The Lonely Heart

By RenMiles

75.6K 1.5K 201

Kagome loves Inuyasha, but it becomes obvious with his 'secret' trips to Kikyo at night that he may not love... More

Part One
A New Day
An Unseen Event
The Final Battle
Past and Present
The Past
We Meet Again
Unexpected Love
The Truth
Abrupt Reunion
Abrupt Goodbye
Part Two
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

A Night Like No Other

7.7K 128 52
By RenMiles

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi / the television series are produced by Sunrise.

Edit(7.31.18): I want to make it known that the art is not mine, I did try to search for it on the internet again but could not find the original image. I wanted to give credit to the artist, like I should have when I first came across it. I hope I haven't offended the artist in anyway shape or form, the piece was just very beautiful and I wanted to use it.


The cool evening breeze rustles the leaves in the trees around Kaede's little village. Not a soul in the village was awake, though one had woken from his slumber and slipped away unbeknownst to his companions. Something had awoken the hanyō, a feeling in his heart. He decided the best thing to do was follow it, and it led him to the woman of his heart. His heart skipped a beat just seeing her sitting there.

The woman sat there with her back against a tree, with her black tresses pulled back in a pony tail, save the strands on either side of her face to almost framing it perfectly. She looked exactly as she did in life, it was almost hardly to believe she wasn't alive. If you couldn't see the soul collectors you would believe she was just a priestess sitting alone in the woods by herself. Though it would be a foolish thing to do in such a time, where demon's walked the earth and war was as common as pregnancy.

As he stared, he couldn't help but whisper her name, "K-Kikyō.."

At the sound of the familiar voice saying her name, her gaze rose to meet those of the man she loved in life. Her brown eyes meeting his amber ones as he stepped towards her, as if he were in a trance. She rose from her spot, and tentatively took a small step forward as well. When he saw this, he started running towards her. With his arms opening, she started walking faster towards him. They almost clashed as she collided into his embrace, his arms wrapping protectively around.

She clutched her hands against his fire rat haori, as if she needed more evidence of his solidity. Reflexively, he tightened his embrace and buried his face in her hair, breathing in her essence. Though it smelled of a grave and clay he still could smell her. Her scent from her life still linger if only a little and he breathed it in deeply, wanting more of it.

~~Back at the Village~~

Inside the small hut was a sleeping kitsune, monk, demon slayer, fire cat, and miko. They all sleep soundlessly, although one was having a very restless sleep. The miko tossed one way and turned the other but it didn't seem to help. She was dreaming, though it would be more correct to say having a nightmare.

The miko laid on the floor in the grass, staring at a beautiful woman who resembled Inuyasha's mother Izayoi. They were talking, though she was too far away to hear any words being spoken. She attempted to move and push herself up to walk over to them, but found that her body was immobilized. The woman held her arms open for an embrace and Inuyasha gladly accepted, opening his arms to return the embrace. It was then that the woman's appearance changed.

The woman no longer had the long dark hair and caring eyes, or the beautiful kimono. Instead her hair was pulled back, and she was wearing a miko's attire. Her brown eyes stared right into Kagome's with a devilish twinkle in them, and a knowing smile was on her lips. Kikyō leaned back from the embrace only to look up at Inuyasha and press her lips against his fiercly.

Inuyasha's grip tightened slightly, pulling Kikyō closer to his body and he leaned his head down to deepen their kiss. Kikyō moved her arms to wrap around his neck as his slid down to her waist. Kikyō gently ground her hips against his, bringing a groan to his throat in pleasure. She could feel his arousal as he hardened against her, and she moaned with the want - no, the need to feel him inside of her. She opened her lips to him, his tongue gladly joining hers in a dance as he explored.

He growled in frustration, wanting to feel her skin against his but unable to due to the cloth that dared interfere. He used his claws to rip the offending clothing, careful not to touch her skin. The ripped clothing fell to the ground ignored, as Kikyō hastily tore off his garments as well. With nothing between them, Inuyasha pulled her into a tight embrace again. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, as his hard member was pressed against her belly.

Kagome tried to close her eyes or turn away or something so she didn't have to watch the scene that unraveled before her, but to no avail. She was bound to the grassy plain she was in, frozen in place to do nothing but watch as he pinned Kikyō down and rammed his member inside her. He thrusted rhythmically, in and out, in and out. While Kagome could do nothing but watch the man she loved mated with the one she was a reincarnation of as her heart shattered to pieces.

