Ordinary (A Marvel Fanfiction)

By Fanatic_308

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Emma was completely ordinary. She didn't have enhanced abilities, she wasn't a prodigy in anything, she could... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Four

676 24 0
By Fanatic_308

I stood, staring at him for a couple of seconds. I couldn't believe he was here, looking as normal as he could. It was very surreal. He sat in the booth, dressed in jeans, a hoodies, and a black ball cap. He didn't seem to have a coat with him despite the freezing temperatures outside.

So, definitely not a dream.

I shook myself out of my stupor, urging myself to act as casual as I could considering the circumstances. I moved forward those last three feet, pasting a smile on my face.

"Hey, Stranger." I said, letting out a nervous laugh. His eyes flashed up to meet mine. He didn't seem surprised at all to see me, and I wondered if this meeting wasn't as accidental as I had assumed.

He stayed silent.

I huffed a sigh, rolling my eyes slightly. I wasn't sure if I had expected him to respond, but after he spoke with me last night, I was disappointed he didn't.

"What would you like today?" I asked, schooling my face into the expression I use in front of customers. He seemed to relax at the distant look and I couldn't help but frown.

He pointed to his order on the menu and I nodded roughly before taking the menu and walking away. I took the order to the kitchen, before heading to the next table that needed served. It was my break, but I don't think I could relax at all knowing he was sitting there.

I hurried around the room, feeling his eyes follow me. I was overly aware of his presence and I started making little mistakes, unnerved. Louisa's eyes darted towards me, concerned, when I brought a table the wrong order once again. I shook my head, telling her I was fine, but she didn't seem reassured. Her eyes darted to table 3 and I wonder if she had made the connection between my mistakes and the man sitting in the booth.

I sighed, hurrying back to the kitchen. I went to grab another plate of food, but the cook, Rosalina, stopped me.

"Your order for table 3 is ready!" She told me, giving me a new plate of food and taking the one I had been holding out of my hand.

I pouted, causing her to chuckle. I had hoped to just stay busy until someone else had no choice but to take him his food.

"You'll be alright, mija." She told me, "He's cute. You could get yourself a man to take care of you. I know how hard you work."

"I can take care of myself." I grumbled, but I took the food and started making my way to table 3, hearing Rosalina laugh behind me.

I reached table 3 and handed the mysterious man his food. I went to immediately walk away, but a loud sound startled me into glancing up at the TV. The local news channel was on and a familiar scene was playing out on the screen. The Avengers hopped around, some flying, some not, and all of them were fighting. I wasn't quite sure who or what was attacking New York now, as it all blurred together after awhile.

I could tell everybody's eyes were on the news right now, the usual hush of conversations having fell silent. The only thing heard was the TV and the hissing of the coffee pot.

Eventually the battle ended, the Avengers reigning victorious as usual. The diner broke into small smatterings of applause and whistling. The news anchor began recapping the battle as the screen shot to images of children and even adults dressed up as the various Avengers. People were cheering, clapping, and lining the streets as if the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was happening right in front of their faces.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to the table with a sigh. Instead of watching the screen like everyone else, the mysterious man had his eyes on me, watching my reaction.

"Not fond of them?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I was stunned he even talked to me, but tried to keep a casual face.

"I just think they are overrated." I murmured, shrugging. "They're gifted, yeah, but all they are doing is their job. You don't see me getting applauded after taking an order. I just think there are other people who deserve recognition more than they do. They're gifted, this is nothing for them. I just do not understand why the publicity is necessary."

I blushed after my semi-rant, ducking my head. I tucked the piece of hair that fell out of my ponytail behind my ear, before mustering up the courage to meet his gaze. The intense look he had on made me lose my breath.

"What's your name?" He finally asked. The sound of his voice made me melt.


He didn't smile exactly, but the corners of his lips slightly turned up. My face heated up and I hoped my face wasn't as red as it felt.

"What is your's?" I asked, half expecting him not to answer. However, he just seemed to grimace and looked back at the TV screen, where the new anchor was now holding an interview with Captain America. A soft look came into his eyes and it suddenly hit me.

I gasped loudly, causing him to whip his head around to look at me, his eyes wide. A look of remorse came across his face, as he realized I knew.

"You're..." I trailed off in shock. How could I not have seen it? Everything about him literally hints to his identity. "You're James Barnes!"

"I prefer Bucky." He said, grimacing, but I was still stunned, my face growing redder still.

"Oh my god. You're the Winter Soldier."

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