A wild man's primal instinct...

By obsession_tc

2M 72.1K 10.7K

Inspired by Tarzan** Shipwrecked at three years old, Angus has known nothing but the jungle he now calls home... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Not an update
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Not an update
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Just so you know
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Thirty

30.8K 1.2K 61
By obsession_tc

You guys are honestly amazing <3


Angus' stomach dropped when he opened the door. The whole day he had anticipation building in his gut, he had a speech in his head to apologize. He had a bouquet of flowers for Evelyn because he read on the google that flowers are a physical way to apologize. He read that by buying a bouquet of flowers ensures that every time the person you brought them for sees them, they're reminded of the mistake and the apology given with the present leading to them understanding the pain the guilty person is going through. He knew it wasn't a lot, he knew the theory behind it was good but he also wasn't stupid enough to believe that a few flowers would create Evelyn's forgiveness. He knew he had to work for it, and he wasn't going to give up trying.

"Hey, Angus." The greeting pained him. The words were soft, they were kind and loving but they weren't what he wanted to her. Who he wanted to hear them from.

"Mrs Miller," Angus mumbled, unable to hide the disappointment at seeing her. His stomach sank, the familiar emotion of sadness and guilt once again flooding through his body. There was no other way to put it, he felt sad. The constant knot in the stomach. The guilt, the dreary attitude. He was told by Evelyn to not go over to her house and he would give her the space she wanted, also advised from the Google, but he thought today it would begin the healing stage.

"How have you been, hon?" Mrs Miller questioned him gently, sensitive to the situation. He just shook his head, his hand running down his face.

"Like shit." He answered, not avoiding anything. He knew he wasn't hiding his emotions well. So what was the point in lying?

She gave him a small smile in return, understanding how complicated the situation was. She was mad at Angus for cheating on her daughter yet, but just like Evelyn, at the same time she wasn't mad because there was no official label and nothing had been clarified.

"Evy was messaging me this morning." The statement was also a question on why she hadn't come with the papers for him to sign.

"Evelyn is, feeling, under the weather." She said, knowing fully well her daughter just didn't want to face Angus so soon. Angus knew it too and it pained him to think she was out right avoiding him.

When Mrs Miller looked at Angus blank face, she knew the cliché wasn't one he knew. She smiled internally at his innocence, knowing why her daughter loves him so much.

"She's feeling slightly sick."
"But she's okay?" He was quick to ask, worry evident in his voice. "Does she need anything, can I help any way?" His looming frame took a small step forwards eagerly to help Evelyn. He hated the fact she was feeling physically and emotionally sick and any way he could help would make him feel better, as selfish as that is.

"Just some rest will fix her up, no need to worry Angus." He just nodded, his shoulders sagging. No, there is a reason to worry, but he didn't want to tell her that.

"Let's get on with the paperwork, should we then?" Angus sighed heavily, already hating the paper work. He would have been fine to do paperwork with his Evy, it would be the perfect opportunity to spend a lot of time with her, but with her mom, he wasn't so sure he wanted to. He knew she was hostile towards him for hurting her daughter and was only here so Evelyn would get better. It would be awkward with Miss Miller and nowhere near as enjoyable as it is with Evelyn. Reluctantly, he nodded his head and they went to the bench to begin the tedious, and awkward, process.


"I feel horrible." Evelyn sighed. She felt a hand on her back from Gemma, her best friend, as she tried to comfort her.

"Don't worry Evie, everything will be fine." Gemma hated seeing her best friend so hurt and although they hardly see each other anymore due to work and travel from both parties, they still understood one another and Evie's pain is Gemma's pain.

"I need to talk to him but I can't bring myself to. Every time I go to go over to his place, I can see the girl walking out of the apartment and the pain just hits me all over again." Evelyn absolutely hated that her mind kept remembering the events of the day and reminding her of the hurt.

She misses Angus, it is as simple as that. She wanted to go back to him and talk everything through. She wanted to say he's not one hundred percent in the wrong and ask if he wanted a label. If he said yes, she would explain it. Thoroughly. But if he said no, that was a fear she faced. Previously, she was confident he would say yes but now after experiencing other people, she wasn't quite sure.

"Evie, it's only been a week since it's happened. Seven days, you're allowed to still be crushed. It's only human to feel upset and to further protect yourself from being hurt."

