Living Young, Wild, and Free...

By yannahMonroe

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Description((((READ IT))))
Chapter 1- This Is How We Do It
Chapter 2- Make It Work
Chapter 4- Sorry Not Sorry
Chapter 5- FWU
Chapter 6-Duet
Chapter 7- Kiss It Better
Chapter 8- Dont Get It Fucked Up
Chapter 9-On The Run Part I
Chapter 10-On The Run Part II
Chapter 11- Bonded
Chapter 12-Again
Chapter 13- Never
Chapter 14- Let's do it again!
Chapter 15- Girl Fight
Chapter 16- A Legend
Chapter 17- What's Going On? (Part-1)
Chapter 18 - What's going on? (Part-2)
Chapter 19- Get It Together
Author's Request
Chapter 20- Lit
Chapter 21- Apologetic
Chapter 22- Wrong body
Chapter 23- End it Now
Authors Note
Coming Soon
Chapter 24-Vacations
Chapter 25-The Leave/Bora Bora
Chapter 26- Miscommunication
Chapter 27- Miscommunication (Continued..)
Spin-Off Book

Chapter 3- Filling In

3.8K 105 71
By yannahMonroe

Brian up top


We were all sitting in Chris room after school going over the plan. Britney was pacing the floor damn near chewing her fingers off.

"Ok so I get up front and tell her not to give me any money." Chris said.

"Baby no you tell her not to pull the alarm. If you don't then the cops will be there in 30 seconds tops." Zias said.

"Ima say if you set off that alarm I'll blow yo fucking brains out bitch." He said with a mug.

"Damn right." Adonis dapped him.

"Ok let's go over the next plan." I said.

"The fuck we planning for man? Why can't we just get buck with these mother fuckers and take all the fucking money?!" Adonis said.

"Why can't you just listen!!" I said getting frustrated while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Britney are you listening?" Zias asked.

"Yes." She said turning towards us.

"Alright some where behind the counters there should be a big cow back there."

"They got cows in there." Chris said.

I said a silent prayer. I swear I'm about to choke him out. "Chris....stop smoking weed." I said through clenched teeth.

"The cow is the big metal box that has all the money in it. It's just there if anybody needs more money."

"Ok so have the duffle bag secure on your shoulder already unzipped. Get as much money as you can. We need to be in and out one minute tops.." I said.

"Baby you driving?" Adonis asked.


"Y'all I don't know if I can do this!" Brit panicked. "This is crazy."

"I'm not about to go there again with you Brit." Zias said waving her off.

"Alright so we doing this at lunch right?" Zias asked.

"Yea. We got a hour lunch break so that more than enough time. We can get changed in the truck-"

"Speaking of the truck what we using?"

"One of the blank trucks at the warehouse." Adonis said.

"After we finish we get out the clothes and get back to school so even if somebody does question us, which they won't, we can say we were at school the whole time." Zias said.

"Ok what are we going to do with the money?"

"We'll just-"

"We're not doing this. I'm no about to rob a bank. Thanks but no thanks. I'll just figure it out on my own." Britney said grabbing her things and leaving.

She walked out the room slightly slamming the door.

"Well since it's a no go what are we doing tomorrow after school."

"Well after practice me and Brit are going prom dress shopping."

"Who you going to prom with?" Adonis said with his eyebrows raised. I rolled my eyes at him.

"No one, not even my boyfriend because he hasn't even asked me." I said getting up and grabbing my things.

Then I thought about Britney. How the hell is she going to get home? I walked outside to see her getting in a taxi. Before I could say anything the car pulled off.

"Baby." Adonis said coming behind me.

I sighed not even wanting to argue with him. I walked to his truck and got in and he got in the drivers seat. They prepared his truck in only two days. It doesn't even look any different.

He cut the air on in the car dropping his phone in the cup holder.

"Baby com'ere." He said in his deep voice gently grabbing my hand. I put my purse in the back seat before climbing over in his lap facing him.

I looked down watching him play with my belly piercing.

"I'm trying babe." He said looking down as I looked up at him. "I don't know how this boyfriend thing works. I know that I should just buy you nice things and care for you and buy you food when you want it cause I know how much of a pig you can be." He said in a chuckle making me hit his shoulder and laugh a little.

Then it died down and he got serious. "but I don't know how to do the things that show you that I love you and only want to be with you. I can buy you shit but I know it won't matter to you because we were born into this shit so you don't care about materialistic shit like other females would. I know it's the small shit that counts to you. So..."

He opened up the console and pulled out a gold and white corsage. He started at it before looking at me.

"I didn't know how to ask you or where I should ask you or even to ask you. At first I though well you my girl so I don't have to ask but I know small shit like that matters to you. I know this probably isn't how you would picture being asked to prom but I promise I'll get better at showing you I do care."

By then I had a pouty lip, my eyes were glossy and my heart was in awe.

"Xiomara, baby will you please go to prom with me?"  He asked with hopeful eyes but I wondered why.

"Of course I will baby." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me in for a kiss. I deepened it resting my hand on his chest. Soon I pulled back.

"I want you to know that I know your not use to this but I appreciate you trying babe. I really do."

"Thank you baby." He said.

"But when you asked me why did you have a hopeful look in your eyes? Like you wasn't sure I would say yes?"

"Because I wasn't. I mean I know I'm not the perfect boyfriend and as mad as the shit would make me, you probably wanted to go with someone else. I just really wanna go with you."

I smiled. "I only wanted to go with you. Even if someone did ask me and I went with them I know you would steal me away and probably hand cuff me to you."

"Damn right." He chuckled making me laugh.

"All I want is you." I said resting my hands on the side of his race. He nodded licking his lips.

"Well if we together then I think we should let our parents know." He said making me raise a brow.

"Really?" I said.

"Yea. I wanna show you I'm serious."

"Ok well we can stop by your house first since it's closer and we can pick up some food and maybe you can sleep over my house and we can tell every one there."

"That's a bet." He said.

