
By cityofswift

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Her pack, her family. All gone. She gets captured by the very same pack that kills her loved ones. There she... More

Chapter 1 - Mate
Chapter 2 - He's not my mate
Chapter 3 - The Escape
Chapter 4 - Why
Chapter 5 - The Marking
Chapter 6 - The date with Austin
Chapter 7 - Heat
Chapter 8 - Death
Chapter 9 - Fainting
Chapter 10 - Us?
Chapter 11 - Just friends...
Chapter 12 - The tour
HELP - title ideas :)
Chapter 13 - Rogues
Chapter 14 - Love
Chapter 15 - Gemma
Chapter 16 - Witch
Chapter 17 - The Note
Chapter 18 - Attacked
Chapter 20 - Discussion
Chapter 21 - Panama
Chapter 22 - The Light Dawn Pack
Chapter 23 - Taylor?
Chapter 24 - Grief

Chapter 19 - The Vision

2.9K 98 5
By cityofswift

Brooke's POV

I don't know quite how to describe it. Flashes of something (I was not sure what it was) kept haunting me. It seemed to be a scene of a war. Blood, all over the ground, and injured people lay groaning in the pool of blood. Then the scene changed.

A lady, dressed fully in white. She had a radiant glow to her. She seemed vaguely familiar, and I instantly knew I had seen her somewhere before. With a pang, I had recognized her as the woman in this painting in the pack house. In other words, she was the moon goddess. She said something, so softly that I had to strain my eyes to hear what she had to say. And even then, I could only catch a word of what she was saying. "Prophecy" was the word.

I opened my mouth, prepared to ask her to repeat herself, but not before the scene changed again. I was whirled away into a little house, or so it appeared to be. I glanced around me, analyzing my surroundings. I had never been here before, nor have I seen this place before.

The entire place seemed so antique and old, as if it was designed in the fifteen hundreds. Then, a man walked into the room, drawing my attention to him. To me, he looked like what I would imagine Santa Claus to be like. With his white beard, he did indeed seem like the holiday mascot.

He said something too, like the moon goddess previously did. This time, however, I managed to catch what he said. In his low, raspy voice, he had whispered the words, “Hurry, Brooke.” At this point of time, I could feel my level of irritation rising higher and higher. Frankly this whole thing annoyed me. Who was showing me this, and why? I badly wanted to find out.

So many questions, were left unanswered, as the scene shifted one more time. This time it showed me Jace. Though he seemed to be much younger, maybe about ten years old. A man, of the splitting image of Jace, (his father, maybe?) was standing in front of Jace, who was huddled in the corner of the room. His eyes only held fear. I felt my eyebrows furrow in confusion. Was Jace scared of his father? This was definitely news to me.

That was it. Everything stopped. No more scenes appeared to me. It just stopped completely, and all that filled my vision was darkness. I blinked. I tried to at least, for it hurt my eyes to do so. I tried again, and this time, my eyes opened fully.

I winced at the bright light, but then blinked a couple more times to adjust to the brightness. I found myself on Jace’s bed. This was definitely not the first time I found myself in this situation. I cursed silently at myself. How weak I must seem now?

I had awoken to the sound of someone shouting. And judging by the authority and anger in the voice, it had to be, without doubt, Jace.

“I DON’T GIVE A SHIT FOR YOUR EXCUSES. I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET BROOKE OUT OF YOUR SIGHT! EXTRA PARTOL SHIFTS! BOTH OF YOU! NOW GO GET TO WORK!” Jace yelled at them. It was clear he was angry. The two trackers, that I presume he was shouting at, bowed their heads in submission. They were about to turn away, and leave the room. But I stopped them.

“It’s not their fault, Jace.” My voice coming out hoarse. I continued, “It was mine. I wasn’t paying attention. I’m sorry.”

He seemed to be in complete and utter shock. I guess he wasn’t expecting me to gain conscious, at that point of time. He stared at me, wide eyed. He dashed over towards me. He felt my forehead, checking for any sign of a fever. He yelled at the trackers, to get me some water. The earlier incident of him yelling at them, had been forgotten amidst all the drama.

One of them, ran out, probably to get me some water. I could tell he was scared, and probably did not want to infuriate Jace any further. The other one, murmured something about finding the doctor, and with that, he left. I looked at Jace. My green eyes meeting his brown ones.

“You know it’s not their fault right?” I whispered to him.

