Promised Love [LEVI X EREN...

By TheNexKix

67.9K 996 328

Eren jeager, an omega who has just been the victim of an attack he ended up wounded and was found by Levi. N... More



15.3K 380 88
By TheNexKix


This is a fanfic is an omegaverse

Omega: The omega have female reproductive system, and can have kids, in case of mens they have it inside. The omega have heats, wich are every 3 months and lastfrom 3 to 4 days, in those days the off hormones that attract alphas, in case the omega isn't marked those hormones attract any alpha but if he/she is marked those hormones only attract their alpha. If they have sex during heat they can get pregnant. The omegas havve a called "weeping" wich is do unconsioucly, this weeping call their alpha to protect them.

Alpha: The alphas can get an omega or beta pregnant, but in betas the possibilitys are very low. They also have a heat but this heat is every 6 months and it last 2 or 3 days. They are very possessive and jealous with their omega. They have something called "alpha voice" wich is a different tipe of voice than usual, it's used to control or make submissive an omega, beta or even an alpha or lower ranking.

Beta: They are like normal human beings, it's possible that a beta and an alpha to have kids or even with an omega but the posiblities are lower than an alpha with an omega. However the beta can give birth to an alpha or omega.

Bond: This is a mark that an alpha makes to an omega or beta in the neck, is a bite that can not be erased, and makes that the feelings of omega and alpha are attached, to such grade that there are time in wich the alpha or omega dies teh opposite falls into depression and in some cases dies. This mark can only be made through sex and tells others alpha or beta that that omega already has an 'owner'.

TRIGGER WARNING : this fanfic occasionally touches sensitive themes that can trigger certain people, I will tell you in which chapters and in which parts these themes are found. For this reason I RECOMMEND that this story be read by people OVER 16.

TW of the chapter:
Mentions of panic attacks, traumatic events, mention of violent images and blood.


It had all started one night, it was late, maybe it was about 11:00 or 12:00am, I had just left work. Levi worked as a waiter ina restaurant, he worked at night because the tips are better, at least sometimes it was like that, because where the restaurant was was a da da street, where people often walked. It may not be much but he likes his job.
The black haired man closed the zipper of his black leather jacket as he closed the back door of the restaurant and locked it.

It had begun to rain, and Levi didn't have an umbrella with him, although luckily for him little drops were just beginning to fall, so he wouldn't get much in his car. A little annoyed he started walking faster towards his car. Cold air grazed his face, probably causing his ears, cheeks, and nose to turn red. He put his hands into his jacket trying to get some warmth, otherwise his fingers would start to hurt. After walking up to the street where his car was parked, which was just across the street from the restaurant. He reminded himself to look both sides before crossing the street, however the white skinned men did not realize that a car had just turned around, and was speeding in its direction, as Levi could run to the other side while listening to the driver honking his horn.

"Tsk idiot" he said kicking a stone under his black combat boots. It was one of the things that bothered him the most, irresponsible drivers, the young black man had no idea if he had been drunk, but he did not doubt it, it was Friday night, and even though it was late many people were still awake. Or maybe not only awake, maybe they were partying, maybe they were pushing themselves to the edge of their limits, the bad thing about those situations were the people they put at risk.
For some reason it was annoying to him that they put other people unnecessarily, regardless of their welfare.

Before he got to where his car was there was a small alley, which was always empty and dark, maybe there were once indecent people in the misml. Like the time when Erwin had stayed to close with Levi and although he did not remember exactly why Erwin had illuminated the alley and had met a couple of girls sharing a somewhat intimate scene. After this strange and uncomfortable situation he tried to stay away from that alley, no longer wanted to be part of some scene he should not see.

He was a few steps away from his car, near a place hotter than the street, a place where he would not get cold anymore and also where he could disinfect his hands even with gel. Levi took the key out of his jeans pocket and when he was about to open it he heard a moan coming from the alley, a part of his mind told him that he had heard something he didn't want to hear or shouldn't hear, but that idea changed as soon as he heard more moans of pain, and the voice of a man asking for help was like a murmured, The groans caused an unexpected reaction inside the Grey eyed man and before he could think what was he doing his legs moved back into the alley, taking out his cell phone to lit up the alley and he found two men, one of them was on the floor, the one on the floor was curled uo with his hands covering his face, the other was standing, as soon as he noticed the light he turned to Levi with an angry expression.

