Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

By KoolLePlaisir

449K 15.1K 4.1K

'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... More

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
10: EXit That Way
11: Mr. Hendry
13: Spending Time
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
18: A.M.
19: My Vows To You
20: Family to Foe
21: Gifts From the Past
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

12: ❌ed My Path

12K 447 83
By KoolLePlaisir

There is not much to say except that there will be more drama and I hope that you have your popcorn ready and are comfortable. Enjoy, loves! Don't forget to vote/ comment! Deuces!

P.s. This is unedited!


We stayed back, meaning Harmony and I. I have some business to take care of and I needed her for backup. It is after hours at the office and I set up a private meeting with a special client of mine. He made his intentions very clear to me and I want to address them privately without the prying eyes and ears of others. So here I am sitting in my office behind my desk texting my man as I wait for my special guest to arrive. Our conversation had started off innocent but took a turn for the naughty side.

The bold is Ana & Fin texting while the Italic is her thoughts in a flashback form. Now back to the story!👀

'I wish I was there right now. I would have you bent over your desk again.👅'

I was briefing him over what my game plan was and the necessary steps I was taking to achieve our goal. The entire time he had sat quietly, his eyes watching me like a hawk's. His gaze made me feel a little uneasy, but I shrugged it off to get through the rest of the meeting.

'I wish you were here too. Then you could help me relieve some of this built up tension from the day.💏'

We went over things I felt could better help us for a little bit. He had made me even more uncomfortable. I had invited him around my desk to show him my computer screen and he all but caged me in between the desk and himself as he stood behind my chair. "All of this will help us how?", he asked, his breath fanning the side of my face. That was just how close he had gotten to me. Hell, I can smell his expensive Cologne and although it smells nice, it is making my stomach flutter in a bad way.

'I would set your soul on fire. You would be withering in pleasure begging for me to relieve you of the burning beneath your skin with my touch.'

'You really think so? I think the roles would be reversed. I was once told I have a blessed mouth.'

"It helps. I would not have even bothered with any of it if it did not", I responded casually. He hummed then stood up straight, a sigh of relief leaving my mouth. However, he did not move from his spot behind my chair. He placed his large gifted hands on my shoulders making me tense in anticipation. He leaned down again, his mouth at my ear. "You seem tense? Allow me to work out some of the tension in your gorgeous body. As I recall, you did say that my hands are very talented", he whispered. I bit my lip and turned my head to look him in the eyes. His eyes were still beautiful just as his hands still held such grace and promise.

'I know so, love & that you do.'

"Please, get your hands off of me. My fiancé will not be very happy with the news of another man touching me so intimately", I declined politely. He chuckled, "Your fiancé must be a very controlling and possessive man. I cannot say that I blame him though. You are a gem, Anastasia. However, I do not think that that should bother him when we have done far more than touching clothed skin", he replied.

'You sure do have a way with words, Mr. Hendry. What I want to know is if your words are empty or a promise?'

"That is also in the past. I do not want you touching me neither. I would really appreciate it if you were to return to your seat, Mr. Mahfud before there are consequences", I said, irked at this man's level of arrogance. "And what are these consequences, Mrs. Mahfud?", he drawled making my eyes narrow into a glare. "You must have me confused with your wife, Toni. My name is Anastasia Williams Hendry. Do not make the same mistake twice", I responded hotly. His hands on my shoulders slid down my arms, caressing them. "You sound so much like, Stephen, it is laughable. You get so worked up over nothing easily now just like him. That is not very a flattering trait on a woman, but you make it cute, sexy. I want to fix my mistakes. I nev-", I interrupted him not wanting him to go any further. He not only insulted me, but my man and that is not something that I will let slide.

'I can assure that they are a promise, but I believe in actions speaking louder than words, Mrs. Hendry. I will be seeing you soon & you can decide for yourself.'

'I look forward to your arrival.'

"There is nothing to fix. It is over with and done. We have both moved on and we should not worry about the things that we cannot change", I said rising from my seat, forcing him to step back. "You are right, but I miss you. I miss what we had and I regret everything that happened with that woman. It was honestly one of the biggest mistakes of my life", he responded invading my personal space once again. However, it did not make me nearly as uncomfortable as before because I was too wrapped up in silently fuming to care. "Pardon, but that woman is your wife. You married that woman and from my understanding, you also had a child with her. So I believe that 'that woman' is an unfit title for who Jasmine is to you, Toni", I responded snarkily. He scoffed, a bitter smirk forming on his face. "Loyal to the end, huh, Ana? Even after she persued and fucked your boyfriend behind your back, you still stand here and defend her to this day", he said sounding so unbelievably bitter.

