Suburbia (Troyler AU)

By TheGayAteMySoul

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Completed ~ Ever since Tyler moved to Australia from America, he and his neighbour Troye became best friends... More

About This Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A Note From The Author


508 27 130
By TheGayAteMySoul

Troye's POV
The landing was rough. A landing to remember, since it was when life changed for me and Tyler. The wheels of the airplane screeched as the plane slowed down. It was the sound of a new start.

Getting of the plane, going through all the security checks, getting our luggage and calling a cab went in a blur. It was all so fast, but time seemed to return to normal when we neared my apartment.

Tyler was completely on awe at the sight of the building. Neatly trimmed bushes, a waterfountain at the entrance and at the back a large swimming pool.

He was taken back by the view of the city below when we got inside my apartment.

Tyler was already moving towards the large windows that were directly infront of the entrance, giving you the perfect view as you walk into the apartment.

I left the bags at the entrance and closed the door. Silently I made my way to stand behind Tyler. My hand gently rested on his hip and my thumb slowly drew circles into his shirt. I then repositioned myself so that my front was pressed against his back and my arms wrapped around him.

My lips skimmed past Tyler's ear and I felt him relax into me. I tightened my hold around him, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling of his body against mine.

"We're home." I whispered softly, kissing the back of his neck repeatedly, trailing down until his shirt got in the way.

"Home..." Tyler repeated as if trying to get uses to it. I smiled, my lips still touching his neck. I could have stayed like that forever but I knew there was still things to do and I was so tired. The effects of jet lag were beginning to form and I was sure that I was going to fall asleep any minute.

"I'll show you the bedroom, follow me." I whispered again, not being able to speak any louder. My arms unwrapped from Tyler, but I reached out for his hand to drag him along with me.

We stumbled up the spiral staircase to my bedroom. A dark blue colour covered the walls and was contrasted by the lively yellows and reds of scattered decorations in the room. My black bed was neatly set out, with the fairy lights hanging around the headboard.

The bedroom, being an en suite, was connected to a large bathroom that was filled with black tiles and white shelves, decorations and appliances to brighten the room.

I dragged Tyler onto the bed with me. I layed on top of him, with my arms on both sides of his head. Passionately I joined our lips together, filling my entire body with a feeling of euphoria.

Tyler's hands wandered over to my back and pushed me closer to him. I let myself get lost in the kiss, completely forgetting the idea of time. At that time, everything around us seemed to stop, nothing was important apart from us, and I loved every single second of it.

I slowly started to pull away as I ran out of air. My mind was fuzzy and I felt giddy as I realised that this, this is going be life for as long as possible. Kissing Tyler and being able to call him mine was a part of my life now, and I was more than happy about that fact.

"I love you." I gently pressed my lips against his soft ones.

"I love you more."



3 months later
January 1st 2017

The aftermath of new years day was beginning to show; confetti and the colourful strings from party poppers were covering the floor as well as being wrapped around the chandelier; balloons and party hats randomly scattered around the apartment; champagne glasses and snack bowls empty and placed on various surfaces... a complete mess.

We partied HARD if I may say so myself.

Two of my friends stayed over for the night and they were laying together, limbs tangled up on the couch. The other guests left around 3am.

I kissed the sleeping Tyler's cheek before moving out of bed to go downstairs. My body ached and there was a pounding sensation going on in my head.

I walked into the open kitchen to grab something to eat. I pulled out a bowl and decided to make myself some cereal. There was a groan from the couch and I looked towards it to see a pair of lanky arms stretching. It wasn't long until the person yawned and greeted me before trying to untangle themself from the other person.

After a moment of struggle Phil managed to stand up, leaving Dan alone on the couch.

"Morning Phil, want some?" I greeted him with the box of cereal. He gladly took a handful of it and ate it, almost dropping some on the floor.

There was the sound of movement from upstairs. I waited a minute to decide if Tyler was up, then I heard the noise of Tyler groaning and yawning. He made his way down, looking exhausted from the way he moved and his facial expression.

"Morning. Fuck! My head is in so much pain right now." He walked to my side and placed his head against my arm.

"I might have something for that." I turned around to rummage through my cabinets. I managed to find what I was looking for. I handed the painkillers to Tyler. He thanked me and went to pour some water for himself.

"I've never seen someone manage to drink as much as you did last night." Phil commented, taking another cereal and eating it.

"I regret everything. Wish I could turn back time and slap myself in the face before I had that second beer." Tyler took the pill and drank it down with water.

"Spiral of regrets." I looked at Tyler who was leaning against the counter. He smiled before going over to the fridge and looking through it.

"Let's see: milk, lettuce, cheese, five eggs, apple juice, two beers, ketchup, two carrots and three tomatoes. Great start to the day. Cereal it is then." He went to grab another bowl for himself and he poured his favourite cereal into it.

"I think Danny boy is starting to wake up." I pointed out, looking as Dan wiggled around on the couch. Phil turned around to observe his boyfriend trying to pull himself together. He laughed at Dan's struggle.

"Phiiilllll." The three of us laughed as Dan called out for Phil's help. The laughing became louder when Dan actually rolled off the couch onto the floor.

When I used to live alone I would invite these two dorks over and Dan would always, and I mean always, manage to make a fool out of himself. Once we were talking and he was leaning in his chair, and then BAM! Dan was on the floor.

"How do you manage with him?" I asked him, pouring in milk into my bowl as Tyler tried to not choke on his food from laughter.

"We're both clumsy so it's not that hard."

"Like taking care of children." Tyler joked, pointing to Dan who was acting like a turtle on its back.

"Excuse me for a minute." Phil went to help Dan out as Tyler and I observed.

Tyler placed his empty bowl down and I did the same a few seconds after. I went to press my lips softly against Tyler's for a sweet morning kiss. He smiled, snaking his arms around me. I did the same. We stood with our arms around each other as Phil finally got Dan up from the floor.

