Suburbia (Troyler AU)

By TheGayAteMySoul

19.7K 1.4K 1.1K

Completed ~ Ever since Tyler moved to Australia from America, he and his neighbour Troye became best friends... More

About This Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A Note From The Author

Chapter 40

375 25 21
By TheGayAteMySoul

Tyler's POV
(Are y'all fucking ready?)
(I'm getting emotinal)
(Also, I feel like this took a dramatic love story turn, I really don't know where that happened, maybe the trip or the wedding chapter. So sorry in advance if this feels kind of cliché or over dramatic or too emotional. I don't know how to end stories so this was really hard to write.)
(2nd also, this isn't the last chapter of the story, there will be an epilogue and a last authors note.)
1st November
I woke up with an awful pain in my neck from sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position. The space beside me was cold, meaning Troye was already up.

I hauled myself up, hearing the faint crack of my neck. I shuddered at the unpleasant noise. After sitting at the edge of the bed for a minute of two, I stood up and headed downstairs.

"Morning Ty." Jackie welcomed me when I walked into the living room.

"Morning. Where's Troye?"

"He took the remaining boxes to the post office. Would you like something to drink, maybe something to eat?"

"I'm fine, I'm making myself some coffee."


Troye arrived before twelve. His hair was messy and he was wearing a simple black tank top with a pair of skinny jeans and black converse.

He plopped down beside me on the couch, then he leaned back so that his head was on my lap. I smiled at him, leaning down to softly kiss his lips.

"I'm so getting this framed!" Jackie squealed, looking down at the phone in her hands.

"You better send it to me." Troye said as he made himself comfortable.

"Sure thing honey. Plus, you might want a place to start your scrapbooking journey."

"I have a better idea! Start from the photo, I think my mum took, when we first met. It's hilarious and cute." I thought of the photo Troye could have meant. It was probably the photo of the both of us soaked and covered in mud after we played rugby together. That's actually how we met, by playing rugby.

I had just moved from America to Australia slightly after my birthday. The first thing I did when we unpacked was go to a large field to play something. There I saw a young Troye playing with his older brother and I asked if I could join. We played for hours, even when it started raining, we just carried on. After finally ending the game we found out that we lived on the same street.

"You were so cute back then. Now you're handsome young men. Oh how time flies." Jackie sighed, smiling as she looked at us. Troye grinned, placing his hand in mine.

"Very handsome indeed." Troye whispered loud enough for me to hear, but probably not loud enough for Jackie to be able to understand what he said.

"I love having a camera in my phone! Makes moments like these so much easier to capture."


It was quarter past two when a loud knock on the door sounded throughout the house. I was extremely happy at the thought of seeing my friends before leaving. I rushed over to the door and swung it open.

Outside stood Zoe, Alfie, Joe, Caspar and Korey. They all had something in their hands, whether it was a small box or a bag.

"Hi guys! Come in, Troye should be down any minute." I let them in and lead them into the living room where Jackie was watching a cooking show.

"Jackie! It's nice to see you again." Zoe ran other to my mum and hugged her. She was always really fond of her. They never really got a chance to properly talk but they still liked each other a lot.

"Zoe! Sweetheart, look at you! Such a beautiful, strong woman."

"Hey." Troye walked through the door, greeting everyone as he stood next to me.

"Hi Troye! Give me a hug now!" Zoe pounced on Troye, nearly making the both of them fall to the floor. I laughed as Troye tried to compose himself.

"I'm glad to see you too Zoe." Troye laughed, moving away from their embrace.

"Sit down, I'll make you all something nice to drink." Jackie smiled, heading over to the kitchen.

Everyone found somewhere to sit. I was squashed in between Troye and Zoe. Alfie sat next to Zoe and Joe and Caspar sat down together on the love seat.

"Have this." Caspar said as he passed Troye a gift-wrapped item. Troye took it and thanked him.

"C'mon! Open it!" Joe said, looking excitedly at us.

"I'm sure you'll love it." Caspar's reassurance didn't seem very reassuring.

I took the gift from Troye's loose hold on it. I began to rip the wrapping paper off, what caught my eyes when the packaging off was a DVD case.

Troye nudged me so I would show him what was on it, he burst out laughing.

