This Is Where We Fall (Hetali...

By mochikitty

38.9K 2.1K 2K

How are nations during the zombie apocalypse? They are just like their citizens, trying to survive. In a worl... More

The Beginning of the End (Prologue)
"Not Yet" -France & England-
"Tears for the Dead" -Russia & China-
"Ribbons" -Sweden & Finland-
"Voices" -France & England-
"What's Done Is Done" -Sweden & Finland-
"Don't Look Back" -Russia & China-
"So Close" -France & England-
"Bunnies and Eggs" --Russia & Lithuania--
"By the Sea" -Sweden & Finland-
"I Love You" -France & England-
"You There?" -Sweden & Finland-
"Silence" -France-
"Welcome" -Sweden & Finland-
"Lost and Found" -France, Canada & America-
"Silver and Blood" -Denmark, Sweden, Finland-
"The Story of Tonight" -France, Canada, America-
"Stay Alive" -Arthur-
"Here?" -Finland, Denmark-
"Red Metal" -FACE family-
"Unspoken History" -FACE family-
"A Perfect Night" -Berlin-
"I'm Sorry, Dearly Beloved"
This is Where We Fall | pt.1
This is Where We Fall | pt.2
This is Where We Fall | pt.3
Goodbye, Until Tomorrow [Epilogue]

"Rest" -Berlin-

995 54 44
By mochikitty

The added footsteps upon the long hallways were given mixed emotions. Were they a good addition to the building or were they only weighing it down? Surely, at the start, it would've been greeted by cheers and laughter and praise. Of course, that was how they were greeted, it just wasn't the same.

Ludwig paced his study anxiously, looking at the countless books opened on their backs on the floor. Scribbles of notes and theories littered every part of the blank space between and besid the numerous paragraphs on the pages. Not one of them a clear solution to end this world wide disaster. Was this an epidemic? Was this a new gene that was made only in the recent generations? Was this an experiment gone wrong that spread onto everyone else? Was this a gasly chemical that's inescapable? Was this even curable?

"Damn it." The German grunted, slamming his fist down on his desk as he closed his eyes. Every time conflict arose in the world, he always did his best to fix it. Even if he wasn't a part of it, silently he would try and find a solution. Solving every problem he could was a habit of his and something he was good at. So when he had no clue what to do, it didn't satisfy him at all.

After wasting an hour on looking over his useless notes, he decided to take a walk through of the building. Newcomers had arrived so, as a good host (even though that meant nothing now), he should check up on them.

Ludwig strolled down the empty hallways, observing everything in sight. The walls were still intact. The floors were semi clean despite the dirt spots that clustered some corners of the rug. Silence coated the walls and sights around him. A common sight and sound.

He stopped at a door to his left which was already ajar. Voices were muffled inside but they were calm so no need to worry. Ludwig pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside.

"What? Me? Hell no. I've never resorted to drinking my piss. Damn, what the hell have you been doing, Toni?"

Mathias was sitting on a bed with fresh bandages wrapped tightly around his torso. He was smiling over at the Spaniard who threw away his old bandages in a nearby trash bin. Berwald was on the other side of the room reading a book from one of the shelves provided for them. It's been two days since they arrived.

"Someone! Help! Answer me, please!" A cry outside the door was made, catching Gilbert's attention. He rushed to the front entrance, pushing open the door. A tall male stumbled in whilst carrying a bleeding other with a bullet wound deep in his side.

When in the little fight with Tino before he was killed, Tino had shot Mathias in the side. It was a drastic injury Berwald knew it was dire that he was tended to. So, when the other blacked out, he rushed him into the car he found and drove at full speed to Berlin. The Danish male was on the brink of life and death when they arrived and it was unpredictable at the time if they made it or not.

Of course, Mathias was tended to greatly. Antonio and Gilbert had taken him in and mended to his injury and kept him well.

"Well, you never know what someone might do." Antonio responded, a tiny smile upturning the corners of his mouth. "I once ran into a man that said he had every member of his group pee in a jar and they all took turns drinking from it." Mathias mimicked a sick face and shook his head.

"That's gross. So glad I never had to give in to that."

Berwald looked over at Ludwig and nodded, giving a sign that everything was all right here. That was obvious. He was glad to see Mathias was doing well and got Antonio to lighten up.

