Dangerous Liaisons [Sterek]

De BekkaChaos

4.2M 109K 102K

A Sterek fiction. When Derek realises that Stiles has become a trigger for him he tries to stay away. He know... Mais

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty

105K 2.5K 1.8K
De BekkaChaos

A/N: Alright guys, I need you to be open minded :) I have made up my own supernatural creature based on different myths and legends so you can tell me what you think of it :)

Hopefully it isnt too far fetched and it will be explained in more detail later, well, maybe ;p

Once again, thanks for reading, this chapter is dedicated to someone who comments a lot and I thank them for it. I do try to find someone different each time and someone who has left comments but just know that I am thankfull for all your kind words.

xo enjoy!

                                                                    ~ ~ ~

“Tell me what you remember Isaac.” Deaton said calmly as they sat opposite one another in the back of the clinic.

Derek leant against the bench and stared down intently, clearly waiting to tear someone apart for what they did.

“Okay, I was just walking like I usually do. I’ve walked that path hundreds of times and then I kind of caught this scent. It was strange but I thought I’d smelt it before so… I guess I followed it-”

“Why would you do that?” Derek said, frustrated.

“Calm down Derek, just let him reel through it and then you can yell all you want.” Deaton said and Isaac dropped his jaw and scoffed a little.

“Uh… hey!”

“Fine, go on.” Derek said.

“That’s not fair.”

“Isaac, start talking, now.” Derek replied.

Isaac let out a sigh and shuffled in his seat. “Well as I walked through the trees I saw someone. That’s where it gets kind of fuzzy. I can't remember them totally, it’s really hard to remember it all but they were… well, I don’t know I guess I was in some kind of trance because I know I could smell something in the air – and it wasn’t good – but I kept going and the next thing I knew I was right in front them. I, I couldn’t … I don’t know I just couldn’t leave even though I knew something was wrong.

“Then, um, well… I can't see it clearly but it looked sort of… feline.” He said.

“Feline?” Deaton repeated.

“Well, it’s head was… look I don’t know how to describe it but it was-”

“No, no… that’s good. I think we may have come across something like that in our books.” Deaton stood up and rushed out of the room, calling back to the two of them. “I saw something that might match your description and had similar symptoms and we put it in one of our files… we knew we couldn’t completely figure this out until you woke up, and then again until your memory returned… here.” He came back with a photocopy and handed it to Isaac. “What do you think of this?”

Derek walked over and peered at the piece of paper with a rough sketch and very few words.

“Bastet?” He raised his eyebrows and Isaac stared hard at the picture.

“Not exactly…” Deaton said.

“Said to be born from the son of Bastet and the daughter of Lilith this overlooked but dangerous creature bears the head of a feline and the body of a woman. She preys on young men, absorbing their youth and vibrancy through no more than a drop of blood, usually obtained from the lips. It says something here about a kiss of death, what is Bastet?” Isaac asked once he had finished reading the verse.

“If I know my ancient myths then I believe she was the daughter of Ra, the sun god, and protected the people… perhaps why the Egyptians worshiped cats like they did. And Lilith, of course, is said to be the first wife of Adam but refused to submit to him and set out to create a downfall upon men.” Deaton said.

“So the children of these two figures created… this?” Derek pointed to the picture.

“So it says, but I wouldn’t be going about believing in these myths so heavily. A lot of the time these stories are ones passed down through the generations and somewhere along the line humans have taken them on and changed them. I have no doubt that this could be what you saw.”

“What exactly is it?” Derek asked.

Deaton took the page and read it some more before he answered. “It doesn’t have a name for it here but the indicators seem very similar. When the kiss of death is performed the prey will be short of his breath and slip into a sleep that lasts for five days while his vitality is acquired by the she-devil…”

“I don’t think the fact that it calls her a devil is a good sign Deaton.” Isaac said, swallowing hard.

“No, I don’t suppose it is.”

“So what are we supposed to do about it?” Derek said impatiently.

“And how did I survive if she gave me the kiss of death?”

“Stop, stop, you both ask such demanding questions.” He stopped for a moment and looked intently at Isaac. “Would you step over here for a moment?”