"I'm glad I didn't wear my leather t-shirt or else I would be so uncomfortable right now." Dan dragged himself over to us with Phil by his side.

"How do you even manage to wear that thing?" Tyler questioned, looking honestly intrigued.

"I have no idea." We laugh.

I offered to make us some drinks. Tyler entertained the two whilst I prepared the drinks.

In the end they helped us tiddy up the apartment a bit before saying their goodbyes and going back to their house.


"I love your friends so much! And who knew you had so many!?"

"Actually, Dan, Phil and Alex were my only friends for a long time. I only kinda got to know the rest back in May or something like that."

"Well they're great anyway."

I nodded, continuing to book flights for me and Tyler. I was going on tour and I still needed to announce that, but for now I was planning and booking all the flights for the international tour.

"How excited are you to visit Europe?" I asked Tyler as I looked at the list of the places I'm going to be performing at.

"Very! But I'm more excited about traveling around the world with you."

"All the photos! All the sights! So many cultures, and I'm glad you're going to be there with me." I smiled, content at the idea of Tyler and I visiting the world together.

"When are you announcing it?" Tyler asked, leaning into me.

"Tomorrow, I'm feeling scared and nervous about it."

"You could say you're feeling snervous." I turned to face him, looking at him with a look of disapproval at his choice of words.

"You're a dork."

"But I'm your dork." He grinned, kissing my cheek with an exaggerated smooch noise.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way."

I pressed confirm on the order of the plane tickets before closing the laptop. I took the tv remote and turned the tv off. Tyler looked at me with a hint of a smirk forming.

My arms wrapped around Tyler's neck and I placed my legs on each side of him.

"Have you booked the hotels?" I wasn't expecting that question right now.

"Yeah... why are you asking?" The confusion in my voice was pretty clear.

"I was just thinking of all the beds we'll have to test out..." I immediately understood what he meant. 'Testing out beds' was our way of saying 'having sex', as proven by our Sydney trip.

"You horny little shit." I jokingly said whilst a pleased smile found its way on my face.

"Just how you like it."

"That's true."

We looked into each there eyes for a while until Tyler clashed our lips together. He began to move his soft lips against my own in passionate and rough movements. I didn't hesitate to open my mouth, allowing access for his tongue. He didn't take the invitation though.

Instead he pulled away, leaving my to pout at the loss of the feeling of his lips on mine. He smirked, spanking my ass.

"Let's go upstairs big boy."

(No smut oops sorry)


3 months later
March 22nd

We were spending Tyler's birthday in Italy. My North America leg of the tour was no over so we decided to take a break and go to Italy until I started to tour again in April.

We arrived on the 20th in Verona. I planned the whole trip perfectly for Tyler's 22nd birthday. The plan was to spend two days in Verona (which we already did), two in Pisa, two in Milan, two in Venice and two in Rome. After that we would head back to L.A for two weeks before heading out to the UK.

Tyler posed for a picture infront of the leaning tower of Pisa. His pose was cute. He was stretched out with his index finger positioned as it was the only thing keeping the tower up.

"Beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Actual model Tyler Oakley." Tyler laughed at my comments whilst he reached out for the camera.

He scrolled through the pictures, making random noises as he looked at all the photos I've taken in the past hour.

"We need a picture together."

"Want me to ask someone?"


I went up to a sympathetic looking old lady with a flowery design dress. I asked her to take a picture of us, luckily it wasn't hard for us to understand since she was also a tourist.

I wrapped one arm around Tyler's waist, he did the same and we both smiled for the camera. The lady took the photo and handed us the camera once she was done. I thanked her and she walked away.

Tyler swiftly took the camera from me. His lips curled up a goofy grin and his eyes glistened as they roamed over the screen.

"We look hella cute!"

"I agree." I wrapped my arms around his front, my chest was slightly pressed to Tyler's back and my chin was resting on his shoulder. Our heads were touching and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.

I looked over at the leaning tower and we stood together in a content silence as the world around us continued to go on.

The smell of food brought me back into reality and I started to unwrap myself from Tyler's body. I looked around to see where the smell was coming from and I found a small stall with different pastries for sale.

"Fancy a birthday cupcake slash cookie slash cake slash some type of other pastry?" I asked Tyler, drawing the attention to the stall.

"Are you gonna stop adding 'birthday' infront of everything? I'm very aware what day it is, you don't need to remind me every few minutes." I stared blankly at him. That wasn't the answer I wanted from him.

"If I stop, will you get something?"

"Duh! Who do you think I am? Of course I'm gonna get one!"

"Now that's the answer is was looking for! Let's get stuffed! With food I mean, not actually, you know, get stuffed. That would be weird..."

"Come on you dork!" Tyler linked our hands and led us to the source of the mouthwatering aroma.

In the end it was so hard to decide what to get that we bought a lot of things like cannoli, some sort of cream filled bun, and other things that looked too good to not get.

We began walking along with the crowds. Tyler was fishing out one of the cannolis from the bag. He offered me one but I didn't take one. Knowing me I wouldn't have been able to stop at one, plus, I had planned something out and I didn't want to eat too much before then.


Tyler placed the bags onto our hotel bed before going into the bathroom to take a shower.

Whilst Tyler was in the shower I took out the outfit for today's meal. It wasn't anything too fancy, just a floral shirt with a pair of nice black skinny jeans.

The sound of the shower being on was now gone and the noise of Tyler's whistling replaced it.

I grabbed the bag with the pastries we bought earlier and I put it in the small fridge in our room. The bag was lighter than before since in the end I gave in and had a few of the cannolis.

Just as I closed the fridge doors Tyler walked in through the bathroom door. A towel was loosely wrapped around his waist. Stray water drops traveled down his chest and his still wet hair was looking messy, all pointing in different directions, but that just added to his charm.

"What's that for?" Tyler pointed to my outfit on the bed.

"That's clothes you silly goose, you wear them." I grinned, looking over at Tyler's facial expression that just said 'I'm so done with you right now'.

