White Lies (BillxReader)

By ForbidsBlossom

11.5K 454 197

Its just a white lie, right? Nothing can hurt you but Bill was wrong, even a white lie CAN hurt you. After a... More

White Lies (BillxReader) ◇ Prolouge ◇
Chapter 1 : Waking Up In A Hospital
Chapter 2 : Waddles!
Chapter 3 : You And Bill
Chapter 4 : Day Of Memories
Chapter 5 : Another Ciphers
Chapter 7 : I Hate You
Chapter 8 : After It Happen . . .
Chapter 9 : Disguised Death
Chapter 10 : Toodles!
Chapter 11 : Escape
Chapter 12 : Kills or Sacrifices?
Chapter 13 : 1 Hour Of Freedom
Chapter 14 : New Reality
Good Ending : Midnight Comfort
Bad Ending : The Same Grey Sky

Chapter 6 : Truth To Be Told

574 26 16
By ForbidsBlossom

Ok, I think this story might get a bit yandere and psychotic so umm sorry for this. Long Chapter

◇ Saturday 7:32 PM
Gravity Falls' Park ◇

( Your P.O.V )

You and Bill are hanging out again in the park, you were still thinking about why his brothers warned you that he's dangerous. You haven't even know why and how. But then, ever since those two came and talk with you, Bill started to act strange. There are times that in a middle of the conversation, Bill spaces out a lot. Infact he's not even playfull at all. You were the one who's always talking while he remain quiet. This started to bother you.

"Hey Bill?" You called.

"Hmm?" He faced you

"Your not acting like your usual self, is everything alright?" You asked worridly.

"Oh, everything's alright, (Y/n). Why do you ask?" Bill smiled

But you couldn't help but notice that his smile seems force and a bit crooked.

"Cause you seem . . . Weird." Youpoke his nose.

"What? Nah, I'm perfectly fine. See?" He tried to act casual but its obvious he's not.

You sighed and decided to find out later. You were going to just leave Bill to give him some time by standing up and muttering some bye but then, Bikl grab your wrist.


You hesitate for a while but decided to give in, you gently sit back next to Bill and saw the dull and grey sky forming in the skies. The aura around you is different that you dont know how to explain about it and lastly, you saw Bill's hair is covering his eyes so you couldn't know what expression he wore. Thats when you saw his shoulders are shaking.

"B-Bill?" You were worried.

"P-Please forgive m-me . . ." He whimpered.

Your eyes widen as you watch Bill crying silently. Its your first time seeing him like this, all miserably guilty. But you dont know why.

"Forgive? W-Why?" Now your also confused.

Bill wipe a few tears and held your chin up, making you see his pained and guilty gold eyes. Thats when you felt a pair of lips connected to yours.

💔 ~ Flashback ~ 💔

You were inside a bus, holding an iron pole. The weather looked really gray and dull, like its gonna rain in any second. You almost tumble down when the bus stop. You gave the driver your pay and jump off the bus.

You went in a some kind of a park and you spot no one is here. Of course, seeing the gray and dull sky isn't a perfect day to go in a park so you just decided to walk alone in the park. Then you saw a guy with a yellow suit, he was sitting on a bench and he was up, looking at the sky. You did need to socialize so you walk towards him.

"Umm Hi." You greeted

Then the guy took notice at you as he look at you.

"Yellow." He greeted back.

"I'm actually new here so I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." You introduced.

"Bill, Bill Cipher." He smile

You sit next to him and you guys started to get to know each other. You two started to become friends and were inseperable. He even show you his two brothers and almost about his life, but then one occasion have made the two of you so special.

"Hey Bill." You called, blushing.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"There's something I wanna tell you." You fiddled your sleeve.

"Annnnd what is that???" Bill asked curiously.

"I know this sounds weird and all but I . . . I l-like you." Your cheeks began to heat.

Bill was shock and speechless and he didn't know what to say which made you frown. "Oh, lets j-just forget it." You quickly said with a hurt heart.

