Baby Grier *Completed*

By thean0nym0uswr1ter

157K 2.4K 660

Elena would never think this would happen to her. Neither would Hayes. They're 15 and having a baby. so how w... More

Just A Little Background Check
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The End

Chapter Seven

4.7K 74 9
By thean0nym0uswr1ter

July 26, 2016

"You have to be kidding me." I groan rolling my eyes.

"Nope. Look for yourself."

Mikey hands me her phone, and like she said, there was Blake. Already with another girl.

And not just a girl, the girl.

The girl that made my life a living hell all the way up until 7th grade.

"Must be his way of getting back at you. I'm sorry, Elena."

"You know what I don't even care. Let's just go to the store to get me some damn chocolate." I say.

"Ok momma, what ever you say." She laughs.


Once we get to the store I go straight to the candy island.

"You're two months and you already get cravings." Mikey says from beside me.

"In my pregnancy book it said that you can get them as early as a month so I'm not that surprised." I look at her.

She was giving me a weird look. "You actually read those things?"

"I mean I'm 14, I need to learn while I can. I don have much info on the whole thing."

"True. Hurry up because I want to catch up on the vampire diaries."

"I'm hurrying geesh woman."

Mikey has been very supportive. She's always with me now. Sometimes she just randomly shows up at my house just to say hey. I can tell she's excited. Blake hasn't said one word to me. He hasn't even liked any of my instagrams. People have been asking me what happened and why we broke up but of course I never tell anyone. Hopefully nobody finds out over the summer. Which I only have a month left to be in. My mom decided to let me do online school because of how hard it will be and the kids at my school are very judgmental. Honesty my goal as of right now is to not let anyone find out other than family. And k don't even want them finding out.

My mom finally agreed for me to go and see my dad. I told him about the pregnancy, which he wasn't too happy about, and my decisions on everything.

It's going to be hard but I'm gonna have to get over it because wether I like it or not I'm a mom now. I can't back down. I can't do anything but stick to my plan.


Blake's POV

After what seemed like forever I finally get to Landon's house.

Landon is my friend from school. I play basketball with him and we were in almost every class together last year.

"Yo man what's up. Haven't seen you in a while." He says walking out his front door. We did a bro shake and he leads me into his house.

"Yeah it's been hard since I found out Elena was pregnant." I sigh.

Oh shit did I really just say that.

"Found out she's what?!" He says almost yelling

"Nothing forget it." I shake my head.

"Dude she's pregnant? I never would of seen that coming from you-"

"It's not my baby." I grit my teeth.

Who would she even have sex with other than me. She has no friends! Nobody but me, well used to be, and Mikey.

"She's a hoe. Told you not to go for her." He said sitting on his bed.

"She's not a hoe."I roll my eyes.

"Then she's a slut because I mean she slept with another dude. That's pretty stuttish to me." He shrugs.

"Shut the fuck up. Don't tell anybody about this ok? I don't want her being messed with. And you better not say anything to her about it or I will personally kick your ass." I say pointing my finger at him for he last part.

"Calm down, man. I won't say anything. I promise." He says. But I could tell by the slight smirk on his face that he wasn't going to keep this to himself.

Elena's POV

"Want to make a YouTube video?" I ask Mikey.

"Uh sure. What about though?" She says.

"Oh. Didn't think of that." I say ad look back at my phone.

We're sitting on my bed and are literally just on our phones. There's nothing to do and it's too hot to go outside.

"Elena come look at this." She says suddenly jumping up from her spot.

I scoot to where she was and look at her phone.

Cameron Dallas social media star selected for viner of the year. Vote now.

"Oh my god that's great! I have to call him now." I smile.

I dial Cameron's number and after 3 rings he picks up.

"Hey little person."
"Stop calling me that."
"Alright what's up Elena."
I hear multiple people in the background. "Hey Elena!" "We miss you!" "I love you!" "Nashly says hi!" Nash makes me laugh at our inside joke.
"Anyways I heard you or selected for viner of the year! Congrats!" I smile
"Oh yeah thanks. I didn't expect it. I only have like a million followers."
"Only a million? That's a lot!" I laugh.
"Yeah. I got to go bye Elena." I hear a bunch of people say it before I finally say goodbye and hang up.

"Speaking of cool things. You're birthday is in a week. How you feel?" Mikey smiles.

"I honestly totally forgot about my birthday." I laugh.

"How did you forget that?! You're turning 15! You'll be able to drive!" She pauses for a second, "You know it's a great feeling, driving. Being out on the open road. No worries." She smiles and looks up as if she's seeing Taylor Luatner on my ceiling.

"Mikey." I snap her out of her day dream.

"Yeah?" She looks at me still smiling.

"You only drove once. And that's when your dads car broke down and you had to steer while he pushed it to a gas station." I say giving her a serious look.

"Close enough." She mumbles and frowns.

I look at my clock. 11:54pm.

"Want to go to sleep. I'm pretty tired." I yawn.

She nods and lays down beside me.

"Good night." I tell her.

"Goodnight Elena and lovebug."

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