"I'm aware of that. I'm asking why is it on the bed looking like you're planning on wearing it right now."

"It's because I am." I answers as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"Well im not gonna show up naked to a restaurant now, am I?" I couldn't stop myself from letting out my sass run wild. Tyler's 'I'm so done with you right now' just went to a completely new level.

"Did you plan a date without me knowing."

"Kinda the point of a surprise birthday date."

Tyler's faced of being annoyed began to crumble away as a smile broke out on his face. He sighed and laughed at the same time, walking closer to me with his arms open ready for an embrace.

His hands lay at the back of my neck as my hands slowly traveled down his sides. I briefly touched the towel when Tyler gently swatted my head.

"You had to ruin the moment with your horny attitude."

"Oh come on! You're the one walking around half naked and expecting me not to do anything about it."

"Save it for later big boy."


I didn't plan anything big or fancy. It was just a nice meal at a small restaurant that looked really good when I passed it earlier today.

We took a table outside of the restaurant that was in the middle of the square. Beside the restaurant was a flower shop that just added to the amazing smells coming from all around.

Tyler and I agreed on ordering a small pizza between us, a starter each, dessert and a bottle of red wine. At first we thought of getting a medium pizzas but then we saw the size of it as well as the starters and we decided on the small.

The waitress came over to us with a bottle of wine in her hold. She greeted us with a smile and poured the wine into our glasses.

"Grazie." (Can you tell I used to do Italian for 4 years? Me neither.) I tried my hardest not to fail at saying at one of the easiest things you can possible say in Italian.

The woman smiled again before leaving our table.

When I looked back at Tyler he was grinning at me and resting his chin on his hand.

"You know Italian?"

"You wish! I took a few lessons but I can only remember a few things."

"Things like?..."

"Let me think... come ti chiami, mi chiamo Troye, quanti anni hai and sono ventuno anni." I cringed at how horribly I sounded as I tried to say those things.

"That's still something."

"I'm better at French." (GCSE option 1 French :D I'm still horrible at it...)

"Say something in French then."

It took me a long time to think of what to say, as well as how to say it correctly.

"Mon amour pour toi est immortelle. Je t'aime et je t'aimerai toujours. Vous êtes l'amour de ma vie et je ne te laisserai jamais partir. Je vous promets que je vais vous marier un jour et nous allons vivre heureux pour toujours. That probably made no sense." I chuckled at my own comment.

"I feel like you've just offended the whole of Italy by speaking in French." Tyler's remark made me laugh.


"I don't know. It just seems like some unwritten rule that you don't speak French in Italy and Italian in France. It seems wrong."

"Whatever you say Tyler."

The food arrived shortly after. It looked magnificent and it smelled even better, which almost seemed impossible.

"Before we start eating, I would like to wish a happy birthday to the best boyfriend in the world. Here's to many more years!"


June 9th
(I guess you could kind of count this as smut. I mean it's a very non detailed description of some stuff... also, I couldn't stop laughing whilst writing this part! So much cringe! Also, I have no fucking clue why I even wrote this part.)

My phone started to ring as me and Tyler were in the middle of... something...

Tyler's movements seemed to slow down as I groaned, reaching over to grab my phone from the bedside table.

The caller ID popped up as 'Work' so it was someone calling from the studio.

I was trying to decide whether I should have told Tyler to stop. In the end I just went 'fuck it!' and answered as Tyler began to wrap his lips around my member.

"H-hello?" My voice came out deep and gruff.

"Hey Troye! It's Jack. Firstly I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, even though I know it was four days ago. Secondly, I would like to tell you that I've got you a gig at a summer festival!"

"That's am-ah!-zing!" I actually covered my mouth with my hand. I trailed my eyes down to where Tyler was having a blast trying to make me embarrass myself.

"That's the enthusiasm! It's going to be on twenty ninth of June. There will be lots of people there and other musicians you might know."

"Yeah that sounds -oh fuck!" Tyler hollowed out his cheeks and moved up. My whole body started to tremble as I was nearing closer to my climax.

"What's wrong? Do you have something else planned?" Oh Jack. What an innocent soul, he's not got a clue of what's going on right now. Bless him.

"No. I just... stubbed my toe."

"I hate when that happens. Well, have a great day. I got to go, bye!"

"Bye!" I hung up as quickly as I possibly could and I let out a sultry moan I didn't know I needed to let out .

Tyler disconnected his lips from my member and looked up at me with an cheeky grin.

"You stubbed your toe, huh?"

"You're going to pay for this."

"Yeah? How?"

"Oh I'll show you."



December 24th (I'm doing the Christmas meal on the 24th because that's what I do alongside a lot of other countries.)
(I'm also aware that Troye is Jewish in real life but oh well.)

Tyler was looking forward to this Christmas so much. Last year we didn't spend Christmas with our families because we couldn't make it. So when Tyler and I were able to make it for this Christmas he was acting extremely happy.

That's why when we arrived on the twenty second he actually squealed and did a dramatic run to embrace Jackie like they do in movies. He was so happy to finally see his family, as well as mine, that he didn't mind making a complete fool of himself infront of so many people at the airport.

We were having our Christmas dinner at my parents house. Mum had cooked the meal alongside Sage and Jackie whilst Tyde and dad decorated the house.

I was slightly disappointed when I found out that Steele wasn't going to make it for the meal since he's having it with Jasmine's family, although he did say he might make it for the twenty sixth.

Tyler snook his arm around me from behind. I jumped slightly, not expecting him to be there. He stood on his tiptoes to reach the top of my head and kiss it, I don't know why, but he just did and I was perfectly fine with that.

"Come on, it should be ready any minute now."

"Great. I'll be down in a few minutes."


I continued to look out of the window for a little longer. I smiled, recalling as I stood in the same spot observing the rain, what seemed to be not so long ago. I smiled as I pulled the curtain shut.

Before going downstairs I fixed my hair in he mirror making sure I didn't look horrible.

When I walked outside of my room I saw Sage sitting at the top of the stairs, smiling and waving at her phone.

