sakiko • mako - lok

By myyfantasyy

70.2K 1.9K 474

Sakiko, a non bender from the fire nation who just recently moved to republic city. as she walked around town... More

22 • her new beginning
her return to republic city


3K 90 29
By myyfantasyy

Korra and Asami got to the police station as soon as they could. They ran in and once they spotted the three, they quickly went to ask questions.

"What happened? Who took Sakiko?" Korra asked frantically. "Toshi." Beifong said. "You're serious?!" Asami asked. "Where were you?'" Korra asked, pointing to Mako. "I was with her. But he had a knife to her throat, what was I supposed to do?!" Mako raised his voice and Korra felt bad. "I'm sorry."

"We don't have time for this." Cheif Beifong said. "We need to go back to where they took her. Let's go."

They ran back to where Kiko was taken underground and Beifong signaled Bolin to drop them. It was easily done and Mako and Korra made a little fire lantern with the palm of their hands.

"Bolin, Asami, Korra, you take that end." Beifong ordered. "We'll take this end."

The three nodded nodded. Asami charged up her electric glove and smirked. "Be careful you two." Asami said to Beifong and Mako. "You too." Mako nodded.

"Alright, let's move!"

The two groups then ran the opposite ways. "We really only have one shot, and that's here. This is probably the only place that can give us clues, or her." Beifong said as they were running.

As they were getting deeper in, they heard muffled voices. "Sh, sh." Mako placed his hand out to stop Beifong, and they slowly crept on the dirt wall.

"Like Toshi said..." A man spoke. "We're fine down here. Mako and his friends won't find us."

"How do we target them?" Mako whispered. "And what if she's not even-"

"Well, we got ourselves a cutie." A man winked at Kiko who was tied up in a chair. "Oh shut it." Kiko rolled her eyes.

"Does that answer your question?" Beifong whispered. "Does she bend anything?" Asked Beifong. "I never asked. But, I think Bolin told me that she didn't."

"Damsel in distress, huh?" Beifong rolled her eyes. "C'mon, we got to think about something." Mako sighed.

"We'll just have to wing it." Shrugged Beifong.

They both ran into the small room. There were five men surrounding Kiko.

"You jinked it!" One yelled at another. They earth bent at Mako and Beifong, but they both dodged them swiftly.

Mako sent fire balls at them and kicks, but the men blocked them with earth.

"I'll hold them off! You grab the girl!" Mako nodded and swiftly went for Kiko.

"Hold it!" Toshi yelled. Everyone turned to him and he smirked. "I see you work fast, Mako."

Mako nodded. "Listen, this could end easily, or it can end badly." Beifong said. "Well, I do like a challenge." Toshi smirked.

He fire bent at Beifong, but she dodged it. Mako continued to try and grab Kiko, but jumped back wards when lighting struck at the concert wall. Kiko screamed, closing her eyes.

"Don't be scared, Princess." Toshi smirked. He ran towards her and untied her. Toshi picked her up and placed her onto his shoulder, running out the room.

"He's got her Mako!" Beifong pushed the man away from her and ran out of the room, Mako doing the same.

They ran into Korra, Asami, and Bolin on the way out. "They've got Sakiko!" Mako yelled, continuing to run.

They all ran behind him and stopped once they saw Toshi with more metal benders behind him. One holding onto Kiko.

"The avatar?" Toshi asked. "Oh, this is going to be fun."

He stuck lighting at the group and they both jumped out the way. "Mako, you need to redirect the Lightning one he strikes." Beifong whispers to Mako as they were still on the floor, taking a knee.

Mako nodded. "That's all you got Toshi?!"'

"You want more?" Toshi smirked. He shot lighting towards Mako. Mako took the lighting and a second or two later, he placed his arm out and his fingertips re directed it at Toshi, making him fly back and hit the ground in pain.

The rest of the team avatar were fighting the men to get to Kiko.

Mako tried his best to get to the man who was holding her.

Kiko tried her best to kick and hit him as they were trying to get her and just in time, she elbowed the man in the gut. He let her go and grunted.

Mako grinned and ran towards them.

