CloTi Story

By friendly_blueberry

10.9K 157 24

Pairing: Cloud and Tifa (CloTi) Genre: Romance Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! The characters and places ar... More

CloTi part 2
CloTi part 3
CloTi part 4
CloTi part 5
CloTi part 6
CloTi part 7
CloTi Story Final

CloTi part one

2.4K 26 0
By friendly_blueberry

  Cloud waited outside of the local school, leaning on Fenrir with his shades on and his arms crossed to pick Denzel and Marlene up and take them home. It would be the last time he would see them before leaving again. He was anxious to get back to the bar and talk to Tifa. The bell rang and Denzel and Marlene ran out of the school, hand-in-hand, as they always were when they went someplace without Tifa, Cloud, Barrett, or any other of their friends. When they caught sight of Cloud, excitement built up in them. He rarely, if ever, came to pick them up. After asking how their went, Cloud put Marlene in front of him and Denzel behind him on Fenrir and then drove to Seventh Heaven.
Marlene and Denzel scurried up the front steps and into the bar with Cloud walking silently behind was behind the bar serving drinks to Barrett, Cid, Yuffie, Reeve, and Vincent while Cait Sith and Nanaki lay on the floor behind them. Barrett turned as Marlene ran up to him. "Hey! There's my Marlene," he said as he picked her up.
"Daddy!" she said happily. "I really missed you. Did you just come back from work?"
"Yes, I did. And I missed you too. Hey, Denzel. How you doin'?"
"I'm doing fine, Mr. Wallace. Thank you for asking," Denzel replied.
Cloud stood at the doorway, fiddling with something in his pocket. Vincent was the first to notice him. His red eyes went to the pocket that Cloud had his hand in. He narrowed his eyes but didn't say a word. Cid looked Cloud's way as well and saw him fiddling with whatever was in his pocket. "Whatcha got there, Cloud?" he asked him.
Cloud wasn't listening to Cid. He was off in another world. Cid went up to him and shook him roughly. Cloud came back to himself with a start. "What?" he asked. "I'm sorry. I wasn't listening."
"I asked ya whatcha got in yer pocket," Cid said, a little annoyed.
"Oh. Uh-it-it's nothing," Cloud stuttered. He pulled his hand out of his pocket. The second his hand was out of his pocket, Cid quickly reached into Cloud's pocket and tried to pull out whatever it was. Cloud grabbed Cid's wrist and glared at him. "You don't need to see it," he said sternly.
Cid twisted his hand out of Cloud's, but not without a fight from Cloud. When he got away from Cloud, Cid looked at his hand and saw what Cloud had been hiding. Cid looked at Cloud, askance. Cloud extended his hand and demanded that Cid give back what he took. Cid handed it back without a fuss. Cloud grabbed Cid by the arm and pulled him toward him. "You tell no one what you saw without my permission," Cloud said with a dangerous tone.
"You got it, but now would be a good time to tell 'er," Cid said.
Everyone watched as Cloud and Cid had a secret conversation. Cloud turned a little red at Cid's joined Cloud and Cid and demanded of Cloud, "Tell me what you're hiding." Cid looked at Cloud and Cloud nodded his approval. Cid pulled Vincent close to him and told him what Cloud had in his hand. Vincent looked at Cloud. He stepped close to him. "You should do it now. Ask her to marry you now," Vincent said, indicating to the small diamond ring in Cloud's hand.
Cloud looked at Tifa and then looked down. "I-I don't think...that I can....."    


I hope you enjoyed the first part.

Number of words: 600

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