"What are you doing?" She seemed to jump at my question, not quite being informed of my presence.

"Jesus! You scared me Troye."

"Sorry." I walked over to stand behind her. The image on her phone seemed a bit fuzzy and pixelated.

"It's fine. I was just talking to Steele, Jasmine and little Sam." I wouldn't have been able to tell from the view on her phone, but when a familiar male voice said my name is knew it was Steele.

Sam had been born on October 30th 2015, a week later than he was scheduled to be born. The whole family went completely insane when Sam was born. I remember that day clearly. When I got the news I Skyped my parents for the whole process to be informed all the time since they were visiting Steele and Jasmine back then.

When Sammy's face poped up on screen my heart melted. He's such a beautiful toddler with Steele's eyes and Jasmine's cheeks, and on top of all that he has dimples which just seemed to make him so much more adorable!

"Troye! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to you too. Well we have to go but I'm sure we'll speak shortly."

"Sure thing. Sam, say bye Troye." Steele pulled up Sam on his lap and made him look up at the camera.

"Ba twoy!" Sammy's goodbye was too cute for me to handle. I waved him and Steele goodbye before maneuvering around Sage to go downstairs.

As soon as I made it to the bottom of the stairs I was bombarded with tinsel. Tyler wrapped silver tinsel around my neck, messing up my hair in the process. He pulled down on the tinsel, inching our faces together until our lips lazily met in a short kiss.

"I want another baby in the family! Troye, Tyler, get on it! Make a baby!" Sage told us as she stomped down the stairs.

"That's not how the male body works."

"Plus, it's a bit too soon, don't you think." I responded.

"I'll give it a few years. Let's say... six." Sage thought for a while before she said six.

"That's sounds reasonable." Tyler commented, looking at me with a lovesick smile.

"And make it a girl! There needs to be more girls in this family!"

25th December

It was Christmas day which meant it was time for presents. This time of the year always made me feel more and more like a child, hence the excitement.

Tyler's body began to move more. He tossed and turned until he finally decided to give up on sleep and wake up.

"Morning Tilly." I greeted Tyler with a gentle peck on the lips.

"Morning Troye boy. Have you been up long?"

"I woke up like ten minutes ago."

"Did you stay up all night to see Santa?"

"Ha ha, funny. No, but I think I did hear some noises coming from downstairs. I wonder what they could have been."

"We should investigate that. For now though, the bed is warm and nice so let's just stay here."


As soon as everyone else started waking up I began getting ready to go downstairs. Tyler and I got dressed into festive jumpers appropriate for the occasion.

Tyler's jumper had dancing reindeers spread across it. Mine on the other hand was a fat and jolly Santa repeating the words 'ho ho ho'.

When we got downstairs everybody was already there. Sage sat impatiently beside the large evergreen tree that stood in the corner of the living room. Tyde was laying on the couch with the tv remote in his hand.

"Morning boys! Merry Christmas to you all!" My dad's voice greeted us upon entering the room.

"Morning." Tyler and I replied in unison.

"Hurry up! I wanna open the presents!" Sage rushed us to the tree, desperation in her voice.

We sat around the tree whilst mum and dad stood around us. I passed their presents to them; one large box and three small ones, the large box was from all of us and the small ones were individual gifts. The individual gift I got for them was a cruise on a ship in the best room available. I was looking forward to seeing their reactions to it.

Sage got her gifts next. She received some makeup and gift card from Tyde, concert tickets for some music event she really wanted to go to for her and five friends from me, band merch and two CD's from Tyler and a pair of new headphones and speakers from mum and dad.

Next on the list was me. Firstly I opened the gift I got from my parents. Inside was a new camera and a little note that read 'life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself - Troye Sivan. Go and create yourself, son'. Secondly I took the gift from Sage which was a bunch of nail polish and a few shirts that looked really cool. Then Tyde handed me what he got me. Inside was a box filled with little items such as decorative crystals, scented candles, etc. Lastly I received Tyler's gift; a small long box with the words 'For him' written out in gold cursive lettering.

I had my guesses on what it could have been and in the end I concluded that I was right. A golden chain with a moon and star. On the inside of the box were the words 'forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons' which was definitely a reference to the song I wrote for Tyler.

I tightly embraced Tyler and pressed my lips to his, giving him a few short but strong kisses.

Since Tyler was also meant to go to Jackie's house to spend some time with her I wanted to make sure to give Tyler's gift now.

I handed Tyler his present which was in a small box. He tore the gift wrap off and opened the box. Slowly he got out what was inside. A black, leather...

"Collar? Are you trying to tell me you're into BDSM?" I laughed at Tyler's question, wrapping my arm around him and pressing a little kiss to his cheek.

"No silly. We're getting a dog!"

"Are you serious!?"

I nodded.


January 6th 2018

After arriving to L.A on the 3rd Tyler and I got ready to meet our newest family member. It just so happened that a close friend of Dan and Phil had a dog that gave birth and they were looking for homes for the puppies. Dan and Phil took one of the dogs and asked if we wanted one, I of course said yes straight away without Tyler knowing, making it a Christmas surprise.

The knock on the door indicated that the person with the dog had arrived. I went to answer the door.

On the other side stood a lady with blonde hair that had pink ends. She instantly greeted me with a smile and began to talk to me about the dogs as well as the apartment.

Tyler walked over to me and stood by my side. He greeted the woman who introduced herself as Louise.

"I'm sure that she'll have a great life with you two. I have to go now but I'm sure we'll have a better opportunity to speak. For now however I have to say goodbye." She left the dog cage with us and left.

The breed of the dog was a pug from what I recalled from 'Dogs 101'. The dog was a light brown colour and she seemed really lively and excited.

I opened the little doors of the cage open and she went running out. She ran around Tyler's legs and then around mine.

"What should we call her?"

"I was thinking of Jagga Jr."

"That sounds good with me. Do you agree Jagga Jr?" He picked the puppy up and she playfully started barking.