Toshi turned his head to the two and he smirked, chuckling. "Yes Mako, I'd kill someone just to get my money." He extended his arm and hand, shooting lighting towards Kiko.

"Sakiko! Watch out!" Mako yelled. She turned her head and she didn't move in time.

The lighting hit her right in the center of her stomach.

"No!" Mako yelled as she feel to the floor and cried.

He reached her and didn't know what to do. "Korra!" Korra quickly ran over once she was clear from any Metal benders.

They had finally brought all of them down and soon, the whole crew was around Kiko. "You need to heal her. You need to." Mako said. "My healing is not strong enough." Korra said. "Just try. Please!"

Korra nodded, kneeling down and taking some water from her belt. ( don't know what it's called ))

Korra placed the water above her burnt stomach and the water spun, a light glow appearing, but soon, it faded.

"It's not strong enough." Korra sighed, shaking her head.

"Kya. Go to Kya." Beifong said. "You'll be alright here?" Mako asked. "I'll stay." Asami nodded.

Mako carried Kiko, bridal style, with Korra by his side. They ran to the boat that was already on its way.

"Damn it." Mako gritted.

Korra froze the water in a sort of thick sidewalk going across the other side. "Right. Waterbender."

They ran across as quickly and carefully as possible. The ice began to crack, and Korra shot them up.

Tenzin was walking around and once he was spotted by Korra, she yelled. "Tenzin!"

"Korra. What's wrong?" He frantically asked.

He turned his gaze down to Kiko who had her eyes shut, holding her burned stomach. "She- Could Kya heal her?" Mako asked. "Why of course. Follow me."

They ran into the home and into a rooms where Kya was with Pema.

"Kya. Could you heal this girl?'" Tenzin asked. "She got struck by lighting." Korra said.

Kya looked at Kiko who gave her a pleading and pained look. Without hesitation, she nodded quickly. "Set her down."

Mako laid her down on her back.

Kya water bent water from a bowl that was in the corner of the room and placed it over Kiko's stomach.

The water began to glow and as Kiko's sweat dripped from her forehead and her lip being bitten by her teeth, she began to relax, slowly.

About a minute later, the glow faded.

"She'll be okay." Kya nodded. "Thank you." Mako and Korra said. "Anytime."

"How are you feeling?" Korra asked Kiko. There was no voice response from her, however, all she did was nod her head.

"You could've died." Mako said. "Thanks to Kya, you're not gonna die."

"Thank you." Kiko managed to say.

"Of course dear."

"She will rest here. She shouldn't do too much movement." Pema said. Mako and Korra nodded. "I feel sleepy." Kiko sighed. Mako bent down to carry her, but Pema stopped him.

She shook her head. "She mustn't be moved that way." She bent down and placed Kiko's arm around her shoulder than her hand around her waist and lifted her. "It's almost as if you're pregnant." Pema chuckled.

Kiko felt too weak to answer so she just nodded and smiled.

Pema walked her to another room which wasn't too far down with everyone still following behind.

Before she laid her down, she wrapped bandages around her wound.

Pema tucked her in, than smiled. "What is your name dear?"


"Well, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you want." Pema smiled.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you want or need, just as she said. Doesn't matter." Tenzin said. Kiko thanked him and after, he walked out of the room with Pema, leaving Korra and Mako.

"You really had me worried kid." Korra sighed. "Did you know, Fire Lord Zuko got burnt like that and he almost didn't make it if it wasn't for Katara."

Kiko nodded, still too weak and tired to answer. "Well, I'm glad we got here in time." Mako said.

Korra nodded, agreeing. "Well, I'm going to meet up with Cheif Beifong. I'll be back tomorrow to check on you."

Kiko nodded, and waved goodbye to Korra.

Kiko than faced Mako who had his down.

"I should have done something." Mako sighed. "It's my fault."

Kiko placed her hand over Mako's and shoo her head.

"I'm fine." Kiko mouthed.

"You're not fine! Look at you! You're in fucking bed, hurt and in pain! I should have-"

Kiko shushed him and Mako rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Get some rest, okay?" Mako said. Kiko nodded and closed her eyes.

Mako sat in the chair that was in the room and closed his eyes as well.

Soon enough, they both fell asleep, tired and worn out.

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