The Virginity Pact

By prettywhenIcry_

36.1K 1.3K 831

"True love and betrayal. Revenge and more revenge. A heroine with an impossible goal. If only Mozart had live... More

1 - the city that never sleeps
2 - deal or no deal
3 - insider/outsider
4 - the brady brunch
5 - escort me not
6 - playing both sides
7 - the haves and have nots
8 - path of success
9 - It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
10 - yellow brick road
11 - fashions not forever
12 - V for Vendetta
13 - bad girls do it well
15 - can't keep a secret
16 - Christmas time in the city
17 - God save the Queen
18 - eighteen candles
19 - kiss and tell
20 - this little lie of mine
21 - playa playa
22 - Harperella
23 - when the clock strikes 12
24 - pretty little liar
25 - brunch and beratings
26 - double, double toil and trouble
27 - faking it

14 - what a tangled web we weave

1.2K 46 57
By prettywhenIcry_

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. And what am I most thankful for? The truth. Sometimes it's the truth you've been trying not to face. Or the truth that will change your life. Sometimes it's the truth that's a long time coming. Or the truth you prayed would never see the light of day. Some truths may not be heard the way we hoped they would. But they linger long after they've been said. But the kind of truth I'm most thankful for? The one you never see coming. That falls right into your lap.


"Harper!" Holden shouts. I sigh but stop and turn around, allowing him to catch up with me.

"You haven't returned any of my calls since--"

"I know," I say. "Let's just not talk about it?"

I keep walking into the school building, Holden by my side.

"Not talk about it? Which part? How you got drunk and stripped at the club? About how you slept in my bed then snuck out early the next morning without saying anything? Or about how you've skipped the last 2 days of school?"

I glance at Holden with a pointed look as we continue down the hallway.

"Or about Grant?" He asks softly.

I abruptly stop walking, suddenly angry. Holden stops, too, looking at me with furrowed brows.

"All of it," I snap. I've been dreading attending school knowing that Grant will be here, and in one of my classes.  I skipped both Monday and Tuesday this week just to avoid him.

And Holden.

But mostly Grant.

Today was the last day before the start of thanksgiving break. We'd have the rest of the week off.

Holden stares at me quietly for a few seconds, studying me. I sigh.

"The pictures--"

"I took care of it," he interrupts sternly.

"Are you sure?"


I take a deep breath and smile a little. "Thanks," I say and he nods in response.

He stares at me, lips pursed and eyes narrowed like he has something to say.

"What?" I ask.

"Were you going to tell me that you're dating my cousin now?"

I inhale and bite my lip, staying silent. He wasn't jealous of course, since we're just friends, but there was hurt in his tone.

For whatever reason, he hates Tyler, thus hating that his friend was constantly seeing him.

"That's where you went right? When you got up early in the morning and silently snuck out? To meet him?"

"Holden," I sigh. "I wasn't sneaking."

"Then what would you call it?" He asks and I can tell he's getting angry.

I stay silent not really knowing how to answer him. I had totally snuck out. I slept in Holden's bed that night and woke up to a much needed glass of water and advil on the nightstand.

After taking the pill I grabbed my heels and tiptoed out of Holden's room, through the hall, past where he lay alseep on the couch and out the door.

Then I proceeded to go home and prepare for my IHOP breakfast with Tyler.

"We're not dating. We're just...occasionally seeing each other. And texting."

"So you're not dating you're just going on dates?" He asks looking at me like I'm an idiot.

"He's not my boyfriend. Yet," I clarify.

Holden opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"He's a nice guy. I like him, and he likes me."

"He's not a nice guy, Harper!" He groans loudly and I roll my eyes.

"What's so bad about him?" I ask. Holden opens his mouth then closes it, clenching his jaw.

"He's a jerk," he mumbles frowning at the floor.

I shake my head, rolling my eyes with a small sigh. "I'm over talking about this."

"Whatever," he sighs. "Does this mean you'll be over mine for thanksgiving?" He asks with his eyebrows raised and a hopeful smile.

How can I say no to that face?

I shrug. "I might stop by."

"Harper, you have to come or I'll stab myself with the turkey carver."

I grimace and roll my eyes at him, holding back a chuckle. "Why?"

