Imprint on the Leech Lover (d...

By ScribbledDreams

340K 5.5K 581

Paul put Jake in his place after Bella slapped him, after she tried to protect Jake. Sam makes Paul Beta and... More

Chapter 1*
Chapter 2*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
Chapter 5*
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (part 1)
Chapter 17 (16 part 2)
Chapter 18 (The back story)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (unfinished from 2013)

Chapter 24

6.7K 95 5
By ScribbledDreams

     Jasper laughed at my disappointment. I woke up thinking it had all been a horrible dream, that'd Sam would be walking through my door and I'd tell him the news. He would hug me and spin me around, shout in happiness and everything would.  be great for the two of us. I was wrong and Jasper made sure I understood that. It had been close to a week since I left with him and the dreams were all the hope I had left, but they were hanging by a real thin thread. All the optimism and hope I started out with was shattered on a daily basis by Jasper. I missed Sam more and more with every day that was passing. I constantly was worried about him and his unborn son. Jasper often stated how great it would be to have an Alpha shifter on his side, that meant my son was safe. But was it really a good thing?

     I was sitting at the small kitchen table finishing my bowl of Cookie Crunch, I was in no mood to eat, but I knew I'd be forced, when Jasper walked in the room. Vampires don't sleep ever, so what he does when I'm sleeping, I have no idea and I do not plan on asking anytime soon. We were in California, stopped for the night after some nonstop sightseeing, on our way to Texas. He has become like a cat basking in the sun at all available times. We hardly ever speak; his phone goes off alot actually, but he smashed it yesterday. Jasper watches my every movement, never far in front of or behind me. It's sickening, but that's as far as it's gone and I'm happy. His body language screams aggravation and moodiness; his eyes are the blackest I've ever seen (saw?) them.

  He sat down on the only empty chair, scooting it closer to me. Both chairs were touching, and he stared intensely at me. It was frightening. He grabbed my hand lightly and held onto it, "Bella I need to feed."

(Kevin's PoV)

     Izzy has been missing for almost a week and it sucks. I miss her so much. I'm so unbelievably happy that Macy was unharmed and not surprised in the least that Izzy would be so selfless. I'm awake at night knowing that I was just a joke, just a ploy. It's crazy, but I'm hurt. Jasper only wanted her and I was thick enough to not see that I was being used. My guilt eats at me every second of the days that pass. Sam is trying to be strong, but he is really having a hard time even hiding his pain and his friends aren't doing any better. They look at me with pity and some with anger in their eyes. I don't want to be here, I just want to take Macy and leave again. None of them will let me; I've been forced into Paul's vacant apartment and Sam or somebody else often check in on me like I'm a naughty child. I hate it.

     Paul left two weeks ago and I've been lonely since. He should of taken me and Macy with, then maybe none of this would've happened. Izzy missed him too, so much that it brought her back to me. Which I didn't want it to happen like that, but that has always been our way. It's why she left Phoenix, I hate that it can't be easy, I hate that it can't be me that she's with. I resent Sam and these other La Push people, she would've left with me if none of them existed. She would've come back the first time I tried contacting her. These people have caused her to change and I don't like it. I miss Izzy.

  "Sam, dude are you okay?" Jake nudges him.

  "Oh," he shake himself out of his stupor. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wish I knew where Bella was," he spoke sadly.

I didn't really know Sam before all this happened, but it's easy to see that all this has messed him up mentally and emotionally. He's always zoning off and almost never speaking. Jacob gets after him alot for it, but it doesn't really help anything. He says that he and I need to talk, but wishes Sam would because it's his job.

  "We'll find her man, it might take time, but you'll have her back. And that leech will be deader than dead." Jared smirked, reassuring his older friend. 

  None of it fazed Sam, he just went on about her. "I think she's okay as far as everything. She is a little frightened, but I don't think she's in any pain."

  "That's good. Maybe the blood sucker came to his senses." Seth stated optimistically.

  "No. He still has her."

(Jasper's PoV)

  She looks at me, heart racing, breathing increased, scared. "Go hunt. I won't go anywhere. Lock the door, whatever," she states wearily.

  "Bella, I have you here. I have no need to go and hunt. I will feed from you, I need to feed from you. Your blood is now the only thing that will suffice my hunger. And it will until your heart stops beating," or until I get killed or decide to let her go. Neither one of those will be happening. Ever.

  Her eyes widen with shock and her heart beat picks up more speed. I close my eyes and inhale, smiling, at the wonderful aroma in the air.

   "No, Jasper. I refuse," she states flat out. I smile, tears well up in her brown eyes.

  "You don't get a choice Isabella. I was merely informing you," I stand up, towering over her. Her tears fall rapidly. She gets up as well, but trips and continues on, crawling away.

  Silly girl, you never run away when the predator is so much quicker.

  "Don't make this hard, come back to me. You won't win and it will be painful, every instinct tells me to chase after you."She doesn't say anything. Just keeps crawling towards the bathroom, I tear right through the door just to prove my point. She's got herself cornered now. Her whole body is trembling.

  "I can still make this easy," I growl. My animalistic side has taken over.

  "Go to hell!" She kicks at me and I grab her ankle, she struggles underneath me. I barely notice. My canines tear through soft skin. Her warm blood fills my mouth. She screams loudly, I grunt wildly in pleasure.

Chapter 24. Sorry it took so long, I got distracted by the new story and Thanksgiving. I hope you guys don't hate me and enjoyed this. I promise this has a happy ending, I promise Paul returns soon. There's something about evil Jasper that I enjoy writing. I might be demented. I still need a name for my new Twilight story, the info is at the end of chapter 23.

Please, please go check out The Price of Sobriety. It's not Twilight or supernatural or fan fiction, but it's pretty good. It will be sticking around and I would love some feedback on it!

Vote and comment and fan and whaetever.

Tell me what you think. I'd love to hear opinions!

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