
By Miss_SexyGoodies

129K 3.1K 413

Logan, the prince of Feygon, just turned twenty-one a few months ago and is nothing but a box of seriousness... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

11.6K 291 70
By Miss_SexyGoodies

After all the negotiating and paying, Clive said his goodbyes and left me with the man who introduced himself as Travis.

I hesitantly moved back away from him because I knew these men were not like Clive. They seemed dangerous and if I did anything to upset them I knew I was going to die instantly. Not going to lie but I wanted Clive back here and I was upset with him for leaving me with these strangers.

"If you don't mind me asking, what will happen now?" At this point I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. I considered running away again, but again this guy wasn't Clive.

"This way." he lead me back upstairs and out towards one of the black cars. "Get in. I'll explain everything once were on the road. By the way this is Cole, Mark, Luke, and Deven." he said pointing and introducing each man.

I nodded my head and climbed into the back. Deven and Cole were already in the front while Travis sat next to me. We drove behind the other black car and I was guessing Luke and Mark were in that car.

"I don't understand any of this at all. First I was kidnapped by Clive and then sold to you. I've been reading stories where girls get kidnapped and they usually don't get treated like this. They usually get beaten up to death and some psychotic person buys them." I told them.

"Would you like us to treat you like garbage and be cruel to you?" he asked raising his eyebrows, "Clive is our private go to guy whenever we need new people. If you want to be treated like garbage and humiliated, I would gladly give you to the wide auction for all the vampires to look at and purchase. Royals do not go to the wide auction. We deal with purchasing humans privately and us five do not like hurting humans because I know once you step foot through the castle doors, your life would be a living hell." he explained.

So these guys were being nice to me because they knew I'd be eating shit everyday once I step through the castle doors?

"What wi-will you guys do to me?" I stuttered out. The thought of them changing from nice to being complete savages scared me.

"Not us, we just bought you for Prince Logan. His previous slave died so he needed another one to replace her." Travis said.

"What if I don't want to be a slave? Can I go back home?" I begged.

"No you can't, it's too late for that." he shook his head and faced the other way.

Conversation not up for discussion then. I huffed and turned to look out the window.

We just passed the really tall wall that separated the vampires, lycans, and humans. Right now we were driving to I guess the palace. The land was much better looking, with trees and fresh grass scattered everywhere. There were also decent sized buildings and homes. Pale people with normal or fancy clothes were walking around the streets. Cars were passing by us too. If I didn't know this was Igraden, I would have thought I was still on Earth, just in a different state.

The car slowed down and I saw that we were here.

The castle was enormously humongous, if that made sense in a way. It could at least fit five huge castles in it, okay now I was over exaggerating.

After going through tight security, we parked what seemed to be behind the castle where I think humans were unloading big crates of vegetables and fruits from big trucks. Everyone seemed so busy and paid us no attention because they all wanted their duties to be done.

"Okay, we're here young one." Travis announced as he got out.

"Can you by any chance stop calling me young one? I am not a child, I'm nineteen." I clarified. It bothered me how he called me "young one". He looked to be in his twenties, but he sometimes talked like he was much older. Now that I thought about it, they all looked like they were in their twenties. We walked up the stoned steps and right when we got inside more servants were cleaning and getting all the crates packed away.

He raised his eyebrows at me and smiled, "What?" I asked looking from side to side. It was just the six of us in front of the door, Travis and I in the back while the other four men were in front of us.

"How old do you think I am?" he asked amused.

I shrugged my shoulders and guessed, "Umm.... Somewhere around your hundreds?"

"Try somewhere around my thousands." my jaw dropped open in astonishment. All men laughed, amused by my reaction.

"Okay enough fooling around, Travis." Said Mark in a serious tone.

Fifteen minutes later of walking around the castle and giving me rules, Travis and I were at the kitchen again. Cole, Mark, Luke, and Deven had to leave and attend their duties. In those thirty  minutes I learned that the five of them were assigned to protect the King, Queen, and of course the Prince of Feygon. They are highly trained and skilled and have been protecting the royal family for over 20 centuries. Holy fuck they're old, but still good looking.