April 9th 2023

I've been having many ideas for a while now, a lot more ever since Dan and Phil's wedding in 2022. I felt like it was the time I finally ask the big question.

It felt appropriate. Tyler and I have been dating for a little bit more than eight years. It seemed light the right time to finally ask him to marry me.

Originally I planned on proposing on Tyler's birthday but he got sick then and I had to take care of him for the whole week. My new plan was to take him to a beach and propose there, but then I thought of something better... proposing on stage. I was going to propose on my tour whilst in Perth where my family would be watching.

I mentally prepared myself for what was about to happen. My hands were sweating and my whole body was shaking. The cheers from the crowds were overwhelming and my heart felt as if it was going to pop out of my chest any second.

My mind went over how everything was going to go down. I would go on stage, do the usual stuff of singing my newest songs first and going down to my oldest. However this time I would miss out for him. and sing it last.

I honestly could have gone for any other of my songs I wrote for him, however I didn't because this one was the first I wrote that was meant for him.

Tyler kissed my lips softly before wishing me good luck. I kissed him back harder. The thought of what was going to happen took over my whole body and I pressed myself closer against his body.

"I love you." I whispered, holding tightly onto Tyler.

"I love you too, Troye."

I went on stage full of energy. The sight of so many people's faces made me relax and feel at ease. If someone had ever told me back when I was younger that I would be here, performing infront of thousands of people, I would have laughed in their face and called them insane.

I began with my newest song, gradually going down until I reached the June Heverly songs. I wasn't going to go any further than that, instead I thanked the crowd for being amazing. Of course there were people chanting 'for him' so I just answered with 'soon', in reply receiving a lot of groans and sighs.

"I would like to invite my boyfriend over on stage for this next song. This was the first one I wrote for you, and I feel like now is an appropriate time to do this." Instantly there was cheers coming from the crowds since they must have caught on with what I was going to do.

Tyler walked on stage the same way he usually does when I tell him to come on: energetic and happy. He waved to the crowd and they cheered. After a few years of letting the public know about us the vast majority of my fans seemed to grow a certain fondness to Tyler. He seemed to be so liked that they persuaded him to start a YouTube channel, which had provided him with many opportunities, one of then being having his own segments on popular talk shows such as Ellen.

The first parts of the song began to play. Lights began to flash purple, blue and red just like the first time I performed the song at Steele's wedding.

"We are running so fast
And we never look back
And whatever I lack
You make up
We make a really good team
And though not everyone sees
We got this crazy chemistry
Between us
Jump starting your car cause this city's a bore
Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store
Making new clichés on our own little tour
Let's ride"

I began to sing, focusing mostly on Tyler as I did so. Tyler was smiling and blushing like mad since this was the first time I have ever done something like this infront of such a large audience.

"You don't have to say I love you to say I love
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Sickingly sweet like honey
Don't need money
All I need is you
All I need is you"

I was shaking and I felt the adrenaline rush through my body. The crowd was singing along, boosting my confidence as I felt like I was about to melt away.

"We try staying up late
But we both are lightweights
Yeah we get off our face, too easy
And we take jokes way too far
And sometimes living's too hard
We're like two halves of one heart

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Sickingly sweet like honey
Don't need money
All I need is you
All I need is you"

Now, I haven't sang this version of the song for a long time since I now usually sing the AllDay part. I guess this will be a pleasant surprise.

"We're not a commercial for anyone else
We go out for coffee and keep to ourselves
We make little homes out of three star hotels
I know what you're feeling
Cause I feel it as well"

I was fully serenading Tyler by this point. My eyes were fully fixed on him and I was walking closer to him. I took his hand and led him to the centre of the stage with me.

"You don't have to say I love you to say I love you
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Sickingly sweet like honey
Don't need money
All I need is you
All I need is you

"Tyler Oakley, all I need is you. Will you do me the honour and marry me?"

I got down on one knee and got the small black box out and opened it, revealing the glistening ring inside.

Tyler covered his mouth with his hands and looked like he was about to cry. He started nodding quickly and he took the ring.

"Yes! A million times yes!" He threw his arms around me and held on to me like his life depended on it.


August 27th 2024 (They get married on my birthday. Best. Gift. Ever.)
(Also, I've never been to a wedding so I don't have an idea in what order anything happens. Oh well.)

Today was the day. The day I had been waiting for for what seemed like an eternity. Nine years together, and hopefully many many more.

Till death do us part.

My emotions were spilling like an overflowing sink. My hands were sweating from the nerves and it was getting extremely hot in my suit. I felt as if I was about to boil alive. Luckily Steele was there to calm me down.

"It's going to be fine, he's not going to abandon you at the altar. Just relax."

"I didn't even think of him abandoning me and running away! Let's add that to the list of things to worry about!" I started panicking.

Usually, to relax myself I would fiddle with the necklace Tyler got me for Christmas a few years ago. I wore it pretty much always. Right now though it was being covered by the collar of my shirt so I wasn't able to do that... unfortunately.

I always thought that this wouldn't be so nerve-wracking. I imagined my wedding to be calm and peaceful, all I would have to do is say 'I do' to the man I love and that's it. Oh how wrong I was. With all the planning and organising I caused myself to get more and more stressed out, to such a high level that I wish I could turn back time to the good old days where I didn't have so much to do and so much to plan.

"He's put up with you for nine years, that's not even counting the first seven years of your friendship. Trust me, it's going to be fine."

"But what if he realises that he doesn't want to get married and he wants to run off and find some hot Hispanic dude? Thirty is still young, he could still find someone and leave me!"

"He won't, I promise. He loves you too much to ever leave you." Steele placed his hand on my shoulder, clutching onto me in a reassuring manner.


It was happening. In a few moments Tyler was going to walk down the path that led to the gazebo that was overlooking the sea and the golden sand. There was no wind and it was the perfect weather, not a single cloud in the sky covered the perfect canvas of the fading sun.

