1| I'm Not The Only One// Gir...

By KillerQueen_18

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"You say I'm crazy 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done But when you call me baby I know I'm not th... More



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By KillerQueen_18

• • • • • •

{Chapter 4: Addilyn Petrova}

"The 60's, man. Influential musicians like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez. Playing guitars and singing like prophets. The times were a-changing" Mr. Matthews says to his class, The twins and Axel sat in there row. Rosie next to Riley, Nathan next to Farkle also behind his twin, and Axel behind Nathan. "The class they are a-sleeping" Farkle says as his classmate lean there heads on there arms.

"It's not your fault, dad. It's just the stuff your saying" Riley says trying to make her dad feel better. "I'm talking about the 60's man" Mr. Matthews says trying to get his class to be interested.

"Nobody cares about when you were our age" Riley says carefully. "Riley, it was over 50 years ago. How old do you think I am?" Mr. Matthews questions.

"45" Nathan says nonchalant. "If i say 25 will you give me an 'A'?" Rose says smiling sweetly at Mr. Matthews, as Axel points at her in agreement.

"No" He said making Rose frown. "There's no right answer to this, sir" Lucas says pointing to the twins as an example.

"You should teach us future class, you know give us something we could use" Maya says. "Listen dad, you doing a wonderful job up there and we're very happy that you're all jazzed up" Riley starts.

"But history has nothing to do with us" Maya finishes. "I'm gonna snap this chalk now" Mr. Matthews says irritated.

"Uh-Oh" Lucas and Axel says unison. "History as everything to do with us, history is what makes us learn from our mistakes and others" Rose finally spoke up.

"How is it that you know all my lessons?" Mr. Matthews glares at the girl, while she just shrugs. "I may not be book smart but I ace at reading people" Rose just says.

"Alright, What did you guys do yesterday?" Mr. Matthews questions. "I think I had grapes" Riley says happy.

"Twins? Axel? You guys live in the same home what'd you do?" Mr. Matthews asks then knowing they have something smart to say. "Rosalie made us watch Teen Wolf" Axel, Nathan, and Lucas said in unison surprising the class. Then everyone looks at Lucas confused.

"Did you know the word Berserk comes from the word Berserker it's a ancient Norse warrior who fought in a wild frenzy" Lucas says ignoring the looks he got. "Is this what a proud parent feels like?" Rosie says gasping holding her hand over her heart and 'crying' all dramatic.

"I would hug you right now" Rose adds. "Hey, you stay away from my woman" Farkle says glaring at Lucas, as he just raises an eyebrow. Riley knows there just friends and Lucas goes to there home a lot so it's okay.

"Do you know what yesterday was?" Mr. Matthews questions. "Grapes day" Riley says excitedly as always.

"History" The twins and Axel says unison boredly, putting there head back on there arm. "Yes" Mr. Matthews starts pointing to the twins and Axel.

"Every decision you make every day, every time you decide to turn left instead of right, you make history and you affect someone else's. And if you refuse to learn that, I guarantee you, you guys will not become the best person you can be, because history is all about missed opportunities. 'History has nothing to do with us' wasn't it, Ms. Hart?" Mr. Matthews say trying to educate his class. "Can't remember, it was like five minutes ago" Maya says not paying attention.

"Fine, I an not gonna teach you guys about the 60's" Mr. Matthews says as the whole class says "Yay" flatly.

"You are" Mr. Matthews finishes as the whole class groans and Farkle says "Yay" flatly.

"History is alive even if you weren't. But now your gonna be. You will visit the 1960's and give a report" Mr. Matthews says. "Time travel" Farkle says excitedly.

"How do we do that, dad? we weren't there" Riley says confused. "You all have grandparents or great- grandparents. Choose one who was around during that time. Learn all you can about them and report back. Then we'll see is history has nothing to do with us. Living history... now I'm all jazzed up" Mr. Matthews finishes looking at Riley.

• • •

Greenwich Village, New York 1961

"Your a new face" The man in a turtle neck said to the brunette who walks in the club. "So are you, but everything's new to me, the people, the places, the whole happening scene, Man" The brunette in the pony tail says snapping.

"First time you ever said that, isn't it?" The man says. As twins walk over. "How long you've been practicing that?" They asks with amused looks.

"The whole way here" The brunette answers the strange to people that talk at the same time. "Let me get a vibe" The man behind the counter says walking over to the brunette.

"I dig you immediate-tois" he says with his hands on her shoulders and the twins walk to a table to sit down. "What does that mean?" She asks as he takes his arms off her.

"I don't know I made it up" he says popping his necklace, the twins stop listening from there. "Welcome to cafe Hey, pronounced, 'Hehhh'" Says Ginsburg. And everyone echo's him.

