Demons Run

By scythereIIa

32.5K 1.5K 722

Evangelina Virgo had finally escaped an ugly past, and was now living a secure, happy, normal life. She was a... More

Demons Run (1) Ornias: The First Demon
Demons Run (2) Weight of the World
Demons Run (3) Bacon Burgers and Murder
Demons Run (4) The Warning
Demons Run (5) Pain and Panic
Demons Run (6) Team Sinning
Demons Run (7) Ghosts of the Past
Demons Run (8) Gabriel: The First Angel
Demons Run (9) Hiraeth
Demons Run (10) The Eve of Raziel
Demons Run (11) Pharzuph: The Second Demon
Demons Run (12) The Deal
Demons Run (13) Confessions
Demons Run (14) An Unlikely Enemy
Demons Run (15) Excelsior
Demons Run (16) Clichés
Demons Run (17) The Second Angel: Ezekial
Demons Run (18) Heat of the Moment

Demons Run [WATTY AWARDS 2015]

5.6K 131 15
By scythereIIa

The Beginning

Ever had that sensation where you feel like somebody is following you, or watching you? Well, not to freak you out, but you were right and someone probably was.

One of the drawbacks about living in a big city is that it's impossible to find good parking spots. I'm still in college, with my own apartment and a part time job as a PA for one of the biggest District Attorneys in Chicago. He's very demanding and strict, but makes up for it with a big fat salary.

It was late night and I was leaving the firm after working overtime to finish filing papers for my boss. Since the good parking spots were slim, I'd had to park my reliable little Honda an entire block away.

Now, as mentioned, I had an overwhelming sensation that I was being pursued. I hugged my black sweater closer to my body and looked around for signs of anyone following me. The streets were empty, and I wasn't sure whether to be relieved or unnerved. My skin crawled uneasily and I picked up my pace, feeling more and more panicked as I jogged.

I reached a point where I was no longer fast walking or jogging, but was now aware of footsteps behind me and had broke into a full sprint. I let out a scream as I was seized by the shoulders and thrown into a dark alleyway. The side of my face met with damp concrete, and I could feel my hands scraped up.

I have no illusions about myself or how this would end. I am a 5'2" girl, very mousy, and 116 pounds. I have absolutely no muscle mass and can be easily overpowered. I scooted backwards, but the strange male grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head back into the concrete. My head swam with pain and my vision blurred. I made a strained noise, a yell or plea for help that I couldn't quite find. Panicked, I reached up and swiped my nails across his face, leaving bloody marks.

"Stupid bitch!" He hissed, bringing back his right arm and punching me hard in the face.

With tears in my eyes, I tried as hard as I could to get away and struggled under his grip. I barely had time to notice a glinting silver blade when a white hot flash of pain in my stomach made me stop and open my mouth to scream. Nothing came out. I tasted copper in the back of my throat and could feel it begin to well up in my mouth. He stabbed me in the abdomen, then again, and pulled back to stab a third time when a dark figure swooped in and knocked him off of me. My head lolled to the side and I watched through blurred vision and dulled senses as a tall, looming man pinned my attacker to the brick wall. The perpetrator dropped his bloodied knife to the ground with wide eyes.

"Stealing a young girl's money? For what? Substance abuse? Oh please, you're pathetic." The man's voice let out a low, menacing chuckle. "And you picked the wrong night to fuck up."

The man's hands went to the top of the attackers head and on his chin. In one swift motion, the stranger snapped his neck, severing the spinal cord, and the attacker fell limp to the ground with a soft thud.

I felt the need to gasp, but could no longer make noises. I'd lost control of all bodily functions. I was shivering now because I felt so cold. I was losing blood and body heat quickly. I didn't want to die. I couldn't go out like this. Not laying on the ground pathetically in a Carson City alleyway. I should've gone out with a gun in my hand.

The stranger turned to face me, slowly. He was one huge, dark blur now. My vision was too impaired to make out any facial features. He crouched over me and I could feel him peel back the bottom of my shirt from under my unzipped sweater. My wounds were pouring blood and I could still taste it in my mouth. There was no possible way I could be saved by this point. I'd lost too much.

"Not too bad." He said nonchalantly. If I could do anything I'd probably scream at him. Not too bad? I was a few seconds away from death, my vision nearly black now. He hovered his hands over the wound, "Daemonunus, ut vos iacio villa nex, ego transfero a piece of meus immortalis phasmatis vobis ut vos may ago quod prospicio sub pennae of Ego, vestri curator."

... "Damned one, as you lay courting death, I give unto you a piece of my immortal soul to sustain you so that you may live and prosper. In doing so, I accept the responsibility of becoming your guardian." ...

I felt icy all over and was barely aware of the thick black smoke that swirled around my midsection. I could no longer fight the drooping of my eyes. I did not think that when I died, I would die so confused. Maybe this is what happened to everyone before they died. Maybe this was the reaper coming to claim me.

Accepting my fate, I finally let myself go and drifted into the dark abyss. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I hope it's some place wonderful.

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