The Story of Her, Her nobody...

By waffle_llamas

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This is the story of a girl named Alexis and her journey as a newly chosen keyblade wielder. It's also about... More

The Story of Her, Her nobody, and Their Journeys ; A Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Chapter II .*. The Remembrance of the Night the Heartless Attacked

Chapter I .*. A New Beginning to a New Day

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By waffle_llamas

Chapter I .*. A New Beginning to a New Day < Alexis's View

"I had that dream again.." I yawn very tiredly. I spring up from my bed and stretch my whole body out. I then put my starfruit slippers on. "Goodmorning Norbert!" I sing. He does that position that all hedgehogs like him do. He turns around, goes into a squatting- like position, and makes it look as if hes going to throw the spikes on him straight at you. I think its adorable. "Are you hungry little Nor?" I ask. He cocks his head to the side. "I guess that's a yes?" I think aloud. "Okay, how about we have some strawberries for breakfast?" His body springs up from hearing the word strawberries. It's his favorite food to munch on. "Okay! Be right over there." I say. I go to the backyard of my little house and I pick about a dozen strawberries from the garden. "Here we go now!". I wash them off in the hose and cut five strawberries for Norbert. I scoop the cut up strawberries into a bowl and then place them in his cage. The extra cut up strawberries were put in his food container in case he's still hungry so he can have some more of them later on. I cut up the remainder of strawberries I picked and I eat them. "Mmm! I picked them at the perfect time." I say. Norbert nods his head in agreement. I was just about finished with my meal until I realized what day it is..

"Oh no! Today's Saturday! First day of Spring!" I spit out. "I promised that I would help out at the House of the Elderly!" The House of the Elderly is a cave/house that our Elders live in. It's kind of like a senior place but with a touch of Twilight Town with it. I quickly clean my bowl and rush into my room to get dressed. I put on a random tank top with a strange symbol on it, a pair of skinnies that finally fit me, and a fuzzy black coat. I quicky brush my long brown straight hair and I clip my bangs to the side so they're not in my face. I apply light makeup to light up my hazel eyes since I'm running out of eyeliner. Eventually I finally get myself out of the house at a decent time and start out to the

House of the Elderly.

"Goodness! I can't believe it's 8:30 already!" I say. I just passed the Clocktower in the middle of Twilight Town. It's one of the very few places here that didn't get as damaged compared to other parts of Twilight Town. This is also the place that I used to go to when I was sad and needed a comfort zone to go to. This would always be what I always called "my last resort". I just about pass through the far end point of the Clocktower until I notice a strange shadow overlooking the town from the top of the Clocktower. Hmm, is someone up there? I think to myself. I look up again and see that he shadow disapeared. Oh well. maybe it's just me.. I correct myself. Forget that, I need to get to the House of the Elderly on time at least instead of getting there early. I motivate myself.

About twenty-one minutes later (I was counting the time in my head as I went) I arrive at the Plaza. I have about a few more blocks until I get to the House of the Elderly. This place gives me sweet memories of my father and me. I remember when my father and I sat at the upper-left bench near the North Gate and we would feed the pigeons that came by to hear my father's songs composed of whistling. It's one of my fondest memories I have of us together. I stand there, dreaming about it, until I see the same shadow again by one of the benches. Okay, I could have sworn that I saw the same shadow at the top of the Clocktower just before. I think to myself. "Hello? Anybody over there?" I ask. There's no response. Suddenly the shadow disapears again. *Maybe I'm just hallucinating or something, but this is starting to creep me out a bit. I need to get this out of my head and continue on so I can---

"BOO!!!!!!!" Yells someone from behind me. "OH MY GOSH!!" I scream. I jump up and almost fall backwards. "HAHA!!" The person teases. "Did I really scare you just now?" Questions Hayner. "Yeah, you did." I grumble. He's a boy my age who lives in Twilight Town along with a few other kids our age. He's tall, has dirty blonde hair with a blowout it seems to look like, dark brown mischievious eyes, and a bit full of himself. Out of all of our friends, I have to say that Hayners my bestie. Don't get me wrong, I love my other two friends but I've just shared a lot more with this guy. "Hey at least you honest about it. Unlike Pence over here; saying that he's not a wuss and such." Answers Hayner. "I heard that!" Retorts Pence. He's a slightly chubby boy out of our bunch with timber-brown hair and a big sports band that holds his hair up like sports players do. He also has chocolate brown eyes that light up like light bulbs if you

mention anything about ice cream. Out of all of us friends, I have to say that Pence has to be one of the most demented people I've ever met. There's only one time I remember Pence actually using his head. It was the time when Pence picked up Olette and rushed her to the House of the Elderly when her heart stopped beating. "It wasn't supposed to be a secret smart one!" Says Hayner sarcatically. "Okay guys! Cut it out!" Calls out Olette. Olettes a good friend to have. Especially when you have certain problems and you just need a girl to talk to. She has chessnut brown hair that goes down to her chest in funky, messy-almost twirly-braids. That's how I describle them anyways. She has deep, aquamarine eyes that you just loose yourself in if you look into them for a long period of time. She's a couple months older than me but everyone in Twilight Town says that I have that older look that doesn't make me appear to seem fourteen.

"Oh hey Alexis! What's up?" Asks Olette. "Oh nothing much, just the same old thing I always do. I'm just getting distracted alot that's all." I sigh out. "Distracted? By what?" Questions Pence. "Yeah what's got your mind all worked up?" Adds Olette. Shizz. Did I just say that out loud? I question. Great, now they'll be dying to know now.. "Oh! Did I just say that? Oh I didn't mean to say that aloud. It's nothing reall---

"Something's up Alex." Says Hayner with suspicion. Hayners been calling me Alex ever since we first met. He asked me what my name was and I replied Alexis of course but apparently he thought I said that my name was Alex so he's stuck with that name til' this very day. "Spill it out already!" Says Olette. "Okay! Okay! Fine! It's not like I have anyone else to tell. Sheeshhh!" I say. "Besides Norbert!" Laughs Pence in his retard laugh.. "Shut up, Pence! Go on .." Gestures Hayner. I can tell he's being serious right now. I see that Olettes just as concerned. Pence is starting to calm himself after his corney little joke. I guess they do want to hear after all. . .

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