Nathan Sykes FanFiction

بواسطة AlainaTheWanted

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Everything is fine. there are of course ups and downs but the real story is inside Laney's head.... المزيد

Nathan Sykes FanFiction
Chapter 2 - You just don't understand
Chapter 3 - I have to think about it
Chapter 4 - I'm sorry
Chapter 5 - Don't freak out!
Chapter 6 - The Surprise
Chapter 7 - Oh okay
Chapter 8 - Oh My God...
Chapter 9 - A few months later
Chapter 10 - Reunion
Chapter 11 - Don't be mad..
Chapter 12 - Goodbye isn't forever...

Chapter 1 - The First Day

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بواسطة AlainaTheWanted

I was sitting in my first period class... Ceramics. I love it honestly just sometimes it can get to be a little frustrating.. I loved the teacher, she is so nice and had my cousin when she went here. I was sitting with my friends when Mrs. K asked us to stop for a minute. I stopped, but I hadn't turned around to look at her yet.

"Everybody, this is Nathan. He is a new student here... I hope you all welcome him and don't be the mean people I know you to be." Now I had to turn around because nobody could stop laughing. I looked to see a clean cut guy standing next to Mrs. K. "Nathan why don't you take the empty seat next to Laney." She pointed a the empty chair an he nodded. He walked over and took a seat. He saw what I was working on and smiled. I really want to know why he hasn't said a word yet. Mrs.K walked over to me and put her hand slightly on my back. "Laney, this is Nathan. Can you please explain to him what we are working on so far?" "Sure!"

Mrs. K walked away and I turned and looked at my friends real quick.. I saw them all mouth 'oh my god he is so hot!!'. I just laughed and turned back to Nathan. "Ok so what we are working on is creating two pinch pots that have some resemblance to each other... It can be color, shape, texture... really anything... I am not sure if she is going to have to start on the project or not but it isn't as easy as it looks..." He just nodded and kept looking at me like there was more to the 'story'. "I guess that's pretty much it... We sketched our ideas in the beginning but that's all we have done so far." He nodded again... This nodding is starting to piss me off...

I walked up to Mrs. K and I knew she was going to ask about Nathan. "I explained everything, what now?" "Well I don't want to get him started on his own considering how far we are already... Do you think he can work with you?" "yeah I guess so..." "Thank you! Is there anything you have noticed about him that you think I should know?" "Well, he doesn't really seem to talk much... That's really it.:" "Ok thank you."

I walked back to my seat to see Nathan looking at my sketches. For the first time ever I heard him speak. "These are brilliant!" Oh my god....... He is British... #Dyinginside!!! "Thanks... So you are British?" I let out a slight chuckle and he laughed a little too. "What gave it away? My charming good looks?" "Maybe the accent..." We both laughed and my friends gave me the jealousy look... "So Mrs. K wants us to work together since it is to far into the project for you to start your own. Is that ok with you?" "From your drawings, it is what is going to get me to pass this class..." "Haha, thanks Nathan."

We spent the rest of class going over the design and what it is supposed to look like. After first period we have homeroom so we got a little more time to just sit and talk about whatever we wanted. "Can I see your schedule Nathan?" "for the last time call me Nath, and sure." He handed me his schedule and I quickly looked over it. When I saw 3rd period a little hint of excitement shot through me. "It looks like we have every class together..." He had a cheeky grin and I have to admit it kind of freaked me out... "Thank god! At least I will know somebody!" "Yes, you will..." "So Laney... Do you drive?" "Yes, but after school I have tennis practice... and that won't end till probably a little after 4:00. Why?" "Well I don't really have a ride home.... I was going to ask if you could drive me, but you have tennis. I can just walk." "You can come to practice with me... I mean there won't be much to watch, but after I can take you home! Unless you don't wanna stay after which I completely understand." ":No! That would actually be awesome! Thanks"

After the bell rang we walked off to Spanish class. When we walked in had a really nervous look on his face. "Don't worry the teacher is really nice!" "Thanks." He walked over to Ms. J and told her he was new. I have to admit that he was pretty attractive and his accent really helped.... I hope we become good friends. Coincidentally enough Ms. J had Nathan sit right next to me. He had taken Spanish the same amount we did so he understood everything and just needed to copy notes. We spent the class going over food and we got a quiz back. After class Nathan asked where we were going. He might be smart but when you are in a school you have never been in before, you have no idea where you are going.

