Alligence of the Dark

By Breeleegulley

51 4 0

Ellie never wanted an exciting life, she was fine with what she had right then. But now with creatures sudden... More

Alligence of the Dark

51 4 0
By Breeleegulley

Zombified Ellie moved into a sitting position on her bed, dark circles marred the underneath of her eyes like permanent bruises. Using only the tops of her feet she stood up regretting it as she heard the grizzled crack of glass sheer her ears.

Oh, no. She chanted in her head afraid to look down, her eyes squeezed shut. Breathing in and out slowly through her nose she peeked down moving her feeting and groaned.

Her glasses were shattered and split into two pieces, even blind she could tell, today was just her luck. Ellie hated Mondays with passion. She squatted down and reached for them examining the damage close to her face. It was bad and it would be costly. She didn't want to think of how much the repairs would cost.

She walked a few feet forward to her vanity and placed them down gently then reached open the right drawer and pulled out her older slightly cracked glasses and pushed them onto her face then shutting the drawer. Blinking as everything became clearer.

"Much better."

Shuffling her feet back toward her bed she grabbed up her small compact phone flipping it open and quickly shutting it again after checking the time. 7:03 AM She had almost an hour to get ready and leave for school. It was more then enough time. Living in a small town had its perks of being able to be late to class. Or was it more of the reason that she was all her teachers favorite student. l

Within thirty minutes Ellie stood in front of the mirror freshly bathed and dressed in her start something burnout tee and denim stretch jeans, combing her hair out as it dried, strands of the thick red waves knotting up making her winch.

"Elwee, bweakfast is rwady!" She heard her little sister wail loudly marching up the stairs full speed, Ellie stepped out of the bathroom opening her arms as her sister plummeted into her knocking her back slightly.

"Mornin' baby sis," Ellie said squeaking her four year old little sister tightly and picking her up and slinging her over her back and walking down the stairs. "What's for breakfast?"

"Toast and eggs." ,she glanced up to see her stepmom smiling at her.

"Mornin' Momma," Ellie drawled out grinning even though she felt like shit on the inside, she put her sister down and watched her crawl into one of the chairs and chomp down on her food. God that kid was so cute!

"Morning Baby, I hope you are hungry because I made breakfast." Turning toward the oven she looked at the time, it was Seven forty five, she was pushing her chances.

"I'll grab a piece of toast, I need to go get my stuff, I'll be right down, thanks for breakfast, Mom." Most people usually don't like the stepmom but she was the best step mother anyone could have.

"Okay, Honey. Hurry up or you'll be late for school." Nodding she ran back upstairs into her vintage Victorian styled room and grabbed her bag, phone, and plain black converse. Comfort shoes. All about the comfort.

Rushing back down the stairs and into the kitchen, Ellie snatched up a piece of buttered toast and her keys, kissed her mom on the cheek, and ran out the kitchen side door toward her Silver 2011 Honda Civic Sedan.

Within eight minutes she parked herself into the parking lot of the school and got out. The population of her High School was only roughly 250 students total, that was all together from grades nine to twelve. Glancing at the front of the school it was unnaturally empty of all the students. She checked her phone time. She still had a few minutes until the first bell. Where was everyone?

Slipping her shoes on she opened up her car door and got out, shutting the door after collecting her belongings and walking slowly into the school. Then with a sigh of relief she saw that everyone had been inside mostly due from one of the students getting in a fight and being prohibited to be outside right now. She walked casually to her locker.

"Ellie!" She felt her friend before she heard her, she turned and smiled at Mattie.

"Yes, this is her." ,she replied wiggling her eyebrows. Mattie scrunched her nose at her friends glasses distastefully.

"How could you wear those nasty things," it was more of a statement then a question but she answered anyways.

"Stepped on my other ones this morning." Her friend gave her a understanding look but then shook her head as if she just remembered something.

"We have two new students!" Mattie suddenly squealed out jumping up and down, Ellie raised her eyebrows for a small town this was news even to her ears.