"What!? No, I didn't mean that but . . . I cant be with you." He said sadly.

"Why? Cant you tell me?" You asked

"But I know your going to freak out once you know." Bill explained.

"I dont care." You smiled at him.

Bill sighed and faced you with a worried face. "Fine, remember the invasion in Gravity Falls?" Bill asked

"You mean the Weirdmaiggedon?" You asked

"Yes . . . I'm B-Bill Cipher, a dream demon." Bill admitted fearfully.

Thats when Bill suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"Still dont care. I love you no matter if your that feared Bill Cipher. To me, your a great person." You smiled and kissed him.

Thats when you and Bill became a couple and loved each other, now he showed you so many wonders of what he can do and showed her some supernatural that was going on in the forest. Bill even sneak a yellow rose just to give it to you.

"(Y/n), what kind of rose do you like?" Bill asked.

You were in your room and it looks like its raining from outside. The rythm of the rain droplets made you feel calm as you turn another page of your favorite book.

"I dunno. Red seems evil and bloody, white, well I think its not my type cause it feels like the end and no problem will ever enter but I dont want that. But pink . . . Nah, too cheesy." You explained

"So you dont want red, white and pink? Ok I have an idea." Bill smiled.

This made you curious as you look up at him from your book. "Like?" You asked.

Bill smiled again and put both of his hands behins him, you watch his shoulder shuffling and revealed you a golden rose, the petals are soft and beautiful and the shade of it is perfect.

"How about gold?" He asked, smirking.

"Woah . . . How?" You were amused.

"Meh, secret." He shrug.

You smile and kept the flower in you. You always bring the non-withering rose with you, everywhere you go. You did love the rose after all. It was like the most perfect year of your life until Bill just barged inside your room and grab your hand as he drags you somewhere in the woods.

"Bill, where are we going?" You asked as you look around.

Your wearing a simple shirt with a jeans while Bill is dragging your wrist somewhere in the forest with dull and grey sky. Its like a year with a grey sky.
" . . ." Bill remained silent but his face showed that he's serious.

You tried to let go and force him to explain why but he have a good strength to keep you dragging in the woods.

"Your parents are a bother." Bill finally spoke but unfortunately his tone showed anger.

"W-Why?" You stuttered and clutch the rose on your chest.

"I tried to ask for there blessing of us being together but they hate me." He explained.

"Wait!? Dont you plan on making me run away with you!" You glared

"No, I'm not. There's just something I wanna show you instead." Bill said.

You quietly nodded at him and let him lead to where Gods only knows. After a few hours, you and Bill arrive to an abandon looking house.

"Close your eyes." He said

You did what he told you and let him lead you inside the house. You dont know what 'surprise' he have for you but there's something in your guts thats been shouting for you to run.

"Open it now, (Y/n)." Bill said.

You open your eyes and suddenly gasp at the sight. Bill have an insane grin on him as he carried your father's body while he holds a knife that was already stabbed in your father's chest. You looked down and saw your mother all dead and a bloody pool surround them.

"See? Surprise! Now that they're gone and never can go back, we can be together with no one denying for our love. Your officially mine, now (Y/n)." He grinned and let your father's body fall down.

You watch it fall down and you drop your rose, all paralyzed in fear.

"W-Why?" You asked, trembling.

"Hmm? Of course, your parents are just a misfortune in your life. They scolded you and made you never have a great and experienced life. (Y/n), I love you." Bill said

Thats when you did something that you shouldn't just do it earlier. You run. You finally went out of the forest but Bill is near at your back.

It showed another dull sky like when you jump out of your bus, your still in a park but it seems like the scene isn't nice. It showed you running, not playfull and laughing but showed that your some like terrified. You cried and run desperately from Bill. He killed your parents, he's insane, he's a monster.

"(Y/n)! You see!? Why do you have to run away from me. Its a misfortune for you to leave me but I made sure your parents are gone so we could be together!" You heard Bill's voice shouted at you.




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