"Thanks, but we're gay." I said, rolling my eyes when I looked down at the cover again. Blue Is The Warmest Colo(u)r.

"You should give it a try, you'll never know if you don't try." Caspar said.

"I'm sure I'm fine, but thanks anyway, means a lot."

"Don't worry, that wasn't the actual gift we got you two." Joe smiled, pulling something out of the small bag next to his seat.

"You really didn't have to-" Troye started, but he got interrupted by Alfie.

"-Stop saying that, we wanted too. Plus, it's all one present, so let us give it to you without any complaints."

"Okay then." I sighed, giving up on trying to stop them.

"Perfect!" Zoe chirped, grabbing her gift bag as well as Alfie's. She passed me the two bags as Caspar handed Troye two bags.

I looked inside the two bags from Zoe and Alfie first. In them there was a bottle of wine or champagne, I couldn't really tell, and in the other one were two photo frames, one was shaped like the Sydney Opera House and the other one was a normal rectangle with a a row of glass crystals on the outside. There were clearly photos of the six of us in each of the frames.

"That's so nice of you." I said, observing the photos in the frames.

"Our pleasure." Zoe grinned.

Troye then began to look through the other two bags. He pulled out what was obviously a photo album, with 'From Our Little Suburia' engraved in gold lettering on the front.

"You guys... this is literally too sweet, you're giving me cavities." Troye smiled sweetly, showing of his pearly white teeth.

"It also has photos in it, now that, that's dedication." Zoe flipped the book open to the front where there was a picture of Zoe and me around a year ago, it was right after I got my hair dyed mint green.

As Troye and I flipped further through the book we saw photographs from things like: birthdays, trips, days out, parties, weddings, etc. At the end of the book were four empty places for pictures to go.

"Last pictures." Zoe took out a small camera out of her handbag. She took a picture of her and Alfie smiling, Joe and Caspar grinning and then of me and Troye sat together with the book.

"I see you're taking pictures. You might not know, but some people would call be a great photographer." Jackie entered the room with a tray with mugs on it. She placed the tray down and sat down on the last empty seat.

"That's what we need! Jackie? Could you take a picture with all of us?" Zoe sprung up from her seat and rushed to hand Jackie the camera. Jackie laughed at Zoe's excitement when she said she'd gladly take it.

"Crowd the couch guys- Zoe try to lay across Troye's, Tyler's and Alfie's laps- Caspar and Joe, stand behind the couch- Zoe, scoot up a bit- boys, make sure she doesn't fall off. Okay, okay, this looks perfect. Now stay how you are."

"My hip hurts." Zoe muttered, smile still spread wide across her face.

"Voila! All done." As soon as Jackie said so Zoe rolled off our laps onto the floor, laughing hysterically.

"That was strangely really painful. The things you do for a good photo."

"You do look really good in it, then again, you always do." Jackie said, passing the camera back to Zoe. Zoe then reviewed the photographs, making hum of approvals as she scrolled through them.

"I'll send them to you later, you can print them out by yourselves." Zoe said as she placed the camera back into her bag.


The time was quarter to five when Zoe and the rest were starting to leave. The bottle of wine that we received was already gone, we drank it pretty slowly, but not slow enough since we finished it in roughly an hour.

"See you at the airport." Zoe said, pulling away from our hug.

"What?" I was quite surprised at that.

"You though this was our last time seeing each other? Oh Tyler, you are so wrong. We'll see you at the airport and send you off."

And then they were off.


I stood at the kitchen sink (aka probably one of the best songs by tøp) washing and drying out some dishes whilst Troye went upstairs to pack the gifts from our friends.

Between the two of us we booked one bag since we thought that if we're shipping our things in boxes, we wouldn't need to pack anything into our bags other than clothes incase our things weren't delivered on time. We also had two backpacks for our laptops, chargers, etc. And from the fact that I could hear Troye complaining, I guessed trying to squeeze the presents in wasn't going so smoothly.

I finished drying off the last dish. Making my way upstairs the soft grumbling became gradually more clear.

"I will shove this book up my ass if I have to." Troye was struggling to fit the photo album into our main bag.