The miko awoke, her throat and chest tightening dangerously with tears streaking her face as she looked around the room.

Seeking the one who betrayed her in her nightmare, wishing for the comfort being in his arms would bring. Her heart pounded as her eyes scanned the room, and she saw the demon slayer and the monk laying side by side with the fire kitten beside them, while the little kit was asleep next to her. But the one she was looking for, was nowhere in sight. Her heart breaking as it had in the nightmare, her breath catching in her throat.

He..he's not with her again is he..? Maybe he just went for a walk... She thought to herself.

The miko stood up quietly, so as not to disturb the sleeping kit who was inches from her. She lifted the door up, letting her eyes scan the area before scanning the area with her reiki in search of his aura. Eventually, she had found it within the forest. Though, it wasn't alone, and she knew the other aura all too well.

Damnit. Am I not enough for him? Do I not do enough for him that he has to go to a body of walking dirt and clay to find what he needs..?

Questions and self doubt clouded her mind as she turned back to her resting place, picking up her almost empty, yellow backpack. She looked at her sleeping company and sighed softly, she hated to leave them but she couldn't stay here like this anymore. As she turned back to the door, a tear dropped from her chin and onto the floor. She lifted the door again and stepped out, quietly letting it fall back into place. Then she ran, as fast as her legs would take her in the opposite direction.

The miko didn't care that she shouldn't be out in the woods at night. She didn't care about the dangers and demons that lurked in the shadows of the forest. She just wanted to get away from them. The hanyō and dead miko who continuously pulled at the strings of her heart until she could no longer withstand it.

She ran and ran through the forest, ignoring the branches that lashed out at her in protest of her endeavor. Ignoring the roots that threatened to trip her, because even if they did she would get right back up and keep running. She ran so far, she was beginning to lose track of where she was and how far she had ran. The parts of the forest becoming unfamiliar to the miko, though it didn't seem to bother her. She just kept running, not wanting to stop in case they followed her.

It wasn't until she heard the bustling sounds of a brook nearby that she finally stopped running. She slowed down to a trot before coming to a stop at the brook, relieved to see fresh water. She was about to undress and bathe when she heard a familiar, annoying voice from a little ways up the brook.

"Allow me to heat the water up for you my lord, you deserve nothing less than a hot bath." A very small, annoying green imp insisted, as he used the Staff of the Two Heads to heat the brook water with fire coming from one of the heads.

Kagome crept a little closer and hid behind a tree, hoping he had not yet sensed her presence, or seen her. She peeked out from the side of the tree, staring towards the direction of Jaken's voice. Kami, was she not prepared for what she was about to see.

Though Jaken was there, her eyes were glued to the daiyōkai who happened to be undressing himself. As he removed the cloth from his body to reveal his alabaster skin, Kagome bit her lip. He had a nice set of abs, and she realized that the purple stripes on his face also decorated his sides and his arms. For some reason, the stripes didn't matter, she wanted nothing more than to trail her tongue across the delicate skin across his abs.

The thought brought an image of the killing perfection laid beneath her with his back arching at the touch of her tongue as a deep growl of a moan escaped his lips. The scene in her head tightened something inside of her, near her nether region. Then, the cloth dropped from his waist and she let out a soft, almost inaudible gasp. Had it not come from her lips she would never have heard it.

Crap crap crap! I didn't mean to make a noise. She thought as she hid back behind the tree.

The daiyōkai's left ear twitched as he heard the sound, though he chose not to give it away to Jaken. For, he now realized the familiar presence of the little miko who accompanied his brother. Why she was there was beyond him, but he would find out shortly once they were alone. Though, he could faintly smell salt, which he was sure had nothing to do with the brook before him, he had a thought of why she might be there.

"Jaken." Sesshōmaru said quietly, his voice as cold as ever.

The imp bowed at the lord's feet, "Y-yes m'lord?"

"Leave my sight and make sure Rin is okay. I will come back when I am done." He stated.

At first the imp looked as if he would try to talk himself out of leaving, until the western lord's eyes narrowed dangerously. The imp shrieked and nodded his head, jumping up and scurrying off in some direction away from them. Once he was sure the imp was a ways away, he turned his gaze to the tree Kagome hid behind. She could almost feel him staring a hole through her and the tree, and the silence was almost deafening.

"Miko. Show yourself. Why do you spy upon this Sesshōmaru as he undresses to bathe?" The western lord inquired.