I kissed him before sitting back in my seat and putting my seat belt on.

"I'm so nervous. I feel like I'm announcing my engagement or something." I laughed making him laugh.



I opened my eyes and flinched once I saw my twin girls Ryan and Rayna starring at me. I looked over on the other side of the bed where Ethan would be before looking at them.

"Where's you father?" I asked sitting up.

"Daddy went to get Waffle House, " Rayna said.

"And he said to wake you up so you'd be wide awake when it's time to eat." Ryan said.

I think they are the only set of twins in our family that finish each other's sentences. They were 5. The reason I waited so long to have more was because I was scared that I would end up losing another.

"Where's jade?"

"She's cleaning up pee off the floor. Scotty got scared when she slammed the dryer door because he was trying to get in it."

"So she literally scared the piss out of him?" I laughed going into the bathroom with them following.

"Yea." They said in unison laughing.

Scotty was small shizu mixed with a Weiner dog. That dog is ADHD to the max. He never knows when to pipe down.

"Let me use the bathroom you guys then I'll be down."

"Ok." They said running off. I close the door leaving it cracked and sat on the toilet to release myself. As I was doing so I heard small taps on the door. With every tap it came open. Soon it revealed my three year old son Ej.

I giggled a little. He always clings to me. Don't get me wrong. He follows Ethan around and does anything he does but he also loves being under his mommy.

"Mama." He said looking as if he was about to start whining.

I knew he wouldn't leave the bathroom until I left so I cleaned my self before I stood up and washed my hands. He turned around of course because he knows he shouldn't look. Besides this isn't the first time he came in the bathroom with me in the mornings.

I picked him up wiping the tear from his face. He laid his head on my shoulder tangling his fingers in my bed hair. I knew he didn't want anything. Just spoiled.

"Daddy said I was going to get one for my birthday if I'm good." Jade said putting the cleaning supplies back in the hallway closet as she talked on the house phone.

"Who are you talking to?" I questioned.


"Oh. Tell her I said hello." I said walking down the spiral stairs.

I went in the kitchen happy I didn't have to cook breakfast this morning and happy it was a Saturday. I also remembered that today was our annual family barbecue and knew we had to be at my moms house at 1:00.

I was just about to make me a cup of coffee when I heard my husbands voice.

"I got you coffee baby." He said.

"I didn't even hear you come in." I said turning around to kiss him.

"Yea I know you have to help set up at the barbecue and I wasn't sure if you were worn out from last night or not." He wiggled his eye brows making me blush.

"Stop." I said as I followed him into the dining room. "Twins! Jade! Come eat!" I yelled. "Sit down so you can eat your breakfast." I said sitting Ej down.

He got Ej mini waffles and sausages, the twins half of a huge waffle with sausage and eggs, jade a whole waffle with eggs, sausages and grits. Both of the twin hate grits. He got me and hisself a T-bone steak with waffles and eggs.

Soon we were eating and talking about the big water slide my mom ordered for the kids. They were so excited about it.

After we finished eating I started to get everyone ready. Well Jade dresses herself now. I put the twins in their one piece swim suits. Ryan's is pink and Raynas is purple. I put blue jean shorts on them with blue shorts and white gladiator sa does. I braided their hair back into one fish tail braid and sent them to the living room to wait on everyone else. I went ahead and dressed Ej in his spider man swim trunks with a royal blue shirt and sandals. I packed his blue jeans in the bag I always have with me for anybody that gets to messy and needs to change.

After settling him in the living room I jogged back to the room to get ready.

I put on a spaghetti strapped yellow bodicon dress with a split down my right leg. White gladiator sandals and flat ironed my hair to the gods. I wanted it wanded but flat ironing is faster. I applied natural make up and my nude lipstick to my lips. I put on gold studs with a charm bracelet Ethan bought me.

"Ready baby?" He asked running the brush over his waves. I took the time to look at what he had on. Noticing he was matching me. He had on a yellow collared polo shirt, white cargo pants and spares. He accessorized with diamond stud earrings and a simple silver Rolex.

"Yea." I grabbed my purse putting my house keys and phone into it.

"That ass." He said watching me from behind as I left out our room. "And it's all mine!" He exclaimed.

I giggled. "Your so foolish and crazy." I said before kissing his lips.

"Mm crazy over you." He said pecking my lips again.

"You better be." I smirked wiping my lipstick off.

Ethan secured the house before we piled into the family car which was a white Escalade.

The kids immediately put on their head phones to watch whatever movie was in there but Ej immediately feel asleep.

Ethan pulled out of our drive way and headed towards my mothers house. He looked over at me and winked before resting his right hand on my thigh.



"Baby can you help me out my shoes on?" I asked Xavier. He gladly kneeled down. I would have if I didn't have this 8 month pregnant stomach. Our second son. This is me and Xavier's fourth child and it will be the last.

"Baby their flip flops though. You meant to tell me you couldn't slide your feet in them?"

"I couldn't see my feet." I pouted ready to cry.

"It's ok baby." He kissed me. "You still sexy."

"I'm not having anymore of your big headed babies." I said.

"Yes you are." He said coming up to kiss me again after sliding my feet in my flip flops.

"Do I look ok?" I asked standing up in my black sundress.

"Yes you always do but I know you only wore black to make you look slim. Black attracts heat and we will be sitting outside baby. Your beautiful and sexier than you were years ago. Go change into something else because I don't want my baby to be hot."

"Ok." I smiled small. I changed my black sundress to a light pink sundress that was more fitted and showcased my stomach a lot. "Better?" I asked.

"Better." He said.

"Let's go you guys."

"Mom!!!" I heard my 12 year old daughter, xylia, scream my name. She came running to me holding her head with tears in her eyes.


"Armari put gum in my hair!!!" She said crying like she was going to die.

"What!" I said movie her hand. I gasp and Xavier's eyes widened. He marched off I know to go find Armari.

"Com here baby." I said pulling her into the room and sitting her at my vanity table. I had her hair in a long ponytail but the way the gun was knotted in there I knew I would have to cut it. "I have to cut it baby."

