What's The Story? [Sam Drake]

By villarosie

1.1K 37 23

One day a stranger walks into Lucy's bar and catches her attention by telling her the unbelievable story of h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

536 16 7
By villarosie

This bar was everything that I held dear. While I was working as a history teacher in a college, I was saving money but didn't know yet for what. And then I saw that someone was selling this bar and it felt like love at first sight. Without hesitation I quit my job and bought this bar. Since almost all the money I had went in buying it, I barely had anything left for the interior. So I did most of the decoration and the whole interior design on my own. It really needed that, because this bar was long past its best days. But now everything was finished and business was great. People appreciated what I put into it and enjoyed spending their evenings there.
I was cleaning some of the glasses and then put them in the shelves. A group of friends was playing pool and I could hear the occasional scream of either joy or the opposite. I loved this atmosphere, much more than the learning atmosphere there used to be in the college. Even if I loved being a teacher it just didn't feel right anymore through time. History was my big passion but most of the students didn't share that passion, which made my work really annoying from time to time. That was what I loved about running a bar; everyone here shares the passion for drinking, so they only made my work easier. Although there are also difficult costumers sometimes but I've always managed to get rid of them until now.
I smiled to myself when I heard another scream of joy from the pool table. It was just amazing when people had such a great time here.
The door opened and a new costumer entered. I hadn't seen him before but he definitely looked very handsome. He looked like he was around 40 with pushed back hair and a devilish smirk on his lips. His clothes were casual; a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a jeans jacket over it. I saw that he had a bandage on his left arm when he took off his jacket and a patch on his nose. He definitely looks like he had a rough day, I thought. The stranger sat down on one of the bar stools and leaned against his arms on the counter.
"A scotch, please," he ordered his drink and barely even looked at me. I put down the glass, which I just had cleaned, in front of him and then took the scotch from the shelf.
"Had a rough day?" I asked him and hoped to start a conversation. He definitely looked like an interesting guy and I really wanted to find out more about him.
"You could say that, yes," he answered with a smile. I filled his glass and he immediately took a sip from it. As I was closing the bottle he finally looked at me. And he took his sweet time taking in every little detail about me, from head to toe. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks, especially when a smirk formed on his lips.
"So, you wanna tell me about your day?" I asked and continued to clean the glasses and putting them in the shelves.
"Why do you wanna know?" he asked a little surprised at my curiousness.
"I'm a bartender, it's part of my job to listen to people's problems," I joked which made him chuckle. He definitely had a cute laugh.
"Well," he started and took his glass in his hand. "I just came home from Madagascar."
I nodded and waited for him to continue but instead he just smiled at me.
"And what did you do in Madagascar?" I eventually asked. He shrugged his shoulders modestly.
"My little brother and me found Libertalia and Henry Avery's treasure," he said as if it was something normal. I looked at him with raised eyebrows and stopped cleaning for a second. I didn't believe one bit he was telling me. Having studied history I knew exactly that Libertalia was just a legend and never confirmed to be true. Avery's treasure was never found, nor did anyone know if it even existed anymore.
"Sure and Sir Francis Drake faked his own death," I joked and put the glass in the shelf. The guy laughed and took a sip from his drink.
"Funny thing is, he actually did," he said and waited for my reaction. I put down the dishrag and looked into his eyes.
"Don't bullshit me. I know those people, I used to be a history teacher and I know exactly that what you're saying is rubbish," I informed him in a serious tone but he only chuckled.
"I'm not bullshitting you, my brother found Sir Francis' empty coffin."
"Sure," I said sarcastically. "I don't believe one bit."
"Alright, pour me another drink and I'll tell you the whole story of how we found Libertalia and the treasure. If you still don't believe me after that, I'll pay for my drinks. If you believe me, I'll consider them on the house," he suggested and finished his drink. I scoffed and couldn't believe the nerves this guy had. But still I was curious to hear what he had to tell. I turned my head to where my employee was working and called his name.
"Paul, could you please watch the bar for a little?" I asked him.
"Sure," he agreed and nodded his head. The bar wasn't really busy so he wouldn't have a hard time doing everything on his own. I took the bottle of scotch, a glass for myself and then walked to one of the tables in the corner of the bar. I looked back at the guy so he would follow me and would sit down on the opposite chair of mine.
"So," I started and poured myself a drink. "Try me."
He started telling me the whole story. It started with him meeting his brother again after 15 years (he didn't say why they hadn't had any contact for so long though) and them steeling the St. Dismas cross from an auction. Then they headed to Scotland to the St. Dismas cathedral, which then lead them to Madagascar and an island close it, where they then finally found Libertalia and later Avery's treasure. Well, that's the very short version of it. All in all I spend hours listening to his story and occasionally asked some question to clarify some stuff. In the meantime Paul had closed the bar and had gone home, while I was still hanging on the guy's lips and couldn't stop listening to his story.
"And what happened to your nose and arm?" I asked out of curiosity when he didn't mention any of that in his story.
"Oh, that happened right before we found Libertalia," he explained. "This guy, Rafe, and Shoreline had caught up to us and Rafe wanted to shoot my brother, but I stepped in front of him and so the bullet grazed my arm."
"And the nose?"
"Oh, Rafe punched me before he wanted to shoot my brother."
I nodded and poured him and myself another drink.
"So," he started and took a sip from his scotch. "Do I have to pay for the drinks or...?"
I smiled and looked in his stunning eyes. Something made me believe his stories, even if they were crazy. I didn't believe that any human could make up a story like this in such a short amount of time, so I decided that what he told me was true.
"Well, considering that we're actually already closed, so the cash register is probably closed, too..." I described and he nodded.
"I knew I'm a good story teller," he complimented himself and finished his drink. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Something like this has never happened to me. There were a couple of guys who tried to catch my attention by telling me some stories about things they had experienced, but none of them had ever caught my attention like this guy did. He had given me completely new perspectives about topics I thought I knew everything about. This was new to me and it made me want to spend the whole night with him, only listening to the stories he had to tell. But then I looked at the clock and saw that it was already past 4am and I actually wanted to clean the whole bar tomorrow...well, technically today.
"Oh damn, I think I need to catch some sleep," I announced and finished my drink. The guy had a disappointed expression on his face and I probably had the same on mine.
"I would love to hear your other stories but I've got a busy day tomorrow and really need to get some sleep," I explained and put my hands on the table. He first nodded approving but then seemed to have changed his mind, because he reached over the table and took my hands in his.
"Do me one favor, though," he pleased. I just couldn't resist his eyes and his touch, so I nodded.
"Come back to mine, I really want to show you one of Avery's coins," he offered. I had the feeling that it wouldn't stay with just "showing a coin" but honestly I didn't mind at all. That guy looked incredibly handsome and like he could give me a really good time. And well, I wanted to see the coin, too.
"Okay," I agreed and he smiled.
"I don't live far from here, so we can walk," he informed me, as we both stood up. I left the bottle and the glasses on the table, I would clean them tomorrow.