My eyes were fixed at the guests who were sitting down, patiently waiting for the ceremony to begin. Dad, mum, Sage, Jasmine and her family were sat on one side whilst Jackie and her husband as of last year were sat on the other side (she managed to have three boyfriends before settling down on him. I personally really like him, plus he had a son so Tyler now has a brother in law, and so do I, which is cool).

I spotted Zoe, her smile wide and bright as always. She was sitting in the second row with Alfie (who she was now engaged to), Joe, Caspar and Shane.

There were some other friends invited, such as Alex, Emma, even Connor (the three of us managed to sort everything out, now we even laugh about the past and the time Tyler punched him in the face).

Steele, Tyde and Dan were my groomsmen whilst Korey, Phil and Tyler's brother in law - Charlie - were Tyler's groomsmen.

I felt my heart pound against my chest when the traditional melody started to play. The guests stood up to watch as Tyler was about to walk in. First came the flower girls, on of them being Darcy with was one of Zoe's friends daughter. The other one was Charlie's little girl called Laura.

The girls smiled as they threw the purple flower petals on the floor. I heard the flash of the camera go off as the photographer started taking pictures.

Like a vision of beauty, he walked closer. His suit fitted him perfectly, showing off just how stunning he is. The purple tie and the lilac flower in his pocket brought colour to the black and white suit and I honestly had no idea how to respond.

I loved everything about him at that moment, I was addicted to him in every way possible.

He was blushing like mad, an absolutely adorable smile etched onto his face. My stomach was doing back flips as he approached the altar.

We stood together, our eyes locked with one another's. This was the moment I've been waiting for since I learned what love truly meant and I definitely wasn't going to let go of it.

"I love you." I told him quietly. He smiled at me, his eyes filled with joy and I felt at home.

"I love you too." He replied.

The priest began speaking but I want listening. My mind was completely focused on the man standing infront of me.

I replied to what I had to and I realised we were nearing the most important part of the ceremony, the two words which will once and for all determine our relationship.

"Do you, Troye Sivan Mellet, take this man, Tyler Oakley as your husband, to live together in marriage, will you love him, comfort him, support him in times of need, when he's at his lowest and darkest point in life, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and joy, so long as you're alive?" The priest began speaking to me and in my mind I was yelling 'yes' to everything he said.

"I do."

"And do you, Tyler Oakley, take this man, Troye Sivan Mellet, a some your husband, to live together in marriage and love, will you love him and comfort him, support him at his lowest times, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, as long as you're alive?"

"I do." His words were like paradise to my ears.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

I didn't need to be told twice. In an instant I crashed our lips together, not caring how desperate I seemed.

The taste of Tyler's lips was addicting. My whole body felt lighter than ever before and my mind was being filled with exploding fireworks, going off like it was the fourth of July.

There were cheers and whistles going around us but all I cared about was the feeling of Tyler's lips on mine.

I pulled after what seemed like minutes, only to find out we've been kissing for a few seconds.

The world went back to normal, but this time I was married to Tyler... Tyler Mellet. I like how that sounds.


It finally was time for the after party! I was mostly looking forward to cutting the cake and having the first dance.

The hall we booked wasn't far from the gazebo we got married at (wow, it feels so weird saying that I got married), therefore it didn't take longer to get there and we still had a really nice view of the sea.

The hall looked better than when I saw it last. Everything looked just how I wanted it to, every flower and decoration was in its place and it was perfect.

Straight away my eyes were traveling to the tiered cake with two little figures in the top that represented me and Tyler.

Tyler held my hand and dragged me along to the cake. We were laughing like little children when we finally reached it.

The crowd started to grow around us. Faces smiled as Tyler and I picked up the knife and began to cut into the cake. We took the first slice and layed it on a plate. Tyler took a fistful of it and smeared it in my face. I wasn't expecting that, okay who am I kidding, I totally knew he was going to do that. That cheeky little shit.

I returned the favour by covering his face in the cake. I licked my fingers clean and smiled, still looking like I've smashed my face into a pastry shop.

The crowd around us started to cheer, although I knew they were dying to eat the cake.

We managed to get ourselves cleaned up before beginning to serve the cake out to the guests.

Music was playing in the background as everyone enjoyed the cake and joined into conversations. Tyler and I were surrounded with friends and family whilst the other guests just did something.

"Congratulations! I'm expecting at least one grandchild." My mum started.

"I'm so happy for you! You deserve the best." Jackie said, pulling Tyler and I for a hug.

"Looks like my little brother finally got married." Steele said.

"You better start looking for a new home, your apartment might be getting pretty small soon." Sage started, and knowing her she wasn't going to drop the subject of kids anytime soon.


Once the cake was eaten it was time for the speeches. I planned mine out but I knew that I was going to go completely off topic and ignore the little cards I had written on.

I asked for attention by picking up a glass and knife and gently clinging the two together. The room went quiet, everyone was sat at tables which were going to be served after the speech.

I then remembered that it was the bride's father who is usually supposed to start, but since we had no bride my dad said he would start the whole thing.

My father stood up, his mouth still in his permanent smile. He looked at the guests and cleared his throat.

"Hello everybody! Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for attending the wedding of Troye and Tyler. It's an amazing celebration of the unity of two people who were made for each other. As a father it means a lot to me, seeing my son so happy and ready to take his life one step further. And to Tyler, I would like to welcome you to the family. I couldn't have imagined a better man for my son." My dad stood back down as the guests, Tyler and I applauded him.

Next it was time for my speech. I went over what I was going to say a few times in my head before I finally stood up. I scanned the room. I was greeted with familiar faces all smiling at me.

"Hi, I'm Troye, but I'm sure that you already know that by now." There were a few giggles and chuckles from the people sitting at the tables.

I looked down at Tyler who reached for my hand. He squeezed it and I carried on.

"Like my dad, I would like to thank you very much for making it here today and being nothing but supportive and loving. You have all made this day even more amazing than it already was, so thank you."

There were a few cheers from one of the tables and I think it must have either been Joe or Caspar.