He visibly tensed up. “They shouldn’t have let you get out of their sight.” He said, in a low voice.

“It’s not their fault! I wasn’t paying attention!” I protested. From his facial expression, I could tell he didn’t really believe me, even though I was telling the truth.

I sighed. I tried to sit up, to meet his eye level, which would make it easier for me to talk to him. Upon doing so, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I groaned. I forgot I still had injuries from the fight.

Jace heard me, and started to fire questions at me continuously, wanting to know what had happened and if I was okay. I shook my head, dismissing the pain. It was after all, sustained from the fight and was expected. I did indeed break my shoulder bone during the fight. I figured it would cure in a while, considering my werewolf genes.

He pressed on. I shot him an irritated look, and he looked back at me, with one of his own. I was in no mood to argue, and ignored him. It may seem a little cruel, but I assure you it wasn’t. Truthfully, I just wanted some water. Fighting with Jace was not an option now, seeing as I feel like crap, and also because, of my messed up feelings.

I was immensely pleased when I saw the tracker come back with a bottle of water in his hand. Jace snatched the bottle from him, and uncapped it. He held it out to me, and I took it gratefully.

"Thanks." I said, looking at Jace and the tracker.

I gulped the water down.

I never really favored water so much, and instead preferred sweetened drinks. But at that point of time, water was just fine. It went down my throat, refreshing me almost instantly.

It was not long after that, that the doctor came in. He was the same doctor as the one that had helped me the last time I passed out. I guess he was the standard pack doctor. He seemed fairly nice, during the few times I had met him.

He walked over towards me, and like Jace, checked for signs of having a fever. I had none, thankfully. He started to inform me of my injuries, and started by saying, “Well, there are quite a lot of injuries you sustained from the fight.” He paused, and I soon figured out why.

Jace was shaking uncontrollably, as if he was trying not to let his wolf take over. This was understandable, for it was hard to listen to the ways that your mate got injured, without getting angry. The doctor looked at the both of us, asking silently if he could carry on. I nodded, ignoring Jace.

“Firstly, your shoulder bone is broken. I am sure you have already figured it out. Also, your back has been scratched rather badly. I assume that your attacker had clawed at you. I have applied some antiseptic and will continue to ask a nurse to do so a few times a day, or when I feel is necessary. Your wrist is sprained as well, and your neck has been bitten, though it is not too serious. But other than that, you have sustained no major injuries. I would caution you not to move your shoulder, or bend down too much. Try not to do anything with your wrist either. For now, I will put you on bed rest, until I feel it is alright for you to move about. Now when you are allowed to leave the room, I suggest you to use the wheelchair, over there. It would be better for you.” I nodded, trying to grasp all the information at once. Seeming satisfied with his words, the doctor left the room.

I was so caught up in listening to the doctor, that I had completely forgotten about Jace. I was only reminded of his presence when he growled loudly, his eyes on my wounds.

“I will kill the man that did this to you. I swear I will.” He said, growling.

I blinked. Was he serious? He scared me a little at first. He had sounded so determined, so angry. I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay Jace. It’s okay.” I kept murmuring, desperately trying to calm him down. He brought his gaze towards my face. He gave me a disbelieving look.

“Okay? Look at yourself. It is NOT okay. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have let you go. I should have made you stay here with me. Then you wouldn’t have gotten into this situation. This is all my fault. I’m sorry Brooke.” He sat on the sofa chair beside the bed I was in, with his head in his hands.

I sighed. It was most definitely not his fault. It had been me that insisted I go with the trackers. That was what I told him. He still shook his head, apologizing over and over again until I glared at him, and told him to stop. He will never understand that this whole thing was not his fault.

“It really is not your fault Jace,” I tried again, “If anything, it’s mine. Let’s just forget about this.” I tried to brush it off, hoping that Jace would just drop it. I think he sensed my irritation, because he didn’t talk about it for a couple of minutes, and sat in the chair in silence.

I lay back on my bed. Only now did I realise that I was utterly exhausted.

My eyelids were starting to feel heavier by the second, and they were slowly drooping shut. I, not wanting to deprive myself of any sleep, decided to close my eyes and let sleep take over me. As soon as my eyes closed, what I witnessed and saw before came back to me. All the different scenes.

I was undecided at first. Should I tell Jace? Or not? Something that seemed so important should be told to Jace, should it not? Yet, a small part of me did not want to tell Jace. My reason was because it might not even be important. Maybe it was just a stupid dream that I had gotten. There was a huge possibility of that to be true.

