws the last words he can manage to fall out of himself, "The heartless.. go.. to late..." "Heartless?" Both Hayner and I spurt out. Then that's when I figured it out. "NO! FATHER!! LOOK OUT--" Witnessing what we had to see was everything you needed to see to understand what a heartless is. A mindless being collecting hearts; no, STEALING hearts. I was holding the invisible space that once held my father's hand until Hayner grabs a hold of my hand and yells to me, "C'mon! We need to go now!" I have no choice but to do so.

While we escape my scarce home my mind kept replaying what just occured moments ago; both of my parents dropping to the ground, the heartless surrounding them engulfs them in darkness, and how I felt my the last of my father slip away from my grasp. We make it out of our neighborhood until we see the real disaster that waited for us outside beyond our neighborhood.

Out of our neighborhood we saw hundreds, maybe close to thousands of heartless. We witness them bringing anything you can see into the dark realm. Whether it was innocent people, natures natural creations, or houses and buildings. Everything was being absorbed by the darkness. It was really hard for Hayner and me to witness. We finally managed to find Olette and Pence over by the other side of Twilight Town, without any physical harm.. After we reunited, bigger heartless were approaching us; with a twisting and bizzare terrain of what used to be our neighborhood behind where they were coming from. We all started for a run until a big swirl of darkness appeared in fornt of us, blocking our escape route. These people in black coats came walking out, prepared to battle. They ignored us (exept for one, one of them stopped in front of me and we caught each others gaze, then he continued on toward the heartless) and headed toward the incoming heartless behind us. They were attacking them, with the hearts that they must have stole rising up to the heart-shaped moon. As we ran away, I heard one of the strangers in the coat say, "Don't worry about them, they'll be able to get away. You need to be esxtinguishing these heartless like the rest of us, not catching your gaze at some girl." *That's so rude to say, I thought to myself. That was the least thing I should have been worrying about. We had to worry about avoid these traps that were wating for us ahead.

We escaped the heartless for a bit and we had taken a few minute break. I look at my exhausted friends; we were tired, shaken up, and scatched up from some of the heartless attacking us along the way. Olette pulled out a First-Aid kit from her little bag that she managed to grab before she had to leave. "My mother gave it to me so at least if something happens, like now, we would be able to take care of it a little bit." She explained. We all cleaned up our scratches and banndaged them up. Hayner comes up to me and takes out a frame from his bag that he brought to sleep over my house. "I was able to get a hold of it from the living room for you, and a few other things you might have wanted." He told me. He pulled out my first teddy bear when I was born, my favorite shorts, my assortment of perfumes that I've made out of the extracts of the flowers in my original garden, and lastly, my baby hegehog, Norbert. I give him a big hug and start to cry. felt so bad for him. I can't imagine what it must have been to not have a clue to what happened with his parents. Out of nowhere, Pence stumbles upon us, gasping for air.

"Guys! Hurry up! I just found a cave up ahead!!" He says in huffs and puffs. "How did you just magically stumble upon a cave?" Olette questions. There was no time to answer. There were heartless tracking our steps again. So we made good pace and followed Pence to the cave. He did pretty good finding the cave. It was small, a perfect size for us, and headed in. That's where we found the Elderly, huddled up together, petrified of us. They thought we were heartless apparently. Hayner speaks up, "Don't worry, we're not heartless. It's us, Hayner, Olette, Alexis, and Pence!" He says cheerfully. We hear a great sigh of relief from the Elderly. Suddenly, there was a flash of light and were were blinded by the light in an instant. (We called that moment, "When the savior of light saved the last of the beings in Twilight Town".) A long period of time passed (maybe a day or two, I'm not quite sure) and we all woke up in the middle of the Plaza..

"Okay! Let's go back to what we were talking about. Let's forget that I brought this up. All right everyone?" She interrupts. We all nod without speaking. We're all traumatized from that memory. That reminds me. "Oh yeah Pence! Speaking of that night, how did you find that cave in the first place?" I ask. "Yeah, how DID you find that cave?" Hayner agrees. "Oh. The cave. Well, to make things short and not into much detail, I was walking around until I found a rabbit. Well, don't ask, but I started to chase it until I tripped on a rock and I went somersaulting down a hill until I found a cave at the bottom of the hill. Well I found the rabbit hiding behind a bush so I kicked it and the thing bit me in the leg." He explains. He showed us the scar that the rabbit made on him. "Damn ass rabit." He mumbles to himself. We hear Hayner bursting out laughing and I see Olette sneak out a few giggles. I eventually join in on the laughter. Sometimes I can't believe how stupid one person can get. We've all learned though that at other times, stupidity can lead you to good things, like the discovery of the cave. Hayner brings our original subject back into place when he states, "Well anyways, whoever or whatever it is, we'll all keep a good eye out in case we happen to come across it. "You guys really mean it?" I stutter out. They all nod in agreement with their genuine smiles.

We all give each other a group hug. Unfortunately I realize that I've been talking for too long. "Oh wow. I've been here for a while. I really need to get going." I say. "I'll see you guys later!" I wave to them all. They all wave back. "Hey wait Alex!" Hayner calls out. "Meet us out here when you get back from the House of the Elderly and we can all play a few rounds of Grandstander later unless you're too wuss to go against the all-time champion!!" He boasts. "Your on!" I reply. Grandstander is a game the four of us made a while back. You have to keep hitting a ball in the air and you try to keep it from touching the ground. Hayner thinks he's the "All-time Champion" even though I always beat his score. He'll always demand a rematch and he'll still get a loosing score. He's just that type of person who doesn't give up and doesn't like to admit that he's wrong or he's not number one. That's what we all love about him so we respect him for being that way. (even though it may get on our nerves.. a lot.) As I make my way out of the North Gate of the Plaza, I hear one of them say faintly, " I'm glad we met Alexis. Just to say straight out." I hear them all acknowledge to that comment and it makes me feel all joyful inside. I'm striding along with that joyous feeling in my heart. That is, of course, until the shadow that I've been seeing grabs me from a tree when I'm about a few feet away from the House of the Elderly..

**Yeah, this is a really long Chapter.. There's probably not going to be a lot of long chapters so enjoy it while you can ?? (:

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