Falling For The CEO (ON HOLD)

By ana_rose_grey

319 13 1

Freya- 25 year,old She's Beauty with brains. She's fresh out of a bad relationship with her cheating fiancé... More

New Girl
New City
New Boss
New Friends
New Crush
New Feeling
New Bodyguard
New & Old Family

New life

21 1 0
By ana_rose_grey

Saturday 16th July 2016
It's 7 am I get up and go for a long run and try to clear my head. what happened yesterday is in the past i cannot change it, I just have to move on and act like nothing's happened.i walk into Starbucks and drink my coffee in the shop instead of taking it home and I think about how Seb took me into his arms and took care of me as well as the others but more importantly how he held me and cared for me as if I was more than a friend to him. Every time I close my eyes I think of him and how good he smelt and how good his hands felt around my body. What. Is happening to me ? on my way out of Starbucks I. Buy a cute flask some ground coffee, green tea, peppermint tea and Zara's flat white.
When I get home I hear Zara is on the phone with someone she says something" hang on she's her ,uh huh,okay bye Ethan" what was she saying to Ethan .
"Where did you go I was so worried about you I was loosing my mind here so I called Ethan because I did not know what to do."
She comes and gives me a hug squeezing me as if we are hugging for the first time in forever. "Relax Zara I just went for a long run and decided to drink my coffee in Starbucks that's all"
"Oh good, now go have a shower your sweaty"
"Jeez ya don't say! "
She laughs "I'm going to pick your clothes today, now go " she says pushing me towards the bathroom. When I'm done I see that Zara has laid a black plated skirt and a champagne coloured crop top, my white Calvin Klein half socks,with my black nike huaraches and my medium pale orchid coloured Burberry tote bag. Man I love this girl she can really pull an outfit together. I use my benefit roller lash mascara, my Dior show mono eyeshadow in the shade 516 delicate and my Dior addict lip glow pomade in the shade 001 universal pink and mix it with my Burberry full kisses colour stick in the shade 517 light crimson and finish it up with my bare minerals complexion powder, and pop it into my bag.
When I walk out i see that Ethan and Seb standing in then Living room. When did they get here. Seb looks at me as he's checking me out. They both kiss me on the cheek and Seb says" you look amazing" I start to blush " Zara you ready"  " hang on a minute " she says and I grab my phone and sit on the sofa and check my emails I have lots from the accounts department I will just head into the office tomorrow even though it's a Sunday and get the work done that way I will not get interrupted by a certain someone. " ok let's go." " bout time Zara"
"Let's go girls, Seb we should go to Greenwich first take them on the river Thames tour"
"Yeah let's do that"
we decided to take the tube because it's faster than driving to Westminster station Ethan goes to grab the tickets for the boat rides . "You guys should probably know I'm not the biggest fan of boats I haven't had the best experience with them"
"What happened" Seb asks and me and Zara laugh
" when I was a junior in high school I went sailing with Zara,Craig and Cole as like a brother and sister bonding thing and I did not see the mast moved and I was standing up on the boat and the mast hit my back and I fell off the boat into the freezing cold water. Then I've somehow managed to get  my hair nearly trapped in the propellers of a speed boat and lastly I fell of my jet ski and the string that was attached to me was dragging me around in the sea so you could say that I've not had the best experiences in that area." Seb chuckles "how do you manage to do all of that, if it makes you feel better you can grab onto me on the ride"
"I will hold you to that"
"I have no doubt you won't "
"Hey what's that supposed to mean" I say whilst pouting and he smiles.
"It means nothing"
"Guys I got the tickets and the boat is about to come any minute so we better head down now to gate 2 or we will miss it " we all walk down to the gate and we are just on time people are about to board the boat and we go and sit on the upper deck because it's sunny and there's a light breeze and most importantly the view is amazing we take isle seats and we have the whole upper deck to ourselves so we all sit  at the beginning of an isle and take a group selfie and then Seb comes and sits near me and we take lots of selfies some are serious and some are funny . I'm standing up and walking on the upper deck and so are the others and Seb was telling me about some of the history about traitors gate when suddenly the boat starts to speed up and I grab Seb as I try to not fall down. " it's ok I've got you " and I just hold on to him for a bit and then Ethan calls out "get a room" and I stick my tongue out at him for teasing me and when I comes our way I punch him In the chest " ouch " he says
"Great that hurt my hand "
"Hey who told you to punch me"
"Who told you to tease me " I say play fully