"She was once my bestfriend. Old habits die hard and unlike the both of you, my loyalty cannot so easily be swayed unless given absolute cause", I spat in disgust at the three of us. Them for betraying me and myself for still being loyal and defending Jasmine's actions still. It is like nothing changed eventhough everything has long since. He reached out cupping my cheek in the palm of his hand, caressing it. "Is that so my darling, Ana?", he asked, his voice huskier. "That is very so, Toni and I am not your darling or anything", I sneered.

Then his lips were on mine. I was in shock. Here my ex-boyfriend is, kissing me desperately and I was just frozen stiff. My lips were unresponsive as my mind turned to mush in appellation. It was not until he tried to slide his tongue into my mouth did I snap out of my stupor and my hand shot out slapping him across the face. "You cannot do that. You do not have the right to do that anymore. I am not yours anymore, Toni. I am engaged and I do not need you causing me any confusion. Fin, does not need to know about this, and I want you to meet me back here in my office at 8 tonight. I want to see you again before I go out tonight", I exasperated, touching my violated lips.

'We are on our way. See you soon. I love you, love.❤😚'

I smiled down at my phone. Stephen just has that effect on me. He can text me 'hi' and I will instantly smile. He makes my heart smile. So I smile from the inside out.

'See you soon. I love you, Finny😙❤'

As soon as I sat my phone down on my desk Sugar's voice range out on the intercom. "Queen, Darth Vader has entered the building along with Chubacca", she drawled over the intercom making me chuckle. "Send them in and if the guys get here before I am done in here, please send Fin on to my office and we will come in a few minutes", I responded picking up the bottle of grape Gatorade I bought from the vending machine earlier and opening. I took a few sips from it before recapping it and sitting it back down on the desk just as the door to my office opened and in walked Darth Vader and his pet, I mean Toni and Jasmine. I am not usually a petty person, but seeing these 2 people really makes me feel sick to my stomach and it is not fair. Them coming here together just makes my job a whole lot easier.

I had actually been hoping that she would come and looky here, here she is following him around like a dog. I rose from my seat with the clearing of my throat and gestured for them to have a seat. I made my way around the desk to stand in front of the couple, not missing the way Toni's eyes raked my body as I walked pass him to stand in between them at the front of my desk. My stomach has a little pudge now that is barely noticeable so that has made me a little self-conscious, but Fin loves it all the same. He said that I am sexy no matter my size and I was pregnant with his baby which made him love me even more. I did not want to add more fuel to the already burning fire by giving Jasmine something else negative to say about me.

So I wore my Chanel coat as a dress with a pair of ash gray almost silver in color heels.

I sat on the edge of my desk with my legs crossed at the ankles as I stared them down for a moment, deciding who I should start with first. "I am glad that you came back, Toni. I was almost worried that you would not show, but I knew that you would, especially after our meeting earlier", I said nonchalantly. "I wouldn't miss a meeting with you for anything, darling", he said casual, licking his lips.

I resisted an eye roll and just gave him a forced smile.

"This is nice and everything, but we have better things to be doing. Our daughter has a play we have to get to", Jasmine said in a bored tone. I nodded, "That's nice. Won't you tell her 'Hi' for me? Anyways, Toni. I thought that it was supposed to be the 2 of us. I did say for you to come back, not you and a plus one", I drawled. He chuckled while her face twisted into a scowl. "She followed me here even after I told her to go on to Teresa's play so at least one of us can be there for her, but she insisted on following me", he responded nonchalantly making me smirk. "Like a little dog or something", I commented. He hummed, "Like something. So why did you call me back here? Does it have to do with earlier?", he responded.

I stood up straight uncrossing my legs. "Exactly that very reason. I need you to sign off on something also", I said reaching behind me and picking up a file on my desk with his name on the tab. I flipped it open and grabbed the pin off the desk that I had been using earlier. "These are for you to sign. That is a new agreement that states that after your current case is closed you and I will never do business directly again", I said confidently. He looked at me incredulously as he took the folder from me and began skimming through the agreement. I watched as his face went from incredulous to angry before it became blank.

"He doesn't have to sign a damn thing. You are going to do your job and be the help like you always w-", I interrupted her not caring for the mediocre insults she was trying to give me. If she wants to insult me then I will give her a reason to. "Me doing my job had nothing to do with you, Jasmine so stay in your place, bitch. Whatever goes on between Toni and I is just that, between us. Why did you even bring your extra baggage, Toni? In what way could she possibly contribute to what we were doing?", I said coyly. "Baggage? At least he carries me. You are just mad and bitter that he dropped you and chose me", Jasmine spat. I gasp in fake offense, "Really? Remember that statement I am about to shake up your little fantasy world where you reign supreme. Toni, did you not just a few hours ago refer to your wife as 'that woman' and all but beg for me to take you back?", I said tilting my head to the side as I directed my attention on him now. "You're lying", Jasmine sneered glaring at me.

