New Girl

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Authors Note
Hi guys this is my first book ever please do not get mad or judge me . I know there probably are lots of mistakes in this book so far but I promise once I finish writhing my book I will edit the mistakes out later.
- love Ana-rose-grey

Its Friday and its been exactly two weeks since I left my old life back in New York and moved to London with my best friend Zara, and here I am glued to my desk at GEOFFREY&CROSS enterprises . I am the company's new CFO and im just going through a file of the company for my meeting after lunch with the one of the CEO's of the company. at 1:30 I ask Ana my assistant if there are any good places to have lunch and she suggests a place called BROWNS inn Covent Gardens. I call Zara "hey Freya what's up?" I was wondering if you want to meet for lunch ? that's if you are free and you can meet my assistant Ana she's great ." " yeah sure where shall I meet you ?" " how about BROWNS in Covent Gardens" " sure see you in half an hour." "ok bye"    about half an hour later me and Ana get there and look for a table in the open since its quite a nice sunny day today. im glad that  I decided to wear my coral pencil skirt with a white  silk blouse , my nude pink jimmy choo sandals and my white Gucci purse. I saw Zara arrive and singled to me that she was on the phone so I called the waiter and ordered for me and Zara. " can I have the chargrilled chicken Caesar salad with a bottle  of lightly oaked chardonnay  and a seafood pasta salad and Ana what would you like" I ask her " I will have a salmon salad"  they waiter leaves and comes back with three lemon Martini's " im sorry but we did not order these" I say to him. " I know but the gentlemen over there did" me and Ana both look at each other with curiosity and then turn our head in the direction to where the waiter is pointing." there's no one there"  "well there was a minute ago he probably left " the waiter turns and leaves towards the kitchen. a couple minutes later Zara comes to join us. "Sorry about that , it was the shipping company who are shipping the Audi's here ." " oh ok, Zara I want you to meet someone " I turn to look at Ana " Zara this is Ana my assistant but more like a friend" " Ana  this is Zara my best friend since kindergarten. " It's nice to meet you " Ana says "same here " Zara replies cheerfully and then glances at the drinks. "what are we celebrating " she ask " nothing we have a secret admirer, the waiter said  that someone bought them for us" " I wonder who it was?" " me to " me and Ana say in sync then laugh. "So how was you day ?" Ana asks  curiously " oh don't even  get me started"  oh here we go ! Ana shouldn't have asked Zara that she is going to have a rant. I try to suppress a laugh  but I fail miserably and they stare at me " what are you laughing at? little miss perfect "Zara questions " hey im far from that and m laughing at the fact that you are going to go on a rant for the rest of our lunch." "Am not "  she says offended and slaps my arm playfully . a couple of  minutes later our food is served and Zara repeatedly tells us how she loves this place and how we have to come here more often. we make  small talk until we make are way back to the office. I have about an hour  before the meeting to prepare so that's what I do.  I ask Ana go go grab my file that I need for it. as I walk into the conference room I'm stood there in awe of the view from the floor to ceiling windows that are surrounding the room. I look around to see a huge dark  oval shaped mahogany table  with about 20 seats with nearly everyone sitting there except for  couple.  I tell Ana to take some notes for this meeting . we are all seated except for one  of the CEO's of the company Ethan Geoffrey. five minutes later a man walks in wearing a navy blue Armani suit by the looks of it, he has neat blonde hair layered at the top and short from the sides, with green eyes and a nice build. " sorry I'm late everyone"  so far he seems very nice. " ah this must be our new CFO Miss Jenson" I turn to look at him " yes that's right, shall we begin with the meeting."

An hour later I wrap up the meeting" and with that ladies and gentlemen I think we can improve the  accounts" everyone starts to clap and congratulate me and then they all leave except for Mr Geoffrey. Mr Geoffrey starts to speak " that was a very good presentation" "thank you Mr Geoffrey but this is only the beginning " "please call me Ethan, Mr Geoffrey is my father and also it make me sound very old which we both can see I'm not " he says cocky much? " of course Ethan but only if you call me Freya" " I will call you Freya from now on and I like your passion towards this I can see that you would be a very valuable asset to this company." " im flattered Ethan."

the rest of the day drags on at 5:45pm I turn my computer off and get ready to leave and head down and say goodbye to Eva the receptionist and Josh the security guard. I head towards the subway or as Londoners like to call it the tube. a 45 minutes later I get home to my apartment in Knightsbridge that I share with Zara.

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