It really didn't take long until we were standing in his apartment and I was looking around. He was searching for the coin so I had time to look at the books he had in his shelves.
"You really are into pirates," I mumbled while looking at the pirate books. His apartment didn't have any special furniture; it was pretty normal. But if I looked closely I could see all the little treasures and history books everywhere. Those are probably things he has collected over the years, I thought.
"Here it is!" he called and held up the coin triumphantly. I walked over to him and he gave me the coin. First I was suspicious if it really was one of Avery's coins but then I saw his sigil on it and immediately knew that it was real.
"Holy shit," I mumbled impressed as I admired the little piece of gold. "It really is true!"
"You still had your doubts even after my story?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, not all of it was really believable," I explained and he shrugged his shoulders. I couldn't believe that I was holding one of Avery's coins in my hands and almost forgot that he was standing next to me.
"Keep it," he suddenly said. "I've got some more of them."
I looked at him and couldn't believe what he just had said.
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah, you can have it. You deserve it."
I suddenly felt an incredibly strong attraction to him, even more than I did before. It was so strong that I barely could keep myself together. I thought he was handsome since he entered my bar, but after I found out he loves history even more than I do and told me his stories, the attraction to him only grew and grew.
He moved his body closer to mine and I didn't hesitate to move closer to him. He put his hands on my cheeks and pulled my face closer to his until our lips met. They smelled like scotch and cigarettes but were soft at the same time. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him even closer into the kiss. This wasn't like me; I had never kissed someone I had met on the same day. But he...he was just irresistible. He was sexy, charming and smart, a really dangerous combination.
He trailed kisses down my jawline to my ear.
"My name is Sam," he whispered in my ear.
"I just wanna make sure you'll moan the right name."
I laughed and pulled his lips back to mine to kiss them. His hands moved down and grabbed my butt. I moaned in the kiss, which made him smile. Without a warning he then lifted me up and threw me on his bed. Sam took off his jacket and shirt before hovering over me and planting kisses all over my neck and collarbone. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the kisses for a while, before flipping us both over, so I was sitting on top of him.
"And my name is Lucy," I said with a grin on my lips. His expression changed from surprised back to his sexy smile. I took off my shirt, then bend down to kiss him and let the fun begin.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt my head hurting a little. It wasn't too bad but it definitely meant that I had a little too much yesterday. I opened my eyes and realized that I was lying in Sam's bed with him holding me close to his body with his arm wrapped around me. He was still sleeping and snoring peacefully, which made me smile. I remembered last night and could barely believe what had happened. He completely crushed my world with the things he had told me and the things he had done to me...
The clock on his drawer told me that it was already noon and I remembered the plans I had for today. I carefully moved his arm away from my waist and got up. His and my clothes were spread around in the whole room, so it took me a few minutes until I had everything that belonged to me gathered. As I put on my clothes, I saw the coin lying on the floor and picked it up. I must've dropped it last night, I thought and put it in my pocket.
"Please don't tell me I have to pay for this instead," Sam's sleepy voice sounded from the bed. I laughed at his joke and turned my head to look at him. He had gotten up and put on his underwear.
"I'm sorry, I really gotta go. I've got a lot of things planned for today," I explained as he walked closer to me. He put his hands on my cheeks and stroked them with his thumbs.
"Why don't you instead hop out of these sexy jeans of yours and join me in bed?" he suggested in a husky voice and kissed my lips passionately. As he pulled away I still had my eyes closed and the taste of the kiss on my lips.
"I should go," I snapped back to reality and pulled away from him. I hurried to his door but then turned around again.
"Why don't you drop by the bar tonight?" I suggested with a smile on my lips. He smiled back and nodded.
"As long as I don't have to pay for my drinks," he joked and I laughed.
"Well then you must tell me more of your stories," I played along.
"Alright," he agreed and smiled. I opened the door and left his apartment. As I was on my way back to my bar, the memories of the night came back to me and I smiled to myself. It's been a while since a man had made me feel that way and I wanted more of that feeling. I hoped that he would really come by the bar that night so we could maybe continue this little romance of ours.

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