After seeing all was well in that room, Ludwig exited and continued to make his way down the hall. It's times like this where he need a break from the study. No, he wasn't still looking for a cure. He knew what to do to end this whole thing. He had found that out months ago. However, that didn't mean his search was over. The resolution he discovered to everything was something he didn't want to do for everyone or have everyone do for each other. It was too much and he didn't want to put anyone into that situation. It was a horrible solution that would only be seen as the last resort. So, he continued to find another plan. Another conclusion to this whole apocalypse... But, seeing how it was getting no where, this one horrid resolution might be the only one.

Shaking that aside, he turned to his right to check up on another room. This room was closed but had a little sign taped to the front that said "Please knock before entering." Ludwig did as the sign said gently pushed open the door.

"Good afternoon, Ludwig. Please keep quiet with whatever you wish to do in here. Ivan is asleep and I wish not to wake him."

Toris was in the middle of pouring a cup of water for himself at nearby table by the bedside. Ivan lied peacefully in the bed underneath the cotton white blankets, the look of serenity on his face. A white bandage still wrapped over his right eye even in his sleep. They'd been here for a week.

Their arrival wasn't as dramatic nor anxious as the Danish and Swedish. The two walked up to the door as silent as ever and knocked. Ludwig was there to answer and quickly let them in.

It turns out after being in that cabin for a while, they continued their journey towards Berlin. However, an event the two never explained, they ran into a rough group of living people which resulted into Ivan being blinded in his right eye and Toris forever having a limp in his left leg. They were quiet for a good time when they first arrived, but that wasn't a surprise. Nearly everyone was.

"Don't worry, I won't be here for long." Ludwig said quietly, remaining where he was by the door. "I'm just checking in on everyone. How are you two?"

Toris smiled and limped over to the other side of the bed to straighten out the covers and pull them up more to Ivan's chin. Even in the apocalypse he was tending to the older male. It was common to see them go back to old ways since it gave them a familiar sense to everything so different. It's funny to see how the simplest and strangest things could be seen as comforting.

"Ah, we are okay." The Lithuanian said, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. "Nothing really different from the last time you checked on us. Ivan is still quiet, but that's nothing new. He still can't see from his right eye... my leg still is how it is. We're doing okay, thank you."

The term 'okay' is used countless times in the apocalypse. It has lost the definition of 'doing good' since those who usually use it don't genuinely mean they are doing good. 'Okay' is basically a term now that gives off a fake positivity to mask the negativity the user wishes to hide or turn away from.

Ludwig sighed and gave a little nod. "Alright. If you ever need anything, let me know."

With that, he left another room.

Calm was the perfect word to describe the corridors and atmosphere. No one stirred with alert nor broke the silence. It was as still as ever with the only moving being from the wind outside. However, this calmness wasn't one Ludwig would deem relaxing or comforting. No, this was much like an abandoned dollhouse. The rooms and interior were perfectly kept yet hadn't been touched in ages. Age and dirt crept upon the corners and crevasses of the house as the figures inside waited anxiously to be played again. Every passing minute was overwhelming and unsettling to each doll. They waited frighteningly for rumbling of children's feet to burst through the walls and doors to play around with dolls once more. It was only a matter of time before that happened again.

Ludwig came to a halt where he was when he noticed Rodriech wiping clean one of the hallway windows. This must've been the hundredth time he'd done so. It was a repetitive act he did which he found comforting- to say the least. He walked over to the other and stared out the window.

"It's quiet out there." Rodriech murmured, pausing his polishing. His eyes roamed about the world outside. There were no biters in sight which was odd, but nothing that was a concern for the moment. Ludwig, too, looked outside to view the area. It was quiet. The only disturbance was the small sight of a tree falling in the distance but even that wasn't that much to be concerned about.

"Yeah, it is quiet." Ludwig replied.

"Have you found anything out yet?" The Austrian questioned blankly, going back to wiping down the already glistening glass.

"No... Not yet." The German lied, shifting his eyes from the other and back outside. That question was asked at least once a day and every day since his discovery Ludwig had to lie. Was this a good or bad thing? Was keeping the resolution beneficial to everyone or just him? It was hard to decide but Ludwig wasn't ready to give in to it. He still believed there was a better solution to all of this.

Before anymore conversation took place, the two men saw a car pulling up to the gates outside. It was truck with four noticeable figures inside. Were these more living nations?