"We are going upstairs into the A-wing now..." "I was hoping they were all downstairs!!! Ugh!!" "The classes aren't really that far from each other if you think about it. You just have to know where you are going..." "Well guess what!! I don't know where I am going..." "I will show you! Jeez." We walked up the steps and of course to the farthest classroom available... We walked in and I noticed him tense up a bit. "Nath, chill everyone in this class is cool. I promise there is a lot to like here..." "Are you implying that your 'crush' is in this class?" "Possibly... I haven't decided whether or not to tell you yet!" "That's a yes! What is his name???" "That shall remain unknown for now!" We laughed and the same routine happened. I already knew he would be sitting next to me (On my right). On my left was Mark and two seats behind Mark was Ryan... The two guys I have a crush on... I have to admit I like Ryan a little more, and I think it is starting to become noticeable. I can't help but look back sometimes. I pretend to be looking out the window, but I know people will catch on eventually. Dr. S spent a lot of the class talking about ions and I kept looking over to see if Nathan was adjusting alright, or at least that's what I would tell myself. Finally when the bell rang Dr. S asked if Nathan could hang back a minute. "Sure. Laney will you wait, I don't really know where I am going..." "Sure Nath." I waited at the door while Dr. S spoke with Nathan. Of course I heard the entire conversation!

"So Nathan are you adjusting well?" "Yeah, I have a friend helping me out and showing me around so it shouldn't be that difficult to get use to." "That's good. We are going to be taking a test on Friday on Chapter 2. I would like it if you read the chapter and tell me Thursday whether or not you feel comfortable taking it." "Ok Thank you!" "Well you best be going, don't want to be late!" "Alright! Good bye!" Nathan walked over to me and pushed me out the door. I know I have only known him for maybe 2 hours but I feel like we are going to be great friends... Or more?

We walked into math and of course I was already hungry. Mrs. K hasn't come in the room yet and I walked over to Lena who I talk to everyday before and after class. I felt bad not including Nathan but Lena is my friend and I am not going to ditch her for someone I met two hours ago. When Mrs. K walked in he just went over to her. "Who is the new kid?" "His name is Nathan, play nice!" We both laughed and she began asking more and more questions. "How do you know him?" "We have every single class together.." "He seems to have an interest in you! OHHH is he your boyfriend?" Before I could even answer She began to quietly chant. "Laney has a boyfriend, Laney has a boyfriend!" "I do not! We have barely know each other 3 hours... I am just showing him around for his first few days. No biggy..." "Well he hasn't been able to keep his eyes off you since we have been talking..." I turned around and he smiled. I waved for him to come over so he slowly made his way around everyone else there. "Nathan this is Lena. Lena this is Nathan." "It's nice to meet you Nathan." "You too Lena." "Oh my god!" Nathan and I both gave her a questioning look and spoke the same thing at the same time. "What?" "For one, that was weird. and two YOU ARE BRITISH!!!" He whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but laugh a little. "And this is why I am quiet around strangers." "I was a stranger." "Well I had to comment on your drawings!" "Laney, you draw?" "Just a little, not much." ":She is a amazing!" "ALL RIGHT CLASS TAKE YOUR SEATS!" Mrs. K announced. We all sat down and Mrs. K told Nathan to sit in the empty desk across the room. At least I still had Lena. After class (Double period) Nathan, My friend Lillian, and I walked to soc together.