"Change out of your clothes and change into this." Travis ordered. I looked at the outfit and saw a decent dress. It was plain and simple really, tannish colored dress stopped an inch above my knees, scoop neckline and the sleeves stopped to my elbows. The simple dress hugged my waist and somewhat pushed my boobs up more. It felt okay and comfortable. I knew that this dress wasn't new or anything by the stains and rips on the side.

Once I was done changing into the servant uniform, Travis handed me over some black flats. I would rather wear my converse rather than these flats. I wore them and noticed they were a bit tight, but that was okay, at least I had shoes to wear.

"All done? Okay, time to meet your master. He's waiting upstairs in his room." that got me clammy. I didn't want to die young. I haven't met the prince yet but he sounded okay.

We went up fifteen flights of stairs to get to the Prince's room and I was already exhausted. Travis over here looked fine as cucumber.

He knocked on the door three times and waited. Finally someone said "Come in."

He swung the door open and what was revealed fascinated me. The room was big. To the right side of the room, half of the wall was a bookshelf with tons of books then two separate doors leading to I think the closet and bathroom was next to it. The king sized bed covered in what seemed like black silk sheets was in the middle of the spacious room. A black leather sofa and a coffee table were in front of the bed as a flat screen T.V. was hung on the wall. The wall on the left side wasn't even a wall; it was a floor to ceiling window wall with a brown sleek desk in front of it. Papers were thrown on the floor and were stacked on the desk messily. The person sitting in the chair is who caught most of my attention.

He looked up and I was instantly lost in his mesmerizing eyes. His hair was long enough for me to want to run my fingers through them. I could tell that he was well built under his suit, but damn he was fine. No denying in that.

Travis walked me over in front of the desk and stood next to the sitting Prince.

"Travis you may go." the Prince excused Travis, leaving just the two of us in the room.

Fuck me now... So drool worthy... A panty dropper type of guy...

Were the thoughts running through my mind right now. His voice was the epitome of sexy and sex, basically.

"Why thank you. My name is Logan" he grinned.

Did I say all those things out loud? Because for all I know I sure as heck didn't.

"You didn't say them out loud, but you were thinking them out loud." he explained as he got up from his seat.

He can read minds?!?!

The prince strode in front and leaned himself on his desk. I looked down to my shoes feeling really self-conscious about myself.

"So you're my new slave huh? I expect you to clean up every mess and obey my orders. I don't care if you don't like them; I still expect you to do them. What I say, you do. What I want, I get. Understand?" he said in a harsh tone. "Look at me!" He yelled then roughly caught my chin in his hold. "When I talk, I want you to listen and look at me. Not somewhere else!" he then threw me to the ground and sat back down on his chair. I slowly stood back up again and dusted myself while glaring at him the whole entire time.

Shit! Bipolar much?!?

"Yes slave, I am." was all he said to make me snap at him.

"Enough with the reading minds you fucking ass!!! My mind is for only me and is private. You can't boss me around too. I'm my own person and you can't change it. I don't give a damn about your stupid orders. What you say, you do! What you want, you get!! I got kidnapped for fuck's sake and was brought here to you, a sexy yet bastard of a man." I snapped at him while flipping him the middle finger. This guy couldn't tell me what to do. Yeah he bought me, so what?

By the time I was done with my small speech I was breathless, and he was shaking with anger. Logan's hands were balled up into fists on the desk. His eyes were turning red from the beautiful ones I first saw. It scared the crap out of me. All my confidence thrown out the window.

All of a sudden he was standing so close to me, breathing heavily. I slowly backed away until he snaked his arm around my waist, bringing me flush against his rock, hard chest. Logan roughly pulled my hair, tilting my head to one side. As he did so, it left my neck exposed for him to bite. His long fangs showed up, ready to pierce my skin.

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