Swords Of Legend: Arthur's Le...

By DavidMcivor

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Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Swords of Legend: Arthurs legacy

Chapter XVII

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By DavidMcivor

Aarons first stop was the training area, so he could grab Excalibur, and when he next saw the Director, he was different. His shades were gone, replaced with glasses, and he was carrying twin rifles, carving holes into anything unhuman that came close. When he saw Aaron's expression, he smiled. "Im mediocre with swords, but give me a gun, and i will kill everyone in sight." As if to prove his point he proceeded to kill an angel, and the used its shoulders to steady his guns, before shooting two demons who were trying to sneak up behind Aaron. The bulets had been aimed either side of Aaron's head. That was all the proof he needed.

Nathan had his hammer, and was relentlessly Destroying everything in sight aswell. Even Natasha was up in the sky attacking fellow demons, as "Aaron's more important." Aaron sent a few songs of Ember up into the air, knocking multiple demons and angels to the ground, before running to his room to check on Mr Hayes and Angelica. He wished he hadn't. He really did.

A demon in black armor was calmly ripping out Angelicas left eyeball, and started grinning, before stretching his abyssal black wings, and shot into the air, carrying something that looked suspiciously like....."oh no....please.... " it was a head. Richard Hayes head. Aaron actually felt sick. Anything he grew attatched to, was taken from him. It wasn't fair. Looking at Mr Hayes corpse only made it worse.

Nathan and Natasha were shaking Aaron, trying to get him to respond when the Director came in. Seeing the body, made his colour drain too, and he sunk to the floor beside Aaron. They looked at each other and made a silent agreement. They would kill Azazel, if it was the last thing they did. They both stood up, grabbed thier weapons and made thier way to the door vengeful smiles on faces, deadly gleam in thier eyes.

"ummm do you have insurance for this place?" Aaron asked pulling out his spell book. When the director said yes, him and Aaron both walked out of the room, grinning like Cheshire cats. Nathan and Natasha helped Angelica on to her feet, before following them. No point staying where they were.

Aaron calmly walked past tons of battles, and nobody bothered him after seeing the murderous look on his face. He found the nicely titled "song of Dragons Rage" and stabbed excalibur into the ground and started to bellow the chant. It was apparently as dangerous as the song of drowning waves, but Mr Hayes deemed it more powerful, and told Aaron to only use it as the need arises. This was that time.

"The abyssal void, death, destruction, an active volcano, during eruption, purify all that is unpure, fighting when unsure, a river of rage, emotions strong, use this hate, to right a wrong, send my enemys away to burn, burn so bright, they never return"

What happened next shocked literally everyone. Every demon and angel Aaron had deemed an enemy, cried out in pain as beams of fire shot through each and everyone of them, straight through thier hearts, and when the beams hit the ground with the angel or demon, they would explode. Aaron would of cared, if he wasn't so enraged. It was if he had his own aura surrounding him. He had blown up Shadow Corp, and killed all those angels and demons, but he still wanted to continue.

Two angels landed on the ground, remarking on how the Director called them for no reason, as there was a mage on campus. They introduced themselves anyway though. "Raziel and Israfill at your service!....well when we can of course." They looked impressed by Aarons slaying rampage, and they were not the only ones. Aaron felt close to collapsing, but after a couple minutes, he stood up and was greeted with aplause.

Aaron was not used to this. Everyone- The Director, Nathan, Natasha, all of Shadow Corp, even Raziel and Israfill clapped him on the back. Aaron didn't know what to say. Mr Hayes had been the last persom Aaron could've called "family" but no, Mr Azazel had to go and decide that he wasn't allowed nice things. Aaron really wanted to kill Azazel now.

The Director walked up to Aaron and gave him a hug. Ill miss him too Aaron, im sorry." The Director then shot his guns in the air, and was followed by the rest of Shadow Corp, as a tribute to thier friends who didn't make it. The Director attempted to make a speech, but didn't know what to say.

Nathan walked up to him and handed Aaron a folder. "The old man handed me this, knowing he wouldn't last much longer. I hate him for it but now its yours." The Director issued them a new room untill they left, so they made thier way there. Natasha tryed to hug Aaron but Nathan pushed her away, which Aaron was thankful for. Emptying the folder on the floor, Nathan helped Aaron make his way through the Documents.

Contact information for the other knights, bank accounts belonging to Aaron's family, some more high level spells, first aid, but what Aaron looked at first was the last will and testament of Richard, Edward, Hayes. Mr Hayes had left everything he owned to Aaron. There was a note for Aaron on the back.

I know right now your probably mad at what ever killed me, but calm down. Plan your next step carefully, as it could be a trap. Learn to control your anger, and use it towards immortals that attempt to kill you, and don't hesitate as much, or you will end up killing yourself. Just whatever you do, do NOT rush into a situation blindly. Your mum and dad loved you dearly, but knew they could only keep you safe for this long, if they hid you. If you feel as if you need any closure, ive told Angelica the place, she can be trusted, as can Nathan, Natasha, Lizzie and the Director. Im leaving you everything so you can start rebuilding what you have lost when you have achieved your goal. Keep your friends safe Aaron Pendragon, you can actually acieve things if you think once in a while.
Your friend,
Richard. E. Hayes.

________]End of Chapter 17_______

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