I also thought that maybe I should keep it to myself until I figure out what’s going on. I felt that it was actually a message behind this vision – one that was from the Moon Goddess herself. From what I watch on CSI on television, I’m guessing this message was probably hard to decode, and I might need some help in doing so. Jace could help. He might help me to solve this whole thing faster, so the right decision was asking him to help me.

However, this whole thing had to do with me, and not anybody else. True, Jace had been in my vision, and there was probably a small part of this that associated with him. But the Moon Goddess had chosen me after all. I felt like I should be doing this alone, and not with anyone else. I would never trouble anybody, and certainly not Jace. I knew all too well, that if there was anything violent that may or may not happen, Jace would find some way to stop me from risking possible injuries, and he would do anything in his power to protect me. That was something I didn’t want him doing. The chances of him dying or getting hurt, would be too many. There was no way I was letting him die.

The problem with me though, was that I never listened to myself. I could have gone through a 24 hour long discussion with myself, and still end up doing the exact opposite of what I was thinking. The same problem happened this time. If you haven’t already guessed it, I told him.

I explained everything part of my vision to him, from the scene of the war, to the one of the Moon Goddess, to the one where I saw the old man, and finally, I finished up by telling him of what I had seen of him. I watched his expression change over the course of my tale. He didn’t seem to be bewildered by the strange news I had to tell him. Something told me that he has heard of it before. He stiffened visibly by the time I started talking about the part of the vision about him and the man that I presume was his father.

“It might have just been a dream though…” I trailed off.

“No.” Jace stated, “This is most definitely not a dream. It’s like a message from the Moon Goddess. I read about in The Book.”

“I knew it. It is a message from the Moon Goddess.” Something about his sentence had got me confused however, and I added on to my earlier sentence, “Wait… Which book are you talking about?”

“Not a book, The Book. It’s a book that was given to werewolves by the Moon Goddess many years ago. It contains everything you need to know about werewolves. Everything is in there. There was no name for it, and was just referred to as ‘The Book’.” He explained. I nodded, finally understanding.

He rummaged through some of the drawers in the room we were in, – his room. I watched him, as he walked over to his bedside table. He flipped through all his things, which filled his drawers to the brim. He finally lifted a single book from his drawer. It seemed fairly new, so I knew for sure that that was not the original copy of the book. It must’ve been a mere copy of it. Honestly, I didn’t know why the thought of Jace having the original copy of the book even crossed my mind. It couldn’t have been him, out of the millions of werewolves in the world, to have gotten the original copy. It was probably in a museum or something.

He carried the book over to me, and flipped to a particular page, that would tell me more about these messages from the Moon Goddess. I scanned through it, only stopping to read the parts that seemed to be more important. According to the book, the Moon Goddess would send messages to certain werewolves, but only when she felt it to be necessary. Apparently, the only times where she would send these messages to werewolves was when something major was about to happen. I shivered in the bed that I was lying on. Something major was going to happen. This could not be good.

I read on.

“These messages were usually quite straight forward, and were designed so that the werewolf receiving them would understand it immediately. They often last only for a few minutes, and would be sent to the werewolf when he or she is either unconscious or asleep.

Most of the time, these messages would inform that particular werewolf of the upcoming situation, and might even provide information to help him or her to prevent that situation.”

I didn’t read the rest, for I was sure I had read enough.  I looked helplessly at Jace. “Maybe the Moon Goddess chose the wrong werewolf. This… this can’t be for me. I don’t even understand the message.”

Jace shook his head. “Brooke, this is what the Moon Goddess wanted. She wanted you to help us in whatever’s going to happen. I believe in you, Brooke. You can do this, and I will help you.” He sounded so determined and so sure that he was right, that I almost believed him myself. The Moon Goddess probably got it wrong. I don’t even understand the message, which was supposed to be really understandable.

I felt helpless. I nodded my head anyway. Something major was going on, and I am determined to help.


That's it for the 19th chapter :) I really hope you guys will like it. I'm really sorry that I updated so late. I have been busy, especially with my exams and stuff. But now my exams are over so I can update faster, and I will try to make the chapters longer too. This chapter seems to be longer, but I can never be too sure. Hopefully, it is.

Thank you so so so much for reading. I love you all.

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~Claudia xx

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