"NOOO!!" She screamed making me wince. "Please!!" She cried.

"I know I know baby but that's the only way. It would take hours of shampooing to get it out. It won't even be that much."

"Mom noooo." She said burin ghee face in her hands.

"It won't be that many inches baby. It would be just above your bra strap. It will still be long and pretty. I promise."

She sniffed. "Just get it over with." She cried. I looked for the hair cutting scissors I keep around for times I cut my split ins. I cut about three inches off.

"See." It's not that much. It's still pretty." I said hopeful. She turned her body so that she could see the length.

She sniffed. "It's not that bad." She said.

"I told you baby. Your still as pretty as your were and I promise he will be grounded so don't worry."

"Thanks." She smiled.

"No problem baby." I kissed her forehead before throwing the hair in the trash.

We got down to the foyer and Xavier held amari by his neck. I could see Xavier had already got him judging by the mean look on his face.

When Xavier disciplines our kids, he is very serious and hard with his punishments. When it comes to Amari he will go as far as boxing him to get him to understand that he isn't playing games with him. With xylia because she's his princess and so is our daughter Kelly so he may only yell at them but I will hit them if I have to which is extremely rare.

"Speak up." Xavier barked.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Why did you do it?"

"Cause she got mad that I said I was gone tell on her about breaking that picture frame on the wall and super glueing it back together so she kick me between my legs and Ian wanna hit her so I put my gum in her hair."

My eyes widened and I looked at her and she looked down. "You put your hands-on somebody else? Hands, feet whatever, you hit somebody because you didn't wanna get in trouble?" I asked.

"But he-"

"I didn't ask you what he did!"


"I-....y'all not about to ruin my day. Ima handle you when we get back home. Amari your grounded for a week and your grounded for two weeks! That game, coming out your room." I said pointing at him. "That tv and Wii game coming out YOUR room. I better not hear another word about it. Do y'all hear me?"

"Yes ma'am." They said.

"Apologize." I said to xylia.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry for kicking you and I'm sorry for breaking the picture frame."

"Fix your face. This is a family day so lose the attitude and get in the truck."

She walked off and went to the truck. "Amari why would you do that?"

"Cause Ian no what else to do."

"Tell me......just because your dad won't whoop her don't mean I won't. Me cutting her hair almost compares to a whooping for her but don't do it anymore."

"I'm sorry ma."

"Alright now let's go. Get your sister. She still sleep?"

"No I sat her in the living room-"

"Boom Up!!" Kelly said calling Amari by her nickname for him.

He smiled picking her up. Xavier locked up the house and we got into the truck and headed to my mom house.


"Mommy!" I said walking in the house. Xylia ran off to find Queen and jade. And Amari went to go find Rashad, Khalil and coby. Kelly went to find Casey.

I waddled in the kitchen to see my twin stirring potato salad, Jordynn was about to take a big plate of meet out to daddy, Cali was icing a cake and mama was cooking the baked beans, black eyed peas, and cabbage. Grandma was taking cookies out the oven.

Tia was sticking Popsicles and drinks in a cooler. I could tell she was tired with her six month old pregnant stomach. I swear somebody will always be pregnant in this family.

Mamas friends Stacey and Kesha were at the island talking about whatever. Diamond was rocking my nephew Ej to sleep.

"Hey love." Jordynn said as she walked out the kitchen and to the back yard with the meet that would be barbecued.

"Hey hey." I said sitting down at the island. "Where's the men?" I asked.

"Jaceon and Princeton blowing up the water slide, Ethan somewhere out there, Jason with daddy. JaQua is I don't know and King trying to get the kids changed into their swim suits that are running around her somewhere." Alaina said.

"So what can I do?"

"Hmm well you can be my personal taster." Mama said making me excited and everybody else smacked there lips.

"Don't hate." I said flipping my hair.



"This a bug ass slide." I said once I finished. Me and Prince stepped back. Looking at it.

"The hose in there?" He asked.

"Yea turn it on."

We watched as the water started to flow through out the water slide. We walked away when we saw we were finished.

"Man pops I'm ready to eat. You done yet?"


"It ain't done?" I frowned. "The shit look done." I said eyeing it.

"It ain't done." He said.

"Why it ain't done-"

"Shut up boy." War said pushing me aside. I still don't like him. I mugged him walking away.

"Daddy I can't get this bracelet off. We're about to get in the pool." Xiomara said.

I unclasped her bracelet and put it in my pocket. I bought it for her 16 birthday and it cost a lot. I be damn if it gets lost.

"Aye man." Redd said Dapping us up.

"Wassup wit it."

"Chilling hea in the cut." He said making war shake his head. "Why he here?" He asked mugging.

"Same questions I'm asking." I said.

"Still ain't got over that nigga shooting me. Ima get his ass back watch."

"Still talking shit huh?" Michael said walking up.

"You done went from wearing tight pants to tight shorts huh Michele?" He said.

I laughed cause he stay calling this man Michele.

"Whatever man. Congratulations on you 6th ring Princeton."

"Thanks man and you to for your Grammy."

"Daddy Can I get in now?" Casey asked coming to Princeton.


All of the teens where sitting with our feet in the pool waiting for the heat to cool down a little before we got in. I love pools but I do not fuck with the tanning lines. Just as I picked up my phone it rung. It was sully.

"Come on sully not today." I said before answering.

Me: Hello?

Sully: Need y'all to do this last minute drop. It's a lot of money up for this.

Me: Sully not today. It's my grandmas annual family day. I don't have time for this right now.

Sully: You will have time for whatever I tell you to do!

He barked.

Sully: Get y'all asses down here now before I find you.

He hung up and I ran my fingers through my hair viciously. I stood up about to march in the house until Adonis grab my arm.

"What's wrong babe?"

I sighed. "Sully needs us right now. I told him where we were but he said if we didn't come he would come find us and I don't want him knowing where I live."

"Alright then we'll make it quick."