"You're getting better at that. Tonights gonna be legendary, Man. Lets just see what flows. Everyone snaps after his time on stage. "Yeah I could use a weird friend" The twins hear a blonde say to the brunette from earlier.

"Could you use some more friends?" The twins question unison smiling at the two girls.

• • •

Greenwich Village, New York Today

Rosalie sat in between Farkle and Maya, Nathan next to Riley and she was in-between him and Lucas, and Axel at the end of the table with a chair he pulled up from a different table. "All right, status report. I got a guitar that belonged to my great-grandmother Rosie, and her very weird journal" Riley says to the group. "My dad is sending something about my great-grandfather. We don't talk about him much. His name was Merlin" Lucas says.

"Merlin? Was he a wizard? Hah" Farkle says making fun of Lucas. "Okay, Farkle Minkus. What was your great-grandfather's name?" Lucas says looking at him weird.

"Ginsburg" Farkle says proudly. "You make no sense to me whatsoever" Lucas says confused.

"So what you find pretty lady?" Farkle questions the girl next to him. "Well we found out that our great- grandfather Daniel the II had a twin which she died of cancer in 1970" Rose said sadly, looking at Farkle.

"I don't know how he survived" Nathan adds. "Why's that?" Lucas asks.

"Having a twin is like having another piece of you" Rosie says looking a Lucas. "And once you lose that piece your never the same" Nathan says looking at his sister.

"What was her name?" Farkle asks quietly looking at the latina next to him. "Addilyn" Rose says smiling at his interest.

"Addilyn and Daniel Petrova" Nathan adds. "She was also engaged but never got married. She pasted before the wedding date" Rose says sadly.

"Do you know who she was engaged to?" Axel says now getting into the conversation since he's been texting Issy. "No" The twins says sadly.

"We've been trying to find something of him but nothing, and our Papi won't tell us, and all I have left of her in this locket, Papi said there was a picture inside but I can't get it opened" Rose says frustrated. Then they all notice Maya's looking at an art book Ms. Kossal gave her. "She's trying to motivate you" Farkle says trying to encourage Maya.

"Ain't working look at these. I could never do anything near this. These people all have something to say" Maya says discouraging. "That look at it from a different point of view"  Rosie says putting her hand on Maya shoulder.

"Yea Rosie's right, you only know that because they went ahead and said it" Lucas says smartly. "You know, someday you're gonna make somebody a wonderful fortune cookie" Maya says sarcastically.

"Let me take a picture of everybody" Farkle says. "You mean just Roses right?" Maya says smirking at both people, and at the same time Riley asks "What for?" as Farkle takes the picture after Nathan hit Axel to get his attention.

"I don't know it's us, we may be important to somebody someday" Farkle says looking at everyone at the table. "You guys are already important to me" Riley says smiling at everyone.

"How?" Lucas asks. "You teach me how to be friends" Riley says then everyone Aw's. Then they all pack up to leave.

"So? my room?" Rose questions already knowing the answer. "Yup" all the boys except Farkle said.

"Ok... Teen Wolf? or... Teen Wolf?" Rosie asks again. "Teen Wolf" The boys said again.

"Can I see the locket? Maybe I can try to open it" Farkle says to Rose. "A have at it, but please take care of it" Rose says pleadingly.

"Of course" Farkle said smiling. "Are you coming Farkle?" Rosie asks the boy next to her.

"No I should be heading home see you at school" Farkle says shyly then walking a different direction her way home is. "Ok" Rosie says sadly but Farkle already left.

• • •

Greenwich, New York, 1961

"Because If you're bus does't break down, then we don't become friends. If I go sit at that table Instead of this table, then I'm not friends with..." Rosie says to the twins and blonde who she has yet to know the names of.
"May Clutterbucket" The blonde says.

"Addilyn and Daniel Petrova" The twins says. "May, take the stage, May" And she goes up to sing a song, everyone snaps after hearing her beautiful voice.

"Merlin, Merlin Scoggins take the stage, Cowboy" Ginburg says as Addilyn walks up to him. "How you doing pretty lady" Ginsburg says to Addilyn.

"May I get a name?" He adds once he sees her blushing. "Petrova, Addilyn Petrova" She says to him smiling.

•• •

Greenwich, New York Today

"Hello, I'm Lucas Friar. My great- grandpa used to do that. He was a man named Merlin Scoggins. And this record was a Big Hit" Lucas says proudly. "That amazing, Lucas. Why didn't you ever tell any of us that?" Mr. Matthews asks his student.

