Merthur - The King and His Gu...

By CreamyXD

217K 11.1K 5.8K

Merthur AU (Set around early season 4) Arthur Pendragon is the new king of Camelot having assumed the throne... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning of Destiny
Chapter 2 - Onwards to Ealdor
Chapter 3 - His Royal Prat
Chapter 4 - A Mother's Worry
Chapter 5 - The Boy From Ealdor
Chapter 6 - Convergence
Chapter 7 - Morgana's Assault
Chapter 8 - The Knights of the Round Table
Chapter 9 - Welcome to Camelot
Chapter 10 - The Seed of Doubt
Chapter 11 - Agravaine the Aggravating Arse
Chapter 12 - Fears of the Heart
Chapter 13 - A Friend's Trust
Chapter 14 - A Story of Betrayal
Chapter 15 - To Care For Another
Chapter 16 - Judgement Day
Chapter 18 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 19 - His Kingdom
Chapter 20 - One Last Time
Chapter 21 - The First Battle
Chapter 22 - It's For Luck
Chapter 23 - Fateful Encounters
Chapter 24 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Chapter 25 - Two Sides of the Same Coin
Chapter 26 - The King's Guardian
Chapter 27 - His Doom...?
Chapter 28 - A Mother's Love
Chapter 29 - The End of Destiny

Chapter 17 - The Right Choice

6.7K 383 240
By CreamyXD

Merlin raises a hand, knocking tentatively on the door to the physician's chambers and waits. He first hears quiet shuffling on the other side, then footsteps as someone approaches. There's a soft click when the door is unlocked and the hinges squeak in protest as the door is forced open.

Merlin almost wants to tackle the old man into a hug when he sees him through the open door. He smiles at him brightly, plastering on his widest grin as the physician recognizes the boy at his door. Gaius smiles back, his expression turning from somber to joyful in a matter of seconds. "Merlin, my boy!" he exclaims happily, hobbling over to give the warlock a hug.

Merlin returns the gesture whole heartedly, not realizing how much he missed his mentor. He gives the old man a comforting pat on the back before pulling away, smiling even more widely than before. Gaius quickly stands aside for him to enter, ushering him in and shutting the door.

The next person he sees is Will. His friend in standing in the centre of the room, mouth agape as he stares. Merlin grins at him as well, walking forward to clasp a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Thought you would never see me again?" he says, chuckling.

Will's face breaks into a smile, and if Merlin didn't know any better, he would swear he could see tears in his friend's eyes. "And was glad too. Thought you were finally out of my hair," he says, trying to sound tougher than he really was.

They both laugh, pulling the other in for an embrace. They only let go when the door to the small room upstairs opens. Merlin hears a small gasp before the sound of rushing footsteps. Will is shoved out of the way as his mother barrels towards him. He feels her wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him in so tightly that he has to bend down in fear of being choked to death.

"Oh Merlin," he hears his mother say as she buries her face in his neck. "Merlin..." She gives a soft sob as tears pool from her eyes, staining his neckerchief while he rocks her gently.

"I'm alright, mother. I'm alright," he says in reassurance, rubbing gentle circles along her back.

His mother pulls away soon after, rubbing at her eyes with the palm of her hand. "Did-did you manage to clear your name?" she asks hopefully, eyes alight.

Merlin looks away. He stares off into the distance, trying to choose his words carefully. How can he put this as lightly as possible? "I... um..." he begins, scratching at the back of his head. He glances at the faces around the room, seeing the hope in their eyes. He hates that he has to crush them. "I-uh, no. I didn't clear it."

He sees everyone's shoulders slump, the smiles turning into frowns as they listen to his words. Their expressions deflate, their moment of elation gone like the wind. "Then why have you come here?" his mother asks, holding onto his sleeve desperately.

"I wanted to say goodbye..." he says quietly.

"You mustn't put yourself in needless danger. You could have been killed or worse," Gaius chides.

Merlin shrugs. "It's not like it would have mattered. I'm being sentenced to death. It would have happened one way or another."

They all fall silent, looking down at the floor as the words sink in.

"We can help you escape," Will says, a spark of hope lighting up again in his eyes. "We could smuggle you out. Run away back to Cenred's kingdom."

Merlin shakes his head, brushing away his mother's hand and taking a step back. "I'm not leaving."

Will stares at him dumbfounded. "Are you insane?" He throws his arms up in the air. "You mean to stay here and allow that man," he points up in the general direction of the royal chambers, "to find you and kill you?"

Merlin looks away. "I have my own reasons to stay."

Will grabs him by the neckerchief, pulling him until they're face to face. "It's because of him isn't it? You still don't want to leave your little noble friend."

Merlin glares at Will, pulling the other's hand off of him but refuses to answer.

"Look what he's done to you! As I said, those nobles are nothing but trouble. You can't trust 'em."

Merlin tears his eyes away, heading towards the pitcher full of water and pouring himself a cupful. He continues to ignore his friend.

