Finding Kat [styles au]

By biolougy

44.1K 1.8K 173

❝ if you can find me within the next thirty days, i'll be whatever you want me to be. but if you lose, i'll... More

jane's notes


3K 159 6
By biolougy


Last night


Harry styles just finished a brilliant lacrosse match with his team mates against their rival college always beat them in every kind of sport but today, Fangorn College had proven that they were at least better than them in a game of lacrosse.

Since Fangorn college had never beaten the rival school for five years, the captain of the lacrosse team thought it was necassary to have a celebration party for their the wining success. So, Louis; the captain, had told the whole team about the party they were having at a club downtown. Everyone chorused ‘yeah’s some chanted, ‘tommo, tommo’ while Harry was already finished packing his gym bag and had already switched into a plain white t shirt with a pair of black tight skinny jeans.

“Hey, Harry,” Louis called as he walked closer to the younger boy, “What are you doing?”

“Um, getting ready to go home . . .?” Harry replied with an obvious tone.

Louis patted Harry’s shoulder a few times, “Harry, Harry, Harry. Let’s go to the club. It’ll be fun, mate.”

Harry shook his head, “No, I’m not in the mood. Plus, it’s not my kind of crowd, Lou.”

“Harry Styles, don’t say anything else, okay? You’re going to the club.” Louis stated, “I’ll drive you there. Wait for me outside.”

Harry bit his lips and sighed as he knew, this time, he can’t change Louis’ mind like always.


After Louis had parked his car and so had the other team mates with theirs, all of them entered the club with full of excitement. Harry on the other hand was mentally rolling his eyes and wanted to get away but he can’t since Louis had a firm grip of his shoulders as they walked side by side.

The heavy beat of the song playing was enough to make Harry felt dizzy and nauseous. He felt so out of place when a group of girl with tight clothes hugging their body neared Louis and him. He was a shy boy so he didn’t know how to chat up to girls. Besides, he felt like he should wait till he was done with college to get a girlfriend. So he slipped away from the scene and left Louis alone with the girls, unnoticed by Tomlinson’s eyes.

Harry went to the bar to take a seat and decided to observe the people here rather than standing awkwardly on the dance floor.

“Any drinks, lad?” The bartender asked Harry as it was his job to do so.

“One coca-cola, please.”

The bartender looked surprised from Harry’s eyes. He simply ignored it and focused back to the dance floor.

“You’re alone?” A voice sounded from beside Harry. He didn’t turn to look at the person just yet but instead he did curse in his mind because he really didn’t want to talk with anyone. “Huh, shy are you?”

“No, I’m no—” His words trailed off when he finally saw the girl’s appearance after tearing his gaze from the dance floor. The girl looked beautiful to Harry’s eyes. He snapped out of his short trance and cleared his throat, “No, I’m not shy.”

“Really?” The girl chuckled as she ran her fingers through her colourful hair. Yes, colourful. The girl didn’t have an ordinary shade of hair colour but her hair had multiple colours of hair streaks in her black hair. Blue, pink, neon green, purple and lime green. The girl saw how Harry was examining her hair to have the time to respond her, “Yeah, my hair is pretty interesting, aye?”

“Um, ye-yeah.” stuttered Harry.

The girl laughed, “Okay, what’s your name, boy?”

“Harry. Yours?”

“For now, just call me Kat.” smiled the girl before taking a sip of her beer.

“Like the animal?”

“Kat with a ‘k’.”

Somehow Harry liked having the girl as his company even though he was still a bit awkward around her. He even managed to drink a few types of alcohol since Kat was buying them for him. His sight was starting to get blurry and he felt like he was fearless.

When it was finally for Harry to leave, he can’t believe he didn’t want to leave the club because he wanted to spend more time with Kat. A girl he only known for two hours.

“Can I see you again?” asked Harry with a hopeful look.

Kat smirked, “Unfortunately, no. I never let anyone see me twice.”

“But please, I want to be friends with you.”

Kat’s smirk faded away. To be honest, she did want to see Harry again but she can’t. It was something she told herself not to do. “Tell you what, how about we make a deal.”

Harry nodded vigorously, “Yeah, Kat. Let’s.”

“If you can find me within the next thirty days, I’ll be whatever you want me to be. But if you lose, I’ll drag you to the nearest salon to get your hair dye to a colour I like.” Kat proposed a deal.

Harry wasn’t sure whether he should seal the deal or not. He could just forget about the girl after the night. But he didn’t want to. That’s the problem. He had grown infatuated for the colourful-haired girl.

“I know you like me, Harry.” Kat said as she leaned in towards Harry to plant a kiss just below his earlobe.


Kat backed away and smiled, “Okay, your time starts tomorrow. Bye now, Harry.” She kissed him on the cheek and a flash went off. She had taken a picture of them with her lips on his cheek. “Just a reminder of me.” She shoved the Polaroid into Harry’s trousers’ pocket before smiling and disappeared out of the club.


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