This Is Us (A One Direction S...

By sophie_horan123

123K 1.1K 306

One Direction are the biggest boyband in the world right now. Millions of girls idol them, but when Liam and... More

This Is Us (A One Direction Spanking Story)
Video Games
Broken TV
Party Time!
Bad days.
I Didn't do it!
Teasing Niall
Calling all readers!
Pup Direction
Author's note

I'm Scared.

6.1K 69 8
By sophie_horan123

Not a prompt or even a spanking for that matter, but I was watching a film and came up with this idea so yeah, here's hoping it'll go well :) I will do another spanking shot tonight which was my idea again but if you have any requests and I haven't done them yet can you please resend them! :) thankyou! xxx

 It was night time and the boys had just finished watching a film.  Liam got up and stretched.

'Alright, Niall, Harry and Louis, time for bed!'

'Do we have to?' All three asked in unison putting on their best puppy dog faces.

'As gorgeous as you look guys that doesn't work with me, it's ten at night already. Go on up, me and Zayn will come and say goodnight.'  All three boys nodded and rushed upstairs while Zayn watched after them and chuckled.  Silence ruled the living room for a while until Liam checked out of the window.

'Getting quite stormy out there, you think Niall will be ok tonight?'

'Yeah, he'll be fine.  Tell you what I'll stay with him for a while and if he gets scared I'll let him come in our room.'

'Woah Zayn, aren't you usually completely against that? Careful now, you might be turning soft.

'Only during thunderstorms, Li.' Zayn chuckled.  'Well, I better go make sure the lads are alright.'  Liam nodded and smiled and Zayn headed upstairs to check on the others.  He first checked up on Harry who was snoring softly, his duvet only just below his armpits. 'Goodnight Hazza.'  Zayn whispered, pulling the duvet up slightly and making Harry snuggle into his bed slightly.  Next was Louis, who was lying on his back, his soft and slow breathing indicating he was fast asleep.  'Sweet dreams, BooBear.' Last was Niall.  Zayn was a bit concerned that he'd be scared of the storm and sure enough, he wasn't asleep but whimpering slightly at the flashes of lightning. 'Shh, Ni baby.  It's alright, it won't hurt you, I won't let it.  Try and get some shut eye, ok? If you get scared come to me and LiLi, alright?' Niall sniffed and nodded.  'Good boy.   Sweet dreams.'  Zayn said softly as he slowly closed the door and crept out.  Once he was back downstairs, Liam had just finished sipping on a mug of herbal tea.

'I'm gonna head off to bed, you coming?'

'Nah, I'm gonna watch the news for a bit, I'll be up in about half an hour though.'

'Alright, night.'

'Night.'  After Liam went upstairs, Zayn turned on the TV at a not too high volume so that it wouldn't wake the boys up.  He went into the kitchen and put the kettle on and saw that the storm was getting worse.  Outside newspapers and cardboard boxes were flying everywhere, even a wheely bin was travelling along the street due to the wind.

'Hope Niall's ok.'  Zayn whispered to himself and made a note to go check on him before bed.  Once he'd made his tea, he headed back to the living room and settled on the sofa.

'Breaking news this has just come in.  A record outbreak of tornadoes could be happening tonight, we are sending out a warning to all of the UK, those in London are most at risk.' Zayn swallowed, paying much more attention to the TV now.  A map came up of different areas, their own area was on that map. 'These places are most at risk, if you live in any of these areas you may already be in stormy conditions.'  Zayn looked outside the window, gulping again as a huge flash of lightning lit up the room.  The storm was getting much worse outside.  There usually weren't any Tornadoes around, so their house wasn't very prepared.  Strength wise, it could easily withstand a tornado, but there were windows and fragile items everywhere, the boys could easily get killed by something flying through the window.

'Zayn?'  He turned around to see Liam looking extremely concerned.  'You know then?'  Zayn nodded.

'We need to find somewhere some we can stay, then wake up the lads.' 

'What about the underground basement in the garden?  Niall and Hazza love hanging out there, it used to be a bomb shelter, maybe it could withstand it.'  Zayn sighed.

'It's the only chance of safety we've got.  You go get Lou, I'll get Ni and Haz.'  Liam nodded and both boys ran upstairs.  Meanwhile, Niall had crashed out but was starting to wake up again due to the loud thunder and lighting streaking into his room.  'Ni?' Niall was slightly startled by Zayn storming into his room.  'Niall, come on, up and at em!'

'What is it, Zayn?' 

'Come on Niall, let's go!  It's alright, don't be scared!'

