Accidentally in Love: A Capta...

Av CaptainSwanLuver

16.5K 736 333

Emma Swan needs to be married by 30 in order to receive the money from her trust fund and save her failing bu... Mer

Part 2/13
Part 3/13
Part 4/13
Part 5/13
Part 6/13
Part 7/13
Part 8/13
Part 9/13
Part 10/13
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Part 12/13
Part 13/13

Part 1/13

2.5K 67 22
Av CaptainSwanLuver

Title: Accidentally in Love

Author: Steph aka CaptainSwanLuver

Rating: PG

Pairing: Killian/Emma

Characters: Killian, Emma, Belle, David, Mary Margaret, Robin

Category: Romance/Humor/Drama

Spoilers: Nope!

Summary: Emma Swan needs to be married by 30 in order to receive the money from her trust fund and save her failing business. Killian Jones is the thief who just tried to rob her store. The two strike a deal: Killian will pretend to marry Emma and she won't send him to jail.

Note: So I know the whole fake relationship thing is a popular one among the Captain Swan fanfiction community, but I just couldn't resist putting my spin on it. However, I wanted to keep a touch of the Captain Swan we all fell in love with, so every scene in the story will start with a quote from the show that has meaning to them and relates to what is occurring in the story. Hope you enjoy it! -Steph

...Accidentally in Love: Part 1/11...

~Pick a partner who knows what he's doing.~

Emma Swan sighed heavily, as she threw the stack of bills down on the counter. She looked over at her best friend and business partner, Belle.

"If we don't come up with some money soon, we'll have no choice but to close."

Belle was perpetually optimistic, but even she had to agree that the situation was dire. They had opened their bookstore café, 'Once Upon a Time', five years ago and had struggled to keep it open ever since.

Belle shook her head. "I've already asked all of my friends and family for money. What about another loan?"

Emma groaned. "The loan officer at the bank doesn't even take my calls anymore and he hides every time I go there."

"There has to be something we can do." Belle chewed on her lip worriedly. "What about your parents, Emma? They're so wealthy and I know they would-..."

Emma held up a hand to halt her. "You know how I feel about asking my parents for money. I swore when I went out on my own and opened this business that I would never ask them for money. I wanted to do this on my own and not rely on the money my family has made from our oil business."

Belle's face fell, but then her eyes quickly lit up. "Wait. Aren't you due to get the trust fund your grandmother set up for you when you turn 30?"

Emma shrugged. "Yeah. So?"

Belle's eyes widened. "So? You turn 30 in a month, Emma. We can use the money to save our business."

Emma shook her head. "Apparently, you have forgotten the terms of the trust fund. I have to be married by 30 or the contents of the trust fund reverts to her beloved Chihuahua, Dot." Emma rolled her eyes and held up her left hand, wiggling her naked ring finger. "And, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not married. I'm not engaged. I'm not even dating anyone."

Belle groaned and then chuckled. "Too bad you can't just pretend to be married to get the money from your trust fund."

They both laughed, but their laughs slowly subsided as they exchanged a look.

Emma smiled. "Wait a minute. Why can't I? I know it's crazy, but it's our only option."

"Do you really think your parents would believe it?"

Emma nodded. "I'll them I've been dating a guy for a while, but that it's long distance and I wanted to wait to tell them until I knew it was serious. I tell them he proposed, I accepted, and we'll throw a quick fake wedding to really sell it. My parents might be a little suspicious at the timing of it, but they'll just be happy that their commitment-phobic daughter is getting married. "

Belle began to bounce with excitement. "You really think this could work?"

Emma smiled. "Definitely. I have a friend down at city hall that can even fake me a marriage license in case I need proof. After I receive the money from the trust fund, I'll wait a few months, tell them the long distance thing isn't working , that we rushed into marriage, and that I'm getting a divorce."

Belle hugged Emma excitedly. "This could actually work!" But when they separated, Belle's lips suddenly turned downward. "There's only one problem. What kind of guy would be willing to pretend to be married to you?"

