Fairy Tail: Nightmares and Fe...

By Cryptic_Eyes

258K 7.4K 2.6K

It's after the Grand Magic Games, and Fairy Tail is enjoying every moment of the fame and glory they've achie... More

Authors Note ; ღ
Chapter 1: A Dream of the Past
Chapter 2: Brean and the Requestor!
Chapter 3: Horrid Daydream
Chapter 4: Success and Returning Home
Chapter 5: The Decision Made!
Chapter 6: Two Halves Seperated
Chapter 7: The Return of Virel Essence
Chapter 8: Lucy vs Virel!
Chapter 9: Found.
Chapter 10: Lies and a Fiery Passion
Chapter 11: Recap of Terror
Chapter 12: Broken Hope
Chapter 13: Imprisoned
Chapter 14: Face To Face!
Chapter 15: Traps and Striving For Revenge
Chapter 16: The Mysterious Maze
Chapter 17: Against Virel's Wrath
Chapter 18: Vengeful Feelings!
Chapter 19: Natsu vs Virel
Chapter 21: Natsu and Gray's Tag Team
Chapter 22: The Voice's Identity
Chapter 23: Erza vs Virel, and Lucy's Fate!
Chapter 24: Our Last Hope; Defeated or Victorious?
Chapter 25: Lucy's Despair!
Chapter 26: Retaliation.
Chapter 27: A Kiss and A New Promise {Final}

Chapter 20: A Fight During A Rescue!

5.9K 221 41
By Cryptic_Eyes

Hello, minna! ♥ I've updated once again, haha!  I wished I could have updated more earlier, but ya' know..I had to get motivation. c:  I most definately do not want to go back to school tomorrow! xp  Mostly because I have to catch up on everything I missed on Friday! xc  Which, of course, isn't going to be fun!!

I have some stuff in the multimedia for you~!  The pictures is of Natsu during his battle with Virel, and song is to get you all fired up during Erza's battle! ^.^  Please enjoy~

I dedicate this chapter to WeLoveCryptic_Eyes!  I only just found out recently that there was a fan page for me, and you guys have no idea how happy I was about it! ;o;  Thank you, creator, sooo much! c':  I hope you all enjoy this chapter; we get to see more of Erza now, woohoo! ♥ And also Natsu and Virel's battle continues to progress. c:  Remember, feedback is very much appreciated! ^.^  Until next time, everyone~!

--я y - c н α η ;

ೋღ♥ ღೋ


An explosion ricochet through the air as Erza slammed to the ground, blocking one of the mechanical dragon's claws.  In her Adamintine Armor, Erza's arms shook as she struggled to push back at the dragon's force.  Its claws scraped against her shield, and Erza made a noise of frustration as she was pinned there, on one knee.

She was overpowered.

I can't keep going on like this...!  Erza thought, grunting as the monster pushed down harder.

The creature screeched, and Erza yelled loudly as she used all the force she could muster to send it flying.  Tensing her muscles, Erza's feet crushed into the ground as she struggled to push forward, having a sort of tug-of-war with the steel dragon.  The ground continued to crack and give as Erza gave a loud cry and pushed with all her might, making the monster's arm give.  With a screeching noise, Erza's sheild rubbed up against the monster's stomach and propelled it up into the air, soaring a few feet before dropping back onto the ground on its back.

Erza panted heavily, and switched back into her Heart Kreuz Armor out of habit.  A bead of sweat fell down her brow, and she couldn't help but use her staff from her Morning Star Armor for support.  As she continued to try and regain her breathing, the monsters circled around her like prey, and parts of the ceiling began falling from the intensity of the fight.

There's got to be some sort of key to victory,  Erza thought, looking at them all with a strained expression.  If Virel is trying to make this similiar to Pandemonium, then their demise has to be somewhere close to the same.

Erza made a noise of surprise as she dodged a monster's tail, and it slammed into the ground instead of her.  Giant boulders exploded from the ground underneath her, and Erza used them as ground as she climbed high into the sky, working her way to the high ceiling.

But what similarity is Virel using?!  Erza wondered with frustration.

Before she could ponder further, Erza was forced to change into her Lightning Empress Armor.  A serpent-like metal monster flew through the air towards her, and she had to jerk herself higher into the air to avoid the loud snap of the serpent's fangs.  As she stared eye to eye at it, Erza spun in a full circle and raised her weapon, lightning crackling through the air powerfully.  Yelling a battle cry and her eyes wild, Erza brought her weapon down onto the head of the monster, and electricity shot through the body of the mechanical serpent.

