Take Me Away | Phan

By phandabbydozi

10K 453 492

Dan does not have a great home life with something deeper than just abuse. Most people don't care for him and... More



1.7K 65 133
By phandabbydozi

Dans POV

Trigger warning 

He slid his cold hands down my naked side feeling me like every other time. His heartbeat on my chest and my heart basically dead inside me. He was kissing my neck trying to find a comfortable spot but he couldn't. There was no way with him I would ever have a sweet spot. 

My mother was gone so she has no idea this is happening nor does she really care. He positioned himself above me and the pain began. It was the worst feeling in the world. I hated this and if I could tell him I would but I couldn't. There was no stopping this until he was dead. 

His body was larger than mine by a lot, him being 6'3 and a body builder and me being 6'1 with an eating disorder. As he pushed in me he slapped my face telling me I was the worst person ever, he wishes I could kill myself and that I was his mistake.

He hurt me in many ways tonight more than normal which, when he finished, left me crying on my bed wishing to die from all of it. Tears flooded my face I was sure my room would fill up. 

Once I was sure he passed out from getting drunk, I stood feeling all of the nerves in my body spasm. Then I walked over to my desk pulling out my favorite thing in this world and pushing it into my skin. 

No father should ever have nonconsensual sex with his underaged son. 


"Daniel! Get up!" My mother shouted into my room not bothering to really come in but just pound on the door. She kept banging until I shouted back at her to quit it. This happened every morning.

Somehow I peeled myself from my bed and showered from yesterdays disgusting events. Maybe I could talk to my counselor today about everything. He's been worried about me saying I have depression and need someone to talk to. 

I've never told anyone about this. What happens is between me and my father but hopefully one day when I move out I can talk to the person I love about it. As a bonus he'll be dead.

"Go.. get to school you're going to be late" My father said. He smirked at me a bit and I scoffed in reply. Did he think we had something? Did he honestly think I was attracted to him?

"Love you sweetie" My mother kissed my forehead. I wiped it almost instantly. Are these two serious. 

"You wouldn't love me if I gave you the world" I stared at her with disbelief. "You don't even deserve a fucking banana why would I give you that" I mumbled and ran out of the door before anyone could reply. 

Fixing my hair to cover most my face, I walked into school unhappy to exist much less exist around other people. They were all cheery and talking with their friends where as I was trying not to punch through the stairs. 

I was the first one to enter the classroom so I got the very back. My favorite spot because it was the dark and lonely so basically my life. 

As people piled in some laughed at my seating choice but I just narrowed my eyes and doodled on my paper. They wont matter in two years when all this is over. 

When the class started, I stared out the window the entire time. Watching the new rain make the glass fog up but the rain drops washed it away. It was so beautiful and I would watch it all day but I thought I saw a face in the corner although it vanished quickly. 

It was just my imagination... right?

"Dan?" I heard. I groaned and looked at the board getting ready to answer some random question but noticed everyone was gone. "Lessons over.." the teacher frowned. 

"Thanks" I mumbled and quickly left before the anxiety took control. People snickered as I left the room but honestly what's it to them. 

"Oh Danny boy" some one sang at me making me stop mid step and turn to see that horrible person. Jones. He was that cool guy everyone always talks about. Seeming to be the only bully but there are plenty others. I guess everyone else gave up with me because nothing ever gets to me unless it's my dad. 

"Go away Jonas brother" I spit and continue walking. He pulled my arm shoving me against the brick wall. 

"Wow you seem upset today" he falsely awed at me as I fake smiled. Oh I was a master at that. "Want me to fix your booboos?" He asked turning his head slightly. 

"Get off me asshole" I wrapped my leg around his legs and shoved him back making him fall to the ground where I continued to punch his face in. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him. I paused for a moment to awe at him "want me to fix your booboos?" I mocked. 

Someone pulled me off of him causing me to punch them but realized it was the counselor. We all just stared at him. Everyone waiting to see what happens to me while I almost cry.

"Come with me" he ordered and speed walked through the crowed with me right behind him. He was a man on a mission, a mission to destroy me. 

We get in his room and he makes me sit while he shuts the windows and door. Privacy reasons. The whole school did just see that. 

"Dan I'm tired of having to wait. I want to know why you're like this. If it gets physical I have a right to ask" He said professionally. I wasn't sure that was true but I decided to answer anyway not the full truth. 

"I'm having some problems at home and the last thing I need is someone testing me at school" I mumbled. He sighed rubbing his face with his hands before looking back up at me. He knew I would be difficult.

"What kind of problems?" He asked so kindly I wished to tell him but I didn't. He saw the conflict in my eyes. "There are many problems students have come out and told me about. Abuse is most of it. Families health. New baby?" He listed with his fingers. "But what about you?" 

I kept quiet staring at my hands. If I told him my father would go to jail and I would be left with a pissed mother who does understand then he would come after me.. Hell no was I saying anything. 

"Daniel. You can tell me" he spoke very softly. 

My breathing got rough as I kept his eye contact trying to calm down but failing. My hands started to tremble too which made this whole situation worse.

