The Goddess of Mystery

By izzymarie_143

64.4K 1.4K 43

A teenage girl runs to the museum every night for the safety from her parents. It was the same thing every ni... More

Chapter 1- The Egyptian Family
Chapter 2- Choices
Chapter 3- Time Together
Chapter 4- My Decision
Chapter 5- The Queens Garden
Chapter 6- The First Kiss
Chapter 7- Relaxation
Chapter 8- Bad News
Chapter 9- Ahkmenrahs Departure
Chapter 10- Letters To Mother
Chapter 11- Time Changes
Chapter 12- The Kings Wish
Chapter 13- Death is Inevitable
Chapter 15-Kahmunrah Attacks
Chapter 16- Meeting Once More
Chapter 17-Family Reunion
Chapter 18- Alternative Ending

Chapter 14- The Baby's Here

3.2K 75 1
By izzymarie_143

*7 months later*

            These last 7 months had all been a blur to me, and had gone by far too fast. I hadn't noticed that I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, until I had felt pains early in the morning. I had awoken with a start, thinking there was something wrong with the baby. But, he was just finally ready to come out, and see the world. I've been nervous about everything, not wanting to bring a child into this world knowing they would grow up without Ahkmenrah and me.

            Ahkmenrah had been trying to keep me calm, and it had worked most times. The pain was becoming worse, and coming every few minutes. I had been racking my brain on what I could do to help with the pain, but not knowing much about what medical resources they have. I had suddenly remembered a trick that I had seen while watching a tv show a couple of years ago. I turned to Masika, which grabbed her attention and she quickly came over. "Masika, can you prepare a hot bath for me please?" She nodded, and hurried out of the room to fill up the bath.

            I clenched my teeth as another wave of pain hit, tightening my grip on Ahkmenrahs hand. He rubbed circles against my hip, and pulled me into him more. This had went on for a couple minutes- although it felt more like hours. "Why did you have Masika draw a bath?" Ahkmenrah had questioned, the nurse turning around, also wanting to know why. I smiled, rubbing his hand, "I've heard that it can help with the pain, and speed up pregnancy." The nurse scrunched her eyebrows, but didn't say anything, and turned to leave the room.

            Masika had come back into the bedroom, telling me the bath was ready. They had both helped me up from the bed, Masika taking my hands, and Ahkmenrah having one hand on my back, the other on my arm. My bare feet added their way down the corridor, Ahkmenrah supporting most of my weight. I had hurriedly taken my robe off, before another contraction came. I was lifted into the bath, barely able to lift my leg up a foot off the ground. Ahkmenrah had also undressed, but keeping his loin cloth on. I had immediately relaxed, the pain becoming less intense.

            I had been in the bath for only an hour before I went into labor. They had rushed me back into the room I was in before, pulling a robe over me as Ahkmenrah had carried me down the hall. The pain had become over worse, and I was being told to push over and over. Minutes later a cry had filled the room, and I had peeked over to see a small baby in the nurse's hands. She had quickly washed him in the bowl of water, before wrapping him in a blanket and handing the child to me.

            I had my arms wrapped around him and Ahkmenrah had his arms wrapped around the both of us. "It's a boy, My Queen." The nurse had spoken up after moments of silence, before cleaning up and leaving. I rubbed my thumb against his cheek, his small eyes opening up and peering at me. I spoke in a hushed tone to him, "Hi little guy, I'm your mommy." He simply let out a yawn, before falling back asleep. I laughed, looking up at Ahkmenrah and giving him a kiss. "What should we name him?" I had thought over it for a few moments, before finally answering his question.

            "I think we should name him Merenkahre, after your father." A smile covered his face, giving me another kiss, "I thinks that a wonderful idea." I smiled, a small giggle leaving my lips, "I knew you'd say that."

*3 years later*

            "How long have you known about this?" the prisoner was visibly shaking, frightened of what would happen to him. Ahkemnrah had repeated his question, a vein in his forehead popping out, angered by what had been withheld from him, "How long have you known?" I could tell he was ready to get up and kill the servant himself, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. Not that I had wanted too, he had just told us that mine and Ahkmenrahs lives were being threatened.

            The servant could tell his death was coming, he had started crying and stuttering as he was talking. "5 months, My king." Ahkmenrahs hands clenched onto the ends of the armrest on his throne, "You know my brother was planning my wife's and I murder, and you failed to tell me?" His voice getting louder, and becoming more strained the angrier he got. "I never thought he would go through with it my king, until this morning." The servants head was bowed he entire time, never daring to look Ahkmenrah in the eyes, "He said he was going to put his plan into action in three days, my king."

           Ahkmenrah stood, taking a couple steps forward "Take him to the cells, his execution will tonight." The servant started weeping, but had put up no fight with the guards. I waited until he left and walked up next to Ahkmenrah, putting my hand on his bicep. "What are we going to do", I was scared, and it was evident in my voice. He turned, putting his hand on my cheek and rubbing his thumb against it. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll keep us safe, I promise."

            Soft feet could heard adding against the floor, like the feet of a child. It had broken both of us out of our trance, the door being opened by one of the guards in the hallway. Merenkahre had wobbled his way over to us, screaming "mama, papa". He quickly wrapped himself around one of Ahkmenrahs legs, making both of us laugh, and immediately relax. Ahkmenrah had been quick to pick him up, and began tickling his sides. His laughter could be heard all throughout the throne room and the halls, and another loud 'papa' had escaped his mouth.

            Ahkmenrah had eventually stopped as I wrapped my arm around his torso. Small giggles could still be heard around the room as he spoke, "Is there something you needed, my son?" Merenkahre's mouth formed a small 'o' as he remembered what he came in here for, "Can we eat dinner now, papa? I'm really hungry." He rubbed his stomach as he dragged out 'really' to emphasize how hungry he was. I rubbed his back, kissing him on the cheek, "Of course we can, baby." His smile grew bigger, and he wiggled himself out of Ahkmenrahs arms until he put him down. He grabbed both of our hands, leading us down the hallway to the dining room.

            The food had been delicious, and of course Merenkahre had gotten anything and everything all over him. We had given him a bath, which had also resulted in water being everywhere. We had both kissed him goodnight, before heading off to our own bed. I had laid in Ahkmenrahs arms, still scared about what we heard this morning. "I know you're worried, and you shouldn't be. I have this all taken care of, we'll be alright, I promise." I nodded my head, and had said a quick 'I love you' before falling asleep.

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