"Ok get Zias and Chris and we'll leave and get back before anybody notice that we are gone."

"How in the hell are we going to get out with all the cars in the drive way?" He asked.

"Shit I don't know ill figure something out. Just get everybody to the front." I said walking off. I went into my room and put on my cover up before jogging down stairs. I went to the kitchen looking for a reason to leave.

"Hey um grandma I'm going to go get some more ice from the store you need anything?"

"Oh yes! Um get me five bottles of barbecue sauce."

"Ok. Um can I use somebody car out front because my car is blocked off."

"Here you can use mine." Jordynn said giving me her keys.

"Thanks T-lady." I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Need anything mom?"

"No I'm fine baby."

"Ok. I'll be back."

I jogged or front where the guys were waiting and told them which car. After everyone got in we were on our way.

"Y'all didn't invite Britney to the barbecue?" Chris asked.

"Yea but she hasn't been texting back." I said.

"I told her to text me if she needed a ride but she didn't reply." Zias said.

"We should stop by on our way back."

"We will."


After we got there and sully told us our assigned we were about to walk out until he called my name and I stopped in my tracks and looked at Adonis.

"I need to talk to you." I didn't have to turn around to know he was smirking at me.

"I-I have a lot of things to do. Just call me."

"Na. Come sit down." He said.

I looked at Adonis for help. He raised a eyebrow and I slightly shook my head enough for him to notice but not sully. He narrowed his eyes at me and I knew he was asking me something. I nodded my head and I could see fire in his eyes.

He looked at sully and nodded before grabbing my hand and walking out. I looked up at him and I saw rage in his eyes but he looked as if he was in deep thought. When we got out side the warehouse he turned me to him.

"Has he been fucking with you?"

I looked down not really wanting to tell him because I knew he'd try to kill him but going after sully is like a death wish waiting to happen. It's hard to kill him. To even be able to touch him.

"Answer me!" He barked picking my head up roughly by my chin.

"If I tell you I know you'll do something stupid!!" I tried to reason.

"Has he....touched you." He said calmly looking away.

"..........yes." I said quietly.

He walked backed up looking at me and shaking his head. "WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU TELL ME!" He yelled hitting the wall.

"Because Adonis. He warned me if I said anything........I knew I would get hurt."

"Nigga won't get fifty feet near you again! Ever!!"


"Why didn't you open yo mouth?"

"Cause I knew you would react like this. I knew you'd wanna go after him and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Your the one that's hurt! You open yo mouth about shit like that! Just because he's yo boss don't give him the right to do shit. Learn to speak the fuck up!!"

"IM SORRY!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "I didn't want you getting hurt Adonis." I slowly walked to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry."

It took a while before I felt his arms wrap around me tightly. I sniffed in his chest and he kissed me on the top of my head.

"We'll talk about it later. Come on." He said pulling me to the truck.



After we did what we had to do for sully we went to the store and grabbed what we needed before going to Britney's house. We barely pulled up in the drive way before she came outside.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked looking back.

"Well you weren't returning our calls or texts so we thought we'd come by. Are you ok?" Zias asked.

"Yea I'm fine."

"Well are you coming to the barbecue?"

"I have to watch my little sister."

"She can come. It's kids her age she can play with."

"I dont know-"

"Girl just come on. Before we kidnap you and take you there." Xiomara said.

"Ok let me change-"

"No just grab you guys clothes and bathing suits and come on because we've been gone for almost an hour."


After five minutes we were headed back to the house. I pulled up and rushed inside making it seem like we were in a hurry.

"We're sorry there was a wreck and we had to wait in traffic." I said and Xiomara nodded.

"I was wondering what the hell was going on. Take these four bottles out to your grandfather and give the ice to your father so he can put them in the coolers. Here Adonis take these drinks and Chris here's some more Popsicles to put in there. That's it. I won't bother y'all no more. The food will be ready in about five minutes but you know you can eat whenever." Grandma said.

After we did everything we went back to the pool and Britney and her lil sister went to get changed.

"So when are you going to tell daddy about us?" I asked Chris. "Mommy knows about us but she said daddy will only take it good coming from you."

"Maaann oan know."

"Today is good." I smiled.

"No it ain't. You got yo daddy and uncles here man."

"They will love you see watch." I stood up on the side of the pool.

"What you doing?" He panicked.

"I'm about to go get him. I'll be back."

"Man no Bruh."

"It will be fine I promise." I walked off.


"Bruh oh my god man. Adonis bruh drown me right now. Man damn."

"Where is she going?" Britney asked sitting down and sticking her feet in the pool.

"She want me to tell her dad about us."

"Oh no your on your own." Xiomara said pushing herself off the side of the pool and into and Adonis did the same.

"Let's go to the other side." Britney said to her little sister.

"That's how y'all gone do me Bruh?" I asked throwing my hands up.

"Sorry." Brit said.

"Man y'all ain't shit-"

"CHRISTIAN!" I heard a deep voice yell making me jump. I thought it was god. It was Zias dad.

"Yes sir?" I asked standing.

"My daughter said you needed to talk to me?"

"Um. Yes sir."

"Play nice daddy or I'm telling mom." She said getting on her tippy toes and he bent down so that she could kiss his cheek. I watched her walk over to Xiomara and them.

"My eyes are up here son."  He said making my head snap back. I almost caught a whiplash.

"Oh um. I just want to tell you how beautiful-"

"I know she's beautiful." He said sipping from whatever was in his foam cup. "Look I'm hungry so hurry up so I can eat." He said rubbing his stomach and looking around.