"Toni, tell your dear wife how she was one of the biggest mistakes of your life. Tell her how you regret everything that happened with 'that woman' as you referred to her as. Tell her how you miss me like you told me. Tell your wife how you desperately kissed me like you were trying to grasp onto your life line. Tell her, Toni", I said coldly. And for the first time in years since that fateful day, I saw regret in Jasmine's eyes.

It had gone silent in the room now as we all stared at each other. I almost felt bad for Jasmine, just almost. I remember how she was always desperate for love. She would get out of one relationship and jumping right into another one because she hated being alone. I should have known back then that something was up when she stayed single for months barely complaining about being lonely. Now look at her.

In a one-sided marriage with a man that is still in love with his ex. Karma is a bitch for real. I sighed wistfully turning to grab my Gatorade off the desk when someone finally spoke and guess who? Jasmine. "Is it true?", she said just barely above a whispered. I picked up the bottle uncapping it and taking a few sips from it before recapping it and sitting it back down on the desk. She did not get a response from dear husband and that really must of set her off because a second later I heard the sound of skin hitting skin. I turned back to face them and saw his head turned to the side and her with her hand still raised.

"Is it fucking true, Toni!?", she yelled. He slowly turned his head to face her, an incredulous look on his face. Still, he did not respond and I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. "I don't know about you, but I would take that as a yes", I commented lifting myself up onto my desk and crossing my legs one over the other. My comment seemed to only serve in pissing Jasmine off more. "You shut the fuck up! This is all of your fault you hoe! We were happy, but he just had to come to the fucking law firm for help! I hate you! You ruined my life!", she screamed and lunged at me, only for Toni to catch her around the waist lifting her clean off of her feet.

I raised a brow, but did not say anything in response to her allegations. I did however did address the man of the hour. "Toni, now will you please sign those papers for me?", I asked Toni who was struggling to restrain his wife. He scoffed, "I am not signing those papers", he bellowed. I smirked, "Oh, but Mr. Mahfud, you are. See, you broke the bindings of our contract. Do you need me to elaborate?", I responded loud enough so he could hear me clearly over his raving wife that was still fighting to get loose from her husband. When he did not respond I continued.

"Well, in the contract there is a clause that states that if you were to force yourself upon my person in any manner or have any sexual contact with me that I have the right to terminate our contract at anytime given time that I see fit. Since I have already done the work for this case and have a strong belief in finishing what I started, I decided that this will be the last time we will ever do business together. You yet again violated a contract and to amend for this one you have to sign those papers as stated in the original contract also or I will take legal actions against you and switch sides on this case. The choice is yours Mr. Mahfud", I said casually, uncrossing my legs and crossing them the opposite way.

I watched amused as the gears in Toni's head turned before realization dawned on him. "Sign the papers, Toni then take your wife and go watch your daughter's play. Be with your family. You chose to sleep with Jasmine and you both wind up with a child, now live with it. You married her. She is your wife and you should treat her as such. Again, sign the papers, Toni", I said encouragingly. He stared at me, his face devoid of any emotion. His eyes were almost hallow like, there was nothing behind them or in them anymore. "Move on. Be happy with your wife, and even if you cannot then divorce her and find someone that will actually make you happy. I just cannot be the woman to do that anymore. I am happy and madly in love. If you love me then let me be happy. I still love you, Toni but I am not in love with you. I am in love with the most wonderful man named Stephen Hendry and he and our unborn child are my everything", I urged staring into his eye.

By this time all of the fight in Jasmine had seemed to of left her as she stood leaning against her husband with her face buried in her hands as her shoulders shook. She was crying. He and I just stared at each other a moment before he looked away ending our little staring contest. He said something but I could not hear him over the cries of his wife. I asked him to repeat himself and with a sigh he did. "I said 'okay'", he said clearly making my breath hitch.

It was what I had been waiting on for me to finally be rid of Toni in my life. I was counting on him to mess up, but I had not anticipated him kissing me so desperately like he had only hours ago. I had thought he would touch me like he used to love to. He used to not be able to keep his hands off of me. So I was shocked that he would practically rape my face like that to kiss me. Now here he is compliant, agreeing to sign papers that will basically make this our farewell to each other and I have a nostalgia feeling of happiness and sadness.

