Color Of Sin- Urban Escape.

By UrbanEscape

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Taleah and Alead are Fraternal twins but, the bond most twins have developed is lost in this family because o... More

Color Of Sin- Urban Escape.
Silent Tears.2.
Bad Girl. 3.
The Hurtful Truth.4.
Swallowing Pride.5.
Weak In the Knees.6.
I need you now.8.


2.2K 121 20
By UrbanEscape

                                                            Aleah: Confrontations.7.

When we got back to the house I walked straight to the backyard and sat under my favorite big oak tree. I saw Taleah come out the back door with Miles and my heart stopped. They didn’t notice me but I saw them and when they kissed I almost died.

Seeing Miles kissing another girl was already painful enough but to see him kissing my sister made me sick to my stomach, my head got heavy and my breaths short. I couldn’t even think straight.

Even though when I was with Miles I acted as if I didn’t care or I didn’t like him-which was kind of true, I realized that I missed him more than I would ever admit. I watched them giggle and flirt a little longer until Miles gave Taleah one more gentle kiss and jumped the fence into the neighbor’s yard.

Taleah went back to the back door still not noticing my presence and went back into the house. I sat under that big oak tree thinking about where my life was going and how Taleah seem to get the sun shined on her now while I got the dark clouds.


In all of two weeks, I had lost my virginity, my boyfriend and the reputation I worked so hard on maintaining. At the moment, even though I was even more mad and jealous of Taleah for once again getting something I either wanted or couldn’t have; I realized I needed someone to talk to.

I crept in the quiet house and made my way upstairs to her modern room, she opened the door before I had my hand to the knob and pulled me inside her room. She silently shut the door and looked at me like she was holding something, she had to release. I figured it was Miles.

“If I tell you this, you have to put it on the bible not to tell anyone.” She said with a unusual seriousness in her tone. I anticipated her telling me about Miles and nodded my head slowly. Taleah sat on her bed and let out a heavy sigh of breath through her mouth.

“Mama. . . Mama was kissing some woman today, I saw her.” She forced out before she covered her mouth in shock, like she was surprise it was leaving her mouth.

I paused and stared into her dark brown eyes, trying to take in what I just had heard. What the hell was really going on? I thought to myself. I felt like I was stepping into the twilight zone, my head spun as my chest began to get heavy. My mother wasn’t supposed to be around here kissing females, She is the preachers wife!

On top of that Miles out here kissing my twin sister and George acting a damn fool like he the damn hulk. I looked at Taleah and she was looking at me with confusion I guess for an reaction.

“When did you see that?” I asked her as she hung her head low.

I didin’t even know why I asked. I knew she saw that right before she had to rush out with Miles out the house. I looked around the room and noticed all the things on Taleah’s junky nightstand trampled onto the floor. She looked at me with a nervousness as her lips trembled not releasing a word.

 Yup, all my suspicions were confirmed and I didn’t need to talk anymore. I was on a mission and I was going to stop until all these people who were betraying and hurting me knew what I had to say.


Since I ran, I made it to Miles House in less than two minutes. I threw a rock at his second floor window like I use to do when I snuck out to see him on so many late nights. He opened the window and gave a heavy look of frustration and aggravation. I couldn’t help but get a little emotinonal

“What do you want? He spat at me.

I looked up to him with begging eyes, “I just need someone to talk to, we need to talk anyway.” I said in the most calm voice I could muster up. He nodded his head yes and close the window. I looked around the driveway and saw that his mother wasn’t even here. He opened the and waived me to come in.

I walked into his cool home and inhaled a deep breath to counter out the tears I had resting on my chest. I was trying not to cry in front of him, I never really showed people my tears.

“Talk Aleah.” He said in frustration again.

“. . .So you messing with Taleah Now?” I asked already knowing the answer. Mile jumped up quick and approached me backed into the wall afraid of what he might do next.

“Look, what I do with Taleah is none of your damn business. .why do you care anyway? Apparently your little boyfriend George was more important than me.” He said in a condescending tone.

He was so close to me I could smell the natural frgance of his skin, he smelled like pumpkin spice. His body towered over mine and I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to jump on his right then.

“Miles, he is and was nothing to me but a good time, well what I thought would be a good time. And I care because I love you! Okay!?” My words stopped him in his tracks and they even surprised me.

Next thing I know Miles soft lips hovered over mine and my hands instantly wrapped around his neck. He pulled my body closer to his as his hands slide down my back and down to my butt.

He lifted me up and I knew instantly I knew what he assumed was going to happen. I immediately broke from his grip and pushed him away from me.

“Really Miles?” I asked him as I adjusted my clothes. He looked unfazed like I wasn’t anyone special to him anymore.

“Oh so he can get it, but Me, somebody you claim to love can’t? What can of mess is that Aleah? “He asked in a cold tone. I couldn’t believe my ears. I left his house and didn’t turn back.


I got back home just as Dinner was being cooked. I walked passed mama and daddy in the kitchen and went straight to my room. I really didn’t want to deal with looking my mother in the face knowing what I know now about her.

I was blasting my music in my raphones when Talleah bust into my room to inform me dinner was ready.

When I got to the table I sat in my emotions while I played with my food. The family did their usual telling of their days, daddy went around the table asking everyone how did God bless them today. I was dreading when my daddy came to me.

“I’ll pass.” I replied before he asked as I hung my eyes onto my cold food onto my plate.

“Excuse me young lady? Your father asked you how your day-“ my mother jumped in the conversation in her stern accent. She hadn’t went yet so I just wondered what the hell she was going to say.

“Oh my day? My day was great other than the fact that mama here is holding back from how her day was , and I would appreciate it if you tell us about your interesting day.” I said to her with a devious smile.

Taleah nudged at my foot under the table but I hot her a look that led her to know that I wasn;t in the mood to listen or be interrupted.

“What do you mean Aleah?” mother asked trying to diffuse the confusion I had just rumbled to the dinner table.

“Oh I Don’t know, If I was out her kissing women I would say my day was pretty similar to yours mama.” I scuffed with a aggravated attitude.

My father eyes peeled back a confusion deepen then it originally was as he looked over to mama and then me. All eyes were on me and Taleah mouth wide open. My mama was quiet and I no longer felt the appetite to eat, so I left the table and stomped out of the dining room. So much for a family that Prays together stays together.

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