He suddenly became pale as if I shouted everything maybe even showed him how it went but I didn't move. He must have guessed or he had an idea. Honestly I feel like I wanted to tell him. I wanted to talk to someone about it. 

"He doesn't... force you into... activities?" He asked like he was hoping he was wrong. 

"NO!" I shouted and ran out of the room straight home not bothering with the rest of the day. If I get in trouble I don't care it's the same as every time it's not like I can't block it out.

When I opened my front door my father was there. He hasn't gone to work yet? He smirked and came over to shut the door, me remaining still. 

"Come back for more big boy?" He gripped my hips pulling my body to his and then it began. "Why aren't you at school babe?" His breath, filled with the scent of alcohol and cigarettes, warmed my neck in a revolting way. 

"Principle sent me home. Some kid hit me" I lied. I hit him and sent myself home. He began kissing all the bad places on my skin. 

"Then this is going to hurt" He pushed me off and pulled me to the couch. I wanted to scream and slap him but I couldn't. I honestly lost all energy. 

He didn't do anything before stripping us both. His hairy body made me gag. Lip trembling, body aching with eyes closed, he began to do it. It hurt more today maybe it was someone knowing but this still happening. 

I began to cry as he went harder, his moans bursting my ear drums. At this point like any other he began telling me how much of a failure I am. How he wishes I was dead and would end my own life. Maybe I will. 

When he was done I laid there like always waiting for him to get drunk and pass out. He was already semi drunk so it didn't take long. 

I rinsed off in the shower using my favorite thing multiple times and locked my door which didn't really work. They've come in before with it locked so it was fake safety. 

For the rest of the night until my mother came home and my father finally woke up, I laid on my bed crying every five minutes and twirled the silver blade in my two fingers cringing whenever it sliced them a bit.

I skipped dinner saying I felt sick and stayed in that spot until they both went to bed. He left me alone tonight which was strange. He never gives up a chance at eleven when my mother takes her sleeping pills even if he did it already. 

Though I was thankful I was also terrified. What did this mean? Was he stopping or was he going to do it tomorrow just worse? 

The whole night I stared at my ceiling resisting sleep. Honestly, I cried for most of it until now which was when I just stared up almost like I was dead. 

Something by my window made noise and even though I was slightly scared I stayed still waiting to see what happened. The glass then slid open very slowly probably to keep quiet. At this point I knew what it was. I had no friends and the neighbors don't visit. Someone was breaking in.

When I heard two feet hit the ground, I pounced on them. Pushing them to the ground with all my weight but my body was moved under them like they were a ninja. We fought for a minute, too dark to see the others face, before they nailed me to the ground holding something cold to my neck. 

"Don't... fucking... move" they spoke so quietly only I could hear. Maybe their voice was way louder than I thought and my heart was just pounding over it. 

"Who are you?" I asked immediately. The item on my neck was pushed in a threatening way when I spoke but I ignored it paying more attention to the body above me. 

"I said don't move" they growled probably thinking what to do. I rolled my eyes. 

"I didn't move I just said something" My voice witty like I wanted a fight. "Get this thing off me will you" I moved my chest slightly gesturing to the thing on my neck. I'm pretty sure it was a knife but hey it could be a spoon. 

It was quiet and still for a while. I wondered if they fell asleep on me because it was so late. But then I heard a huff then some movement. 

"What's your name?" Their voice so low it was almost relaxing. But in the current situation I couldn't relax. 

"Dan..." I answered quickly. It's not like if they were a government spy then they can track everything on me with just that name. My mother decided to name me on the most popular year for Daniels. 

"Phil" He answered with a loosened grip so I took advantage of that slipping my forearms out from his fingers. With shaky hands, I reached up trying to feel whatever on my neck was. His hands moved mine back down but didn't glue them there. 

He moved the item himself and even helped me stand up. This will go down in history for the worst break in ever. But I was doing nothing to stop it. 

"There's something.. tha-I- Well. There's something stopping me from hurting you and I don't know what it is" Phil whispered. I turned on my bedside lamp and got a good look at him. 

Black hair that roughly hung over his piercing blue eyes causing mystery. Someone in which you would cross the road in caution if you saw them coming your way. He was quite tall but a bit shorter than me I'd say 6'1 or 2. His body slim, in a black jacket and skinny jeans. I saw a bit of black shirt hanging out from his top. He also had black zippy shoes. Everything about him dark but his eyes. He was so beautiful. 

His jaw perfectly sticking out from his hair and his mouth slightly open as he eyed me down too. His eyes held such a sexy emotion along with slight wonderment. 

In his right hand I saw a knife that was pretty big but his hands made it look smaller. I honestly did not feel threatened. If he wanted to kill me he would have by now I mean he just sat on me for ten minutes.

He blinks and looks away from my gaze almost ashamed at his actions. By him standing here (and our previous actions) I figured out a lot about him. Well the main thing being, he was a serial killer. 

Neither of us knew what to say but before anything else could happen I spat out the only thing running through my head,

"Take me with you"

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