Bitter Before Sweet [BoyxBoy]

By WisteriaTales

508K 22K 1.7K

“How do you feel when you finally realized that the person meant to be with you is currently giving love to a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Final)

Chapter 10

23K 1K 134
By WisteriaTales

Chapter 10

Blake’s POV

I didn’t have any classes left for the day so I escorted my brother back to research room where we both were wary of the stalker guy. “Have you told Gavin about what happened this afternoon?” I asked him as we walked to the lab door. “Yea, he said he’ll come over once his class ends for today,” he replied. I frowned at a thought. Why Gavin?

“Ivan,” I started. He looked at me and smiled. “I know what you’re thinking. That boy is smitten with me, Blake,” he answered. I rolled my eyes and giggled a bit. Smitten was an understatement. Gavin never paid anyone attention if he wasn’t serious. He might be captivated by my brother. I knew several, scratch that, lots of people, men and women who threw themselves at my brother. I realized how superior he was than me. He was smarter, he was more charismatic, he was more attractive than me so it wasn’t a surprise really, when he got himself few stalkers. I dodged a bullet there. Though, thanks to our mother we’re kind of on ‘beautiful’ men side. I won’t lie but I knew I was good looking. But I won’t use it to take advantages.

On the other side, my brother seemed oblivious to his own looks. Though, he seemed to realize he had some kind of effect towards people. I guess him being busy all the time contributed it. He had taken a role of a father when our father died.

“I trust your friend, Blake. I feel safe around him. Not once did he try to touch me,” he added. I snickered at that. Oh boy, whatever Gavin was doing, it was working. But knowing my brother, he won’t give in that easily. “Alright. Please tell me if anything happens. I’ll be over at Clyde’s,” I told him. He waved a hand at me and disappeared into the lab.

I went to take my car and drove to the dorm. I was about to enter the entrance when a girl stormed out of the building covering half her face with her hands. I stepped back to give her way and she walked passed by me in a hurry. I heard her sniffing when she got into her car.

“Andrea! It’s a long time ago! It cannot be mine!”

Clyde came rushing out of the door and halted when he saw me. I looked up at him and back to the girl who has now driven away. There were people stopped by and looked at us. Some were peering out from their windows looking down at us.

“Way to go, Clyde!” someone shouted from one of the windows. I raised my brows at Clyde. “I…will explain,” he started, clearing his throat. “Yes, you will,” I said and followed him to his room. Someone, a sophomore like me stopped me. “He’s not worth it, Wyse,” he teased. I smirked and slapped his shoulder. Another chimed in, “Don’t do this, Blake. You deserve more.” I laughed at them. It felt like they were trying to lighten me up. I was surprised when I saw Clyde was the one making the girl cry but I knew better not to be judgmental. There had to be a reason.

“Oh, buzz off guys,” finally Clyde uttered as we went into his room. Sounds of chuckles were heard outside the hallway. I sat on the edge of his bed. I knew I might sound immature but the memories of this morning came back to me and I flushed at that. He walked by and sat next to me, fiddling with my fingers.

“That was Andrea, one of my ex-girlfriends,” he started. I nodded, urging him to continue. “She’s almost 30. I broke up with her 5 months ago” I widened my eyes at that. “You didn’t seem to have any standards,” I said bitterly. He sighed and rubbed his arm. “I know. I was that easy. Anybody who has interest with me I’d just say yes. But not anymore,” he said, looking at me. “Why she was here when you already broke up with her,” I asked him.

His hand interlaced with mine. “She said she’s carrying my kid,” he sighed. I almost jumped. “What!?” I stood up, removing my hand from his. “Listen, Blake…”

“Oh, I am listening. Carry on,” I said, looking straight at him and folded my arms across my chest. “She said she’s 2 months along,” at that she stared at me. I began calculating in my head. I frowned at the answer. “But…you broke up 5 months ago…”

He smiled, pulling my hand and burying his face at my stomach. “Exactly! It’s not mine.”

I felt so silly. “I’m sorry, Clyde,” I said guiltily. I ran my fingers between his dark strands. He shook his head. “You had every right to be upset just now. I had no standards, I was too irresponsible. The thought of one of the girls might get pregnant because of me didn’t even cross my mind. You’re the one for me, Blake,” he said as he gazed into my eyes. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Just don’t go play around with other people while you’re with me,” I warned him, cupping his cheeks in my hands and kissed his nose.

He chuckled. “I won’t ever do that, Blake,” he replied and captured my lips instead. “Oh wait!” I exclaimed and ran to my room next door. I got my camera and went back in. He was sitting on his desk and doing something on his laptop while his back was facing me. I smiled and brought the camera to my face. I viewed him through the viewfinder.

“Clyde,” I called out. He turned his shoulders halfway around and I pressed the shutter. He smirked. “Candid photo,” I said. He got up and went over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. “I’m going to take more,” I declared.

He grinned and chuckled lightly. “Be my guess.”