Just then, the bell sounded on the front door. Emma and Belle turned their attention to the door and to the man who walked in. Belle offered him a smile and greeting, but then turned away and headed toward the bookshelves. Emma, however, couldn't tear her eyes away from the handsome stranger.

"Killian Jones," he said, walking over to her and extending his hand.

Emma licked at her lips nervously, as she placed her hand in his. "Emma Swan."

His smile, coupled with his accent, nearly caused her knees to give out.

He gestured with his hand, his crystal blue eyes sparkling at her. "This is a nice place you have here. Quite cozy."

Emma nodded. "Thank you. Can I, um, get you anything?"

Killian's eyes scanned her beautiful features as he shook his head. "No, thank you. I just came to browse through the books." He turned away and then back toward her, flashing a grin. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Emma Swan."

He then headed toward the books, as Emma stared after him.

Emma didn't usually get nervous around men. Then again, she pretty much limited her contact with them to first dates and one night stands. She'd had her heart broken as a teenager so badly that she'd sworn off of relationships.

Killian moved among the stacks of used books.

"Can I help you find anything?" Belle asked.

He offered her a smile. "No, thank you. Just browsing."

"Let me know if I can be of any assistance."

He nodded, as Belle walked back over to Emma. The two women watched him intently. Emma admired the way his dark hair was tousled just so and how he had just the right amount of scruff covering his chiseled jaw. She was positive his leather jacket and black jeans was concealing a well-toned body. She smiled, watching his tongue dart out and moisten his lips, as he perused the book titles.

"Now, he would be someone to bring home to my parents," Emma muttered.

Belle whipped her head in Emma's direction. "You can't be serious. You don't even know him. He could be a psycho ax murderer. Are you really willing to risk your life for a trust fund?"

"Or he could be a completely harmless, drop-dead gorgeous, nice guy. Hey, if I'm going to get fake married, I might as well aim high."

"And just what makes you think some total stranger would ever agree to pretend to be your husband?"

Emma sighed. "You have a point."

Emma watched as Killian made his way to the door. He offered them a wave. Emma felt a rush of panic overtake her, as she realized she might never see him again. Before she knew what was happening, she felt herself moving to the door. She didn't know what she planned on saying, she just knew she wanted to make sure she saw him again.

She thought quickly and dug in her pocket for a business card as she came to stand in front of him. "Uh, Killian, here's our card. If you're looking for anything in particular, just give us a call or email us and we'll keep an eye out for it."

He smiled and reached out to take the card from her, but it fluttered to the ground as he made contact. Emma apologized and they both made a move to bend down to pick it up, bumping heads in the process.

They both laughed, as they began to straighten and rub at their heads.

"Sorry," they said in unison, their eyes meeting and holding.

It was then that Killian realized the card was still on the floor. He reluctantly tore his eyes away from Emma and bent down to pick it up. However, as he did so, something fell out of his jacket pocket and landed by Emma's foot.

"Oh, you dropped this," Emma said, quickly bending down to pick it up.

"That's okay," he said nervously, his hand darting out and covering hers.

Her eyes widened at what she held in her hands. It was a first edition of The Wizard of Oz that they had just gotten in last week. It was worth thousands. Emma and Belle had agreed long ago that they would never sell the books that they brought in online. They would simply offer them to their customers at reasonable prices. Considering its worth, this one was priced very reasonably at $300.

Emma realized Killian's hand was still on hers. She tore it and the book away from him.

Her brow furrowed and her jaw clenched in anger. "You stole this."

He shook his head. "It's a simple misunderstanding. That's actually my-..."

Emma took a step back, as Belle came to stand by her side. "You came in here to steal from us." She turned to Belle. "Call the police."

Killian held up his hand. "Love, surely we can resolve this without involving the authorities."

Emma's eyes narrowed at him. "Don't call me love. And give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the cops?"

