Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

By dokyeomdotcom

41.3K 1.4K 383

It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... More



803 47 8
By dokyeomdotcom




The full moon was tomorrow. We needed to get back to Hogwarts now.

"Kelsey, I think we should head back to Hogwarts. We can get to the Leaky Cauldron, head through Diagon Alley and contact Dumbledore. Maybe we'll be able to use then Floo Network." I tried not to sound rushed or nervous.

Kelsey was cooking us breakfast while I finished packing up the tent.

She turned away from the eggs and looked at me with an eyebrow raised. Her blue eyes searching in my dark ones.

"How are we going to get past the Muggle Police?"

"I've got a plan." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes.

"Dial down the cockiness, you're starting to sound like James and Sirius."

She took the pan off of her small fire and kicked some dirt on it to make it go out. Walking over to me we both say on some boulders near by.

"Here." She handed me a fork.


We ate in silence, though there wasn't much to eat. We were starving having not eaten for a whole day.

I smiled at the memory of last night, knowing it wasn't a dream.


I looked up from my last forkful of eggs at Kelsey.

"Why did he do that to you?"

I knew she was asking about the scars. I moved a hand to my side over my shirt.

"My father, has said some discriminating words, mainly against Greybeck. He wasn't happy with my dad saying certain things, so to get back at him," I gestured to myself, "he bit me."

I looked down feeling disgusted and sick at the same time. I knew I wouldn't be very useful tomorrow.

"Oh." She didn't say anything else.

Walking towards a small pond, she washed out the pan and stuck it in her bag.

"You ready?" I asked her, holding out my hand.

We weren't dating, but it just felt right to hold her hand.

She smiled weakly at me and took my hand.






Sirius had been gone since last night and I knew he probably wouldn't be back until a couple weeks from now.

I still couldn't believe that Andromeda was dead. No one could. I think Ted was taking it the worst.

He had a child he didn't even know about and I knew he was going to propose to Dromeda soon

I sighed for what seemed like the millionth time and rubbed my face with my hands.

"Why the long face?" A silky voice spoke.

I looked to my right and was met with legs. Long tan legs from the look of it, since they kept trailing up, until I was met with a beautiful face.

The gorgeous girl smiled sweetly at me, but I could sense it was fake. Oh well she was hot.

"My uhm friends cousin recently died. Andromeda. You heard about it at Supper last night." I explained.

She took a dear next to me and her skirt trailed ever higher. I swore I saw the hint of a tattoo.

"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry to hear about that. I wish him and his family the best."

I nodded. She was obviously and Gryffindor. A year older or younger I didn't know.

"Oh, where are my manners." She grinned.

"Miranda Jersey. Sixth Year Gryffindor." She held her hand out to me.

I took it.

"James Potter. Fifth Year Gryffindor." I gave her a flirtatious smile and she giggled.

It was annoying, but since Lily wouldn't give me the time of day, I might as well have a little fun.

I though back to earlier.


"Hey Evans!" I shouted out.

I could see she tensed up. Still not entirely over my sexist comments about a month ago.

"What do you want James." She sneered.

I walked in step with her

"Well, I know the Ball is coming up in about a month or so and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

She stopped and stared at me. I looked at her expediently.

"No." She told me and kept walked.

My smiled faltered just a tad and I jogged to catch up to her again.

"Why not?"

"Because I have no reason nor want to go with someone like you. So do me a favor and leave me alone."

That stopped me and I watched as she kept walked. The smile fell off of my face and I turned walking back to the common room sad.

*end of flashback*

Looking at Miranda in front of my I knew she could help me forget today.

"Are you single Miranda?" I grabbed a piece of her wavy hair and twirled it around.

"No, but I'm sure you could do much better than him." She smirked.

"What's his name?"

"Jackson. Blake Jackson."

A Seventh Year Ravenclaw. Probably the only douche in that house. No one liked him. I smirked at him.

"Oh yeah I could show you much better."

And I did just that.

Little did I know a pair of eyes watched from the staircase with tears flowing down their cheeks as she watched me kiss the girl in front of me.






Oh no James why.

What do y'all think of that plot twist?

Also Remus and Kelsey are NOT dating, yet. Yeah I put that part a couple chapters ago, but they're not together. He hasn't asked her yet and he's not going to any time soon.

So as of right now I'm debating whether or not to write a sequel to this. For all you know I'll kill someone off and poof! No more. If I do write a sequel it probably wouldn't be until either this winter or next summer. Depending.

So yeah comment what I should do.

This is another filler chapter.

The next one will be all Kelsey and Remus trying to get back to Hogwarts. I haven't used the Time Turner yet, but soon.

So I can't remember your username but you commented two ship names.

One for Reg and Kelsey and one for Remus and Kelsey.

If you wouldn't mind, could you please private message me? So I could have the ship names?

I want to point out, though this is a Remus fanfic, that doesn't mean he and Kelsey would end up together in this one. ;)

All in good time my friends. All in good time.


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