"Yeah, I'm gonna tell Maya I have a country- singing- great- grandpa and that I actually do come from cowboys. Yeah, because I need more nicknames to go with Hopalong, Sundance and Ranger Rick" Lucas says scoffing and looking at Maya. "No, I'm done with that. I am so impressed with your rich, texas heritage that I am officially throwing out all of those old nicknames forever" Maya said.

"Wow, thank you, Maya" Lucas spoke to soon. "No problem, Bucky McBoing Boing" Maya says sarcastically.

"From what I can piece together, my great- grandmother Rosie McGee was a weird, Little Wide-Eyed Goofball who only saw the best in everybody. Who's like that?" Riley says confused.

"No one we know" Rose and Maya say sarcastically. "I'd like to play you my great grandfather's song" Lucas says playing the record.

• • •

Greenwich, New York 1961

"This seat taken?" Merlin asks Rosie and May. "By you, see what I did?" Rosie says looking at May.

"Yeah, you're not a normal girl at all" May replies looking at the girl next to her. "I liked you song, Ma'am" Merlin says to May.

"I liked yours" May said. "And what do you do?" Melin questions Rosie.

"She's an observer of humanity" Addilyn answers for her walking to the table. "Well we need those" Merlin says looking a Addilyn and her twin.

"The observer, the singer, the mystery man, and the two with all the answers" Ginsburg says snapping a picture of them all. "That's gotta be worth something to somebody someday" he adds looking at all of them walking away with Addilyn and Daniel behind him.

• • •


"My great grandmother never saw her friend again. The world has never heard of May Clutterbucket, but she kept in touch with 'The Two Who Knew it All' " Riley said smiling at the end think of the two people she knows now. "My great- grandfather had one huge hit. People thought he was gonna change the world, But... he didn't. After an appearance in a small cafe in New York City, he made friends with those twins but he left, he made some bad choices. He went to jail for a little while. He never saw the twins again, he went left instead of right" Lucas said sadly.

"And why do you think that was, Mr. Friar?" Mr. Matthews asks Lucas. "Don't know, maybe he should have stayed with the friends he started to make" Lucas finished looking at the twins and the rest of his friends.

"Rosie liked observing things. I'm going to read something from her journal. It's called 'The girl with the long blonde hair' " Riley said looking at Maya. "She said she would be gone for a moment, I am still waiting, we could have been friends, maybe in some other life. The girl with the long, blonde hair" Riley started.

"Sounds like Rosie was a pretty good writer" Mr. Matthews says. "There's a little bit more" Riley says.

"If you quiet your voice, if you stop, because you think other people are better, then you are not who I know you are, The girl with the long blonde hair" Riley finishes. "You wrote that" Maya says smiling.

"I continued it, I am a continuation, That's what history's about, right dad?" Riley explains. "Oh, now I get it" Mr. Matthews says sarcastically as everyone looks at him amused.

"Rosie had a daughter, and her daughter had my mom. Rosie gave me my mom and she gave my dad his wife. This has been in our family for over 50 years. But I feel like it belongs with you. So i hope that whenever you see it, it will remind you that even though Rosie's friend gave up, you never should" Riley says happily to her best friend. "Twins?" Mr. Matthews says to the twins once Maya finished her little song and the Petrova siblings stood up.

"Well we did do a lot of research so please don't think we didn't" Rosalie says then leaves the classroom. "But we also thought it would be better if you all learned from someone who actually lived through that time" Nathan finishes as Rose comes back into the classroom.

"We would like you to meet our Papi, Daniel Petrova the II" Rose says with her arm looped with her grandfather. Nathan grabbing a chair for him. "So what would you like to know about the 60's?" The twins grandpa ask in his German accent as the whole class raised there hands, as he just laughed at there excitement.

• • •

"Thank you Mr. Petrova" Mr. Matthews said to the old man helping him out the room where his grandchildren were waiting. "No thank you it's nice to know there are are still men like you in this world" Mr. Petrova says in his strong German accent.

"Don't don't know what men you mean?" Mr. Matthews asks confused. "There are always men like you" Was all Mr. Petrova said walking away to speak to his grandchildren friends.

"He's a great man" Mr. Matthews tells the twins. "Thank you were glad we have him" Nathan says.

"I'm sure your grandmother was just as great" Mr. Matthews added seeing the smile that grew on Rose's face. "Yeah we would have loved to meet her" Rose says smiling as she walks away to grandfather with Nathan following her.

• • •

Farkle runs into the classroom pulling Rosalie which was hard her keep stepping on the dress she was wearing, running to the classroom, Nathan and Axel have been looking for her since they got to the school, when apparently Farkle kidnapped her.

"Farkle stop I don't run... and your pulling my throwing arm" Rose tells the boy who is still pulling her. "We're almost there I promise" Farkle says still pulling her.