Clyde’s POV

Blake went back to his room to finish his assignment and I told him I’d be with him after I replied some emails. Actually I received another email from my exes saying I was the father of her child, which was bogus. I wore protection all the time. Some of them might lie about taking pills but I knew how to prevent these sorts of things. I never cum inside of them anyway, so I knew the girls who came to me and claimed I was the father were lying.

I slumped on my desk, thinking this was so unnecessary. Of course, it was my fault for being promiscuous before. Blake was different. He was a different type of human species altogether. Sure, he wasn’t perfect but just being with him made my heart fluttered and made butterflies swimming in my stomach. And I felt the storm in my soul calmed down just by looking at him. I turned off my laptop and turned and left my room to go to Blake’s room.

His door was unlocked despite my warnings since he had that expensive DSLR with him but he wouldn’t listen. He said he trusted our dorm mates but from my experience, it was the people who our dorm mates brought in that was dangerous. Thank God nothing ever happened to him yet.

I opened the door slightly to see his room filled with sprawling books and photo prints. Yikes, good thing he was the only one assigned to this room. “Uhh…” I started. He was on his bed, facing down on his stomach while he was scribbling something on his notebook. He looked up, his glasses fell down to his nose and he pushed them back up again. “I didn’t know you wear glasses,” I said. I sat down at the other empty bed, pushing away some of his books. “Only when I need to do some reading,” he said.

“What’s up?” he asked noticing I was trying to say something prior to that. I fiddled with my fingers. “Yea, another of my exes emailed me. She said she’s carrying my child,” I said and I saw his mouth opened trying to say something which I raised a finger at him to wait. “She’s four months along and it was over a year ago.”

He frowned. “Really? These girls?” he rolled his eyes. I chuckled at that. I couldn’t believe she was trying to get me be the father even though there was no way that could happen considering I didn’t have sex with her for over a year. That made me wondered what kind of people my exes were. I shuddered at the thought and hoped nobody was a psychopath killer or a stalker.

“You were horrible,” he suddenly stated. I looked up and him and saw him smiled through his camera and pressed the shutter. “You looked funny,” he said as he looked down at his camera screen. “Yes, I meant that,” he said again. “I’m not going to hold back now we’re dating. You were horrible. You’d go out with anyone—“

I jumped from the bed towards him, capturing his noisy mouth with mine. “Clyde! I’m trying to talk here!” he exclaimed. I chuckled and kissed him again. “Enough. I know how terrible I was and I’m trying to change that.”

He fell back to his bed while my body wrapped around him. I buried my face into the crook of his neck. I felt comfortable like this and I felt his fingers ran through my dark hair. “How many of them?”

I looked up. He was staring at the ceiling. “I mean, only today we got 2 girls saying they are carrying your baby. Imagine how many will come telling you the same thing,” he continued, glaring down at me. “Well…” I started. “Not all of them were girls. I dated guys too.”

He smirked, almost mockingly. “Yea, I know.”

“You do?” I leaned up on my elbows and looked down at him. “Of course. You’re THE Clyde Vollmer, the one who will say yes if you come up to him and ask him out. Even for sex,” he said. I studied his face and I sensed a bit of dismay in his tone.

“I’m sorry,” I said. I didn’t know why but I felt I needed to say that to him. He turned at me. “Why?”

“Because I feel like it,” I said, waiting for him to say something else. “Were you…like that? Like what they said?” he asked, his arms hooked around my shoulder. I shifted so now my elbows are right next to his head. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

“Yes. And I’m sorry…”

“Why?” he asked. I never really thought why I lived like that before. “Did something happen before?” he coaxed me. His hands trailed down my spine and just rubbed around my back. “Tell me, Clyde. I want you to trust me,” he added.

I sighed. Deep in my mind I knew the cause but I never gave it any thought and left it buried. I slumped down and I heard a small ‘umph’ from Blake and I knew I was heavy but I didn’t want to move. I loved feeling close to him. I love feeling his warmth.

“Clyde?” he called. I didn’t say anything. He continued to rub circles along my back. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me now, but bear in mind I need to know about you too. So, please, know that I am here. Just tell me anytime you’re ready. Hell, our rooms are just next to each other,” he said. I chuckled at that and moved my head and kissed his ear. “I’m sorry and I will tell you soon,” and kissed him again. He squirmed and giggled. “That tickles,” he said and managed to move from underneath me.

I laughed and pulled him down again. Suddenly, my phone vibrated and a song came out indicating I was receiving a text message. I took my phone out from my pocket and saw a girl’s name yet again. I sighed. I read the message and she was the same with the other two girls today. Why today!? “No…we broke up 8 months ago…can’t be mine when it’s 3 months…” I spelled out loud what I typed.

I felt Blake’s eyes scorching down on me. “You’d better change your number, you walking sperm whale!”


I guess you noticed  how slow the story progresses but I'm working on making *something* happens :D Thank you for reading! Comments and votes are most welcomed!

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