Random One- Shots

By Melanomaniac_17

225 16 47

A collection of random one- shots about basically a lot of stuff, but primarily friendship, love, music and... More

#1« 'Joey Survives, Yet Again...'
#2« 'How You End the School Year'
#3« 'Broken Beyond Repair'
#4« 'Murphy'
#5« 'When I Fall'
#6« 'Hey Angel'
#8« 'Grammy #2!!'
#9« 'Who's laughing now, Coby Michael??'
#10« 'A Date with Pops'
#11« 'The Obsidian Silhouette'
#13« I Love Her
#14« 'Mahogany Eyes (Mavi)'
#15« 'Sharp Cheekbones'

#12« 'A Story, Please?'

13 1 13
By Melanomaniac_17

So we had English class Friday (July 1st) and our teacher said we'd work on our writing skills that class. No wonder then that I screamed internally!!

She gave us these key words and asked us to use at least four of them in any kind of backdrop. These were the words she gave-

Blue Gorilla, Cloak of Foolishness, The Stupid Monk, The Curse of Astapore, The Black Castle, Lady of the Hills, and The Crippled Knight.

Now pause for a second (or however long you require) and ponder over these words and think about what you would have written had you been in my place.

Now read ahead to what I wrote...
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"Tell us a story, Josh, please!! " Anafa pleaded.

"Not now, girls."

"Please!!" Anafa's twin sister Micaila begged Josh too.

"Okay, just one." said Josh and the girls cheered.

Clearing his throat, Josh narrated a story with animated gestures.

"Once upon a time-" he began, only to be interrupted by the twins groaning.

"This isn't your usual fairytale, girls; just listen." he said and started over.

"Once upon a time, in a place not very far from here lived a girl just as high as the two of you. Now this girl had a brother who advertised himself as a 'Ghostbuster'. He would probably have watched 'Ghostbusters' far too many times, only the movie hadn't even been released then. He had heard about this movie and had been convinced it would be the best he'd ever see.

Eagerly waiting for its release, he roamed endlessly about every place within a five-mile radius of his house. Once his mother realized how obsessive he had become, she bought him a ticket to a quaint little forested place called Astapore. She knew she had to send him away to detoxify and promised to let him return when the movie released, which was at least three months away. With much reluctance, this boy, whose name was Riley, agreed to go even though he never liked the woods.

Riley reached Astapore the very next afternoon. Getting off the bus that had ferried him there, he looked about the place but the only signs of civilization he saw was the muddy street. Riley scoured the place for another half hour until he observed a chimney stack above the treeline with smoke billowing out. He ran in the direction of the chimney and soon saw a huge black castle. Heading towards the castle, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that the castle was surrounded by men in heavy armor and stern expressionless faces that reminded him of Nearly Headless Nick or, more honorably, Sir Nicholas.

When he approached the entrance, a knight with an amputated leg appeared. The crippled knight escorted him in when Riley told him he was lost. Soon, they were standing in front of a regal-looking woman in a full-length cerise-coloured ball gown with sleeves that fell to the floor. Her gown was embellished with Swarovski crystals. Her golden diadem adorned with sapphire and emerald stones, she was the very epitome of magnificence.

The knight introduced her as the Lady of the Hills. When asked his name, Riley pushed his untidy mop of cyan hair back and told them his name, which they couldn't pronounce.

"Rillie?" the Lady tried, being unsuccessful of course. Unable to pronounce it, the knight suggested Gorilla.

"'Blue Gorilla' seems about right." the Lady said in her charming Scottish accent, making everyone in the room laugh while staring at his blue-dyed hair.

"Do not be ashamed, boy, it's an affectionate term." she said and invited him to live in the Black Castle, but warned him about the curse of Astapore. The curse was what had resulted when the Lady had offended a witch who had said that the area would never prosper until the Lady's offspring ruled over the land. 'A cloak of foolishness', as the witch put it, would be what shrouded Astapore until the next ruler.

That night, while Riley lay asleep, a monk, christened 'the stupid monk' because of his unbelievable idiocy, died on his sleep and then-"

Josh was interrupted by the soft snores of Anafa and Micaila.

"The rest of the story tomorrow, girls." he said and kissed them both on the cheek before he went out. He rode in his horse carriage to the Black Castle and greeted his wife, the Lady of the Hills.

For he was none other than Riley. And he awaited the release of the new 'Ghostbusters' movie.
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That is what I wrote and the teacher read the first half out loud. Then she read out what this one guy had written. It was such a sweet love letter-like thing (excuse my language)!! The poor guy started crying though...

Anyways, let me know what you think!! I'll let you know what my teacher and classmates thought next Friday, which is when we have her class next and she said she would finish reading it then...

Oh, and I guess it was a funny moment when the teacher was taking attendance and I said "Not Absent." when she called my name. XD

Thank you for reading!!
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