"That wouldn't be very hygienic. Have you tried putting it in your backpack?"

"I have."


"It's heavy and it pokes my back." Troye complained, sulking as he pointed to the book.

"I'll have the book then, you just carry the two laptops. Deal?"

"Deal. Now excuse me as I do something about this paper cut." He raised his middle finger up, showing off the cut that was slightly above where the top of the finger bends.

"How did you even manage to do that?"

"It just happened, okay! One minute I was fine, then the next moment my finger is stinging."

"You're a me-"

"-I'm a mess, yes I know. But I'm your mess, and yours only."

"I'll go get you a plaster (or is it band aid? I'm just going to say plaster because I'm Polish and I always say it so whatever), you just stand there and look pretty." I started walking into the bathroom to get the first aid kit to get him a bandage. (Can you call it a bandage? Ugh! Languages, am I right?!)

When I came back into the bedroom Troye was posing like a model on the front page of a magazine. He was pouting his lips out, his brows were furrowed and one hand was on his hip whilst the other one was tangled in his hair.

"Absolutely gorgeous. You're the next top model." I grabbed his hand and placed the bandage on his cut. Troye got out of his pose.

"Thanks Ty, I truly appreciate how good you are to me. You're such a good boyfriend. Great potential husband. The one who gives birth to my children. My personal doctor, cook, maid-"

"-I get the idea. And also, I think you might want to learn how children are made if you think I'm going to give birth."

"You could manage somehow, I believe in you."

"I'm not even going to try and discuss this any further." I moved the bag off the bed and placed it on the floor, then I did the same to the backpacks before sitting down. I laid down on the bed, my feet were hanging off the edge.

Troye hopped onto the bed, making my body jump up slightly at Troye's impact. He then sat cross-legged beside my. He was facing me, a cheery smile stretched across his face.

"Tomorrow, like a few hours before we leave, could we go to my house? I wanna say a proper 'see you later'. Kind of like the one I never said when I left the first time."

"Yeah. I can't stop you from that. Plus, I wanna say bye to the Mellets, they're practically family to me."


The alarm on Troye's phone went off. Luckily he didn't choose an obnoxious alarm, instead it was a song that started out slow and calm, gradually getting louder. I think I even knew the song, something by 'the 1975' if I remember correctly.

Troye turned the alarm off, staying in bed for a few more minutes before deciding it was time to wake up. I heard him opening the doors to the bathroom, obviously going to wash his teeth because of his obsession with perfect dental hygiene.

"You should get your butt out of bed and get ready. Oh, and if you expect any kisses, wash your teeth."

"Get up, brush your teeth, you're like my mother." After saying that I was expecting to see Jackie walk in or at least say that she heard that, but to my surprise she didn't.

After taking a shower, getting dressed, and yes, brushing my teeth, I walked down stairs with Troye following after me. Jackie was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"I heard that." She said like it was nothing.


"A mother hears everything her child says about her. Remember that for the next time you try saying something bad about me."

"Whatever. What's for breakfast, oh mother dearest?" I pulled out a chair, sitting down on it so that my chest was pressed against its back.

"What ever you make for yourself." She grinned, reaching out for her mug to take a drink out of it.

"So you're going to eat all those waffles by yourself?" Troye asked, raising his eyebrows at the stack behind Jackie.

"You got me! I made waffles! Now go stuff your faces with them."

"Love you." I stood up to get the food. I grabbed a plate and placed a small stack on it.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too sweetie."


Troye was more than ready to go, that's why I had to remind him repeatedly about seeing his family. He said that he remembers, but in the next five minutes he starts saying how we should be leaving to the airport.

"Family." I coughed, getting Troye's attention.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I know, I know."

I looked at the clock in the kitchen. It was half past ten. That meant we had around an hour or two before having to start making our way to the airport.

"We should go now if you want to have a chance to say bye." I made my way to the hallway to put on a pair of shoes and jacket. I waited for Troye. He finally came walking through the doorway.

He put on his shoes, nearly falling back as he almost completely lost balance. I laughed at him, earning a death stare in my direction.

"Why are you so moody today?"

"I'm not moody." He straightened out his jacket after standing up right, fully ready to go.