"Go away!" he said to the young black haired man, at those words Levi frowned strongly and clenched his fist, clenching his phone "Did you not hear me? Jackass" said with an even more aggressive stranger, with that little phrase Levi's patience was broken, although it is not that he had a great patience, especially if they were attacking someone else. He manage to save his phone on his pocket and tryed to remember where the stranger was standing.

With quick steps Levi walked towards the stranger who was standing, grabbed him from his clothes and punched him straight in the face. Maybe he was getting into matters that were not his concern, maybe he was making a mistake and was defending someone who didn't deserve it, but didn't know it. He could only bet and hope that he was doing the right thing, hoping not to regret this action.

"What's your damn problem? I told you this is not your problem" the stranger said touching his nose which was probably bleeding, or at least that's what Levi hoped, no doubt he had used a lot of force in that blow, maybe too much. But Levi did not regret having used so much force.

"Leave him" Levi said referring to the boy on the ground
"could you not have gone alone?" the other man replied, still holding his nose. Without Levi having foreseen it, the unknown struck a direct blow at Levi's cheek, who, although he had moved, had not completely avoided it, leaving a rather marked mark, apart from the red and burning cheek.
"Is that all you got?" Levi had not intended to get into trouble, much less in a risky situation, let alone a fight, but something had called him, maybe it had been the complaint, maybe it had been that inside him he knew something didn't sound good, rather he felt that something was telling him that he had to do something, that inside that horrible alley there was something, someone who needed his help.

Without delay, the Ackerman man threw three punches in a row, one to the chin of the stranger, and the other two straight to the side of his face. Quickly pull the jacket down, giving it a knee-jerk on the stomach, drawing the air out.
After those blows he let him go and observed how the stranger bent with pain, lost a little balance, coughed and then fell to the ground. He had taken out so much air that he would probably faint, which made Levi stopped worrying, for he did not wanted to fight any more, besides that he would keep dirtying his clothes and hands more time would still be spent for the other boy on the floor, which would not be good, for if he had any internal or very serious wound he might suffer more or worse.

Violence was not something that Levi resorted to, it was even annoying to him, but the stranger had beaten him first, at least that was what he wanted to say to himself, at that time he did not want to think of himself maybe he had exceeded himself with force, again, he just wanted to help the other person. His thoughts of guilt faded when he knelt down next to the other boy and noticed that he was full of bruises, he also had blood on his clothes, Levi had not been wrong to hit the now unconscious unknown. Perhaps he had lit up the alley for a few seconds, but he had noticed that the man had no bruises, no blood on his clothes. What Levi had seen was not a fight, it was an abuse. He had no idea why but the unconscious person had been hitting the boy indiscriminately.
Levi had a lot of uncertainty about whether to touch him or even try to move him; Hanji had previously explained how troublesome and terrible it could be to move someone injured. A few seconds passed while Levi thought about what to do, maybe calling an ambulance would be the best thing.

" 'kasa?" - murmured the boy, who had dirty and messy brown hair
"What?" Levi asked coming closer to him, at least he was still breathing "don't move, I'll call an ambulance"
"No, ambulances no"
"You're pretty hurt, I can't leave you like nothing and you shouldn't move either."
"Ambulances not" he repeated the chestnut weakly
"stop talking, I won't call an ambulance, although I should, I'll call a friend, she's a doctor"
"No ambulance"
"I already understood that," Levi said, refusing to turn his eyes blank. "don't move."

After a few minutes in which Levi exchanged a few words with Hanji, telling him the situation and explaining that the chestnut boy was badly injured and that he had insisted that he did not want an ambulance, Hanji told him that he would go to Levi, go with his truck so that he could take the boy without much trouble and attend to him, but not without first telling him that if he was too serious they would be forced to call an ambulance, to which Levi agreed. He did not want the chesnut boy to die after helping him or to have repercussions that would leave him in bad shape.

Levi insisted on staying next to the chestnut boy, asking questions from time to time to make sure he didn't fall asleep and also as Hanji had suggested to him to make sure he didn't have any concussions or brain damage. At that time Levi discovered that the boy was named eren, and that he was 21 years old.
Eren had been able to tell his direction half way, because it hurt him to speak, probably because he had received many blows to the jaw, if it was very serious maybe he had a broken jaw, or maybe it was the damage to his throat, because he also had scratches on his neck, as if the other had want to asphyxiate him. Before that image Levi felt a horrible sensation running through his body.
Many minutes had passed, perhaps half an hour, when Hanji finally arrived in his van.
The woman got down and walked towards Levi.

