Alpha Luke

By JoCharlyta

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♥ COMPLETED ♥ [First Installment of "The Prophecy" Series] Two Alpha's. A bond. A Prophecy. A god... And doze... More

Five (Luke's POV) #BonusChapter
Avory's POV #BonusChapter
Vesta's POV #BonusChapter
Brian's POV #BonusChapter
Tuttugu's POV #BonusChapter
Darcy's POV #BonusChapter
Raphael's POV #BonusChapter
Marcus' POV #BonusChapter
Jason's POV #BonusChapter
Kristina's POV #BonusChapter
Twenty One
Vulcan's POV #BonusChapter
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Luke's POV #BonusChapter
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Penelope's POV #BonusChapter
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Akua's POV #BonusChapter
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Sam's POV #BonusChapter
Thirty One
Myi's POV #BonusChapter
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Brody's POV #BonusChapter
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Zak's POV #BonusChapter
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Lewis' POV #BonusChapter
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty (Part I)
Forty (Part II)


7.7K 235 104
By JoCharlyta

I slurped on my frappe in thought when my phone rang; the screen blinking on and off with Raphael's name across it. How the hell did his number get onto my contact list?

"Luna, I have placed your garments for tonights pack get together on your bed. I will pick you up in 2 hours, Alpha will meet you at the pack house"

"Thanks, Raph.", I said chirpily.

"Please ma'am, call me Raphael?"



"See you in 2 ho-"

The line went dead.

"How rude! But hey, I guess we all have our bad days" I thought to myself, my wolf annoyed at his disrespect.

Not noticing my mind link had been open this whole time, Luke seemed pissed off at Raphael's rude behaviour. Oh dear, Raphael's going to get it!

I picked up my keys and sashayed back to my beautiful beast of a car, crooning my favourite song; "Say It" by Flume & Tove Lo, as I thought of Luke and how happy he made me.

How the Goddess has blessed me...

I made my way home, admiring the beautiful place I now called my home. I parked my car in the driveway, got out and made my way to the door, unlocked it and entered.

Dancing down the hallway only to stop and stare. Someone had changed the decor to the house from bachelor to cosy family home...

I shrugged then made my way to our room, locking the door behind me; not wanting another intrusion like this morning.

A white button-up shirt, a pair of faded blue ripped jeans, a pair of gorgeous light brown strapped heels and to my surprise a pair of lacy white panties with a matching bra, was neatly placed on our bed with a note attached.

Luna, here is your attire for tonight.
As requested by our Alpha.
My apologies for my rudeness.

"Luke must've addressed him on his disrespect earlier." I thought to myself.

My thoughts no longer lingering on that, I made my way to the bathroom... Took a shower, dried my hair when done and curled them. I put simple eyebrow pencil, mascara and matte lipstick on, as my face was smooth and had no imperfections or blemishes. I enjoyed keeping my face as natural as possible.

I pulled on my panties then strapped on my bra, admiring Luke's good taste, embarrassed that Raphael had laid his eyes on them. I then pulled on my pants, folding up the bottoms of the legs a little, then put my shirt on, tying the edges at the bottom of it together, leaving a few buttons open at the top and folding up my sleeves. Leaving my gorgeous shoes for last, I slipped them on my feet and strapped them up.

I stood to look at myself in the mirror; I looked simple yet elegant but also relaxed yet intimidating.

I looked like a Luna.

I made my way to the front door; the door opened before I could reach to open it; revealing a handsome-looking Raphael smiling cheekily at me.

He lead me to the car, opening the passenger door and taking my hand to help me slide into my seat, shutting it as soon as I got settled in.

Before I knew it, he was in the driver's seat and we were on our way.

The pack house was massive, almost bigger than ours back home. I mean, back in my father's pack. This is home now, silly!

As soon as we stopped, Raphael got out and opened the passenger door before leading me to the back of the pack house where everyone stood chatting and laughing. The sound died down as everyone turned towards me, staring and nodding their heads in respect towards me as I passed them.

The silence being broken by Luke's voice coming from behind me...

"You are so beautiful." he breathed.