Isaac looked at Derek who nodded before he stood up and walked over a little nervously. “What is it?” He asked.

“Would you pull down your bottom lip, I just need to see something.” Isaac looked slightly freaked but reached up and tentatively pulled it down for Deaton to see.

There, inside his lip were two distinct puncture marks that hadn’t quite healed, in fact they had almost scarred over.

“Yes, this is starting to look more and more like the cause of your sickness Isaac.” He said.

“But it doesn’t fit the description, not completely anyway.” Isaac said.

“Like I said before, these stories aren’t always completely right. I think we are on the right track with this and the best way to find this… creature… is to head out on the full moon when she will be looking for her next kill.”

“And how are we supposed to stop her when she lures men in and fogs their vision? How are we supposed to do anything when what we know means nothing?” Derek growled.

“You leave it up to me to find out more about this thing. Right now you need to try and remember as much as you can about her so that you can figure out who she is. She’s like you remember, she is most probably a shape shifter. Focus on that and I’ll find out as much as I can before the next full moon.” Deaton said.

“And when is that?” Isaac asked, looking from one to the other and Derek rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Four days.” He said.

“Great. Just great.”

“Are you telling me that you got attacked by a cat?”

“Jackson! Wait, did you?”

“Lydia, he didn’t get attacked by a cat, just a girl who looks like a cat.”

“Would all of you please shut the hell up?!” Derek growled.

Jackson, Lydia and Erica all turned to look at him as he paced the room like an animal.

“Look, this doesn’t make much sense but if we don’t do something it’s just going to keep hurting people like it did to Isaac.” Scott said.

“So we’ve got four days to figure out what to do about this. Maybe we can trap it somehow. Does it have healing powers like you guys?” Stiles asked.

“We don’t know.” Derek said, still pacing.

“Well, what are its weak points?” Boyd said.

“We don’t know.” Isaac sighed.

“So how do we get near it without going gaga?” Jackson said.

Derek just gave him a look and he nodded.

“Got it, you don’t know.”

“We’re waiting for Deaton to find out more.” Isaac said.

“Well that’s not exactly helpful.” Erica scoffed and folded her arms.

Derek shot her a nasty look and she rolled her eyes dramatically.

“Well you said it was men who were affected by this… this thing… maybe the three of us won't be affected.” Allison said as she looked from Lydia to Erica. “I have a rather large array of arrows and other weapons in my garage.” She said.

“I don’t think I’ve shot a crossbow or a gun once in my life. I mean it, not even a water gun.” Lydia said.

“That’d be the day; we’re stronger than they are and Lydia’s operating heavy artillery. I cannot wait to see this.” Erica sneered.

“No one is doing anything yet. The full moon could be dangerous for us and no matter what she is, she’s supernatural and that means that she’ll be stronger on the full moon as well.” Derek said.

“So we have no plan? Like, nothing at all?” Stiles asked?

“We wait for Deaton to tell us what he knows. Then we figure out how to go about this.” Derek replied and they all began to look worried.

They were a little out of their depth here.

It was two days later that Deaton finally called Derek up with some news. They lost half the time they had until the full moon and had nothing useful to go on. Luckily, Deaton had some information that could change that.

Derek headed down to the clinic with just Isaac and Scott by his side, the others were trying to find a way to take weapons from Allison’s place without her father finding out and violently murdering all of them.

He ushered them into the back and shut the door behind him. The three of them looked very stoical as they waited for Deaton to start telling them what he knew. He gave them a strange look before sighing loudly.

“What do you need to know?” He asked.

“What do you have to tell?” Derek replied.

“Can we just go through what we know?” Isaac said.

Deaton nodded. “Fine, she is cat like with a woman’s body in her metamorphosis, she will grow fangs that are coated in a strong poison, she uses her allure as a weapon before she delivers the kiss of death. One thing I have found is that without her allure it is very difficult for her to plant the kiss and absorb what she needs, and before you make some kind of sarcastic comment I have some good news. I think I can make a draught to counter its effects for a short period of time.”

Derek looked more than hopeful. “Will it work?”