I sighed looking down because I knew he wasn't going to approve. "I really adore Zias Mr.king. She means everything to me. Under that hard mean attitude she has that you never see, she's the most sweetest, most sensitive but very smart girl. She makes me want to do so much for her. I would give her the world if I could. I really like her. I even think I'm in love with her because the connection that we have when I'm around her is something that I've never felt." I paused and looked up and saw that he was starring at me. "I just want your permission to take her to prom but more importantly to date her. If you don't approve of it I understand but it would really make Zias happy if we had your approval. I promise I would never hurt her. In fact I-"


"Oh I know you won't and the day she comes crying to me will be the day you die a slow and painful death." I grabbed him by his shoulder putting my thumb on his pressure point. He started to wince. "I'm gone let you date my daughter but the moment you fuck up is the moment you better start sleeping with one eye open." I pressed down harder. "don't play with me boy. Understand?"



"Yes sir!"

I released him. "Good." I patted his shoulder.

"So I'm in the family now?" He smirked.

"Don't push it. Y'all ain't married yet."

"Yet?" He smiled wider and I rolled my eyes and pushed him going to find my wife.

I walked in the house and ran into Brooklyn.

"Woah wassup scrub." I said giving her a hug.

"Really?" She smile and hugged back.

"I'm just playing. How you been tho? Ain't seen you in almost a month."

"I know. Mom had surgery on her knee so I've been in California helping her out."

"Oh ok how she's doing?"

"She's good." She nodded smiling.

"That's good. When did she start having problems with her knee?"

"Oh like-" I cut her off when I saw my wife walking into one of the rooms.

"BABY!" I yelled. "My bad. Hold on." I walked over to her.

"I was just looking for you. I wanted you to go get Casey from the water slide so she can eat. I was about to fix our plates."

"I was just about to ask you to make my plate too." I smiled. She rolled her eyes smiling.

"What do you want?" She asked pulling me down so she could wrap her arms around my neck and mine around her waist.

"Well I want my burger thick like you..." I pecked her lips.

"Mhm what else?"

"Steak strips."


"Baked beans."


"And potato salad."

"I gotchu." She kissed me. "I'll make sure to get my sausage long like the one you give me." She whispered in my ear.

"Giirrrl. Hold on let's take a trip upstairs to my room." I sat my cup down and picked her up running up the stairs with her laughing.


Get high, get high, get high, get high, get high
Westside, westside, westside, westside, westside

We havin' a celebration, let us stay high
We havin' a celebration, let us stay high
We havin' a celebration, let us stay high
We havin' a celebration, let us stay high

Nigga blowing on that ayo, breakin' down them trees
I'm out the door with dro on the keys
Scooping up Chris and I'm hitting the freeway
Yeah, got a whole zip of that purp
Got a couple hoes home with no clothes on
Cause they roll on us, let's twerk
Now we hotboxin' that Ghost, Ace all in that do'
Ray Bans in my face, never know when my eyes low
Smoke good, fuck good, eat good, steakcap
She said backwoods, kill swishers, you eat take out
Yeah, but I love fucking them redbones
She country thick and that hair long, that pussy killer, she dead wrong
She went to Howard, her head strong, her mamma tall, So her legs long
She went to college and got her masters, now she bringing that bread home
Roll up

Put the purp in the blunt
Get high, get high, get high, get high, get high
Put the purp in the blunt
Westside, westside, westside, westside, westside

It's a celebration, all on the pole they doing the dance
Anticipating I'm feeling your body, hoping that you would just give me a chance
God damn babe, just hold your glass up for this toast
My ca$h up and yo ass up, and I'm the one tippin' the most
Tonight, on the westside
And if you wanna roll, have the best fuckin night of your life, no lie, no lie
Me and you together girl I'm celebratin' you tonight

Uh, yeah I'm bloooown no cigarillo, rillo
Love when I'm Mellow, get on my level 101 Karats in my bezel
I'm ooooon, like soon as the ice cream truck at the ghetto
Little knucklehead always in trouble soon as I ask shawty her number, fashooooooo
Yeah I get it then I gone, then I hit it like bone bone
Now you fucking up my zone, my zone, my zone
Said she wait when daddy come home
Told me she ain't got nothing on
I'm talkin' no th-thong. thong thooooong
Yeah she throwin' that ass back
Hard as a bat, sit on my lap
Fucking with me, ain't nothing better than that
That's a fact. That's a fact?
Don't act hollywood cause I don't act
Bout my business but I don't slack
This my celebration rap, so

I pour up for Pimp C, light up for Soulja Slim
Straight out the gutter, with the rest of the bowlin' pins
Money for days, bitches go both ways
On the road to riches, bitch I got road rage
Got the kush in the swisher, got the pussy, the liquor
Got a silencer on the gun, take it off like a stripper
Yeah, wake up, wake up, I'm goin' at your face, make up
These niggas need stitches cause they taking pay cuts
Man somebody tell them hoes it's a celebration
All my niggas got guns no registration
Now gone light that weed up, I'm Trukfit tee'd up
Hoes down, B's up

Rollin' and chokin' and movin' slow motion, I'm floatin' I'm gone
Rollin' and chokin' and movin' slow motion, I'm floatin' I'm gone

"God damn this shit good!" Chris said biting into a leg.

"Hell yeah." I said scooping more baked beans in my mouth.

"Y'all eat like-"

"Men!" I said cutting Xiomara off.

"Y'all trying to eat all cute and shit!"

"Who?" Zias said cocking her head to the side. "I'm on my second plate! You know I don't discriminate." She said putting a new napkin in the t-shirt she put over her wet swim suit.

"That's my baby." Chris said smiling.

"Y'all make me sick." I said.

"Your the one that's going to feel sick when it's y'all turn to tell the whole family that y'all are dating. It's not so much of a shock for me and Chris but it may be a shock because it's....y'all! Y'all moms are so close. They consider each other sisters."

"Ugh don't remind me." Xiomara said. "I'm going to get more lemonade."

She got up and went towards the drinks.

"You think you ready for the fam to know?" Chris asked.

"I mean ill do what I gotta do to let her know that I'm serious."

"So proud of you." He sniffed.

"Fuck you man." I laughed.

"Adonis come here!" I heard my mom say. I turned around and saw her standing in the door way. What I do now?

I walked over to her and followed her to a sitting area.


"You and Xiomara are dating?" She asked. I frowned.