It screamed loudly in obvious pain, and slammed to the ground, the body disapearing an instant later.  Erza dropped to the ground, panting more heavily than before.

As she expected, a moment later it reappeared behind the other monsters.

Damn...  Erza thought.  This isn't working.  I have to find the advantage point, or else...

Suddenly, something resounded through Erza's mind; a memory.

Wait a minute...  Erza thought, thinking back to the time when she had defeat multiple monsters at the same time back at Pandemonium.  When I attacked mutiple monsters at a time, they disappeared quicker...  

Erza gasped as a giant ape-like monster charged for her, and she had no choice but to swing her sword for protection.  It split in half, exploding into millions of bright crystal pixels before disappearing completely.  However, it did reappear moments later off to her left, uninjured and ready to fight once more.

But now, when I do that, they don't even disappear.  Erza thought, looking at the monster she had just killed with intense eyes.

All the monsters roared in unity.

So, maybe, just maybe...If I attack them all at once, they will all disappear!

Erza's expression turned to one of triumph.  That has to be it!

Quickly changing into her Flight Armor, Erza ran straight into the crowd of monsters, swift enough to dodge their snapping jaws and sharp claws.  Jumping onto tails, backs, shoulders, snouts, Erza made her way to the wide column in the middle of the room, realizing that that was what it was there for.

To take them all out at once.

Running up the side of it with her enhanced speed, Erza climbed the stone column hundreds of feet, the monsters gathering underneath her.  Roaring and growling, Erza pushed harder to reach the top, and didn't even stop on the platform once she got to the top.   Erza just shot past the top of the column and soared straight up into the air like a jet, switching into her Heaven's Wheel Armor as she floated there, suspended.

Turning to face the monsters as if in slow motion, hundreds upon hundreds of swords shined into existence all around Erza, threatening and foreboding.  They glinted in the small amount of lighting, and Erza's eyes narrowed as she threw her hand into the air.

"Tenrin Blumenblatt!"  Erza exclaimed, her eyes dark as she threw her arm in an ark down through the air.

With a whistle, her swords shot forward, all aiming for a seperate monster.  Concentrating heavily, Erza guided her swords with her mind, aiming them all evenly.

Go!  Erza exclaimed through her mind, praying they all hit at the same time.

Erza could feel as her swords slammed into the monsters, all at the same time, and she clenched her teeth as she continued to concentrate.  The monsters roared in protest, and they all exploded into colorful pixels at the same time.  Wind exploded with the intensity of the attack, and Erza's scarlet hair blew across her face and around her shoulders, giving her ragged and tired appearance a look of instensity and power instead.

As all their yells faded, Erza waited; waited for them to reappear.

But they never came.

Erza sagged her shoulders in relief, dropping onto the platform of the column in exhaustion.  Taking in a tight breath as she slowly requiped back to her Heart Kreuz Armor, Erza looked around for a way out.  Just as her eyes landed on the ground where she had entered, a bright light swirled into existence.  It churned in a small circle, but then expanded and into a wide oval, shining brightly.

"That must be it..."  Erza replied softly, her voice still light from the need of air.

Erza simply stepped off the column's floor, and dropped through the sky slowly, making a soothing noise through the air.  Now that she had regained her composure, she looked alright despite the small injuries on her face and arms.  Even though Erza had kept switching back and forth from her armors, they all were slightly ragged and torn because of the recent battle.

But she wasn't going to let that stop her.

Erza's feet touched the ground lightly, and Erza started to jog towards the portal eagerly.  Triumph and pleased feelings were inside her, but her face was a mask; it was already poised and concentrated for a surprise attack.  

She was ready.

Slowlying to a stop, Erza stared at the portal which was only a few feet in front of her, and she could feel the warmth of its light hitting her bruised and cold skin.

I'm on my way,  Erza silently said through her mind, hoping her friends would get the message.  Lucy...Natsu...Gray...Wendy...hang on just a little longer.

Reaching out with her fingers, Erza's hand was slowly sucked in, followed by the rest of her arm and then the rest of her body.  As she was pulled in, the portal shimmered just like before, and Erza took the rest in her care by willingly stepping into the portal, hoping her friends were on the other side.

I'm coming.


Natsu tackled Virel, sending them both into a firey blaze as they sailed through the air, slamming into the wall across the room.  Lucy watched with wide eyes; eyes that shook with fear and pain.

