Pure {Werewolf VS Vampire}

By Beautifully_Driven_

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Briella Silverstone is human. She's funny, sarcastic, and one hell of a spitfire. Even with her tragic back s... More

Pure {Werewolf VS Vampire}
I'm A Morning Person, Can't You Tell?
I Spy With My Little Eye, London!
Different People.
New Friend? Or Just A Challenge? ( Part 1 )
New Friend? Or Just A Challenge? ( Part Two)
Pearl Harbor Parody
Curiosity Killed The Cat.
Movers Suck At Their Job
Internal VS External Conflict.
Finding Blake
I Like Them Difficult.
Blake Breaks Down

Racing Misconception... I Think?

435 31 5
By Beautifully_Driven_


RECEIVED: 680+ Reads, 63+ Votes, and 15+ Comments xD

It just may be all the candy I just ate, but I'm super, uper, duper happy and hyper about all the happy comments, and positive feedback you guys gave me on my story(: Thank you so much!!!!!!!

Also, I dedicate this chapter to kykymiky, who has been extremely nice and positive on this story(: Thank you so much girlieee!


Sum up of Chapter:

She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention

She was going way too fast

Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass

She saw both their lives flash before her eyes

She didn't even have time to cry

She was so scared

She threw her hands up in the air

Jesus take the wheel

Take it from my hands

Cause I can't do this on my own

I'm letting go

So give me one more chance

Save me from this road I'm on

Jesus take the wheel

~Carrie Underwood {Jesus Take The Wheel}


Xx Briella's Pov xX

( At Red Light)  ...



'Just focus, and remember your training' I said self coaching myself.





'You've raced billions of these races, so don't be scared'










'Remember what dad thaught you..........'










As soon as the red stoplight turned its color to green, I gripped the accelerator to such force, I'm almost possitive blisters would soon form on the palms of my hands from the grip I had...

From punching the accelerator, Terror used an enormous amount of force to be gassed forward, and I raced down the narrow lane; leaving Blake and his red pick up truck in the dust.

As I quickly passed, I swear I saw him give me an evil grin, but I shook it off and pretended it never happened. Concentrate Briella!

I drove faster.

Besides, he would really have to kick it up a notch to even tail behind me!

I drove faster.

I told him he couldn't compete in my league!

Like I said...

Terror was made for this kind of buisness! I smirked at my own thought.

I drove faster.


Almost there.

But... then again, I did feel bad for Blake that I was rubbing my almost victory into his face. I mean, he's was a cool guy! He even had the guts to embarrass himself for me.

He's got balls....

Great, now I feel like a jerk. -.-

I sighed in defeat, and I decided to make a plan.

My plan was simple. I was going to slow Terror down just enough for him to at least trail close behind me so he catches up.

Then as we cross the "finish line" we could "unexpectedly" tie. Then when we tie, I won't feel as bad, and the guilt will completely wash away!

I'm such a compassionate genius! ^°^

Following through with my devious plan, I shifted the pedal with my foot to a certain gear, gear 6, and Terror rolled on NEUTRAL down the low slope we were riding on.


A few moments later of slowing down, I saw a familiar red pick up truck come over the asphalted road many yards from me. Blake.

I switched the pedal into 3rd gear, to speed up back to NORMAL pace.


The hell???

My eyes widened with fright.

All of a sudden, Terror began to jiggle uncontrollablely, and the clank of her bolts and metal gears loosened every passing second. She clanked, and wobbled some more.

It made my heart race to unnatural rate to experience something as scary as this.

I'm going 70 on the road currently, and experiencing this kind of a crisis is not good!

I'm going to get hurt. Bad!

I began to swerve between lanes uncontrollably, even though I'm attempting to control the bikes handlebars. My one thought processed through this was:

'Holy Shit, I'm going to crash!'

I let out a loud yelp, and nailed the brakes, and clutch rather savagely, sending Terror to lean forward into a front wheelie. Her tires started to scream in an earsplitting tone from the sudden use of breakage being forced down upon her, and it was probrably heard throughout London's hearing range.

"Shit" I cursed once Terror came to a complete stop. I punched her modified seat in anger.

Then I inhaled a rather deep breath to cool down.

'What the hell just happened' I asked myself in sheer disbelief.

I pulled at my long brunette hair in anger, and utter frustration. I was so pissed that the little "episode" that had occured, just actually happened.

There was no way Terror would just "break down" between gear shifts. Something must've just... happened...

And to make it all even worse, from the corner of my right eye, I saw Blake and his truck casually pass by me.

Wait... PASS ME???

Hell no.

My competitive side kicked back into place, and I started Terror on with an old-fashioned kickstart, and her engine surprisingly roared back to life. I smiled to her.

Then I switch the gear out of 3rd, and kicked it up to 1st gear, which was ACCELERATE SPEED.

I punched Terror's Accelerator bar to ride at her furthest ability, and she skyrocketed back on course.

'Come on, faster' I chanted, while accelerating even further.

'Screw tying the race, I'm going for the win' I thought rather angrily. I guess the commotion Terror had caused really put me over the edge!

Blake pulled into the mall parking lot.

"Shit" I cursed, pushing the accelerator to the furthest I could send it.

I pulled into the lot also.

Blake hadn't parked yet! This is my chance! I can still do this!

I drifted Terror sideways, and she undoubtly landed perfectly into a parking space before Blake.


"Holy hell, I did it!" I screamed while laughing rather loudly.

I got off of Terror's seat, and jumped up and down all giddy like.

"Good job love" A voice said from behind me.

I spun on my heel, turning around, I came into contact with the loser himself. Blake!

"I won. You lost. I won. You lost!" I chanted to the extreme in the parking lot, while doing a celebration dance with NO shame might I add!

I looked up at Blake, to see him giving himself a facepalm for having to put up with me. I giggled loudly.

'It's HIS Fault! He CHOSE to put up with me!' I sassed my brain.

He looked down at me and gave me a sly grin. But in the end, he giggled along with me, to the point we made some mothers direct their children away from us. We were THAT bad, and mental!

Giggling turned to loud laughing, and I realized that I TOTALLY forgot what in the world was so funny...

It was my turn to facepalm.

"Come on Mrs. Winner, lets go buy cool stuff" he grinned.

I'm a girl. Shopping is an okay thing to do! So for all you people out there who are saying

"UGHHHH Your gonna take FOREVERRRR shopping!"

Well you can go sit in the corner, and think about your life!

{Adventure Time Quote}

I squealed like a little kid, when Blake mentioned shopping.

He shook his head and smiled.


"You shut your face mister!" I shunned him infront of bystanders.

"Yes, princess" he chuckled.

Then we entered the most wonderful place you most likely see a bunch of chicks in. The mall !!! xD

20 Votes for next update!!!(:


Well, there was your "race" lol.

Did it go down as you guys expected it?

And what was with all that commotion Terror had caused?

Briella seemed to have forgotten about it for now, but just to let y'all know...

It was No accident...


I want to interact with all of you lovely people! lol.

user: Beautifully_D

Mwah! *kiss*

Love you guys!!!!



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