"Where you get that from. Who told you that?"

"I heard you and your father talking before you left the house the other day and seeing how your all up on her here just reminded me to ask you so are you?"

I smacked my lips. "Why you being nosey?"

"I can know your business if I want to."

"Know you can't ma. That's the whole point of it being my business. Why you care so much anyway?"

"Because... You know I consider Alaina a sister to me so, I saw her as my niece but I see that you two...."

I sighed. "Yea ma we dating."

"I'm not mad or anything Adonis. I love Xiomara. She's a beautiful girl. No ones related so it's fine."

"You sure? Cause she wanted to let her family know today."

"What to announce it?" I nodded. "Why? Y'all ain't gotta do all that. Just get her parents and me and your father and Kennedy and Elijah if you want and leave it at that."


"So I'm guessing your taking her to prom too?"

"Yea." I smiled. "I asked her yesterday."

"Awww-" I smacked my lips. "I'm sorry." She laughed.

Play the song

Whoa, whoa... ho...

"Oh lord." I said.

She laughed. "Come dance with me."

"Really mama." I chuckled.

"Yea come dance with your mama." I took her hand going back outside.

You made me happy
This you can bet
You stood right beside me, yeah
And I won't forget

And I really love you
You should know
I wanna make sure I'm right, girl
Before I let go

"Let me show you how to do this son." My dad said stepping in. I chuckled letting him step in.

Now we've had our good time
That's what they say
We've hurtin' each other
Girl, it's a shame

I won't be foolish, no, no
I wanna know
I wanna make sure I'm right, girl, oh
Before I let go, yeah, uh

I looked to my left seeing our grandparents Kennedy and Elijah dancing. I swear those are my goals man. GG Kennedy is 54 and OG Elijah 57 but they look and act every bit of 30. They been together for a long ass time and that's what I want for me and Xiomara.

You know I thank God sun rises and shines on you
You know there's nothin', nothin', nothin' I would not do

Whoa, no

Before I let you go

Everybody sung the next part together. It seemed to be everybody's favorite part. That's when Xiomara hugged me and looked up at me singing to me making me laugh.

I would never, never, never, never, never, never, never
Never let you go before I go

We were so close
I love your charm, ooh
I can understand it, no
Where did we go wrong

Every couple here was coupled up. I saw something weird though. It wasn't the fact that Brian was kind of ducked off with this guy. It's the fact that the guy was singing to him and slick rubbed down his chest and Brian just laughed. Hmmm.

I won't be askin', girl
I've got to know
I gotta make sure I'm right
Before I let go, ha-ha

"Heeeeeyy y'all don't know nun bout this." GG Kennedy said making me and Chris laugh. Elijah wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her.

"That's goals man." Chris said.

"Sho' nuff'." I chuckled Dapping him up.

I wanna know
I wanna know
Oh... oh... oh... oh... yeah
I can't, I can't let you go, mmm
I can't, I can't let you go
'Cause I know

Ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba ba (Ha, come on, darlin')
Ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba
(I wanna know, I wanna know, I wanna know before I let you go, I gotta tell you so)
Ba ba ba ba ba (Come on, girl)
Ba ba ba (Come on)
Ba ba ba ba ba (I can't let you)
Ba ba ba (Go, go, go, go, go, yeah)
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba (I wanna know, know, I wanna know)
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba (Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Ba ba ba ba ba

"Come on babe. Let's go talk to my parents." Xiomara said taking my hand.

"Wish me luck Bruh." I said to Chris as xi pulled me towards the house.


"Fine ass." I whispered in Alaina's ear making her blush.

"Mom. Um me and Adonis want to talk to you guys about something. Along with his parents."

"Ok. Let's go into the living room it's quite there." Alaina said. We walked ahead while they were low key talked to each other behind us.

We sat down and they sat down in front of us.

"Ok so what is it?" Alaina said.

"Well, we just wanted to tell you guys something. I don't know if you notice but..." I squinted my eyes at Adonis and he looked away.

"Spit it out Xiomara."

"Ok I really like Adonis and he likes me and we're dating and going to prom together but we just wanted you guys approval. Please say yes cause I really really really really really like him. Don't be mad." She said quickly.

"Oh." Alaina said surprised. "Well...."

"Please you guys." She said.

We looked over at chia and jaqua seeing that they weren't really focused.

"Oh we already knew." Chia said.

"You did?" Me, Alaina and Xiomara said at the same time.

"Yea. I asked Adonis a few days ago." JaQua said.

"And I over heard the conversation and asked him about five or six minutes ago."

"Oh." Xiomara said lowly. "So we have your approval?" She asked perking up.

"Of course." She said making her smile.

"Hell no!" I said making her smile drop. "Your not dating my daughter."

"But daddy.." She said getting a pouty lip and tears in her eyes."

"No Xiomara." She got up and walked out.

"Xiomara!! Baby come back!!"

"No cause daddy will forever treat me like I'm his little girl!"

"You are!"

"I'm not! I'm about to be a young adult! It's my decision and your going to have to accept it."

"I don't have to do a damn thing."

"See! Ugh!" She stormed off. Adonis was about to follow her but I stopped that immediately. "Sit down." He slowly say back down.

"Well now that I think about it. They are always together and he spends the night a lot and-"

"Wait you fucking my daughter!?" I asked sitting up.

"Jaceon!" Alaina said shocked.

"Are you!"

"No." He said.

"Is she a virgin?"


"It better stay that way!" I said serious.

"Anyway, like I was saying, I do notice how much time you guys spend together and listening to how nervous she was and how she begged us I can tell that she really likes you." Alaina said making me smack my lips.

"And I really like her too. I even think I love her."

"No you gone love this ass whooping if you don't stay away from my daughter."

"Their just teenagers Jaceon. Let them be." Chia said.

"Yea man. Ian got no problem with it."

"Yea cause he yo son. He a boy so it's different!" I argued.

"With all due respect sir. I really appreciate and respect Xiomara for the young woman she is-" I cut Adonis off.