“If I make it right, yes. But it won't make things simple, she is fast and cunning and she’ll be good in close quarter combat. She’ll also be elusive.”

“Are we definite about what she is?” Scott asked. “I mean, you’re sure that this is what it is?”

Isaac looked over at him and nodded. “The more he says the more I seem to remember and if it’s not then we can try and get a better idea of what this thing actually is when we get out there.”

“But how do we know it’ll be in the forest?” Scott said, again with doubt.

“Creatures of habit I believe. Why is it that you are attracted to the trees and the wilderness when you’re troubled, or angry?” He looked particularly at Isaac at that last one.

The three of them exchanged looks and Scott seemed reasonably satisfied.

“When will you have the draught ready?” Derek asked.

“By tomorrow, afternoon probably.” Deaton replied.

“That gives us, what, one day to get ready?” Isaac said.

“I didn’t say I had all the answers, but I’ll be here all night if that makes you feel better. If you manage to subdue her I suggest bringing her in.”

“I had a different plan.” Derek said flatly.

“You can't just kill her Derek, she might not know what she’s doing; remember what the kanima was like?” Scott said.

“We might not have time for your moral high ground Scott.”

“Can we just calm down please? How do we subdue her?” Isaac said, looking back to Deaton who was searching for different vials hidden in cabinets and drawers.

He stopped and looked over at them. “She does have healing powers, but not nearly to the extent that you do. If you can overpower her I’m sure you could knock her out and chain her up, I don’t think she can exist in her metamorphosis unless she’s conscious. This is only what I have been able to find out though, there may be variations.”

“In other words, half of this could be completely made up.” Derek said.

“You don’t have to be so cynical Derek!” Scott said.

Derek growled a little and Isaac stepped between them. “Really? You’re doing this now?”

“I know that it’s not much to go on but I am mostly certain that this is what we’re dealing with, and it’s better than having nothing so I think you should work out a plan and stick to it. Then I would suggest retiring for a few good nights of sleep.” Deaton said.

None of them were happy with it but he was right. This was all they had and they weren’t going to make this a missed opportunity.

Stiles felt exhausted that night. He knew that there was only twenty-four hours before they were probably going to face the prospect of certain death. Scott had come over to explain things to him while Derek talked to the rest of the pack. Isaac had opted to talk to Lydia and Allison.

So they had some plans… well, Stiles liked to think that what they had were ambitions and the plans would just kind of fall into place. Hopefully they would anyway.

He had been trying to call Derek all evening but he was being evasive. It’s not like he was surprised, that’s just what Derek does. He was starting to get worried because he’d been acting strange for a week now.

Well, if there’s one thing Stiles has never done it’s give up on anything so he left his dad a note and got in his jeep to head for Derek’s.

He yawned as he pulled out of the driveway and headed off, all he really wanted was to see him. Tomorrow night would be dangerous for all of them and he just wanted to maybe bury his head in the sand for the night and pretend that he wasn’t dating a werewolf – or whatever it was that they were doing, it still remained undefined – and that they weren’t facing yet another crazy supernatural killing machine.

He parked his jeep by the Camaro and pressed the buzzer for the lift. Seriously, where was Derek’s sense of security? As the doors opened he walked in to Isaac doing chin ups on one of the many beams across the roof and Derek was not in sight.

“Do you just constantly work out or something?” Stiles said.

Isaac laughed and let go, landing perfectly on his feet. “No, but it’s not like I can afford to be out of shape.”

Stiles scoffed. “Seriously, you? Out of shape? There is a better chance of me growing a second head.”

“Please don’t say that, it’s hard enough to get one of you to shut up.” He smiled.

“Okay, Derek.” Stiles mocked. “Speaking of, where is he?”

Isaac pointed to the second floor. “In the shower.”

“Perfect, thanks.” Stiles said as he headed up the spiral staircase to find the king of the Sour wolves.

He heard the water running and slowly opened the bathroom door. He peered inside to see Derek running his hands through his hair through the steamy glass. He didn’t even realise that he had been staring for a while until Derek spoke up.