"Jake will be with Lydia somewhere," he rolls his eyes. "and Elijah's staying home; I can't deal with my dad, Tyler and my dad's new girlfriend. I can't stand any of them."

"Aw, your dad's dating? That's nice," I coo.

"It's not nice," Holden shakes his head. I'd rather eat at the homeless shelter than with those 3."

I frown at him.

So extra.

"Why don't I ask my aunt if you can come over mine? I'm sure she'll say yes."

Holden gives me a goofy grin.

"All of you, though. Tyler, Vincent and his girlfriend. Thanksgiving is about spending time with your family."

Holden rolls his eyes, again. "Fine."

I smile. "I gotta get to first period," I say turning around and a small gasp escapes my lips when I spot a tall brunette in Jimmy Choos with Ainsley by her side.

"Right," Holden drags out. "Lydia's back, by the way."

I turn and frown at him.

"You should have answered the phone when I called. Or checked my texts," he shrugs.

I exhale and chew on my lip. "Doesn't matter," I think aloud, arrogance in my voice. "I'm on top," I shrug.

Holden scoffs.

"Don't underestimate her--don't think she's going to make this easy."


"I know I invited the Frasier's, but this still seems like a lot of place settings," I say laying down on the chase with my feet crossed, watching the caterers prepare from afar. This is the first Thanksgiving I haven't had to lift a finger.

I counted 11 place settings which thoroughly confused me.

"Well for one, Ainsley invited Lydia and Lydia called and asked if she could bring Jake and I agreed."

My jaw drops open and I sit up quickly. "What?" I screech. "How could you let her do that?"

Aunt Lindsey looks at me with confusion. "What? Last time I checked you and Lydia were friends."

Elijah strolls through with a plate of mashed potatoes in hand and scoffs.

"Not anymore. Not even close, actually."

"Elijah, stop snacking!" Aunt Lindsey shouts at him as he quickly darts away up the stairs.

She sighs and turns to me.

"Well I'm sorry I can't keep up with all this back and forth friendship drama," she shakes her head. "I just found out that Ainsley and Lydia were friends again. Speaking of Ainsley, have you--"

"No," I cut in. I only speak to her beacuse I live with her so sometimes I have to borrow her shampoo or something, but there's no more shared nights of lost sleep over Lost binges on netflix. There's no way I'm socializing with that she-devil tonight unless I'm asking her to pass the gravy.

As Aunt Lindsey heads up the stairs to get ready, I get a text from Holden.

"Coming over early," He states.

My eyebrows furrow as I quickly type a response.

"Holden, you cannot just invite yourself over to people's home's."

"Why?" He asks. "I've known Lindsey and Elijah my whole life. Plus, we can bake a pie together and I can throw flour in your face. You love that cliche, Camp Rock crap."

I chuckle and shake my head. "See you in a few hours, Holden," I send with the kiss-blowing emoji.


I smooth out my velvet mini skirt as I walk down the steps. I hope it's not too awkward with both Tyler and Holden here. Tyler's mature, but I can't count on Holden not to start an argument.

I hear the door unlocking from the outside before it's pushed open by Derek. He greets me and I smile and wave.

I notice a small burgundy suitcase in his hand and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why--" I interrupt myself with a gasp as I watch my mom enter behind Derek and my dad enter behind her, holding a small gray overnight bag.

I jump up and run over to them.

"Oh my God," I squeal, embracing my mom, then my dad. My mom smiles sniffles like she's holding back from crying. "I missed you guys so much."

"We missed you too, sweetie. Oh, your hair got longer!" My mom notices. It was only about an inch longer, and it's extremely curly today so I'm not sure how she's noticed, but I smile and nod. We have the same hair for the most part, but she always wears hers up.

"How's school going?" my dad asks. They've seen all the copies of my report cards via text, but they still look nervous.

"It's good," I shrug. "I really like it there."

"Everyone adores her," Aunt Lindsey adds as she enters the room, greeting and hugging my parents.

"We'll that's nice," my mom nods with a small smile.

We leave the foyer and head into the living room. They're introducing themselves to Ainsley and talking about how tall Elijah has gotten when the doorbell rings and I excuse myself to go answer it.

I open the door and smile when I see Tyler and hug him tightly.

Holden clears his throat and pushes past us while rolling his eyes.

"Hi, Holden," I say and he ignores me and keeps walking. Really?