I turned to look at him, but only to come into contact with a broad chest... Luke's hand coming up to hold my chin up as a blush spread across my cheeks and I croaked out a shy "Thank you."

I took a friendly glance at Luke and once again I was blown away by his beauty. He looked simple but sexy as he was dressed in a pair of jeans, white sneakers and a white button-up shirt. He was such a magnificent creature and all I knew was that I was proud to be his mate; he was the best gift the gods could ever give me, and I loved him. My wolf loved him. We loved him, more than anything in this world and we'd do anything in this world for him.

My wolf chuckled at the thought, especially at the thought of killing to save his life. She was savage with a sadistic mind, and I loved every bit of it.

My moment of staring at Luke like a retard got cut short when I got poked in the chest by a boney finger with a long nail and a low warning growl boiled from the core of my existence, ripping through me like I would like to rip through whoever it was.

I turned my head to where the stench of a female who wore too much perfume came from, only to see a woman with fiery red hair that looked almost as orange as my favourite soda, caked on makeup and a skinny ass body.

"Well, look what the fucking cat dragged in. And she's supposed to be our Luna?" her annoying high-pitched voice piercing my ears at a frequency that I swear would make glass break, followed by a chuckle that not even hyena's could pull off as well as she did.

Movement in the corner of my eye told me that Luke had stepped forward in a move to defend me but I shook my head to notify him I could handle it.

"And who might you be?" I asked, looking at my nails as if to admire them, making my disinterest in the banshee in front of me quite obvious.

"Darcy. The rightful Luna of this pack." she said as she puffed her chest out and made herself taller as if to intimidate me.

"Well, I'm going to call you Banshee... Now if you would be so kind as to get out my way, I'd like to get back to my mate now." I motioned towards Luke who stared at me with a smirk, only to smile at Darcy sarcastically.

"How dare you!" she screeched attempting to slap me but all those years of training with my father kicked in and I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, pushing her hand back into her wrist in warning for her to yield only to hear her snarl at me.

"I'm going to fucking kill you and feast on your guts..." she said threateningly. "And I'm going to love every moment. What's mine is mine. I am the rightful Luna of this pack, not some slut." she laughed like a hyena again before attempting to swipe my leg with her free hand.

"Not today, sweet cheeks." I whispered as my free hand caught her orange locks and pulled her up so I could stare into her eyes. "You dare challenge me? I'll show what I do to those who dare look down on me." I smiled menacingly before she spat in my face."That's it!" I roared, dropping her to the ground like a sack of potatoes and standing back a few inches, letting my Alpha aura seep out of me like biohazardous chemicals from an industrial pipe.

She whimpered slightly before she stood to her feet, her eyes gleaming at the chance to defeat me. But that would never happen.

She stood back defensively, watching me as I took my heels off and chucked them to the side, only to see that an audience has formed around us.

"Today, my dearest Banshee, you will meet our maker." I grinned demonically back at Darcy.

She circled me, looking to exploit any weakness, but came to a stop when she noticed I had none.

She then looked me up and down, smirking, before she turned around and walked a distance. Only to turn around and shoot out her left leg, targeting my face.

I shot my arm out and caught her leg, pushed it up above her head and twisted it as she came down crashing to the ground full force.

"Nice. But still not good enough, whore." she snickered as she swiped at my left leg with her claw, making me crash to the ground next to her and my eyes rolled back in my skull as my head hit the ground full force.

I shook my head, trying to dismiss the fuzzy feeling that clouded my mind as Luke spoke to me throughour mind-link "Come on, baby, get up. You can do it. Just shake it off and get up." he said as the Banshee stood above me with a demonic smile spreading across her lips as I held my hands up in mock surrender.

"Lexi. What are you doing?" Luke urged through our link.

"Trust me, my love." was all I said as I blocked him from the space in my her that only he called home.

"You win." I breathed.

"Today, you d-.. Wait. What?" she asked as she frowned.

"I said, you win." I smiled solemnly in defeat as I held my one hand behind my back with fingers crossed.

"You bet your fucking ass I win, wench!" she laughed menacingly before turning around toward Luke.

I quickly jumped to my feet and silently made my way over to her before tapping my index finger on her shoulder.

