How Louis Tomlinson Saved Me

By lovetommo24

943 44 4

Hannah Moretti has been struggling with a problem for about four months. One day, when she tries to free hers... More

Chapter One: The Great Escape
Chapter Two: Louis' Apartment
Chapter 3: Payne in the hospital
Chapter 4: Hospital visits and Niall Horan
Chapter 5: Goodnight Lou
Chapter 7: First kiss and Hannah's story
Chapter 8: Shopping and Bad Memories
Chapter 9: Niall tickle fights
Chapter 10: A popstar's "normal" girlfriend
Chapter 11:

Chapter 6: Nightmares and Pancakes

86 4 0
By lovetommo24

{Hannah's Dream}

I wake up in a pitch black room with one spotlight shining down on me, I don't know where it's coming from though.

I scream, my body starts shaking, I get up wobbly. I start running and screaming out for someone. I hear a voice and stop.

A creepy voice says it sounds like someone is circling around me, I scream.

"Who's there?!"
I yell.

"Oh haaaaaaannaaaahh?, YOU TRIED TO RUN AWAY FROM MEEEE ?!!AAAAAAHHH!!!"
The voice starts screaming.

It was Steven.

I run as fast as I can not knowing where I was going, everything was pure darkness. I hear his voice screaming in the distance.

"You should have never ran away Hannah!!!!"
He says I'm screaming, drenched in sweat. My heart racing, it feels like my heart was pumping outside of my chest. I keep running.

Then I hit a something hard, maybe a wall. I turn the other way and there's another wall I reach out and feel like I'm trapped in a box. Tears are streaming down my face like a waterfall and I'm weeping into my kneesThe walls starts closing in. The are about to crush me and I hear a voice.

"Hannah? Hannah! HANNAH!"
A voice yells. I feel myself being shaken.Then I wake up.

{ Back in Reality }

I open my eyes wide. I'm a mess. My knees are clutched to my chest, I'm shaking uncontrollably, I'm sweating and I'm crying so hard that I started hyperventilating. Louis is clutching me hard in his grip. His arms tightly wrapped around my waist and he is stroking my head and whispering in my ear.

"Sssshh, sssshh it's okay calm down, take deep breaths iiiin..."
I shakily breath in fighting hard to let my cries escape.

I cry, still hyperventilating. He's still stroking my hair.

"It's okay Han I got you, I'm here sssshh hush."
He says calming me. I start relaxing, my breathing slowed down and I turned over wrapping my arm around Louis's chest. He strokes the side of my head.

" I'm sorry"
I whisper into his shoulder.

"Hey hey no don't be sorry, never be sorry you didn't do anything, you shouldn't be going through this babe, I'M sorry."
He says kissing the top of my head.

"Was I screaming in my sleep, oh god if I woke you up then I probably woke... Oooh God ."
I say gasping that I probably woke up everyone in the apartment.

"Who the other lads, pphhh Hannah trust me they won't mind."
Louis says holding my chin up and looking into my eyes.

"B-bit was I screaming?"
I ask with a little whimper in my voice.

"It's okay! It was just a bad dream, everyone screams in a bad dream, but it's okay no cause I'm here and I got you."
I smile a little.

"There we go, there's a little smile!"
He says grinning. I sort of laugh/ cry and sit up all the way on the bed.

"Come here."
He says pulling me close to him and hugging me. It was the tightest warmest hug and I loved it. He gives the best hugs. I let out some relief cries and love cries. Yes that's right love. I love Louis Tomlinson.

We came out of the hug and I had gotten some tears on just shirt.

"Oh I'm sorry I kinda got your shirt a little wet."
I say sniffling.

"Oh Han come on that's nothing don't even worry about it!"
I smile and he gives me that look again with the fire in his eyes, that passion that I loved that just makes me lost in them. A knock on the door snapped me out of it and I quickly turn away trying to fix up myself, wiping tears away. Louis gets up to answer the door. He opens it and steps out of the room a little. They muffled their voices but I could still hear what they were saying.

"Heey Lou, how is.. Everything?"
Says Liam

" uuh it's okay now, she just had a bad dream but it's alright now."
He explains.

"Okay, good. I just wanted to make sure. Did she tell you what it was about?"
Liam asks.

"No, but what do you think it was about."
Louis says obviously.

"Yeah, well I'm making pancakes and they'll betray in about 15 minutes!"
Liam says enthusiastically.

" k, thanks mate for you know checking up on her, it would mean a lot ."
Says Louis.

" yeah, course no problem!"
Liam says.

Louis walk back and tell me about the pancakes.

"Oh thank god, I'm starving. I haven't eaten real food in 24 hours!"
I say. Louis chuckles and I smile back at him.

I get off the bed and walk into the bathroom. I use the toilet and fix up my pony tail. My face was all red and puffy from crying. I splash some water on my face to wake me up. Once I'm done I walk out and Louis runs in all antsy, and quickly shuts the door. I laugh, he must've really had to go.

When he finishes up we head into the kitchen. My leg was feeling much better today. I could actually limp on it without falling. I sit down on a bar stool and Louis sits next to me. Liam is flipping pancakes and Niall walks in eating a box of CoCo Puffs right from the box. I laugh and he looks at me innocently and frowns, he continues eating.

Liam places a plate down on the granite countertop, in front of me and Louis. I grab a fork and a knife, holding them straight on the table, ready to dig in. I lick my lips and bounce in my seat, excited for food. My stomach growls at me.

"Wow, Hannah you look hungry!"
Liam says while flipping the pancakes. I giggle and nod.

"I am! I'm starving! That last food I ate was a grilled cheese sandwich from the hospital and that was at like 4:30pm yesterday!"
I explain. Liam flips a pancake and it lands on my plate. I grab the syrup and pour a little pile on top of it. Louis remained still, letting me begin my feast. I take a bite into the thick, fluffy, doughy, delicious goodness.

Once I finished, I walk to the bathroom to wash my hands and face. When I come back into the kitchen, Louis is washing the dishes.

"Do you mind if I use your showers quickly? I still smell like hospital."
I ask laughing a little.

Yeah, of course! Here let me grab you some towels." He walks toward his bedroom and I follow behind him. He grabs a fresh towel, some soap and a washcloth from a closet. Then he puts them onto the sink counter.

"Thank youuu!"
I say smiling.

"No probleeeeem."
Says Louis, smiling back. He closes the door and I try to figure out how to turn on the shower. I twist the handle , trying to figure out how to work it.

I finally get it to spray hot water. It was a giant, stone shower with fancy tiling on the floor. I undress and hop in the shower. I close my eyes letting the warm drops run through my hair and down my back. It feels good against my aching body. I run my hands through my hair letting it really soak in.

Once I finished washing my body and my hair I turn it off and grab my towel. I ring out my hair and wrap the towel around my chest. I open the door and step out of the shower.

The mirror is all fogged up and the room is steamy. I flick on the fan and look in the mirror, I was a giant blob. The fog started to fade and I could see myself again. I walk out of the bathroom with the towel still around me. And look for Louis.

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