"I see, and I'm guessing they are both male and hot." Stating things that were overly cliche was her thing.

"No, sadly not. A really hot guy and his sister though." She stated hot as if I really cared, Ellie started thinking about her little sister and what she'd be getting her for her birthday that was coming up shortly. A hand waved her from her thoughts. "See! Look!"

She half didn't want to look but new students were a big thing around here and she glanced over at where her friend pointed. Her breath spilled from her mouth and her brain drew blank, fear flooding her stomach and also lust even though it was for unknown reasons.

He looked vaguely familiar as she examined him slowly not afraid of being caught as many eyes were on him and his sister. He stood probably five inches taller then her 5'7 with dark brown slightly curly hair with a slight shagginess and light yet tan skin. She could not see his eyes properly although she knew they would be extraordinary. This man wasn't hot as her friend said he was breathtaking, in a very dangerous way.

She took a step back as his sister suddenly looked at her even though it was in a very non threatening manner she still flinched. She felt modified from her behavior but she couldn't make her eyes look back up at the two. She felt a haze hit her brain as she felt herself trying to remember something it felt important but she gave up. Suddenly the first bell rang and all of the students scattered.

Once she reached the library her head felt more fresh then dreadful, first period was her favorite. She was an assistant but even she knew on Monday's she got to read to her hearts content. Looking up at Mrs. McGrath she smiled and waved and went in search for the book she was reading last week. Going to her spot she nestled down and opened her book and drowned in the story. It was only a few minutes later that she saw Mrs. McGrath wave at her and call her name, standing up she walked up to her.

"Yes ma'am." ,she drawled out confused.

"I know you like your Monday reading time but I'd like it if you'd do me a big favor." Mrs. McGrath looked pleading.

"Sure, why not."

"Thank you, Ellie. I need to pick up my baby girl she is sick, could you go to the attendance office and tell the teacher that you'll be helping the new student around today." She still looked pleadingly, Ellie gulped, she didn't like this one bit but she sighed and nodded. It wasn't like she could say no to her favorite teacher. Mrs. McGrath smiled and bolted out of the library faster then the Tasmanian Devil.

There went her sudden good mood. Grabbing her bag she got up and went to the attendance office dreading it every step she took. As she stepped in Mr. Gragger looked up from his specs and raised his eyebrows she kept her eyes from the new students, "Mrs. McGrath split?"

"Like a banana peel." Ellie confirmed sullenly and she heard someone softly laugh, she glanced toward the sister who was smiling brightly at Ellie.

"Did she tell you you'd be showing Mister and Miss Foncé around the school today?" He grinned but then continued, "I'll give you credit for all your classes today but you must show them around the whole school since I'm allowing you to 'skip'."

Ellie did nothing but nod, she didn't want to spend the whole day with the Foncés but if it meant not having any classes it would be at least bare able. She had no reason for her sudden dislike for these new students but she felt it.

The sister suddenly stepped beside Ellie and lifted her hand close to her as if to initiate a handshake, she stared at her hand for a second but then lifted hers and shook the beautiful girls hand.

"Hello, I am Diane." ,she couldn't help but smile back as Diane beamed at Ellie, Ellie took note of Diane's dark green eyes.

"So should I call you Diane Foncé or Diane Dark?" I asked suddenly lifting my eyebrows, Diane and her brother looked at me suddenly.

"Vous parlez français ?"

"I speak bits and pieces but I can read and understand it fluently, my late mother was French and my father is Irish." Ellie quickly explained blushing deep red.

"Well then, I think you and I will get along quite well then." Diane said smugly glancing at her brother who was gritting his teeth it seemed. Oh well.

Shifting her bag and putting it on the ground she looked at the teacher and said she was leaving her stuff here, he nodded and then she heading out to show the two around. She was actually shocked to find the sister very pleasant and friendly.

Maybe her day wouldn't be so bad after all.

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