"You'll have to excuse my son's bad manners," Vincent says. "Hello, Harper."

"Hi, Mr.--Vincent," I correct myself. "Hi, I'm Harper," I say to the woman beside him who's holding a pie.

She's taller than me by a few inches. Her long brown hair is curled and she has pretty brown eyes and soft curves that look nice in her olive green dress.

"Charlotte," she smiles. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Oh," she says, handing me the pie. "Its apple."

"Thanks," I nod and they make their way to where everyone waits for the food, mingling in the living room.

After a little less than an hour of Holden glaring at me and Tyler talking and laughing from across the room, we still haven't eaten.

"So," Elijah says to me when I get up to get some water. "Kitchen's clear. We can sneak in and steal cranberry sauce like we used to."

I refrain from rolling my eyes. That was like 10 years ago. "I don't like cranberry sauce anymore."

Elijah scoffs. "Since when?"

I shrug.

The doorbell rings and I walk away to answer it. Unfortunately, it's Lydia and Jake.

"Hey, Harper," Jake greets, then walks off to loudly greet Elijah and Holden.

Lydia steps in, a bottle of wine in hand, and I close the door behind her.

"Having fun trying to be me?" She asks smiling.

I give her fake smile in return.

"Not everyone wants to be Lydia O'Connell," I say.

She laughs and furrows her eyebrows. "Not everyone can be." She looks me up and down. "Especially not a lame, Middle American bumpkin like yourself." She smiles sweetly. "But you do have a wild side, apparently."

"What?" I ask boredly, completely over the conversation.

She takes out her phone and after a few taps, shows it to me.

"Where the hell did you get that?"

I look down at her iPhone 6s to see a picture of me from this past weekend, dimly light by club lights, grinning at the camera in a skimpy lace bralette with a bottle of hard liquor in my hand.

"Doesn't matter. Just know that I'm everywhere. When I'm not around, I know the people who are. You know, one thing about being an it girl is that everyone always wants a picture."


"I saw your snapchat story--your parents are here right?" She cuts me off. "I can't wait to meet them. I'm sure they'll love to know all about your wild Manhattan escapades."

I glare at her, clenching my jaw. Then a light bulb goes off in my head.

"You're not the only one with shocking pictures," I state, taking a step towards her.

Is this it? Am I finally pulling out the Ainsley/Jake card?

"Of what?" Lydia scoffs rolling her eyes. "Unlike you, I'm classy, so any picture you have of me probably looks like it belongs in Vogue."

"I didn't say it was of you. But believe me, you don't want people to see it. Just know that if you show yours, I show mine."

"You probably don't even have a picture. You're bluffing," she says.

"So call it."

She narrows her eyes, staring me down.

The sound of a utensil tapping a glass and my aunt calling everyone to the table causes Lydia to smirk at me, bumping my shoulder as she walks past.

I walk to the table getting ready to take the seat beside Elijah as Tyler comes to sit to my left. Suddenly Holden appears and jumps into the seat Tyler was getting ready to take.

I glare at him and he shrugs.

"You snooze you loose."

How immature could he be?

I smile at Tyler sympathetically and he smiles back. He walks around the table and sits across from me.


Vincent and Charlotte are busy discussing how they met, after the question was raised by Lindsey.

"OKAY!" Holden loudly interrupts the story and takes a bite of stuffing.
"Is this Thanksgiving dinner or a wedding reception, am I right?" He chuckles with his mouth still slightly full.

Harper sighs quietly and closes her eyes.

Everyone's quiet until Derek awkwardly tries to break the awkwardness by talking business with Vincent.

"Holden stop being an asshole," Harper says quietly in a sing song voice.

"Like you call anyone an asshole," Elijah scoffs quietly and Haroer glares at him.

Down the table, Ainsley sits across from Jake, who sits beside Lydia.

Ainsley and Jake both shift in their seats, causing Ainsley's foot to accidently brush up against his leg.

They're eyes snap up to each other before they awkwardly look away as Ainsley tucks her feet safely under her chair.

The caterers come around and begin filling up 2 cups for each person. One with water, and another for either champagne or wine.

"Champagne or wine?" one of the girls in a black and white uniform asks Harper.

"Oh, no, I don't drink," Harper answers.