"What? Are you just gonna sit here and-and let him drag you back?" Will says, voice cracking. "I told you, he is not your friend. He doesn't care about you. Not like the rest of us do. Forget about him. He's just another noble. There is no need for you to stay and suffer because of him."

Merlin sets the cup down after draining its contents. He wipes the remainder off his lips with his sleeve before turning back to face Will. "He's my friend. I've betrayed his trust once. I'm not doing it again."

Will scoffs. "If he were a true friend he would not sentence you to death."

Again, Merlin remains silent.

Will storms out of the room from the lack of a response, a permanent sneer set into his face. He slams the door shut behind him, making Merlin flinch slightly in his spot. He turns towards his mother, seeing the sorrowful look in her eyes as she watches him. He reaches a hand out, gently stroking the side of her cheek. "I'm sorry, mother," he says, "but I've made my decision."

His mother sighs, leaning into his touch. She lifts up a hand, cupping hers over his own. "You really care about him... don't you?"

Merlin nods, a small smile on his face. "Yes, I really do."


The sun has just barely peeked over the horizon when Arthur wakes to the sound of the warning bell. He opens one eye, not bothering to rush as he already knows the reason the alarm was risen.

He gets to his feet, pulling aside the curtain to find guards streaming past the castle windows across the courtyard as they search the palace for the escaped prisoner. He heads towards his wardrobe, changing quickly into his armour as best he can without anyone's help.

A knock sounds at his door just as he's about to finish. "Enter," he calls as he pulls on his glove.

Leon enters the room, seeming to have been woken by the bell as well judging by the state of his hair, looking breathless. "Merlin has escaped, sire," he says, though he doesn't sound quite as urgent as he should be after hearing news of a sorcerer escaping.

"I know," Arthur replies simply, pulling on his other glove.

Leon raises an eyebrow at him, probably confused at the king's reluctance to take action, though he's not one to complain. "What are your orders, my lord?"

Arthur looks up, waving his hand at the knight. "Send the guards to search the forest and lower town."

Again, Leon stares at the king skeptically. "What about the citadel?"

"Leave it. I'm sure he's made a run for it already. There's no point in searching here."

Leon stares at the king suspiciously for a moment before a knowing smile crosses his face. "Of course, sire. I'll be sure to inform the guards."

The knight gives a quick bow before leaving the room, seeming more relaxed than when he entered.

After he finishes putting on the rest of his armour Arthur heads to the door as well, ready to find Merlin when a new thought strikes him. He stops just short of the door and pulls his sword from his belt. He sets it down on the table before turning back around to leave the room. He won't make the same mistake twice.


The halls feel oddly silent as Arthur makes his way through the citadel, his footsteps being the only sound echoing down the corridor. The castle is dimly lit, the torches having mostly burned out during the night. On any normal day the sun would have been up in the sky already, shedding enough light through the windows to illuminate the halls, but today is different. Today, the clouds barricade the sun's brilliance. Hiding it within the shadows of a false night.

His steps slow once he reaches the all too familiar hall. His heart starts to race as he moves closer and closer towards the physician's chambers. He's beginning to dread the moment he reaches the door. Dread the moment he will have to come face to face with everything. He knows his choice will matter. He knows he must make the correct judgement for the very fate of the kingdom may rest on this one choice. All he hopes is that he will make the correct one.

Arthur takes in a deep breath before reaching for the handle. He pushes the door open slowly, quietly. He takes a step in and stops by the door when he sees the scene before him.

Merlin is seated at the dining table, eyes glowing a bright gold as he weaves images from the steam coming off the pot of stew. First, he makes a dragon, one that soars around the room before stopping to perch by the bread. It stands atop the mound, beaming proudly as it gazes around the room. Then, with a quick wave of the servant's hand and another string of words a little knight appears from the steam. It drops down into the soup, desperately swimming towards the edge of the bowl to grab hold. It hoists itself up, looking up proudly at Hunith who gives a small giggle at the spectacle. Just as the little knight is about to make the trek up the bread and towards the dragon both disappear in a puff.

Hunith tilts her head in confusion, smile dropping as she glances up at Merlin only to find his eyes trained elsewhere. She follows his gaze, letting out a loud gasp as she sees the king at the door. By then Gaius has turned as well, watching the royal with a calculating gaze as he shuts the book he was reading.

Gaius is the first to say anything, "Sire, may I help you?"

Arthur takes another step into the room, noticing the way Hunith tenses at the movement. Merlin, on the other hand, remains still. His expression revealing nothing. "I-" the king stutters, "I was hoping to speak with Merlin. Alone."

Gaius shoots a quick glance towards the boy. He raises an eyebrow at him, seeming to ask a silent question towards the mother and son. Hunith shakes her head vigorously, clearly not wanting to leave her child alone with a man that most likely wishes to kill him. Merlin though, gives a nod. He smiles down at his mother, whispering a few words of reassurance. Hunith remains tense, but reluctantly gives in with a sigh.