Killian grinned and Emma tried not to be affected by his heart-stopping smile and piercing blue eyes. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation earlier as I browsed the stacks. I have excellent hearing and you lasses should really learn to use your indoor voices, especially in such a small space. It seems you're in need of a fake husband and you seemed to be considering me."

Belle scoffed at that. "Well, now she knows you're a thief and quite possibly an ax murderer, so her interest has waned. Right, Emma?"

Emma nodded slowly. "Of course."

Killian bobbed his head. "I see. So am I correct in assuming you would have no problem if I contacted your parents and told them of your plan to enter into a fraudulent marriage in order to secure your trust fund?"

Emma gritted her teeth together. "What do you want?"

"Don't press charges and my lips are sealed."

Emma nodded. "And what if I want something in return? After all, I could just take my chances and still send your sorry ass to jail."

He cocked his head at her. "Maybe we're going about this all wrong, Emma. Perhaps we need to strike a mutually beneficial deal instead. I want my freedom and you want your trust fund. You seemed to be quite keen on my being your bogus husband mere minutes ago. I see no reason why I still can't assist you."

Belle laughed heartily. "You're mad. Emma would never agree to that."

"Deal," Emma said, sticking her hand out at him.

Belle's eyes widened. "Emma!"

Emma shrugged. "He's a thief, Belle, which means he lies for a living. I can't think of anyone better suited for the position. Can you?"

Killian grinned, as he slipped his hand into hers and shook it. "I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful partnership."

Emma ignored the sparks that flew up her arm from his touch or how her hand seemed to fit perfectly in his. She hesitantly released him.

"Be here tomorrow at 9 am. Don't be late."

"I wouldn't dream of it," he said, as he flashed her one last grin and then disappeared out the door.

Emma watched him go, then flinched when Belle swatted her arm.

"You must be mad. What makes you think you'll ever see him again? You don't even know where he lives. You have no way of contacting him. You don't even know if Killian Jones is his real name. You already gave him his freedom, Emma. He has no reason to show up tomorrow."

Emma smiled and nodded, saying softly, "He'll show up."

Belle sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "For your sake, I hope you're right."


~I'd love to know more about your beginnings.~

Emma rolled her eyes at her best friend. "Belle, just go. I'll be fine."

"Emma, I am not leaving you alone with a thief. There's no telling what else he's capable of."

"Okay, first of all, I am not alone. There are customers here and Ruby is working the counter. Second of all, I am a big girl and I am more than capable of taking care of myself. Just go to your appointment."

Belle chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully. "Fine, but the first sign of any trouble, scream and call 911."

Emma gave her a thumbs up. "Will do."

Just then, Killian walked in the door. Belle walked past without greeting him, but leveled him with a glare as she exited the store.

"I don't think she cares for me much," Killian said, as he took a seat across from Emma.

"That makes two of us," Emma replied, although she couldn't help but notice how her heart sped up at the mere sight of him.

"But you don't even know me, Emma. I'm actually quite likable once you give me a chance."

"I know you're a thief and a liar. That's all I need to know."

Killian reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to her.

"What's this? A hold-up note?"

Killian chuckled and wagged his finger at her. "You're witty, I like that." He paused and shook his head. "No, it's an information sheet about myself. If we're going to pull off this whole marriage ruse, then we have to know things about each other."

Emma didn't even unfold the paper. She simply tore it into pieces and then dropped it onto the table in front of him. His eyes widened in shock.

"Why in bloody hell did you do that?"

"I don't need to know who Killian Jones is, if that's even your real name."

"It is," he replied, his tone sharp.

"You are who I say you are."

"Love, I can certainly understand changing my profession and my background. I hardly think a thief would go over well with your parents. But knowing someone means knowing the little things about them, like their favorite color, or food, or movie, or book."

She offered him a closed-mouth smile. "I already know that's The Wizard of Oz."