"Now, the thing I really want to say. Tyler, thank you for being here today. That might sound strange, mostly because this is also your wedding; what I mean though is that I'm thanking you for being here with me, and that for some reason you decided to love me and marry me. I don't how where I would have gotten without you, but I'd rather not know that life because my life has pieced together with you and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Tyler Oakley, and I always will. Thank you."

I sat down and the whole hall burst into cheers and applause. Tyler pressed our lips together as soon as I was sat down. We both pulled away with giant grins on our faces.

"Uh-um, hi there. My name is Dan and I'm Troye's best man, yay! It really is an honour, even if that means I had to actually be productive and help out." Dan already managed to make some people laugh, including me and Tyler.

"But no, I'm generally really happy to have been able to take part in such a wonderful celebration as this. Ever since I met Troye I knew that he deserved the best, I think I even once tried hitting on him... sorry Phil. So seeing him here with Tyler as his husband brings joy to my heart." Dan place one hand over his chest and wiped away a fake tear from his eye.

"Okay! Enough of this sappy shhhhh- not gonna swear. It's now time for the embarrassing stories, because that's what happens at weddings! I don't really even know that much, I mostly ignored your speech at my wedding. Sorry buddy... How should I start this off?... Oh I know! Do you remember the time when you got locked in a disabled toilet in a shop? You called me up when I was about to go to sleep and you told me that the store was closed and you got locked in a toilet. In the end we managed to get you out, but even till this day I have no idea how you possibly managed to get locked in."

"Oh and even better! Remember the time when we went to Universal Studios and your pants got proper ripped so you had to wear some weird tutu styled dress?"

A few more stories were told by Dan, who got everybody to burst out laughing and crying by the end.

When it all finally ended the food was served and everyone began to eat.


After about ten minutes mostly everyone was done with the food and it was time for the first dance. You usually want to dance to the song you go 'Oh my God! That's our song!', but Tyler and I didn't really have a song, so I chose a song you can never go wrong with. Some good old Elvis.

I offered my hand to Tyler and we walked to the centre of the hall. The music began to play and Tyler and I got ready to dance along to it.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you

For I can't help falling in love with you."


The party was now dying down and it seemed as if it was going to be ending any minute now. To be honest though, I never expected it to last as long as it did. Then again, a few drinks and lots of dancing does seem to make the time fly faster.

The end came pretty quickly when I realised the time.

Goodbyes were said as Tyler and I got ready to get in the car which would take us to our hotel for tonight.

We hugged our friends and family and they wished us all the best as well as telling us to enjoy our honeymoon.


November 23rd

When Tyler and I got back from our adventurous honeymoon we began looking for a better place to live. The requirements were: large garden, enough bedrooms for us and kids, good neighbourhood with nice neighbours, child friendly, suitable for our dog and located not too far from either of our jobs.

In the end we found the perfect house for us. A large house with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, spacious living room with an open kitchen, a room that could be used for a study, and of course a big garden that even had a pool.

We began moving in back at the start of November. The first thing we did was clean it all up, then painting the walls or putting up wallpaper. Only after that we started to technically move everything in.

In the end we got everything done by the 20th of November.

"What's cooking good looking?" Tyler asked as he walked into the kitchen. He placed the shopping bags onto the table and began to move closer to me, wrapping his arms around my chest.

"Chicken stir fry. And I also got a cake Emma baked, so we can have that for dessert."

"What an actual queen."


February 2nd 2025

"Who's the cutest little baby in the entire world? You are!" Tyler talked in his baby voice to our little girl. We named Alex after one of my really good friends, Alex Hope.

Alex smiled, her little baby hands grabbing Tyler's finger.

"Man down, I repeat, man down! She's too strong."

I laughed, watching as Tyler fell to the ground. Alex laughed, her eyes shut and her feet moving all around.

"She's going to be a wrestler. I can see it, Alex Erin Mellet pinning her rivals to the floor. And the crowd goes wild!" I laughed, crouching down beside Tyler.

Tyler was looking at our daughter with a look of absolute love in his eyes.

"We're dad's now... it feels so good being able to say that." I say, resting my chin on Tyler's shoulder.

"We're dad's." He repeated.


May 27th 2026

A year after adopting Alex Tyler started talking about another child. I of course said yes immediately to that idea.

In May of 2026 we adopted another baby. A little boy who we named Levi after his uncle Tyde who kept begging that we name a boy after him.

Alex was completely fascinated by her new baby brother, so much in fact that she wouldn't want to leave Levi's room. Personally I thought it was very cute to see her so interested in Levi.

As soon as she saw him it was obvious that she was going to be an amazing sister.


December 28th

To popular demand, and by popular I mean Tyler's pleads, we finally got a second dog. A husky dog to be more precise.

The process of naming the dog was quite challenging. Nobody was able to come up with good names. Alex kept giving us the idea of 'warf' whilst Tyler was going with unoriginal dog names like 'lucky'.

And then it hit me. And by hit me I mean that I completely had no idea what to call it. That's why we called her Sasha, just because it sounded like a very husky dog style name.

Tyler was completely in love with the idea so he agreed.

So that's how Sasha was named.


October 30th 2032

It was one day before Halloween and Alex and Levi were already walking around the house in their costumes.

"Papa! Sasha won't stop trying to take off her costume! But we need her to be our third musketeer!" Levi ran over to me when I was in the living room with Tyler.

Jagga Jr was sleeping on her favourite spot on the long couch. I looked at her and thought how much struggle we had three years ago when we tried to get her to wear a dog costume of a vampire. It didn't go well. Since then we didn't try to get her inside a costume ever again.

"Maybe it's on too tight, try loosening it sweetie." Tyler replied, fixing Levi's costume at the same time.

"Where's Alex?" I asked.

"She's defending our castle from the dragon. Maybe you could help! We have more weapons in our vault. Come on dad's!" Levi started tugging on Tyler's sleeve.

Tyler stood up and began being led by Levi up to his room.