"Wendy!  Wendy!"  Charle exclaimed, over at her side worringly.

Wendy was still unconscious, and her magic had been strangely depleted.

"I-I can't get these off, Lu-shee!"  Happy grinded through his teeth, pulling at the locks on Lucy's forearms.

"Happy..."  Lucy murmured, admiring his help.

Natsu tried to raise himself up fast enough from the ground so he could land a blow on Virel, but Virel was already pushing himself away from the wall of debris.  Unready, Natsu was forced back by Virel, who slammed his fist heavily into Natsu's gut and sent him staggering backwards.  Virel smirked, filling his palm with his black magic and taking a few threatening steps forward.

"R-Roar of the--"  Natsu started, but was startlingly interrupted by Virel.

Virel had rushed forward and slammed his hand onto Natsu's mouth, his flames snuffed out by Virel's black ones.  Unable to close his mouth, Natsu was forced to inhale some of Virel's black magic, and just has he did, his eyes went wide.  

Using this as his chance, Virel grabbed Natsu by the collar and tossed him slightly into the air, bringing his leg around and slamming his shin into Natsu's stomach.  Natsu's eyes bulged, and he made a choking noise of pain as he doubled over.  Chuckling, Virel continued to swing forward, and Natsu was sent sliding across the ground a ways away before coming to a slow stop.  A line was imprinted in the dirt where Natsu had slid on his back, and it extended far across the ground.

Natsu shook slightly, coughing as he brought himself to his knees, panting heavily.

"Shit..."  Natsu muttered, rubbing his mouth.  "What did you just do, ya' bast--"  Natsu suddenly stopped, his eyes going wide as pain shot through him from his stomach.

He doubled over, his forehead hitting the ground heavily as he slammed his fist into the ground, letting out a loud cry.

"Natsu!"  Lucy and Happy both exclaimed, their expressions shocked.

Lucy turned to Virel, clenching her teeth.  "What did you do to him?!"

Virel turned to her, his expression triumphant.  "Just fed him some poisonous flames...oh, don't worry, it won't kill him."  He added after he saw Lucy's horror-filled expression.  

"You..." Lucy started, her expression strained.

Virel took pleasure in Lucy's frustration and helplessness.  "You see, Lucy Heartfilia?  His life can easily be ended; he is losing."  Lucy flinched at his words, and that encouraged Virel to go on.  "It will be easy to kill him.  Of course, I could spare him and your friends if you cooperate with me."

Lucy's eyes shook, and she looked from the withering Natsu then back to Virel.

"What does he mean, Lu-shee?"

Lucy flinched, turning her head to the side to face Happy who resided on the ground next to her.

"Happy..."  Lucy murmured; somehow she had forgotten he was there.

"What does he mean, Lucy?"  Happy repeated, his expression worried.  "You..aren't leaving, are you?"

Before Lucy could answer, Natsu stirred, pushing himself to his feet as he flinched from the poison in his blood.

"To hell she is..."  Natsu muttered under his breath, and Lucy gave him an incredulous look.  "She's staying right here."

Virel turned to Natsu, his expression annoyed.

"Natsu...!"  Lucy murmured, surprised.

"Don't worry, Lucy..."  Natsu grunted out, resting his hands on his knees as he panted for breath, trying to force back the sharp pains in his body.  "...I won't let him take you anywhere.  We'll go home, I promise."

Lucy's eyes began to water, and she couldn't help it as she felt hope again.  "Y-Yeah!"

"Count on it!"  Natsu exclaimed, re-lighting his fists on fire as he straightened his posture to challenge Virel again.

"Incompetence..."  Virel muttered, his eyes dark.

"Man, it's a good thing I got here in time, huh?"

Everyone flinched, their breaths halting in shock as they turned to see who had spoken.  Lucy smiled brightly, her surprise turning to delight.  Happy jumped up and down, and Charle's face was relieved.

"What do you think you're doing?"  Natsu grumbled.

Gray rubbed his mouth, smirking.  "I'm here to save your ass, Flame Brain."





A surprise entrance from Gray has everything finally heating up!  With Natsu having a tough time with Virel - who hasn't gone all-out yet - will Gray be able to up their chances?

Will Erza be able to help them in time?

Or will Fairy Tail loose a battle they swore they would succeed in?

Find out what happens next in Chapter 21: Natsu and Gray's Tag Team?!

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