Next Time I Fall *editing*

By ashykinzz

19.3K 519 17

This story is a combination of Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast. Once there was a young, beautiful pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

894 24 0
By ashykinzz

The day of the battle arrived. Aro and all of the crew along with other creatures line up. The fairy kings guys line up as well as Ana's father people. Aro looks around and thinks about Ana who is probably just getting up. Little does he know she is going to make an appearance. The kings yell some dialog back and forth at each other. All of a sudden one of them yells "Attack!"

When both sides were running at each Ana and her horse ran in between the charging army which made everyone stop in their tracks. It didn't take long for all of them to realize who it was. Both kings and Aro ran hurriedly to her.

Her father hugs her, "Where have you been?"

"Father I know what this fight us about . . ." she looks at Aro and then looks at the fairy king. ". . . And I accept."

"You do?!" The fairy king said excitedly.

Her father and Aro become noticeably
upset and father asks, "But why my dear?"

She takes his hands and looks at him, "Father . . ." Then she looks at Aro. ". . .Aro. I cannot let both of you die because of me. It's not something I want but need to do."

"But . . ." Aro said.

"End of discussion . . ." she said looking sternly at him, then her father.

Her father looked down and then shook his head in understanding. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and then a hug. Then she walked over to Aro. She smiled weakly at him she knew this would be the last time she would ever see him again. She mouthed "thank you" to him as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Dear Ana . . ." was all he was able to conjure out before the fairy king came up on his horse and swept her up there with him and road off.

As she was being carried away she looked back at the two men she loved and cried silently. Her father left after a few moments. Aro stood there and silently cried by himself as she got further and further. The pain of loss came back as if it never left. But he knew this time he would not recover. When she was out of sight he got back up on his horse and road off back to his home.

She arrived at the castle and it wasn't at all what she expected. It was like they had been expecting her. She gets off the horse and is escorted inside.

The fairy king turns to her, "That was very noble of you. And have saved your father's kingdom. Maybe in time you could like me and maybe even turn it into love. Till then, the wedding is set for one week from today. As for now you may do what ever you want but leave."

Was all he said and left. The fairy king is named Nathan. He is a very quiet and sentimental man. He did not know how to take care of his problems or cope with disappointments. He was not a mean man or demanding. Nor was he greedy. His servants felt that all he needed was a wife and he would be better. He spends his alone time in his study going over things for his kingdom.

Ana went up to her room and ran to her bed once she was alone she cried. She walked around her room and continued to cry. Even as she walked out on the balcony and looked off into the distance she cried. But there was nothing she could do.

Later that night Ana left her room to find a bathroom. She wondered the halls. She couldn't find it. She opened a door to this one tower. She saw what looked to be a spinning wheel. She saw that there was no one around. Being that she never saw one before she walked over to it and started to mess with it. She played with the wheel and thread, trying to figure out how it works. She then journeyed up to the pointy top and started to touch it. She was startled by the clock striking twelve that she pricked her finger and fell to the ground asleep.

Meanwhile over at her father's house he hears the clock strikes twelve. It was her sixteenth birthday. He just sits up in his bed and stays up all night. Aro on the other hand was up in his secret room and heard the same thing and remembered it was her birthday.

Nathan was in his study looking over some papers when a servant entered the room. Nathan puts down his papers because he knows there was something wrong.

"What's wrong Clark?" Concerned.

Almost out of breath. "It's princess Anastasia."

He becomes alert and stands up, "What about her?"

"We found her up in the tower on the floor cold as ice and asleep. She won't wake up."

In an hurry, "Where is she?"

"We put her back in her bed sir . . ."

"Okay call a doctor and have him come as soon as possible. Even quicker than that!" He grabs his coat and runs to her room.

Clark does what he said and calls the doctor. The doctor arrives about ten minutes later and runs up to Ana's room. Nathan stands up and moves out of the way. The doctor doesn't say a thing and goes straight to work. He checks her pulse, blood pressure and things of that nature. He pauses performs everything on her that he can. After it was all said and done. The doctor puts his stuff away and looks at Nathan.

"Would you please walk me to the door sir?" Nathan nods.

As they are walking, "So what's wrong with her doc?"

"Nothing she is perfectly healthy and alive. It would seem that there is no possible reason for her body to go into a coma like state. Did her father say anything about if she suffers from anything?"

"He didn't say anything to me about it."

They were at the door and before the doctor said, "I would suggest you go and find that part out for yourself." He then leaves.

Nathan stands there and thinks for a minute and then asks Clark to fetch his horse. After that was done he climbs up and rides off to Ana's home.

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