He ignored her. "My point is that I don't see any reason to change little details about myself."

Emma pulled out her own piece of paper and handed it to him. "Well, you don't get to decide. This is the Killian Jones that will be presented to my parents. My family is very wealthy and they expect that I would choose a spouse who has good breeding and is cultured."

Killian scanned the sheet, as he read it aloud. "I am originally from London, England. My parents are a part of the Queen's staff. I am an only child. I attended Oxford. After university, I moved to New York City. I am currently a stockbroker on Wall Street." He sighed. "I know nothing about being a stockbroker, love."

Emma almost corrected the 'love', but had to admit she kind of liked it.

"It's called research. Google it."

He continued reading. "Favorite color is blue. Favorite food is lamb." He curled his lips down in disgust. "Favorite movie is The King's Speech. Favorite band is The Beatles. Favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird."

Killian smiled at the last one. "Despite what you may believe, that is actually my favorite book.

Emma raised her eyebrows. "Really? It's mine too. Since I was a kid. I figured it could be one of the things we have in common."

He nodded his head, his eyes focused on hers. "Well, at least there's one thing on here I don't have to pretend to be fond of." He folded the paper and placed it in his pocket. "I'll commit the rest to memory tonight. Now, what about you? Tell me all there is to know about Emma Swan."

Emma handed him another paper. He read it aloud. "You were born in Storybrooke, Maine to David and Mary Margaret Nolan. Only child. Your family gained their wealth through their oil business. You attended business school and received a degree in restaurant and hotel management. You opened your business 5 years ago with your best friend, Belle French."

He nodded, as he went on. "Favorite color is red. Favorite food is grilled cheese. Favorite movie is Steel Magnolias. Favorite band is Guns 'N Roses. Favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird."

He placed the paper inside his pocket. "Seems I have a great deal of homework to do tonight."

Emma pulled out yet another paper and Killian audibly groaned. "This one is about our relationship and it's the most important one. My parents are going to be full of questions and even one mistake could blow this whole thing."

Killian sighed heavily as he read the paper. "We met six months ago. You were in Manhattan visiting a bookseller. We reached for the same copy of To Kill a Mockingbird." Killian met her eyes and smiled. "Well, isn't that romantic?"

Emma dropped her eyes. "I figured since I was going to make us have that in common, I might as well incorporate it into how we met."

He went on. "I asked you out for drinks that night and we hit it off. We began a long distance relationship, with you visiting me on weekends. We love Broadway musicals and nighttime strolls through Central Park. I proposed almost a week ago. We were taking a ride in a horse drawn carriage last Friday night when I presented you with a dozen red roses and asked you to be my wife." He paused, lifting his eyes to hers. "I'm assuming you accepted."

Emma nodded with a grin. "How could I refuse?"

Killian gestured to her hand. "Love, I'm not an expert on these things, but aren't most proposals supposed to come with an engagement ring?"

Emma looked down at her bare ring finger. "Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that. I'll just buy some cheap, fake ring."

He nodded and then gestured to the sheet. "Where's the rest of it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, none of your information sheets gave any information on our romantic histories prior to meeting."

Emma dropped her eyes. "I don't see how that would be relevant."

"I think it's quite common for an engaged couple to share their past relationships with each other. What if it comes up in conversation?"

"It won't," she said through gritted teeth.

His eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Emma, what aren't you telling me?"

"Just drop it, Killian."

She abruptly stood up and made a move to walk past him, but his hand darted out and gently encircled her elbow. She slowly met his gaze as he spoke.

"Please, tell me."

Emma sighed heavily but sat back down. "Fine, but only because I guess it is possible that it could come up." She took a deep breath. "Look, I know my life sounds like it's been perfect, but it hasn't. When I was 17, I met a boy at school. He was funny and kind and cute. I fell in love with him. I was sure my parents wouldn't approve because he was being raised by a single father. His mother had abandoned them when he was just a kid. Neal's father worked two jobs to make ends meet. So I didn't tell my parents about us, but they eventually found out anyway. And, to my surprise, they weren't upset. They told me they just wanted me to be happy."