She hesitated, before inching herself out from behind the tree sheepishly. Once in sight, it was clear the scent of salt came from her as her face was streaked with tears that had been drying. Her hair was frazzled, very unlike the miko. Usually her hair was clean and in place and her strange kimono was torn in places and there were cuts all over her body, though she didn't seem to notice.

Kagome looked at the ground, slightly kicking her feet at the dirt to distract herself from the handsome, very naked, man in front of her. "I didn't mean to spy, I was running..for a long time...and I heard the brook nearby and I was going to bathe myself, until I heard Jaken's voice."

Instantly, he searched the area for any threats, believing that she had been running from something that threatened her life. Instead, he came up short and was only able to detect her. So he tilted his head slightly, not understanding why she was running or why she had been crying.

"Explain, to this Sesshōmaru, why you were running if this Sesshōmaru cannot detect any threats?" He looked like a confused dog, oddly enough.

She turned her back to him, her eyes still downcast as she hid behind the curtain her black tresses created for her. She refused to let him see her being emotional. The thought of why she had ran in the first place flooded back to her and she had to choke back tears as her vision became cloudy.

It was moments before she spoke, her voice barely a whisper, " I not enough..? Am I not worthy..? Do I need to die and be brought to life in clay and dirty before given a chance...?"

The heartbreak was crystal clear in her voice, and Sesshomaru felt a pang in his chest. To any human, it would sound heart wrenching to hear her self doubt because of a man. A childish man who kept her on a chain within reach when he could not have who he truly wanted. To the western lord, who usually felt nothing but ice, it was less than disheartening, though he actually felt pity for the woman.

He would never wish such a thing on anyone, except maybe the hanyō she spoke of, and the hanyō named Naraku. She, on the other hand, was a creature of pure light. To darken it was a disgrace, a dishonor, and to hear that his hanyō 'brother' caused such a dishonor made him scrunch his nose with distaste. If he thought he hated his brother before, he had no words for what he felt towards the hanyō now.

"You speak of the half-breed and dead priestess, miko? When you should need not compare yourself to clay. If that blind fool cannot see what he has, he is the biggest fool there is." He replied quietly.

His words had caused her to turn and look at him, though that only made her blush profusely and look away when she remembered he was naked. Kami, was his body hot, though she was thankful that his silky silver hair covered his nether region.

"Does this sight intrigue you miko? This Sesshōmaru does not mind you gazing upon his body." He chuckled, seeing the color rush to her cheeks.

He's teasing me? For kami sake this is Sesshōmaru I'm thinking about! Pull yourself together girl!!

It wasn't until he moved her hair out of her eyes that she realized he had crossed the brook and was standing next to her. She bit her lip at the close proximity of him, silently cursing herself for running so far away. In an effort to keep the sight of his naked alabaster body out of her gaze, she turned her face up to look at him. Her chocolate eyes locked gazes with his piercing amber ones, and she shivered as she felt like he was looking into her soul.

"If you wish for a place to gather your thoughts in peace miko, you are welcome to stay at this Sesshōmaru's estate." He almost shocked himself at his words.

Almost. There was no way he could leave her with her heart shattered alone in the woods at night. It was doubtful that she would go with him, and he didn't blame her since he had attempted to kill her previously when the hanyō she accompanied would pick a fight with him. Still, a part of him wished she would willingly come otherwise he was going to bring her by force.

Her chocolate eyes widened a little, "Um.. Well...i suppose that's better than being out here okay?"

Good, she chose to come willingly.

"Then it's settled." He nodded his head slightly.

He turned around and dipped himself in the brook, and she was once again reminded that he wasn't wearing clothes. Her cheeks flushed furiously and she looked away, trying to keep her thoughts from wandering. In attempt to keep her thoughts clean, she bit the inside of her cheek hard. She didn't realize it had been hard enough to break the skin, until the metallic taste of her blood hit her lips. Then, she remembered why she had come to the brook in the first place.

She turned to him and mumbled, "If you'll excuse me, I'm just going to be a ways down bathing."

"Alright. This Sesshōmaru will finish bathing and wait here." He said as he turned back to her.

She was thankful that he didn't turn fully, it kept his abs almost out of sight and his private area was facing away from her.

With that image in her mind, she went back to where she had been before her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She shook her thoughts, but the image would not go away nor would the heat in her cheeks. Sighing in defeat, she began undressing herself. That's when she realized just how torn up her school uniform had gotten during her adventure there.