"I know it's just,"

"It's just noting," Gemma cut her off sternly. "You've messaged him and you can tell he's guilty. That's a start, knowing he won't ever do it again. Now we just have to make sure that you're emotionally stable and strong before you confront him again to logically resolve this."

Gemma pulled her best friend in for a side hug and squeezed her waist in comfort. "This is just a part of life and I don't want you to rush this. You're such a kind person who is to damn logical, that you sometimes forget about yourself and I don't want you even more damaged than now."

The words of truth moved something in Evelyn and now, she felt determined. She was going to fix this, she knew that after their talk she will completely trust him again if he understands a label and she was excited for it. However she was still hurting and she knew she had to make herself stable before she talked to him. It won't be long bus as soon as she's better, she will talk to her wild man.


Angus wishes he was logical. He wished he was reasonable. But he wasn't. Angus is impulsive.

8:43pm and Angus was crammed in the back of a taxi, the flowers nervously clutched in his hand as he traveled to Evelyn's house. It had been six days since the paperwork with her mom and with only a few messages exchanged, he became desperate. The interview on that show was tomorrow and Angus didn't know if he could get through it without her.

The reason he came to civilization was so he could be with Evelyn, it was so he and his Evy could continue what they had at his home and now thanks to his social stupidity he fucked it up. He hadn't had the opportunity to apologize properly but he was creating one now.              

As their isolated house finally came into view, he payed the man and got out. Just past the main house was where the smaller building was where Evelyn occupied and with a determined stride, he went there.

Her small box was a fair bit away from the main house. It was for her independence as houses in Australia were extremely expensive and there are hardly any apartments, he was just lucky to get one himself. He walked on the gravel driveway that was the direct path to her box, the stones crunching under his feet with every step he took.

The closer he got, the more determined he became, but also the more anxious. He knew he has the right idea in mind, but will Evelyn feel the same?

He didn't have time to contemplate as the door was right in front of him. Taking in a deep breath, he knocked loudly on the wooden door and waited.

He was greeted with silence. Only the small breeze and the sounds of the animals. He knocked again. And again. But never did she open the door. He felt rejected, his whole chest caved in on him as he slumped to the ground. The flowers fell beside him, one losing a petal and he lost it.

His eyes closed and he felt as though the world hated him. For an hour he just sat there, unmoving as he sprawled out in front of her door unsure on what to do. He wanted to wait it out, wait for her return as the cold air nipped at his skin. It didn't bother him though, he was used to the cold from his home.

Then eventually, the crunching of gravel underneath a car filled the silence. He opened his eyes, having to squint as the bright head lights flashed on him. He stood to his feet, not able to see if it was Evelyn or not use to the bright lights being so blinding and directly on him.

As the car shut off, Angus recognized her car. He saw her frame frozen at the steering wheel with nobody else accompanying her. She didn't make an effort to move, and neither did he.


The thirty seconds Evelyn sat paralyzed in her car felt like hours. She didn't know what to think. Why the hell is Angus here and waiting on her doorstep? She specifically told him not to come to her box so she was never caught off guard when they finally talked. She wanted to be the one to instigate the conversation when she felt ready, and right now, she didn't know what she felt.

Talking in a deep breath, Evelyn opened the car door. She couldn't help but notice her hand tremering slightly but she shook it off. She felt awkward, a feeling that was rare when she was with Gus. Usually they were so comfortable with eachother but not now. She observed him, noticing his tense body and understanding he felt awkward too.

As he rose to his feet, she momentarily forgot how beautiful he is. His long wavy hair had the top pulled up, despite the coldish night as autumn approached he was clad in only black trackie shorts and a white tee-shirt. She was surprised when she saw him in shoes as she knew he despised them and usually took any opportunity not to wear them.

But most importantly, his chocolate brown eyes held so much remorse and guilt it almost took her breath away.

She understood that as much as she was hurting, Angus was hurting equally plus some more a guilt ate him up.

"Evy," he breathed. They were only a meter apart and Angus wanted to pick her up, to kiss her and hold her but he fought himself not to. He was already crossing a boundary by being here in the first place and he didn't want to push it.

"Gus," Her voice softly spoke and he almost missed the beautiful sound. Her eyes darted towards the ground where the bouquet of flowers now sat, looking quite poorly compared to their original quality.