He released Jasmine who did nothing besides stand on her own two feet, face still buried in her hands as he made his way over to me where I now stood in front of my desk. He took the outstretched pen from my hand and leaned down sitting the folder on the desk and began signing the agreement. When he was done he closed the folder then sat the pen on top of it before standing upright again. This time I could clearly see sadness in his eyes as he looked at me. "I will always love you, Anastasia and I hope that you can one-day forgive me for hurting you. Goodbye, baby", he said sadly. Then with a kiss to my forehead he went to his wife's side.

When he grabbed her by the forearms to pull her hands from her face she jerked away and slapped him again before storming out of my office. He gave me one last longing look before following behind her and leaving me alone in my office to finally release the breath I did not even realize I was holding. I picked up the pen and folder off the desk and put them away in their respectable places. I had just closed my file cabinet, locking it when Fin came barging into my office through the door. "Love, grab your stuff and let's go. Salt and Vinegar are fighting in the receptionist area", he said making me pause to stare at him. I knew who he was referring to when he said 'Salt', but Vinegar did not ring any bells.

"Finny, who is Vinegar?", I asked hiding my amusement for the new nickname he gave someone. "Jasmine", he deadpan and that was all it took for me to get a move on. 3 minutes later we were walking into the receptionist area where the two women were still going at it while the men, Miroslav, Toni, and Max, all stood back watching.

Max being his ever helpful self was coaching Harmony through the fight from behind the receptionist desk. "Right! Dammit, Mony! Right hook the bitch!", he yelled making me shake my head at him. "Why are y'all just standing there? Do something. Break them up", I said pointedly momentarily drawing the guys' attention away from the cat fight to myself.

"We tried, but Harmony is very scary when she is angry", Ro answered for them, the rest nodding their heads in agreement. Max snickered, "Yeah, and when Toni tried he got caught by a left hook from his wife", he added making me sigh exasperated. "Today just really is not Toni's day", I mumbled to myself earning myself a look from my man that I ignored for the time being. "Finish her, Harmony!", Max yelled impersonating the announcer for Mortal Kombat voice making me shoot him a glare, before I signaling for Ro and Fin to separate the two fighting women. Fin grabbed Sugar who was in mid swing of what looked like a one-hitter quitter while Ro grabbed Jasmine who still tried to kick at Harmony as she was lifted off her feet. "Toni, take your wife up out of here before the police and lawyers get involved. Fin, do not let Sugar go until they are gone on the elevator", I ordered in my court room voice over the yelling women.

The men immediately got to work on fulfilling my orders and a couple of minutes later the Mahfuds were gone and we were making out way to the elevator. "Max, I should punch you for encouraging that fight", I muttered from where I was walking beside said man. He shrugged and draped his arm around my shoulders. "It was a free paper-veiw fight", he responded nonchalantly. I was about to reprimand him when Harmony beat me to the punch. "Boi, shut up. The hoe deserved it. I have been waiting over 2 years to fight her and you guys had to ruin it", she hissed glaring at the men who raised their hands up in surrender.

"Babe, it was only because princess made us. Otherwise I would have let you have at it because I like having sex", Ro said defensively before adding on when he saw the look on Harmony's face. "With you, babe. I like having sex with you", he quickly added making the other two men of the troublesome trio snicker. Even I snickered a little while Harmony smiled proudly at her man. "Good boy. You are definitely having sex tonight", she said before strutting up beside me as we all came to a stop at the elevator. We all made small talk as we made the journey down to our respected cars and drove to a restaurant where we had dinner together. It was nice spending time with my friends, but at the same time at the back of my mind there was Toni.

In some way I would miss him and I still had to tell Fin about what happened between us. I am not looking forward to that talk at all. When we finally got home to his place and had the dreaded talk we wind up having an argument. He had wanted to go after Toni, but I did not want him to and that pissed him off more than anything else because he felt like I was protecting Toni. Fin had left his room slamming the door behind him and came back almost 2 hours later covered in sweat, from what I deduced was his home gym in one of the spare bedrooms since I did not hear him leave the condo.

He took one look at me lying in bed in my underwear waiting for him while my eyes were appreciating his body then it was like I blinked and he was on top of me devouring my lips with his own. During our love making he kept mumbling 'mine' and I repeatedly affirmed him that I was his. It was not until afterwards when we were cuddling did I realize what was really going on with my man. Fin had gotten scared. He felt threatened but after my many affirmations and us talking things out, he was content with everything once again. We were good once again and could finally close the chapter of Toni and Jasmine being in our lives.

What the hell did I just write?... What do you think?👀

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