"She a little girl not a woman."

"Shut up Jaceon!" Alaina said. "I don't have a problem with it. I think it's cute honestly. I wouldn't mind them being boyfriend and girlfriend." She said.

I scoffed. "Cute? Ain't shit cute about it. I'm her boyfriend."

"Look I love Xiomara and I would never hurt her. I'm doing this for her because she wanted your permission because she cares what you think about her. I would do anything in my power to make her happy. I give you my word that I would never hurt her." He said.

"Aww. You have my approval baby." Alaina said making me snap my head in her direction. "Go find her and check on her."

"No sit cha ass back down. Don't try to serve me washed white rat shit on a silver platter and try to call it white rice!!"

"Seriously Jaceon." Alaina said.

"You are a character." Chia said.

"Go Adonis." Alaina said. "Shut up." She said to me.

"Get over it." Chia said walking out.

"You'll come around man." JaQua said patting my shoulder and I shrugged him off.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you like them together?"

"Cause I don't." I said blankly looking away.

"Ok. Stop being childish." She said. She paused for a second. "Oooooohhh I see."

I looked at her. "You see what?" I questioned.

"Your not ready for her to grow up. You want her to stay your little girl forever. Am I right?" She asked. I looked away. "Aww baby she's not going to stay a little girl forever. Just like you let gabby go away on her on to college your going to have to let her go some day."

"I don't want to."

"I know baby but if you don't then she's going to feel like she will forever be alone because her father runs away every guy that comes and tries to make her happy. I see and I know you see that Adonis makes her happy. You wanna be the only one to make her happy don't you?" I nodded. "You don't want her to grow up hating you. Just accept it that she's growing up."

"But I don't want to. One day she's going to be heart broken and I'm not going to be on this earth anymore to hug her and tell her it's ok. I don't want that for her. I don't want her to ever feel broken hearted. I will never break her heart. That's why I want to spend as much time with her as I possibly can. I want her to stay my little girl for as long as she possibly can."

"But your breaking her heart right now by not letting her be happy." She reasoned. I sighed knowing she was right.

"Mom grandma wants you." Gabby said coming in the living room.

"Ok baby." She said. "Go talk to her." She kissed my cheek before getting up and leaving.

I sighed putting my cup down to go find her.


After walking around for five minute I found her in alainas old room crying on Adonis chested. I winced at the sight but didn't say anything. I nodded for him to come out. I waited until he was out the door to talk. I didn't know what to say so I made it short and sweet.

"If you ever...I mean ever in yo life break my little girls heart, I will snap every bone in your body into pieces. You understand me?"

"Yes sir."

"I mean do you get what I'm dishing out to you?"

"Yes sir."

"Don't take me as a joke boy."

"I understand." He said.

"Good. Go back out back she'll be out in a second."

He left and I took a deep breath before pushing the door back open. She looked at me and turned over.

"I don't wanna talk to you."

I sighed sitting on the edge of the bed. "Baby girl I'm sorry." She said nothing. I know the only way she'll talk to me if I tell her she's got my approval. I sighed. "You......." I really don't wanna say it. "You got my approval." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked sitting up and wiping her eyes. "You got my approval." I said clearly not want to say it again.

"Really?" She asked.


"Thank you daddy!! I love you so much!!!" She said hugging me tightly around my neck.

"I love you to baby girl. So much." I said hugging her tightly not want to let her go. "Look....I only said no at first because I want you to be my little girl forever. I wanna be the only man that makes you smile and blush and give you kisses. I wanna be the one to make you laugh." I said tickling her making her laugh. "I just want to be the only guy in your life besides your brothers that makes you happy."

"Daddy you will always be the number one man in my life. Nobody's going to ever take your spot. You had my heart first." She said wiping the tear that escaped from my eye and I wiped hers.

"I love you and I'll always love you. My love for you will never die out. That's why I got you this brackets with this infinity symbol on it." I said pulling it out my pocket.

"I love you too daddy. Forever."

She hugged me and I walked us out the room. "You gone come to me if he ever make you cry right? Cause you know I'll killem if you want me too." I said as we went down the stairs. She laughed.

"I'm gonna go back to the pool."

"Ok." I kissed her forehead before she went off.

"JACEON!!" Alaina said going out the front door.

I raced out the door following her and some of the other adults did too.

"Bitch get your fucking hands off me!!" Gabby said fighting off this woman. She pushed the woman to the ground but the woman had a tight grip on gabby's hair. Gabby sat on top of her and started hitting her in the head and face to get her to let go of her hair.

I raced over trying to pull gabby off her.

"Stupid bitch!! LET MY FUCKING HAIR GO!!!" Gabby said. Alaina started to pry the woman's hand off of her hair.

"Let my daughters hair go!!!" The woman let go and started attacking Alaina.

"OH HELL NO!!" Ariel said trying to get to the girl but Redd wouldn't let her. "Let me go!! This bitch put her hands on my sister!!!"

"Here take Gabriella in the house!" I said giving gabby to King.

"YOU DELUSIONAL ASS BITCH!!" Gabby said as King pulled her away.

"Come on baby let her go." I said pulling her back.

"No you gots to let me go!! You gots to let me go! This bitch put her fucking hands on me and my daughter!" Alaina said kicking trying to get free.

Elijah grabbed her and pulled her inside. "Alaina! Alaina stop it! Stop! It's over. Calm down baby!" He said.

"Don't let her go anywhere! Keep her ass right there!" Kennedy said to JaQua and Redd.

I went back in the house to see all the adult women surround gabby trying to find out what happen.

"Are you ok?" Alaina said checking her face.

"No! I'm not ok!" Gabby yelled crying. "That woman put her hands on me for no fucking reason! Ian do shit to her!!" She said stomping looking as if she wanted to fight her again.

"What happen Gabriella!" Kennedy said.