"Ludwig! There are new people!" Feliciano came trotting up the stairs and towards the German who tore his eyes off the window.

"Yes, I see. Come with me. We need to make sure they're not dangerous."

There was only one incident where a human group of people tried to raid the place. Once was enough to set alert to everyone when someone new came along. Because since that one group threatens the household, it took the life of on of their members... and that member lives in the basement chained up while breathing in the scent of death.

Ludwig hurried down the steps and opened the front door. Feliciano followed behind wth a gun firmly in his hands, keeping it ready just in case it was needed. The truck came to a halt outside the gates as the four people came out. They were all blonde. One hid behind a shorter male as they walked forward as the other couple people walked side by side. Their clothes were matted and varied from how filthy they were by the person. The closer they came the more noticeable their features were. That's when Ludwig saw the signature details of the family. The glasses. The curl. The hair. The eyebrows.

"Is that..." Feliciano breathed, a bit surprised at the sight. He lowered his gun as he, too, watched the family draw near.

The German felt the slightest bit of weight being brought off his chest as he saw the family. Alfred, Matthew, Francis, and Arthur. One of the power families that had taken place when everything was in order. The heroic American, the loyal Canadian, the wise and great French and English. Maybe now he would finally find another and better solution with these minds. They always were full of grand ideas. Maybe they still can pitch some good ones... right? They still can, right?

Of course, as the family came closer the household, the more his spirits dropped once more.

"Feli, is that you?" Matthew called out, holding Alfred's hand firmly as they slowly walked to the front door. Alfred was shaking and crying once again with his eyes shut tight as if scared of what might lie in front of him. "Please fetch us some water and something soft if you have it." He moved along past where Ludwig stood at the doorway without saying a word. Only leading the distraught American inside while Feliciano rushed in to grab what was requested.

A broken hero.

Arthur and Francis followed behind, pure exhaust and hurt etched on their faces. From the sight of their physical beings, they were (not just them, but the whole family) incredibly thin and obviously malnourished. The aura about them gave Ludwig the feeling of unease and pity as he watched the two fathers stop before him at the steps. Their eyes were dull yet had he faintest glimpse of light only casted by their sons' being with them.

"Ludwig.. yes." Arthur murmured, looking up at the other quite tiredly. "It's been a long time."

Ludwig cleared his throat, closing the door as they stepped inside. "Yes, it's been awhile. Arthur... Francis... What-"

Francis shook his head, pursing his lips together gently as he silently begged for him not to continue his question. "Please, don't ask. Don't question the past, just leave it be for now. We'll explain when we can. Just... Please, not now."

It was a relief for them to finally make it to Berlin. From the moment it started to all the trouble and fallouts and events that had happened and led them to this, their goal was finally reached. While on their journey, they all kept a strong demeanor (or at least the strongest and toughest they could) as they progressed. But, now that they made it and all their work was rewarded, everything had dropped. Their strength. Their eagerness. Their light. Everything. They made it to the doorstep and after long months of working, they wish only but to collapse upon the bittersweet thought of making it.

Ludwig blinked, shaking away his wondering thoughts. Yes, that can wait. Questions can wait. Planning can wait. Everything can wait. The United States, Canada, France, and Great Britain just arrived. All that needs to be done now is aiding and welcoming in another  living nation.

"I understand. Just... Follow me. I'll get you a room and situate everything for you." Ludwig informed. "Just rest now. You've followed the orders I gave out. You've done your part. You deserve a rest."

Rest. That's the only mandatory need for the moment. All the nations that have been known to still be alive are here. The rest have fallen and here are the remaining.

Feliciano, Ludwig, Antonio, Gilbert, Rodriech, Mathias, Berwald, Arthur, Francis, Matthew, Alfred, Ivan, and Toris. The remaining nations. The last of the old world.

Their fate lies in their own hands now.

For anyone wondering, yes this story is coming to a close. I'm taking a guess to saying maybe 5-6 more chapters to come? Can't be for certain since I always do change my mind on how I want to space things out lol.

But, I really hope you guys are liking this story. I didn't know I'd get so many interested readers since this was just an idea I had in the middle of the night haha. Nonetheless, I'm so pleased that so many of you take an interest to this story. It really means a lot.

Anyways, please leave your feedback in the comments/reviews! I love to read them and they inspire to me to keep writing :)

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