"I uh, bought them. For you." Angus said quickly as nerves filled him. He hastily reached down and picked them up, cringing at the look. He felt embarrassed that this was his token of forgiveness. They looked pathetic, just as he felt.

However, despite the ruggedly look, Evelyn couldn't help as the corner of her mouth tilted upwards. She took a step forwards and accepted the flowers, gazing down at them. Her job was to study flora and fauna so receiving flowers was something she loved because she admired the beauty of nature.

"They're beautiful, Gus." She said quietly, and they were. She ignored the fact that one was missing a leaf and they were slightly droopy as she saw them for what they really are. A token of his guilt and him trying to apologize. If they were in their prime, these flowers would have looked incredible.

Angus snorted and shook his head. He hated how she was trying to be polite when the flowers clearly looked like shit. He didn't want her to think poorly of him because he brought crappy flowers, so far his plan wasn't turning out like he hoped. He ran a hand down his face in frustration.

"Gus, what are you doing here?" Evelyn asked softly.

He closed his eyes and breathed out sharply. When he opened them, the amount of guilt was unbearable. "Gus, I, want to say sorry." He said. "Properly."

He observed her closely, watching her body tense up. Her small frame hunched in colder to herself, an obvious way of showing her discomfort towards him. Her eyes dropped as she looked down at the shit flowers, her finger twirling a stem as a distraction.

"I, Gus." Evelyn said but the nerves overtook her. She didn't want to have this conversation, not now, not while she wasn't ready.

"No." Angus said, his voice firm. "Don't tell me to go away. I've been feeling so sad, so guilty and I doing know how much more space I can give you." His voice cracked as his emotions flooded through.

"I get that Gus, I really do," she was cut off again.

"I've been going out of my fucking mind, Evy. Everything reminds me of how badly I hurt you. I came here to be with you, I left my home for you and I fucked it all up. I just need to know that we can still be okay, anytime."

"Angus, we're going to be okay eventually." Evelyn murmured, her eyes peering up to him. He looked so torn, so distraught he didn't know what to do. "It's just, it hurt. And I need time to clear my head about this. But we will talk and sort this out but I'm so unprepared to have such a serious discussion now and wasn't expecting you to just show up and my mind isn't thinking clearly-"

She was cut off and Angus broke, he pushed the flowers from her hands and replaced them, holding onto her body so tightly as if it was the last time he would hold her, even with the conformation that things may work out. She felt tense but eventually melted into his embrace, her arms loosely wrapping around his waist as he held tightly onto her.

He was ecstatic she was returning the hold but the looseness showed she was holding back. He buried his face into the crook of her neck and breathed in, the familiar smell of her relaxing his body.

They stayed in silence as Angus used the comfort. Evelyn loved the protective and safe hug however the shock of Angus being her made her much unconnected with the situation.

Eventually, the dropped her hands from his torso and tired taking a step back. Reluctantly, Angus let go of her, alreasyfeeling cold. Suddenly, Evelyn felt emotional. All of the drama built on her and she felt ready to cry as Gus pulled back from her. Her eyes dropped to the ground and she just wanted to go inside.

"That that show tomorrow." Angus said. "You, you come?" Evelyn countly help but notice that his English before was good but it was dropping off. He was becoming more desperate, more something that he was forgetting everything.

"Evy, Evy said you be there for me at. At show. You're not going to be there, you can't, even look at me" His voice became slightly frantic and unconsciously, he stood taller asserting more dominance. Evelyn cowered back, not sure on what to do. He won't hurt her but impulsive actions may.


Firstly, you  guys are fucking amazing.

Thank you every single one of you for your support on why I couldn't write for a while. It has been just over a month but for me I was so busy I sadly couldn't write anything between work, school and family and it's only felt like a week.

Second, the amount of votes and reads!! Whatttttt? That is absolutely insane!!! I once again can't thank you enough to every individual for taking your time to read this patchy ass story I've attempted, and most importantly for voting a commenting, showing me this is worth my time (through all of my spelling and grammar errors and plot holes because I can't keep up with the dates and times in this novel!)

Thirdly, I'm not sure when I can write next due to pressing issues but I will try my hardest to post, even if it is only a thousand words or something, I have big plans for the interview Gus is in so keep your patience up and stay alive for me! Xx

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