"Yeah, okay" Mr. Matthews says smiling at the two as Farkle charges in, changing the name plate on his desk. "We are all part of a puzzle called history" Farkle starts.

"We are each a tiny piece of that puzzle that comes together and makes a picture" Rose says walking to stand next to Farkle. "Well, you're not gonna believe the picture I just found, my great- grandfather Ginsburg worked at a Greenwich Village Cafe. Riley, Lucas, what year did your great- grandparents visit New York?" Farkle asked the two.

"1961" Both said. "Whoa"

"I knew it" Farkle said to himself. "What month?" Rose asked already knowing where he was going with this.

"December" Both said again. "Say it again" Farkle said.

"Whoa" They said again. "And was the name of the club" Farkle questions again.

"Cafe..." Lucas starts. "Hey" Riley finishes.

"So were ours" Rosalie says talking about her grandparents. "That's where my great- grandfather worked. Where he also fell in love" Farkle starts looking at Rose not having told her that part of what he found out.

"Maya, what did you learn about your great- grandmother?" Farkle asks her getting in front of her. "Nothing, my mom said to leave it alone, I don't know anything" Maya said acting if she didn't know.

"I know you, Maya. You're not a puzzle to me at all you went behind her back and snooped around didn't you?" Farkle says seeing right through her. "No" Maya replied keeping up the act.

"Lier, what'd you find?" Rose says narrowing her eyes at the Hart girl. "No" She replied still keeping up the act.

"Tell me her name, say it or I will" Farkle says already knowing the answer. "May Clutterbucket" Maya says quietly and embarrassed.

"What?" Farkle says with his hand cupping his ear. "I come from a long line of Clutterbuckets" Maya says louder.

"Oh, this is the greatest day of my life!" Lucas says looking to the sky as Rose laughs at him. "All of our relatives met each other on the same night" Farkle says happily.

"Your great- grandmother was my great- grandmother's friend" Rileys says to Maya. "No, they never became friends, she walked out, she left" Maya says disappointedly.

"And you didn't tell me?" Riley asked upset. "Tell you what? That I come from people who give up? That I am a Clutterbucket?" Maya said getting upset.

"Change history" Mr. Matthews says. "Excuse me?" Maya says not understanding.

"Your relatives didn't realize they would have been better off being friends. That was a missed opportunity. Don't let your history be one of missed opportunities. Learn from the past" Mr. Matthews said educating his class. "I don't want to be a Clutterbucket" Maya says bring out her art book.

"Your not. You're all hart" Riley and Rose say in unison. "On December 14th, 1961, six pieces of a puzzle came together and our lives touched" Farkle says bring out a TV.

"How great is history class now, everybody?" Mr. Matthews said chuckling, and everyone shushes him. "Great- grandfather Ginsburg was hard to research, because he was never in any of the pictures, because he took them" Farkle says looking at everyone.

"He took lots of them" He adds looking at Rose. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have achieved Time Travel. Thank you, I AM FARKLE" The boy said walking to his seat. The screen showed all of there great- grandparents and then all of them in the present.

• • •

"Wait up Rosalie" Farkle says out of breath. "Oh hey, Farkle what's up" Rose says stopping.

"I fixed your locket" Farkle said after he caught up to her, then putting the locket around her neck.

"Why don't you open it" Farkle added nervously. "Okay" Rose said as she opened it.

"So... my grandmother knew your grandfather" Rose asks Farkle gasping . "No they were going to get married... but she pasted away" Farkle said correcting her sadly.

"He stayed by her side the whole way, and from the pictures he took of her she was a beautiful woman" Farkle adds smiling at the ground. "You wanna know why it's a compass?" Farkle said looking down at the girl he's falling in love with but just doesn't know it yet.

"Why?" Rose said fascinated. "Because he told her 'No matter where we go we'll always find a way back to each other" Farkle said quietly.

"He sounds like a great man for staying so long, us Latina's can be very commanding" Rose says also smiling at the ground.

"But your greater" Rosalie adds smiling at the boy in front of her. "Bye Farkle" She said quietly kissing his cheek.

• • •

All seven of them were in history class waiting to learn more. "You're early" Mr. Matthews said surprised. "Where are we going today, dad?" Riley said for everyone.

"I thought you guys didn't care about any of that stuff?" Mr. Matthews questions knowing the answer already.
"No that was yesterday" Riley starts.

"And yesterday was History" Axel finished. "What do you have for us today, Mr. Matthews?" Maya questions.

"The year was 1963. 'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.' I have a dream today. Martin Luther King Jr. A lot of things happened in 1963" Mr. Matthews says sitting on his desk.

"The 60s man" The twins say putting on glasses with to hands behind there head.

• • • • • •
Hello, Goodbye
The Beatles

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