Killian's brow furrowed. "You just told me your parents expect you to choose a spouse with good breeding who is cultured."

"Let me finish," she snapped. She took another deep breath. "My parents accepted Neal because my father came from a similar background. My mother's family was the wealthy one and my father's was poor. When they met, her parents tried to keep them apart, but they wouldn't let anyone stop them from being together. They didn't want to do the same thing to me and Neal. So we continued to date with their blessing. My parents really liked Neal. But then everything fell apart."

"What happened?"

Her voice lowered, as she slowly began. "I was at the beginning of my senior year when I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared that I didn't tell my parents or Neal until I couldn't hide it anymore. A pregnant teenage daughter would be a black eye on our family name and my parents couldn't have that. So they decided to send me away to a convent to have my baby. They planned to tell everyone I went to boarding school. I didn't want to leave Neal and I didn't want to give up my baby. I went to his house to tell him what my parents' plan was and to ask him to run away with me. But I overheard him talking to one of his friends on the phone before I could ask him. He said that he had only dated me because I was rich and now his whole life was screwed up because I was pregnant. He said he never loved me. I was devastated. I went home and told my parents what he said. I told them I would do whatever they wanted. So the following week my parents sent me away. I had a son and he was immediately taken away from me and given up for adoption."

Killian was at a loss for words. He reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. At first, she flinched from the unexpected touch, but then her hand relaxed beneath his. She furiously blinked back tears as she met his gaze.

"Emma, I am so sorry."

"It was a long time ago," she said, roughly wiping at the corner of her eye with her thumb. "But after that my parents became very protective of me. I swore off relationships. And they swore that if a man ever did manage to capture my heart again, then he would have to come from a wealthy, respected family. They wanted to ensure that no man would ever use me for my family's money again."

Killian chuckled and shook his head. "I suppose they wouldn't approve of me at all then."

"Well, actually, I don't know anything about your family."

Killian pushed the torn up pieces of paper toward her. "It's all right there. I told the whole truth. Maybe you can tape it back together in your spare time to find out everything you could ever want to know about Killian Jones."

Emma fingered the pieces of paper, suddenly regretful that she had torn up the paper. It certainly couldn't hurt to learn about the man she was going to pretend to be married to.

She shook free of her thoughts and met his eyes. "Okay, so my parents have invited us to dinner tomorrow night at 7. Meet me here at 6:30. I'm going to introduce you to them and then tell them we're engaged after dinner." She paused and then waved her finger at him. "Oh and dress appropriately."

Killian glanced down at his leather jacket, jeans, button down shirt, and leather vest.

"What's wrong with my attire?"

She rolled her eyes. "You're supposed to look like a stockbroker."

He offered her a lopsided grin. "So what exactly does one wear to look dull? I wouldn't know."

Emma had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. "A suit."

"I don't own a suit."

"Then buy one."

Killian held his hand out to her, palm up. She looked at it in confusion.

"What?" she asked.

"If you're going to require me to dress a particular way, then I am going to require money for new garments."

Emma laughed. "I'm not giving you any money."

"Fine, then I will give you the receipts and you can reimburse me."

"Not going to happen."

Killian shrugged and began to stand. "Then I shall attend dinner at your parents wearing clothing very similar in nature to this. I am sure I'll make a grand first impression and won't arouse any suspicion. You can just tell them it was casual Friday on Wall Street."

Emma groaned and placed her hands over her face. "Fine. We'll get you some new clothes."

Killian held his palm out again, but she swatted it away. "Meet me here at noon and we'll go shopping."

Killian smiled. "I can hardly wait."

He then turned on his heel and left. Emma dropped her head onto the table. What had she gotten herself into?


End of Part 1
Thanks for reading! I'd appreciate any feedback you'd like to give. ~Steph

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