"Really? You had no problem drinking at my party," Lydia says catching everyone's attention.

Harper tenses and looks at her hard.

"You drank?" Harper's mom asks with a disappointed frown and furrowed eyebrows.

"You know, when I first met her, I thought she was totally innocent, but then she stole Vera's escort for cotillion, gave me food poisoning at the fashion show, and I'm pretty sure she's sleeping with Holden and Tyler," Lydia says and Harper's mouth drops open.

Jake smiles and bites his lip giving Holden a thumbs up.

Harper's parents gasp and look at her for an explanation.

"You gave her food poisoning?" Elijah asks in confusion, but before she can respond Tyler's speaking.

"I wouldn't sleep with a 16 year old," he assures.

"No, but you'd date one," Holden says.

"God, we're not dating," Harper says to Holden in annoyance. "And I'm not sleeping with anyone," she says exasperated, more so to her parents.

Ainsley scoffs. "Oh, I don't know if I believe that. Becca's last instagram post shows all the girls sleeping over her house last night, weren't there," she cocks her head to the side with a confused look. "So where were you?"

"It's none of your business," Harper says narrowing her eyes at the blonde.

"But it is mine," Lindsey says placing her fork down. "Considering that's where you told me you were staying."

"I can explain--"

"She was with me," Holden cuts Harper off, looking Tyler dead in the eye.

Tyler's jaw locks. He didn't care about Harper, but he did care about keeping her from Holden.

"Holden what the hell," Harper says lowly with wide eyes.

"See?" Ainsley says, taking a sip of champagne.

"Nothing happened," Harper assures. "I don't even like him."

Lydia laughs. "Okay, no one here believes that."

Elijah and Jake shrug and nod in agreement.

"I've never had sex with Tyler, or Holden." Haper says slowly, not even able to look at her parents, her cheeks heating up in embarresment.

"And so what if I was Ainsley?" She continues. "It's not like I'd be sleeping with my best friend's boyfriend. You're the only one at the table classless enough to do that."

Elijah and Holden's eyes widen and it's silent except for the sound of Jake choking on his water.

"Don't deny it; I have the picture to prove it," Harper says to Ainsley who sits still with wide eyes.

"What is she talking about?" Lydia asks sotfly, looking between Jake and Ainsley who remain silent. "Oh my God."

Lydia gets up to leave as Jake licks his lips and sets his napkin down, rushing after her.

Harper bites her lips, immediately feeling guilty.

"Ainsley," Derek starts. Ainsley looks at him with eyes wide, silent. "I want you to go to your room, and let your mother know you'll be back in France by the end of next week."



Ainsley sighs and gives Harper an angry but more so hurt glance before standing up to leave.

"Nice, Harper," Holden says."I thought you wanted to be more popular than Lydia, not more of a bitch."

"You are so self righteous I swear to God," Harper laughs dryly, looking at him incredously.

"Harper we sent you to Lockwood for a second chance. Not a popularity contest! I thought you wanted to go to Yale?" Her mom asks saddened.

"I do!"

"A second chance? At what exactly?" Tyler asks.

Holden attempts to put one and two together pondering on Harper's drunken cries about "screwing up with Yale again" last night and her mom's words of a second chance, but he can't put it all together.

Harper looks at him, then down at her half eaten plate silently.

"Wow, out of everyone here today, I think you take the cake for having the most secrets." Holden says to her.

"She is being somewhat responsible I can assure you. She got a job as a maid at The Annabelle to pay you back," Vincent says to Harper's parents, just trying to help.

"What?" Lindsey asks. "Harper, when did you get a job?"

Harper's eyes widen, her heart racing as she feels like all of her secrets are being aired out at the dinner table.

"She had a job and you didn't know about it? Are you even watching her?" Harper's mom exclaims.

"You work for Holden? As a maid?" Elijah asks.

Harper's eyes widen. "Elijah if you tell anyone at school I swear to God--"

"You'll what? Give me food poisoning? Ruin a relationship? Tell everyone I slept with a teacher?"

Elijah angrily gets up and storms out, upset at his cousin for her faulty behavior recently.

"When'd you do that?" Holden asks. "That last thing...when did that happen?"

Harper sits silently.

"Yup, definitely the most secrets," Holden mumbles taking a sip of champagne.