'But Zayn! What's going on? I'm scared!'  Niall protested as Zayn scooped him up, his own chest facing the elder's, arms wrapped around Zayn's neck and face resting on his shoulder. 'Zayn, tell me! Zayn!'

'It's alright, Ni-Bear, don't be scared, Zaynie's got you!'  Zayn coaxed as he carried the little blonde boy downstairs. As they made their way down, Liam joined them with Louis behind him and Harry in his arms. 

'TV said it was big! Might be an F5!!!'

'Zayn! I'm scared!!'

'No, no, no.  Sshh Ni, don't be scared, alright?  We're gonna go to yours and Hazza's favourite hiding place, yeah?! The old bomb shelter, you like it there right?'  Niall nodded, starting to sob.  'No baby please don't cry, stay calm, I've got ya.'

'Liam! I'm scared! I want Lou!'

'Hush baby Hazza, it's gonna be alright, Louis' not strong enough to carry you alright?  We're gonna go to the old bomb shelter and then you can cuddle with Lou.'  Both Niall and Harry calmed down slightly until the door to the garden was opened and a massive wind force hit them.  Rain was peltering down and that combined with the wind, thunder and things crashing about created a deafening sound.  Niall started to struggle in Zayn's grip as he panicked again.

'ZAYN I DON'T WANNA GO OUT THERE!!! PLEASE!!!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!! ZAYN, ZAYN I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!! I WANT LIAM!!!!!!!! ZAYN!!!!!!!!!!!'

'Niall! Niall, Niall, NIALL!  Shush now, calm down, we're gonna run for it and we'll be nice and warm and safe in that shelter before you know it.  Just hide your face in my shoulder if your scared ok? I won't let go of you.'

'LOUIS!!! NO!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!'  Liam screamed at Louis running forward and using his best efforts to unlock the shelter despite the wind almost blowing him off his feet.


'That is one smart kid.'  Liam mumbled before running out with Harry.  Zayn took a deep breath, his heart breaking as Niall screamed and sobbed when the harsh wind and rain hit them both like a runaway train.  Within seconds, it was over and everyone was safe inside the shelter.  All they could hear now was that terrifying whistle of wind along with a few other noises (A/N: SEE THE VIDEO THERE ON THE SIDE?? PLAY IT FROM 1:27, THAT'S WHAT THEY CAN HEAR! :o)

'I'm scared.' Niall whimpered as Harry crawled over to Louis crying. 

'Shh, bubba,  I've got you. Shh.'  Zayn soothed the younger boy, rocking him back and forth and kissing the top of his head as the noises got louder.  Suddenly, there was the sound of the door to the basement shaking and creaking.

'SHIT!!! IT'S NOT GONNA HOLD!!!!!!!!!!'  Zayn contemplated going to hold it shut, but he knew that would be basically asking for death.

'Liam, get under the bed!! Lou, stay with Haz in that corner! I'm trusting you to protect him!'  Zayn instructed as he got in the other corner holding Niall close and sheltering him.  The poor terrified poor let out an ear piercing scream as the door flew off.  Thankfully, everyone was in their positions by then.  They were all scared to death, but for now safe.  Finally, much to Niall's relief, after one final defeaning crash, there was silence.  Zayn looked up from sheltering Niall.  'Ni, stay here, I'm gonna go check it out.'

'Is it over, Lou?'

'I don't know, Hazza, I don't know, stay with me for now though, ok?'  Harry nodded and snuggled further into his best mate.

'Guys! Come on up! It's all clear!'  One by one, the traumatized boys came up, greeted only by a wasteland of devastation instead of a beautiful forest.  Thankfully, the house was ok other than two broken windows.  Branches and other debris lay everywhere in their garden, but the boys made it safely back to their home and ended up deciding to stay in the shelter for the night in case of another storm and ended up having a peaceful night's sleep, spending the next of the whole day clearing up debris and checking if anyone was hurt, but the tornado was only an F1, so everyone was ok thank goodness.  It was a scary experience and Niall and Harry in particular were shaken up, but they'd all get through it together as a five.

There you go! :) not feeling too good so not gonna do another one of my own ideas tonight as it's nearly midnight here and i'm tired :( anyway, hoped you likey! :D

Oh and two things, who's your favourite character in Best Song Ever? Are you a Maroy (Marcel and Leeroy) girl like me? Or do you like anyone else?  And I'm sure everyone's seen This Is Us now so tell, tell, tell! What's your favourite part of the movie! Mine is where the security guards are trying to control all five terrors haha! :D don't forget to comment! :)

Sophie xxx

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