She looked over her shoulder at me, frowning.

"I think you forgot something." I whispered sweetly as I peered at her through my lashes, only to find that her frown has deepened to where her face looked like something that came out of the laundry basket.

"Wha-" and before she could finish her question, I grabbed her neck and smashed her body full force into the earth, my grip tightening as she whimpered.

"Nobody will EVER disrespect me like that again! Or you will gain the same fate as this mutt!" I roared, my words turning into frost as the last sentence escaped my mouth.

Banshee screeched and before it could even touch the ears of the Omega's standing in the back of the crowd, I banged her head to the ground again with not only my force but the force of my wolf too and her eyes rolled in her head as blood ran out from the side of her mouth; her neck broken from the force we have emitted.

I clung to my kill for a few minutes as my wolf's anger slowly receded.

"Lexi," his voice dragged me back into the light "- that's enough, she's dead... You can let go of her now." and I did as realisation sunk in, only to scurry back in horror at what I've done.

"I... I-I didn't mean to... Kill her", I breathed. "I only wanted to scare her." I whimpered before looking down at my hands. How could I have let the darkness control me like that?

"Lexi, it's okay. She would've got herself killed by the way she acted, anyway." Raphael's chuckle made its way from the crowd before he came out and gave me a winning smile, only to see Luke shake his head in agreement as he scratched the back of his neck, chuckling lightly.

A man came over followed by another carrying a bag and they both picked the Banshee's body up before chucking it into the bag carelessly, zipping it up, then carrying it away.

"Burn the body. Make sure nobody finds it on our territory. Go North, do it on the unclaimed land. Make sure nobody sees you." I heard Luke silently tell them.

"No. You should bury her. She might have been a pain in the ass but she was still a part of the pack." I found myself saying as guilt started gnawing on my insides.

"You heard what the Luna said." Raphael nodded before they quickly took off with my kill.

Once they left, the chatter started once more, and the crowd moved away as music filled the air and dispersed the thick mist of tension.

Raphael handed me my shoes, only to have Luke grab them and put them on for me with lightening speed before he dragged me around the crowd with him.

Luke introduced me to Sam and Stephan, Lukes cousins from England. They were the cutest pair as they complimented each other so well, but they were nothing like Luke and I. One could see they've been together for a long time. They must've become mates at a very early age because I wouldn't think them to be older than 22, maybe.

Then I got introduced to Natalie, Tamika and Stacy, all beautiful girls and sisters too. They looked at Luke with a great twinkle in their eyes and a growl slipped through between my teeth to which I giggled softly and apologized.

Luke slipped his hand down my back onto my cheeks and grabbed them firmly to which I gasped and which sent the best sensation through my body. If we weren't in this bloody crowd right now, I'd sure as hell rip his clothes off and let my wolf be free to do as she pleased.

I also met Lewis, Luke's other cousin... A tall handsome man with the strangest sense of humour but such a wonderful personality that I instantly felt myself warm to him and knew we would be the best of friends - but not as close as Liam and I.

I wonder what he's doing, I sure miss him.

I met Luke's aunt Mary-Anne and uncle Peter. They were so humble and loving. They were basically Luke's parents since his mother had died from cancer because of her being half human, and his dad died because his wolf died from mourning the death of his mate. It was heartbreaking.

Then I met Avory, a boy with a youthful face but wisdom written all over it and his mate Zareth.

Kristina, the mysterious Spaniard and her sister Katarina.

Penelope, the Costa Rican with a bubbly personality and her mate Richard - Luke's Third in Command.

Vulcan, the Italian pack healer and his mate Vesta.

Jamie, the Omega with the bright smile and kind eyes.

Brian, the dark and brooding.

Brody, the charmer.

Zak and his wife, London.

Devon, the quiet oddball.

Jason, the boy with the permanent smirk who couldn't keep his eyes off Kristina.

Akua, the Hawaiian and his little mate Myi.

Tuttugu, the Icelandic adoptive cousin of Luke who was also dark and brooding but with an attitude.

And Andrew, another quiet oddball.

Although all of them were so different from one another, they were the best crowd and I knew I'd fit in pretty well in my new family.

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