"Harper, I think it's time you come home," her dad says.

"What?" she asks breathlessly. "After everything that's happened you want me to just give up and come home?" 

"You need--"

"No," she stops her father. "No you don't know what I need, because if you did, you wouldn't tell me to come home."

Harper gets up from the table and walks off, prompting Holden and Tyler to go after her. Harper enters the study down the hall, Holden thwarting her attempt to close the door with his foot before sliding in and locking Tyler and all others out.

"I thought you wanted us to be friends again," Harper asks. "And don't say you do because you've been cold towards towards me all day. Why did you even want to come if you were going to be like this? This is why I don't like hanging out with you; you're always so hot and cold," she rants before taking a deep breath and crossing her arms.

Holden opens his mouth to speak but Harper holds her hand up and takes an angry step towards him. "I'm not done," she states. "You just don't want me to be with Tyler because you hate him for some reason and because you think we'll have sex and you already made this weird deal with me to take my virginity after I win the Hamilton scholarship money."

On the other side if the door Tyler listens intently, rolling his eyes at his cousin's stupid deal juse to sleep with some poor, naive girl.

Holden licks his lips wanting her to know that's not why he really hated Tyler. He hated that Tyler had swooped in and was now trying to steal everything away from him.

He goes to speak but Harper cuts him off again.

"And don't even tell me you're sorry because you always say it and then you go and--"

"God, Harper, shut up," Holden groans running a hand through his scruffy brown hair.

Harper's mouth snaps shut, stunned.

"I think," he starts and then sighs. "I think I just get defensive with you because you distract me."

"Distract you from what?" Harper asks in confusion.

"I made this deal with my dad that if I can't prove myself by the end of the school year I have to go to Cornell or I don't get my percentage of the company. He'll probably give it to Tyler," he spits. "But I haven't been focusing. It's practically December and I don't even have a plan."

"What? He can't do that," Harper shakes her head feeling terrible.

"He can," Holden sighs. "And not just that; for some weird reason I actually care about you."

Harper's face scrunches up but she stays silent.

"I didn't mean it like that," Holden shakes his head. "The only girl I've ever really been friends with instead of just hooking up is Lydia. And now you...I don't know. I let you sleep in my bed while I slept on the couch. I left you an advil for when you woke up. Who does that?"

"Nice guys," Harper chuckles at Holden's confusion at  his emotions.

Holden shakes his head. "I'm not a nice guy. I've never had any interest in being a nice guy."

"People change," Harper shrugs. "I don't even know who I am anymore," she says, eyes stinging as she holds back tears.

"Do you think you're parents are really going to make you leave?" Holden asks scratching the back of his neck.

Tyler backs away from the door when he hears approaching footsteps. He walks towards the footsteps he hears and is met with Harper's parents.

"Door's locked; she won't come out," he shrugs. "Nice meeting you," he nods and her father mutters a "you too."

"Harper," her mom knocks on the door. "Harper, open the door."

Harper sighs. "I'll let you know," she tells Holden, walking over to the door and opening it up.

Her parents come in and Holden awkwardly nods at them with a small smile before exiting.

"I'm sorry," Harper breathes. "I am, but I don't want to leave."

"We just don't like what we're hearing," her father says.

Harper nods. "But I have a plan. And I've wanted to come to Lockwood for since 8th grade. And now I'm finally here and I don't want you to feel like you've wasted your money. And I don't know if I...I just don't know if I can handle being back in that house."

Harper's parents exchange looks and her father rubs his forehead with a sigh.

"I'm going to talk to Lindsey about being stricter with you. You can stay, but remember we've done our part. Your success is on your shoulders, so you're going to have to be more responsible, Harper," he says.

Harper wipes her wet cheeks and nods.



Long ass dramatic ass chapter omg lyke.

That gossip girl clip is one of my all time favorites I've been waiting to post it 5ever.

I was too lazy to go back and find Harper's parents names whoops. Also I couldn't remember Lydia's last name in previous chapters or my notes but I think that's right if you catch it in another chapter and it's different let me know.

6K reads tysm! Don't forget to vote vote vote and comments mean so much.

I need a ship name for Harper and Holden but I'm so bad at those comment ideas.

Who's excited for the Olympics? I'm shitting myself I live for gymnastics.

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