"Oh it's on " he says and comes closer to me."tickle,tickle,tickle" Ethan says to me whilst trying to tickle me and I can't help but laughing and hiding behind Seb."Seb please stop him I'm very ticklish, please tell him to stop" Seb turns around to face me with a mischievous grin on his face and I know exactly what he's about to do " oh no Seb don't you dare start tickling me ... No Seb stop I'm really ticklish ... Seb please stop Zara come help me" Seb and Ethan both try to tickle me and I squeal and see that Zara is filming us and I run down the stairs and go to the toilet and pretend that I need to use it when actually I'm hiding from Seb and Ethan when I open the door I see them standing there In front of the door and I close it again and wait a couple of minutes till they leave then it go to the bar and pay for a Pepsi bottle and an ice lolly and head up and they all get up and smile at me. "You guys better not try anything on me please I want to eat my ice lolly in piece and then drink my Pepsi"
I sit down next to Seb and star to have my ice lolly and when I look away I see that Seb took a bite of my ice lolly " that was mine" I say
"Sorry I couldn't help it, your taking so long to eat that" he says smirking
A couple if minutes later we get off the boat and me and Zara link our arms and start to walk as we follow the boys "right where do you want to go first, the planetarium, cable cars, see where time is created"
I whisper in Zara's ear"can we go to the planetarium first but I've heard it's a long walk" she whispers back in my ear "sure"
"Let's go to the planetarium first"
"Sure but it's a long walk though"
" I know and if we get tired we will get you two to give us piggybacks  up there" me and Zara laugh
"That's fair" they say
We walk up nearly all the way up the hill but because it's so hot and We tell the boys to carry us on there backs for the rest of the up." Guys your carrying us now "
" fine "
Zara,gets on Ethan's back and I get on Seb's back .Me and high five each other. When we get to the top they put us down we look at the boys in confusion and I ask them" have you carried someone up here before because it looks,like you haven't even broken a sweat and you not red either" I touch both there cheeks " and your not even boiling hot"
"That my dear is because you are,very light weight so it was not hard work "
"But still and I don't know if we should be offended,or should we take that as a complement"
"Take as a complement " Ethan says to us.
When we get there we see there is a very long line for the timeline so we go to the planetarium which is amazing we spend about half an hour there and then we see the line has gone down so we go there and take pictures I send them to Andrea I doubt she will answer at this time.
Then we start go down the hill to the maritime museum and the cutty shark after that we hop,on a bus to North Greenwich and go to the Emirates cable cars . When we get on them it's like your flying and the whole time I just film the view then we walk on the O2 which was,scary as hell but we did it any ways and then we went to nandos in Greenwich we had so much fun and instead of taking the boat back we decided to go through the under water tunnel it was not that long of a walk but it was weird thinking that there is a lot of water above us.
We decided to,walk to Piccadilly and walked to Leicester square and Seb asks me if I what is my favourite type of ice cream and I tell him it's the Ben and jerry's cookie dough and the Hagen Dazs strawberry cheesecake . "Well guys there's Hagen Dazs and Ben & Jerry's here so you guy pick what you want it's on me " Seb say to us "and oh after that we can go to the M&M world,over there" I turn around to look at the M&M world, and i stand there stood like a statue with,a,massive grin on her face . I get a text from Andrea " ooh two weeks in london and you already have boyfriends,lucky you " I laugh out loud and they all stare ,at me " what's so funny" Ethan asks me and I start to tell him" well basically I sent my friend Andrea a picture of all of us standing on the timeline and she thought you were our boyfriends " we all start to laugh as I text her back' they are not our boyfriends they are just,friends and also my bosses Ethan Callum Geoffrey and Sebastian James Cross the CEO's of Geoffrey & Cross ' we decided to go to Ben & Jerry's I got the cookie dough, Zara got the chocolate fudge brownie, Ethan got the Greek style strawberry shortcake and Seb got the Caramel chew chew . I took a bite of his " that's good , do you want to try some of mine " I ask him "why not" he takes a bite and pretends to have a fake orgasm over some ice cream I start to blush but i also start to laugh hopefully he doesn't notice my reaction.
After finishing the ice creams we head to the M&M world and in there I think I go M&M crazy because I buy enough to last me a life time.
Later we go for drinks it's a good thing we didn't drive and we all have to much and I thinks Seb and Ethan are too drunk to go anywhere so we offer them the guest rooms and they thank us. They give us a kiss on the cheek and go to bed because they are too tired to do anything. I quickly go to the bathroom and change my clothes and go to bed knowing that Seb is only next door and the only thing separating us is a wall. It's 1am and for some weird reason my bed feels heavier and I turn around and see Seb is asleep in my bed, he looks beautiful and how did he get in my bed? I forget all the questions for a moment and stroke his hair and go back to bed.

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