"Ok I went outside to get the mail like you wanted me to." She motioned to Kennedy. "You let security go for the day so I had to let the bar up myself so I did and I got the mail but that's when that woman pulled up talking about come on we going home! I said who are you! I'm not getting in a car with you! I don't know you! She said get in the fucking car now Gabriella! So now I'm trying to figure out how she know my name. I said no and started walking back down the drive way to tell you it's some woman up there. So I closed the bar back down and was jogging back down here but she drove through the bar and tried to hit me but I ran in the grass. She got out the car and I asked her what her problem was and told her she need to leave and that's when she ran up on me grabbing my hair and stuff talking about "I'm yo mama and you gone do what I say" thats all she kept saying. That's when I started fighting her off and y'all came outside."

Alaina looked at me and I shook my head.

"I mean I know moms not my real mother but I feel like she is but I wanna know who she is and why she come over here starting mess with me!" Gabby said.

"Ok. Just go get cleaned up. Well talked about it later."

Me and Alaina walked back outside and Redd was looking at me shaking his head like.......nigga.

JaQua moved to the side and the woman just looked ahead with a attitude sitting on the ground. "So you gone tell me why you coming up here starting shit? Fighting my child?" I asked Emory.


"And we raised her!" Alaina argued. "I'm her mother not you!"

"Bitch I am her mother."

"Since when?" I asked. What kind of "mother" comes to a family get together fighting there child? What was yo fucking purpose!!" I asked squatting getting in her face. WHAT JUSTIFIES THIS SHIT YOU JUST PULLED?!! HUH!! SPEAK THE FUCK UP!!"

She slapped me but mushed me at the same time. I tried punch that hoe.

"Bitch don't put cho fucking hands on me!!" I tried to charge at her but Redd held me back. "Stupid bitch! Go find a crack pipe! Dumb ass hoe! Don't ever put cho hands on my child or my wife again! EVER!! Man get this bitch out of here!!" I said after getting in the house.

I watched her argue with Alaina while she walked backwards to her car. Alaina came in the house with JaQua after she sped off.

"Was that her?" Gabby asked. "If so I don't want anything to do with her! I don't want to know her name, I don't want to get to know her period. I have a mom!"

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do baby." Alaina said.

"Good and I want a restraining order against her."

"We will get it." She said.

"She ruined my day." She said going to the back yard.

"You ok baby?" Alaina asked kissing me.

"Yea I'm fine. You ok? She ain't scratch my baby face did she?"

"No I'm fine."

"Come on everybody lets just go have some family fun and forget she even came." Kennedy said. We followed her to the back yard.


After witnessing all of that, I don't think today is the day to tell my parents I'm gay.

"Maybe we should tell them another day." Tyson suggested.

"Agreed." I said.

"Let's just get in the pool. I wanna see that sexy body." He said.

I shook my head walking to the pool with him.

I wonder a lot, who my real family is or what happen to them. Or why I couldn't stay with any of my other family. My parents said I could asked when I'm ready but I just don't know when that day will come.

I love the family I have now. There perfect to me. I can't help but to feel as if this is where I'm supposed to be.

"Wassup man?" Adonis asked Dapping me up.


"You been umm.....low key..lately. Where you been at? You ain't been hanging with us."

I caught we when he put emphasis on the words "low key". I wonder if Xiomara told.

"Just been chilling man. Nun much but I'll link up with y'all soon.

"Mm. Ok ok. So who's your guy?" He asked and I immediately frowned.

"He's not my guy. I mean yeah he's my friend b-but we just, w-we cool."

He chuckled. "You gone tell me his name?"

"It's Tyson." I said.

"You can tell me man." He said.

"Tell you what?"

"Come on now. I know you."

"Ain't nun to tell. We just-" I stopped when he gave me a look. A knowing look.

I sighed. "I don't judge man. We boys. If that's what you like then that's you. I still love you the same." He said chuckling wrapping his arm around my shoulder making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah well just don't say anything. Xiomara knows but nobody else. Just you two."

"That's fine. I won't. Just know I support you alright?"

"I know."

"Good. You know you gone have to eventually tell the squad. Especially the girls cause you know they love y'all types and their going to want you to bring him with us.

"Yea I know. I'll get around to it."

"Aite." He ran doing a cannon ball in the pool.

...yea. I'll get around to it.


I know y'all are probably confused on who kids are who's so I'll break it down for you.

Jordynn and Ethan: Jade, Ryan, Rayna and Ej

Princeton and Calinna: Zias, Rashad, and Casey

Alaina and Jaceon: Xiomara, Khalil, and Coby

Ariel and Xavier: Amari, Xylia, and Kelly (pregnant right now)

King and Tianna: Queen (Pregnant right now)

Chia and JaQua: Adonis and Janelle

Brooklyn and Michael: Maceon

Lord I just realized what I did!!!!! That's 19 grandchildren since Kennedy considers chia and Brooklyn, daughters. Lord lord lord. Lmao I did not realize that. Well it's not bad because she does have five kids so it would make sense but nobody is getting pregnant again lol. This is just to many. I mean ever. Besides its hard trying not to neglect one of the kids because it's so many lol but yea if you were confused then there you go.

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New book coming soon called "Lifelines".

Its about a very handsome, sweet, big hearted man who goes through the worst year of his life. He loses his job, house and girlfriend in the same week. So he ends up homeless. So him and his five year old daughter are now living in his truck which is waaayy behind on payments. One day he gets into this accident with this woman.

Her. She is a very beautiful and rich independent woman but she is also very stuck up, mean and bitter. She's bitter because she's alone. She just divorced her husband for cheating on her so now she living in this beautiful house alone.

When she calls the insurance company about the wreck the car ends up getting taken away because it's behind on payments. So now they have no where to sleep. She doesn't know he's going through this hard time but one day she sees him again and sees his struggle. She invites him to stay a night only because he has a hold.

All the while she's still being mean and bitter. So he puts her in her place, she kicks him out. She feels bad and goes out and looks for him. She tells him he can stay until he gets back on his feet and then.....

"Lifelines" Coming Soon.

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