"It took you a long time," Levi said without getting up from the floor, silently refusing to leave eren
"How are you?" Hanji asked without answering Levi's question, he clearly noticed this, but said nothing.
"He can hardly stay awake" Hanji observed Levi while explaining what he had found out about Eren while waiting for her, Hanji nodded and walked to his truck taking out a stretcher type, quite simple, maybe it was made to keep at home and be used in emergencies.

With Levi's help, they carefully moved eren to the stretcher and put him in hanji's van, where he was secured for transport.
Levi went to her car and got in, having agreed with Hanji that he would follow her in his car.
Once inside his car, Levi sighed and squeezed the bridge of his nose with one hand. There was a long night ahead of him, and luckily it was Friday, and the next day it was his turn to rest.

Hanji had discovered that Eren luckily only had a broken rib and a broken left arm, he had no wounds, other than the bruises, he also had no contusion, but he had his throat hurt, so he could not speak well for a while. At least now they did not feel obliged to call an ambulance, as Eren had asked them even during the transport to Hanjis house

Levi had gone to the living room of hanji's house to rest a little while she had retired to her room, leaving eren in her small patient room.
The night passed without problems, the next morning hanji went to see eren, he found that the boy was waking up in an altered way.

"Calm down, Eren, breathe" the woman indicated, to which Eren did and tried to talk but out of his mouth but only came out moaning "do not try to talk, you hurt your throat, I will bring you a notebook where you can write" with that Hanji left for a few moments and when she came back he held in his hands a small notebook and a pen which she gave to Eren.

The somewhat dubious boy began to write leaning on his leg, because his left arm was in a cast. When he finished, he picked up the notebook and showed it to hanji.

'where am I? Is this a hospital? What happened? Who are you'

Hanji smiled kindly and approached Eren .

"I'm hanji zoe, I'm a doctor, my friend Levi helped you yesterday, and don't worry, this is not a hospital, it's my house. We brought you here since you insisted you didn't want ambulances, may I know why?"

Again Eren began to write in the notebook.

'It's complicated I'd rather not talk about it'

"Okay, okay, there's no pressure," Hanji replied kindly. The woman opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted when they heard Levi talking to her "Let me have a moment Eren" that said the chestnut girl left the room.

Eren heard them talking, although he could not hear so clearly what they were saying, either because they were far away or were talking quietly on purpose, but Eren had other things to worry about anyway. He was in the house of someone unknown, having been beaten, Armin and Mikasa were probably worried, especially Mikasa, who seemed to enjoy occasionally behaving like Eren's mother.

The boy knew that he would have to ask for a phone or some other to let both of them know that it was ok, well well it wasn't the best word, he was alive.

Eren tried with difficulty to relive what happened in his head but the memory felt blocked, as if it were not complete, and otherwise it looked blurred and confused. The chestnut had not noticed that his breathing had taken on an unusual rhythm and his heart was beating so fast and hard that he felt it would come out of his chest at any moment. He opened his eyes instantly, not knowing when he had closed them, and began to notice that his body was tense, which was hurting him very much. Little by little he was able to relax, though not much as his hands were still burning and his heart was still beating with force.

Hanji and Levi came into the room. They explained to Eren what they knew and as Levi had found him, they also asked Eren if he remembered what had happened, to which he denied, perhaps lying, but they did not want to insist, especially when Hanji noticed how tense he had been to even mentioning the event.

Eren had asked for a phone, but as I couldn't speak I let hanji speak to armin and mikasa where and how he was. Mikasa had insisted many times that she would see and pick him up, which eren refused and hanji recommended that it was not a good idea to move him, as she could easily take care of him other than allowing mikasa to visit him. Between eren and mikasa they reached an agreement to go see him, she would not ask what had happened. Mikasa thanked hanji for having taken care of it, as Levi did not want to be mentioned by hanji, saying that it had been nothing.

Mikasa had also insisted that no ambulance be called, to which Hanji replied that he would not.

After that long conversation with Mikasa, Levi finally spoke with Eren. The chesnut thanked him for having helped him, to which he replied that it had been nothing.

After all the fuss Levi left, but not before saying goodbye to eren, to whom he said he would visit him again to see how he recovered, for which Eren was grateful.


At the moment I can't promise continuous (or constant) updates but I will continue with the story.

Thanks again for reading

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