"Lillian this is Nathan, Nathan This is Lillian." "Nice to meet you Lillian." "You too Mr. British." She said it kind of snotty. I gave her a questioning look but she gave me the 'i'll explain later' look. I didn't let it bother me though. We all walked in and the same as usual happened. Only in this class we have lunch. When the bell rang I walked Nathan down to the cafeteria with a few of my friends. "Did you bring a lunch or money to buy?" "I have money." "Ok my friend Estelle is going to buy lunch with you. She is really nice but please do me a favor." "what's that?" "Don't mention anything about 1D, or anything promoting yourself...." "You knew???" "How could I not? I have been a massive fan since you started!" "Then why didn't you freak out???" "Because I am a junior and high school and have the opportunity to be an actual friend..." "Well your chances are looking good!" "Yay!" I jumped around jokingly and we all laughed. We all got together and all of my friend gaped when the saw him. My friend Simone spoke first. "Wait! Are you-" "Yeah... please don't say anything, people here probably don't know who I am anyway..." "You wanna bet? I bet you half the girls in this cafeteria at least know tom!" "One Direction fan?" She nodded and we continued walking to the lunch table. "Estelle can you help Nathan with lunch?" "Sure." After Estelle and Nathan came back we all sat around the table and everyone began questioning him. "So Nathan, why are you here in high school?" "Well, technically I never finished school myself so since we are going to be here, they wanted me to finish..." "Interesting... Are you single?" "I thought you were a fan of 1D..." "I am... I wasn't asking for me!" I slightly blushed. Oh god no! this is not going to happen... After him obviously noticing that I blushed they slowly stopped the whole questioning thing. We finished social studies. English was a breeze. Now I have Tennis.. fun....

Nathan walked with me down to the team room and I had him wait for me outside the doors. "Wait here, I am going to get changed. Then I will come and get you. Probably with a senior but ignore her comment if they offend you somehow." "ok." I walked into the team room to see everyone getting changed. "Hey guys. Look there was a new kid in school and I had to show him around. He asked me for e a ride home so he is going to watch our practice. Please don't freak out when you see him, JENNA!" "Promisee!" We walked out and Jenna gasped. Oh god here it comes... "YOU'RE FROM THE WANTED! OH MY GOD LANEY THIS IS NATHAN SYKES, FROM THE WANTED! OH MY GOD!!! HE IS THE NEW KID!!! I am about to pass out! I got a go bye!!!" "Just ignore her, I am Ilyana. You can call me Ily though, everyone does." "Ok thanks." "Holy shit Laney, he is British..." "I told you not to make comments...." "How do I not comment on the fact that he isn't Russian????" "Ugghhhh sorry Nath.." "It's cool. Are we over that now??? Am I going to have to say something with my accent?" "Probably later hen you meet the rest of the tem, but just say it and move on. They will love you when they see your face." :Does everybody know who I am here???" "No..." "Then why when they see my face." I grabbed his arm and had him stop walking. "Ok I don't mean to be blunt but have you looked in a mirror?? You are definitely one of the hottest guys in this school...":I don't know if that is a compliment for me or an insult to your school." "Fine i'll be even more blunt... YOU ARE FUCKING ATTRACTIVE NATHAN!" "yay!" he did a fake squeal and we both laughed.

 After practice I was walking back to the school to get my backpack. "Laney, you are really good..." "Thanks! I think the team really likes you!" "Agreed" We got our bags and I drive Nathan home. When I got back to my house I went straight to my room. I somehow did all of my homework and I went right to bed. It was a pretty exhausting day. And all I could think about was Nathan... What is going on... Am I starting to feel something for him? I can't I have only known him for a day, but it feels like a lot longer....


 hey everyone! I hope you guys like my new fanfic! I don't really know what to call it yet but I will work on it! Promise! Not sure when I am going to be able to update next but hopefully it will be soon! Anyway thank you so much for reading and if you haven't already go read my other fanfic 'The domino effect - Nathan sykes fanfiction' I personally think it is really good and hope you do too! Anyway thanks again for reading! love you all!!


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