“You know I could smell you when you got to the top of the stairs don’t you?”

Stiles smiled and shut the door behind him. “Yeah, I figured.” He looked him up and down and slowly forced his shoes off.

“I can also feel your eyes burning holes into my ass.” He said.

Stiles smiled, unbuckling his belt and trying to remove his shirt at the same time. Derek turned around and rolled his eyes playfully as Stiles awkwardly removed his clothes and pulled open the door of the shower.

Derek jumped at him, pinning him to the cold shower wall and giving him a hot, wet kiss. Stiles let out a contented groan.

“You haven’t done that in a while.” He purred, his hands slipping down to cup Derek’s ass and hold him tightly into him.

“No?” Derek asked as he mouthed his neck, sucking gently.

“Nope.” Stiles said, closing his eyes.

Derek’s hands roamed Stiles’ chest, memorising the feel of his body and relishing the chance to be so close to him. His lips were slowly getting lower until he was able to snake out his tongue to flick over his nipple.

“Hmm… Derek?” Stiles said, taking Derek’s head in his hands and pulling him up to face him.

Derek just looked at him, his head tilting and eyes searching.

“Derek…” He said with a sigh.

“Stiles.” Derek said with a warning in his voice.

Stiles shook his head and smiled, caressing his cheek with his thumb. “What are you so scared of?” he breathed.

Derek just stared down at him. He was thoughtful; his eyes were still searching Stiles’ face. He reached up and with his fingertips he brushed back the short fringe that was now plastered to Stiles’ forehead. He kissed him softly on the lips. When he pulled back Stiles’ lips were parted and his eyes were still closed.

“Turn around.” He said.

Stiles scoffed. “Derek, I’m not just going to turn over and let you-” Derek held up the bar of soap and shook his head. “Oh.” Stiles chuckled a little.

“You think so little of me Stiles.”

“Oh I can promise you that little is most definitely the last thing that I think about when I think of you.” This time it was Derek’s turn to chuckle.

“Turn around.” He growled, nipping at his ear lobes.

“Hey, hey! Make sure you get behind the ears.” He teased.

“Shut up Stiles.” Derek said, smile glued to his face.

The afternoon of the full moon came along fast, faster than any of them had hoped and they were all gathered at the clinic where Deaton was finishing off the cocktail that would hopefully give them an advantage. Stiles had picked up Allison on their way over and was terrified every second as they loaded crossbows and arrows and a whole other assortment of things into the back.

They were the last two to get there and Allison took Erica and Lydia out to see what they had collected.

“So… how do you uh… well, do you drink this stuff or what?” Stiles asked.

Deaton poured the dark coloured liquid into a large glass and the entire pack seemed to repel at the sight of it. He sighed. “Unfortunately, yes, you do, and I suggest you do it soon. There’s less than two hours until the moon rises.”

“I’ll take it first.” Derek said.

“How noble.” Deaton smiled, handing him the glass.

Derek took it and held it under his nose before putting it to his lips and taking a healthy gulp. He swallowed and tried to keep a straight face but ended up coughing for a moment and shuddered.

“I take it that means it’s no java juice then?” Jackson said, looking over with disgust.

“It’s not… no it’s terrible.” He said, handing it to Scott.

They each took turns at getting it down; Boyd made a dent in Deaton’s table after ingesting the foul stuff and Stiles just gagged for a while after. The girls came back in to chuckle at their squeamish faces before going back to the seriousness of their task.

“There’s a lot of area to cover and we need to make sure that we don’t miss this. Who knows what could happen if we let her keep going, we don’t even know how many people she’s gotten to before Isaac.” Derek said as they all stood around the table. “We’ll head out when the moon is up but make sure you don’t let yourself lose it.”

Half of them looked at him and Jackson rolled his eyes, annoyed. “For god’s sake it’s been like three full moons since I’ve turned, can you all just lay off?”

“He’ll be fine, he’s strong enough now to be able to control himself.” Derek said.

“So what’s the plan?” Boyd asked.

“Find her, knock her out, chain her up and bring her back here.” Erica said.

“I think it’s a little more complicated than that.” Lydia said with a roll of her eyes.