She folded her shirt and skirt in a near pile next to her yellow backpack, taking her shoes and socks off next. As she stood there in her bra and panties, she shivered as the night breeze blew around her. Then, she took those off too, before dipping herself in the water until she was seated and it came to rest in gentle waves atop her breasts. Her eyes closed as she leaned against a nearby boulder and relaxed in the water.

Man this feels great after running all day.

After a few moments, she dunked herself completely and massaged her scalp. She felt the dirt and caked on grime wash away as she scrubbed herself, glad to be clean again. Though, she was unaware to the single pair of eyes that watched from a distance. She continued to scrub herself, until she was satisfied with herself. Then, she rose up out of the brook, the water glistening on her skin.

The western lord had not meant to stare, he meant only to be there to check and see if she was doing okay. He was hypnotized by her body, how soft her skin looked, how a part of him just wanted to touch it. When she stood up out of the water, he got a glorious view of the mounds of her breasts and a sneak peek at her private area. His arousal was becoming apparent as his member hardened, though he was extremely thankful that it was dark outside and she would not be able to notice it. He continued watching as she got out of the water and squeezed her hair dry over the grass. Then she used a peculiar, rough looking cloth from her yellow bag to dry the remaining water drops off of her body.

When she bent to pick up her bra, all he could stare at was her flawless buttocks. They perfectly round, with no blemishes in sight, and his right hand itched to smack one cheek and grasp it. He forced himself to turn away and think of other things, to get his mind off her body.

Why does the little miko make this Sesshomaru feel this way? She is a ningen for kami sake, not one of many demonesses he'd had a rut with. What makes her any different?

She latched the lacy white bra around her back before sliding the straps up to rest on her shoulders, and rummaged through her bag for a clean pair of black laced panties that she immediately shrugged up her thighs to cover her nether region and her buttocks. Then, she frowned as she realized she had no other outfits to wear besides her tattered uniform. Letting out a frustrated huff, she pulled her skirt on and attempted to flatten out the pleats to make it look neater. Once that was done, she pulled her shirt over her head and down until it came to rest around her hips. She tried patting the dust and dirt off but it didn't really make a difference. Finally, she pulled on her socks and slipped her feet inside her shoes.

Before she could forget, she grabbed the small comb out of her backpack and gently combed through the knots in her raven colored hair. Shortly after, she returned the comb to it's place inside her backpack and began neatly replacing everything else to where they belonged. Once everything was put away she lifted her bag onto her shoulders and began making her way towards where she left Sesshōmaru. This is when he decided to play like he hadn't been watching her as he heard her approach and turned towards her to make it seem like he had just walked over. She jumped slightly at the sight of him, startled out of whatever thoughts she had when she saw him clothed and staring down at her with those amber eyes of his.

He raised a brow at her reaction, and pulled her close as he summoned his yōkai cloud under their feet. At first she tried wriggling out of his grasp, unsure of why he had his arms around her, but then as he stopped with them in the air he gripped her tighter.

"Miko. Cease your attempts. Or do you wish to fall to your death?" He gazed down at her, head tilted slightly.

It was then that she actually looked down, realizing they were no longer on the ground. A desperate yelp escaped her lips as she turned and buried her face in his chest, her hands clutching his haori. When he had enough confirmation that she would sit still, he continued in the direction the green imp had taken off to earlier. They soared through the sky, but not so fast that she couldn't breathe correctly, he didn't want to hurt her but he didn't want to take long either. Soon, they reached a spot above the trees and quietly descended towards the soft, orange glow that protruded with grey wisps of smoke filling the air.

When their feet touched the floor, Kagome saw the little ningen girl sleeping against Ah Un who laid on the floor almost curled in a ball. The green imp sat with his legs crossed and the Staff of Two Heads in his lap, and it seemed he hadn't noticed the return of his lord or the guest his lord brought with him. The western lord released his hold on the miko and began walking towards the encampment, gesturing for the miko to follow. Hesitantly she followed, her eyes still focused on the sleeping girl and how peaceful she looked, it brought a sad smile to her face.

When he saw movement, Jaken looked up and smiled, "M-my lord! Welcome back! Your bath was good, yes?" Then he noticed the miko standing behind his lord, "What is she doing here? I will dispose of her for you so you don't have to dirty your hands m'lord!"

As the green imp stood and was about to use his staff, Sesshōmaru stepped in the way and glared at him with dangerously narrowed eyes. "You will treat our guest with respect Jaken. Does this Sesshōmaru make himself clear?"