"You too papa. Come on! The castle isn't going to defend itself!" I turned the tv off before following after them.

The door to the spare bedroom that we turned into the kids play room was open and inside was Alex sitting infront of the fort she and Levi made out of a few chairs, blankets and pillows.

Sasha was sat beside Alex. Her dog costume placed in between her and Alex. Clearly in the end the dogs will to get out of the costume won over the kids' determination to have the dog dressed up as their last member of the three musketeers.

"You've made it! And you brought back up too, that's good. We need more people to fight off this pesky dragon." Alex said, clutching on tightly to the foam sword in her hands.

I wondered what they decided to turn into the dragon, then I noticed that the hamster cage was empty and the plastic hamster ball was gone. That must have meant that they turned Chip into the evil vilan today.

Chip the dragon.

"There it is! The dragon is approaching! Don't be afraid to attack!" Levi pointed towards the little ball moving closer towards us.

The hamster suddenly charged forward into my leg, making Alex shout 'man down' repeatedly, using Tyler as a shield from the dragon.

"We need a wizard to heal him!" Levi grabbed a tall wizard hat out of the costume box. He handed the hat over to Alex who then placed it on Tyler's head.

"I shall heal you brave soldier!" Tyler moved his hands over my chest and leg. I started chuckling, which then turned into uncontrollable laughter.

My laughter also set Tyler off. We laughed for no apparent reason, making Alex and Levi confused.

"The dragon turned them evil! Attack!" Levi ordered.

Alex and Levi then pounced on us, trying to defeat us in battle. Tyler and I weren't going to lose though. We both picked them up from ourselves and lifted them up.

Tyler motioned his head towards the small couch in the corner of the room. I nodded and we both threw the kids on the couch. They laughed as they tried to pick themselves back together from the laughing mess they both were.

Alex grabbed a pillow and threw it at Tyler. He completely didn't expect that and he tripped himself over from shock.

I continued to dodge the pillows that were fired at me. They ran out of pillows to throw at me when I reached the couch. However they seemed to have another trick up their sleeves.

Alex reached behind the couch and pulled out a foam sword. Levi crawled off the couch and wrapped himself around my legs.

"Tyler! Save me!"

"I can't! I'm dead."

"Perfect! Sasha? Care to help me?" The dog tilted it's head and stayed sat in the same spot she was in before.

Alex was barely touching the sword to my chest and I knew she was preparing for her victory speech.

"Your time has come to an end! Peace will win and fear will lose! Do you have any last words?"

"Mercy! I'm begging you for mercy! I'll do anything, just please release me!"

Alex seemed to consider my pleads.

"Fine... but you're making us lots of pancakes for breakfast."

"I'll make as many as you want." I could hear Tyler sniggering behind me.

"Okay. Sir Levi, release him!"


The sun sets longer
Were I am from
Were dreams go to die
While having fun
The boys fix their cars up
The girls eat it up
Loving's so good when
Love is young

Yeah, there's so much history in these streets
And mama's good eats
Oh Wonder on repeat
There's so much history in my head
The people I've left
The ones that I've kept

Have you heard me on the radio?
Did you turn it up?
On your blown-out stereo
In suburbia
Could be playing hide and seek from home
Can't replace my blood
Yeah, it seems I'm never letting go
Of suburbia

Swallow nostalgia
Chase it with lime
Better than dwelling
And chasing time
Missing occasions
I can't rewind
Can't help but feel I've lost what's mine

Yeah, there's so much history in these streets
And mama's good eats
Oh Wonder on repeat
There's so much history in my head
The people I've left
The ones that I've kept

Have you heard me on the radio?
Did you turn it up?
On your blown-out stereo
In suburbia
Could be playing hide and seek from home
Can't replace my blood
Yeah, it seems I'm never letting go
Of suburbia

They all say that nothing ever changes
Through the new lines that are on their faces
They all say that nothing ever changes
Through the new lines that are on their faces

Yeah, there's so much history in these streets
And mama's good eats
Oh Wonder on repeat
There's so much history in my head
The people I've left
The ones that I've kept

Have you heard me on the radio?
Did you turn it up?
On your blown-out stereo
In suburbia
Could be playing hide and seek from home
Can't replace my blood
Yeah, it seems I'm never letting go
Of suburbia


I'm glad I went back to Perth so many years ago. If I didn't, all this would have never happened.

I would have never truly fell in love. I would have never had so much fun. I would have never met so many amazing people. I would have never written so many songs. I would have never spent all my days cuddling and kissing the man I love. I would have never proposed to Tyler. I would have never got married on that beautiful August day on that golden sandy beach. I would have never adopted my first daughter. I would have never seen her grow up. I would have never adopted my son. I would have never seen my family grow so much, surrounded by love. I would have never had two lovely dogs that played with the kids. I would have never see my kids go to the school for the first time. I would have never helped them with their Halloween costumes...

I would have never felt fully at home.

So now I'm in my late 30's and I'm sitting on the couch with Tyler snuggled beside me, Levi sitting on the floor, Alex asleep next to Tyler, Sasha sat infront of the television next to Levi, and Jagga laying in my lap, and I feel like this is the life I always dreamed of.

"I love you." I whisper, kissing Tyler's soft lips.

"I love you too."

The end.

Okay. Wow. Yeah. That was it, the end of Suburbia. I feel like a mother letting go of her child. I'm really emotinal right now... DON'T TOUCH ME!

Also I'm sorry that this took so long, I just felt like it wasn't too good and I wanted this to be the best ending I could have possibly made it.

So before I upload the last AN, do you have any questions you would like me to answer in it? It can be about anything: (or would you use this ; ? Excuse me, I'm really bad at English and grammar and that shit) the story, questions to me, something you just wanted to know, just go ahead and ask!

I love you all, and I would like to thank you for the amazing support you have given me. This would have never have happened without you all. Will you believe that I was planning on giving up on this story after like 10 chapters? Now look how far we have gotten.

Shit I'm crying.

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