Derek just thought on it for a second. “Nope, that’s pretty much it. I’m not opposed to killing her if that makes things easier.”

“We’re not going to kill her.” Scott said.

The two looked firmly back at one another and almost began growling before Stiles cut in.

“Hey, calm down guys. Let’s try not to kill her, okay?”

“How are we going to cover all that ground?” Allison asked.

“I think we need to split up into groups, that way we can cover the ground and no one has to be alone.” Isaac offered.

“Well how are we going to split?” Erica said.

“Well I can go with Lydia and Scott-” Isaac started.

“Oh no, you can come with me.” Derek said.

He had meant it when he said he wasn’t going to let him out of his sight. There was no way this was going to happen to him again.

Isaac shook his head but didn’t argue.

“I think it would be best if you two stayed behind.” Derek looked over at Stiles and Lydia who both rolled their eyes.

“You can't just sideline us because we’re human, besides, I already drank that disgusting stuff, I’m ready. I can protect myself, and Lydia if she needed it. By the way she totally doesn’t.” He added after copping a solid glare from her.

“I’m not a damsel in distress. Allison’s been showing me how to use one of her crossbow type things and I have a very sharp eye.” She said.

“Not as sharp as a werewolf babe.” Jackson sniggered a little.

“Maybe not but we don’t even know if this potion is going to work so as I see it I could be more useful than you on this little outing.” She smiled sweetly and Jackson narrowed his eyes but knew she was right.

“She has a point. Don’t sit us out on this one Derek.” Stiles pleaded.

“Lydia, you’ll come with Isaac and me. We’ll start around my old house. Boyd and Scott will go with Allison further south and Jackson, you, Erica and Stiles will take the west.”

Erica and Jackson both let out audible moans and Stiles found himself being quite offended at that. “Hey, I’m not totally useless you guys.”

“We’ll see.” Erica snipped.

“Enough bickering. Make sure you have something extra to go with you. Allison, Lydia and Stiles, you carry the best weapon you have, leave the others to their senses and if you find anything you call me. Immediately.” Derek said, clearly not messing around one bit.

They reluctantly agreed and Lydia looked like she might be sick but they separated to make sure they knew what their roles were.

“Just stand behind us and try not to get sucked in.” Erica said to Stiles.

“Just stay out of our way, I mean you’re just a human, what can you actually do?” Jackson said, the two of them exchanging smiles.

“What is this, the sarcasm group? Hey Derek! Am I really stuck with these two bozos?” He called.

Derek looked up from talking to Lydia and Isaac and over to them. He rolled his eyes. It probably wasn’t the best grouping but they were going to have to deal with it.

“Isaac, take Lydia out to get a weapon from the truck, I think Allison’s out there now.” He said before they dispersed and he walked over to take Stiles away from the other two.

“Seriously Derek, the three of us together will just not work.” He said. “Switch me with Lydia, I can come with you and Isaac. Should I be offended that you feel the need to keep an eye on him but not me? You put me with dumb and dumber over there.” The two of them sent nasty glares his way but he was sure that would happen for the rest of the night.

“Stiles! Calm down or I will make sure that Deaton keeps you here while the rest of us go out.”

“You can't sideline me and not Lydia, I’m not the only weakling human here, and Allison is human. I mean she can shoot like no one’s watching but still, she’s human-”

“Stiles, I mean it.” Derek said.

He put a hand on his shoulder and looked down into his eyes. He needed Stiles to be serious here.

Stiles sighed. “I know Derek.” He nodded.

“Be careful.”

“I will! I just can't be bothered spending the night with the two of them. One is bad enough but both? Why?” He whined and Derek just smiled.

“Quit bitching and go sort out a strategy before I chain you up.”

“Sounds kinky.”

Stiles!” Derek hissed and looked around to see if any of them heard.

Stiles stole a quick kiss before walking back over to Jackson and Erica to formulate their plan of attack.

Whoever he was paired with, this was going to be a long night.

                                                                     ~ ~ ~

A/N: Okay, 20 comments until the next chapter guys! I'm working on it now!

Love you all!

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