"Horton hears a bitch ass liar." I poked his cheek. Troye almost smiled, but before that happened he managed to force it down.

"Whatever, let's just go."

Troye started walking towards the front door. I jumped infront of him, blocking his access to the door. He tried walking around me but I moved with him.

"You, shall, not, pass! Unless, you smile."

Troye laughed. I dropped my arms so that he could pass. Before he moved he kissed me softly, smiling into the kiss.

"Thanks Gandalf." He walked around me and unlocked the door before walking out. I followed after him to his parents house.

He tried to opening the door but it was locked and he didn't have the keys. Deciding to help him out I knocked. Shortly after Tyde opened the door, letting us in.

"Don't bother with your shoes, just come in." Tyde seemed really happy to see us. He led us to the living room where Shaun and Laurelle were talking with a cooking show playing in the background.

"Morning." I greeted Shaun and Laurelle before Sage walked in.

"Hi Tyler." Sage hugged me tightly.

"Hi Sagey." I pulled away from her hold on me, making my way to sit on the armchair beside the couch.

"Troye honey, come sit." Laurelle patted the space beside her for Troye to sit on. Troye sat down next to his mum with a large smile beginning to form on his face.


It was getting closer to when we had to leave. I pulled out my phone to order a taxi cab but I got stopped by Shaun.

"I'll drive you there, no need for a taxi."

"Really? Thank you so much."

Shaun smiled warmly, standing up from the couch to walk to the hallway where he grabbed his car keys.

"What time do you need to be at the airport?"

"Oh, it would be best if we were there before one." I answered Shaun who the looked down at his watch.

"So you want to go get your bags then? If we leave in ten minutes you'll probably be there on time."

"Okay. Come on Troye, let's get out things."

"Yeah, could you and dad go? I want to stay here for a few more minutes, if that's okay with you?"

"Sure. We'll be back in a few."

I walked with Shaun over to my house. When we got there Jackie stopped Shaun for a chat whilst I went to my room to get the bags. I struggled down the stairs but I managed to not fall over and die whilst walking down. Before leaving the house I hugged my mum again. She cried a little, but she swore it was because of something in her eyes.

Shaun offered to take the suitcase from me, I gladly gave it to him. We headed straight to the car to put the bags in the back.

Troye walked out with Laurelle, Sage and Tyde behind him. He hugged them all before making his way to the car.

"Ty, what about us? Come give us a hug?" Laurelle called me over to her, and who was I to say no to her?

She hugged me, and so did Sage and Tyde. They wished me and Troye luck before sending me off to the car.

"Love you boys!" Laurelle shouted as we got inside Shaun's car.


Shaun dropped us off, saying goodbye to us once more before driving back home. We were a little later than we hoped for so we quickly got ourselves organised. I took the suitcase and hauled it inside whilst Troye took the backpacks.

"There they are." I wasn't actually expecting Zoe to mean what she said yesterday about how she's going to see us at the airport, but when I heard her excited voice from across the room I knew she wasn't kidding.

"I thought you were joking."

"I wouldn't do that. Plus I wanted to see you again." Zoe hugged me, then moving on to hug Troye.

"I think I should stand in the queue to drop our luggage off."

"Wait a minute or two more, we just wanna say bye." Zoe pleaded, holding onto Troye's sleeve.

"Okay, okay."


We got through all of the standard security checks. We went through passport control and all that stuff. So now we were sitting down, waiting for the gates to open for our plane.

The large display said that the gate was supposed to open in five minutes so I got our tickets out.

Troye was on his laptop, looking through his twitter feed. I didn't understand why he couldn't have done it on his phone but I didn't question it.

I nudged him so he could turn it off since we were going to start boarding the plane any minute now. Also, since Troye got us the speed pass tickets we didn't have to wait in the massive line.

We boarded the plane without a hassle. We took our seats, I of course was sat in the seat beside the window.

I felt really excited and I didn't think I was able to sleep during the flight, but then I realised how long it was and I instantly forgot about the whole 'not being able to sleep' thing.

Troye took my hand and placed it in between us on the armrest. He brushed his thumb over the back of my palm and continued to trace shapes into it. I leaned into him, resting my chin on his shoulder and blowing in his ear. Troye shivered and I chuckled as he glared at me.