The green imp gulped, nodding his head as he put the staff down. The commotion must have awoken the small ningen girl, for she stirred from her slumber. She sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily before opening them slowly and blinking. When she saw the western lord her eyes lit up with joy, and then her eyes saw the familiar woman standing beside him and she jumped to her feet with a big smile on her face.

"Sesshōmaru-sama! You're back! And you brought Kagome-sama! Oh Rin is so happy!" Her smile became bigger as she ran as fast as her little legs would to embrace her lord.

He looked down at her and rested a hand on her head, patting it gently. Kagome smiled as she bent to her knees to see the little girl closer. When she did this, the little girl released the western lord and turned to embrace the miko, who returned the embrace happily. As the yōkai looked at the two, his lips twitched and almost formed a smile. He had to admit, it was a lovely sight to see them smile and embrace - like a mother and a child reunited.

"Rin, time to go back to sleep." Sesshōmaru asserted quietly.

Rin pouted for a moment, before looking thoughtful, "Can Kagome-sama read Rin a bedtime story Sesshōmaru-sama?" She pleaded, her eyes widening to look like a puppy's eyes.

Before Sesshōmaru could deny the ningen girl, Kagome smiled sweetly, "Of course I can Rin, I'd be delighted to. Come sit with me by Ah Un."

The miko took the girl's hand in hers and let her back to the spot where she'd been sleeping and let her lay her little head in the miko's lap as she laid down. The little girl looked up at the miko expectantly, an adventurous smile on her lips and a gleam in her eyes. She loved hearing stories from the miko's world, and she loved being near the miko in general because she was so sweet to her. Sometimes she secretly wished the miko and her western lord would get together and they could be a happy family of three.

"So tonight, I will tell you the story of The Princess and the Frog. It's about a girl named Tiana, who has dreams of having her own restaurant that becomes famous. Her mom tells her that all she wants for Tiana is for her to find love, even if she couldn't achieve her dreams, so she could dance away to her happily ever after. Tiana tells her mother that she doesn't have time for love or dancing, she just wants to work as hard as she needs to, to get to what she wants." Kagome started, and already the ningen girl was captivated by the story.

"A prince who goes by the name Naveen arrives in New Orleans to better his financial situation. After being cut-off by his parents, Naveen is forced to marry a rich southern belle and Charlotte is the perfect candidate. Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff, a rich sugar baron and Charlotte's father, is hosting a masquerade ball in Naveen's honor. Charlotte hires Tiana to make beignets for the ball, giving her enough money to buy an old sugar mill to convert into her restaurant."

"Naveen and his valet Lawrence run into Dr. Facilier, a voodoo witch doctor. Inviting them into his emporium, Facilier convinces them that he can make their dreams come true, but neither man gets what they are expecting; Naveen becomes a frog, while Lawrence is given a voodoo charm that makes him look like Naveen. Facilier intends for Lawrence to marry Charlotte, after which he will kill Big Daddy and claim his fortune."

"At the ball, Tiana discovers she may lose the mill to a higher bidder. Tiana then meets Naveen, who, believing her to be a princess because of her costume, asks her to kiss him and break Facilier's curse. Tiana agrees, in exchange for the money needed. Instead of Naveen turning back into a human, Tiana is turned into a frog. A chase ensues, and Tiana and Naveen escape to a bayou. There the befriend a talking alligator and a firefly to help them on their journey to become human again. When nothing seems to be going their way they reveal their love for each other and decide to get married as frogs, and since marrying him made her status a princess, when they kissed they both returned to being humans and lived happily ever after." The miko smiled wistfully at the end of the story, before gazing down and seeing the ningen child asleep with a big smile of her own. Content with staying there, Kagome lays down against Ah Un and pulls the child into her arms, accepting the deep sleep calling to her.

The western lord had been sitting with one leg propped up and the other stretched out as he listened to the adventure that the miko had been telling, making him wonder why she picked that story. Was the point of the story to say that love doesn't care about two people's differences from one another? Or was it just a silly story meant to help children sleep? He would have to ask her one day what the point of all her mysterious, otherworldly fairy tales were. For now, he would let the miko and the ningen child sleep.

A/N: This is my first fanfic, but I've read many sessh/kag fics before I decided to write my own so that it would be a little easier for me to have descriptions and think of a plot and all that good stuff. Please leave comments below and thank you for taking the time to read my fanfic. I'm also writing another story at the moment so please check that out! It's called The Broken One. That is just a regular story of my own, not a fanfic of any kind. ^-^

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