She gets to her feet, Gaius following suit, and heads towards the door. She shoots a stern glance towards Arthur as she passes him, sending a death threat that he doesn't doubt she'll follow through with.

The door shuts behind the two with a click, leaving Arthur alone with Merlin once again. He glances towards the boy now, trying to determine how to approach the situation at hand. What does he say first? Should he start off light? Asking him about his day or get straight to the point?

Before he can come to a decision, Merlin gets up from the bench he's been sitting on. He stands by the table, hands behind his back as he chews on his lower lip. He's staring down at the floor, eyes refusing to meet that of the king's. "I didn't think you would come," he says quietly, voice barely above a whisper.

Arthur can hardly describe how much the words sting. Merlin didn't have any faith in him. Merlin believed he didn't care. "You thought I would send the guards? Tell them to come and arrest you?" He says, not bothering to hide the hurt in his voice.

Merlin gives a quiet chuckle though it sounds half-hearted. "You were angry and I did attack you last night. I figured you would want me dead after that."

Arthur shakes his head, taking a few steps closer. "No, you had the right to. I-" he swallows the lump in his throat, "I tried to kill you and I'm sorry." He hangs his head in shame. He doesn't even want to fathom the idea. Doesn't want to imagine Merlin's blood dripping from his blade. Doesn't want to imagine his body on the floor of his chambers, silent and lifeless.

Merlin takes a step back, an action that Arthur doesn't fail to notice, before looking up, a small smile on his lips. "You don't need to-"

"Of course I do!" Again, Arthur moves closer, now almost leaning into Merlin's personal space. The servant tries to back away, only to be stopped by his back hitting the edge of the table. Arthur has his hands braced on the wood, one on either side of the boy. He presses his forehead against the warlock's before beginning again softly, "You have done so much for me. You saved my life more times than many of my own knights. You fought against Morgana. You saved me from freezing to death in the woods. You-" he stops to take in a deep breath, "you love me for me." He backs away, moving now to pace the room. "And what have I done for you? I betrayed your trust. I hurt you and I pushed you away." Arthur sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I don't deserve your kindness, your forgiveness. I don't deserve your love."

Arthur lets out a breath and turns, getting ready to leave. "I'll give you a pardon. As much as I would like for you to stay it's not safe for you here. I'll send-" Before he's able to finish he feels a warm body press up against his back. Arms encircle his waist, tugging him closer as he feels the servant's chin rest against his shoulder.

"If I felt that you didn't deserve forgiveness then I wouldn't have waited for you. I would have left with my mother and Will the minute I escaped. I wouldn't have gone to warn you about Agravaine." Merlin mutters, breath brushing against Arthur's ears.


"Arthur," the warlock squeezes tighter. "I already told you before, I love you and I'm not about to leave your side. Not unless you want me too."

Arthur opens his mouth, ready to tell him that he wants him to leave. That he wants Merlin to go somewhere safe where no one, not even Morgana, can hurt him, but he stops himself. He stops because he knows Merlin will be able to see through the lie. The facade. Of course he doesn't want Merlin to leave. He wants him to stay here, by his side, forever. He's been a noble all his life and he can't help if he's a little selfish.

So, instead he smiles. He rests his own hand overtop of Merlin's, turning his head slightly until he's able to see the boy's face beside his. "Stubborn as always, aren't you?"

Merlin puts on a pout, but Arthur can tell through his eyes that the boy is much happier than before. "And you're a prat as always," he says, burying his head into the crook of Arthur's neck with a grin.

The king chuckles before untangling himself from the boy's grasp. He hears Merlin give a disappointed whimper at the action, but it's soon forgotten when Arthur spins around, wrapping his own arms around the warlock's waist. The king gives a smirk, pulling the boy closer as he leans in. "I can still change my mind," he says, teasing.

Merlin chuckles, wrapping his own arms around Arthur's waist once again before leaning in as well until their breaths mingled in the air between them. "It's not my fault if you're a prat," he replies, the usual cheek back in his voice.

Arthur can feel the edges of his lips tug into a wide smile at the retort. He admits that he has missed this. He's missed their playful bantering, their shared insults, and their gentle teasing. He's missed seeing Merlin's wide grins and hearing his boisterous laughs. He's missed having him so close.

Merlin smiles at him again, eyes alight now with more life than he has ever seen since he met the boy. The king's heart skips a beat as the buried thoughts in his head begin to climb up to the surface. He can hear it whisper sweet nothings into his ear, pushing him forward, telling him that it's either now or never.

He keeps his eyes locked on the servant's, simply basking in the beauty of the man in front of him. Then slowly, ever so slowly, he begins to lean in. He's a little hesitant at first, unsure how the warlock will react, but the slight squeeze of Merlin's hand on his waist gives him all the confirmation he needs. So, he closes his eyes and presses his lips onto Merlin's and he can honestly say that is the best decision he's made all his life.


A/N - Hey guys sorry for the late chapter! I'm currently writing my final exams so there probably won't be another update until at least the end of the month.

I'm sorry everyone and I thank you for your patience!

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