After everyone finally boarded the plane it was time for the emergency procedures and what to do if the plane crashes. I usually ignore those parts, like honestly, what's the chance of something going wrong? (Now watch us just plummet to the ground and explode into flames. The watch me have no idea what to do.)

Finally it was time for lift off, which in my opinion is the best thing about the flight (followed by the landing), it just feels like some sort of roller coaster. Although, I hate it when you're going up and your ears pop. It's fucking horrible!

We were now above the clouds and I was totally hypnotised by the clouds. Everything above us except the clouds was gone from my vision.

"In a day we'll be in L.A. How does that sound?" Troye squeezed my hand to get my attention.



Twenty one hours or so have passed and it was time for us to land.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't slightly nervous. It's been a long time since I was back in the USA, actually, I haven't been since I left. So that's ten years.

Troye fell asleep an hour ago, just as I woke up from my nap.

The announcement that we were landing shortly finally came an I started to do my belt. I gently shook Troye's arm to get him to wake up. He grumbled a bit before his eyes opened and he was awake.

Troye leaned over me to look out the small window. I moved my head next to his to look at the view of the city below us.

"If you told me nine months ago that this is what was going to happen if would have called you insane." I don't know if he was saying it to me or more to himself but I still responded.

"I'd call you a mad man and call help." I said, laughing slightly.

"I'm glad though. I couldn't have pictured a better ending to this story, if you can call it that."

"Same here."

The landing was fine, the same usual bumpy landing that felt like a really large, old and unsafe roller coaster in a strange looking theme park.

Going through passport control wasn't bad, although it was crowded and it took quite some time to get through.

Then getting our luggage also wasn't bad. It took shorter than it usually does. We were able to leave the airport quickly and get a taxi to Troye's (and now mine, our) apartment.


I took a deep breath, looking at the doors of the apartment. Troye took out a pair of keys from the pocket of his jacket and then inserted the key in the lock.

He pushed the doors open slowly, letting my mind process my surroundings. Large windows leading to the balcony, a modern looking open kitchen on the left, living room straight forward, bathroom on the right and a spiral staircase that probably lead to the bedroom.

I slowly walked inside, dragging the suitcase behind me. When I got to the centre of the living room I had a better view of the main floor of the apartment. It seemed that there was a separate area for the dining table, looking out at the city view from the windows.

I walked over to the window, placing my hand on the cold surface, completely taken over by awe at the sight of the city during the night. All the lights were flashing like a photo booth; luminous signs advertised the pointless products; the headlights of the cars rushing down the roads, everything just seemed so alive.

I felt Troye standing behind me, his chest was pressed against my back and his hands wrapped around my body. The slight feeling of his lips brushing against the skin of my ear barely caused my eyes to flutter shut. He placed a delicate kiss to my earlobe before moving his lips closer and whispering into my ear.

"We're home."

This was so hard to write! 😭
Epilogue coming shortly. The epilogue will show them from when they get to America to their future together, so look forward to that.


Sorry that this took so long to be updated, it was just seriously hard for me to write. I didn't want it to be rushed and short. I wanted it to be good, and in the end I'm not sure if I like it that much. It's the last proper chapter and I wanted it to be amazing, but I feel like it's not. And that's sad because this is my first story, it's like my baby, it feels wrong to just end it like that. That's why the epilogue is going to be better, longer, more thought out. So if that means you have to wait 2 weeks, then so be it, because I want to be proud of how I end this.

I bought another version of the 1975 self titled album. This time I got the deluxe version. Antichrist is fucking amazing! Actually all of the songs are. Also, I wrote this chapter mainly listening to it, it felt really relaxing and calm and it made me go into some sort of trance. The ep sex version is better, oops I said it!

You can also expect a new one shot before the epilogue. I think it's kind of cute. My oneshots are mostly inspired by songs, and the new one is a song I love very much.

It's so horrible what has happened. I can't believe that someone would do something like this. Firstly Christina, now bombings and a mass shooting! It's unbelievable. Stay safe everyone, and don't let the bad things stop you from being who you are.

Love is love ❤💛💚💙💜 (we really need an orange heart for this to work)

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

See you next update!

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