Falling For The CEO (ON HOLD)

By ana_rose_grey

319 13 1

Freya- 25 year,old She's Beauty with brains. She's fresh out of a bad relationship with her cheating fiancΓ©... More

New Girl
New City
New Boss
New life
New Crush
New Feeling
New Bodyguard
New & Old Family

New Friends

33 1 0
By ana_rose_grey

Friday 15th July 2016

I have made a fixed routine since I got here I get up early go for a run, have a shower get dressed go to Starbucks and order my coffee and then go to work. Today since it's dress down Friday I decided to go with blue skinny high waisted jeans  with A collared neck pink blouse which Is up to my shoulders  and a long light cotton grey cardigan and blue flats and to finish my look a cute long grey purse because I had no files to bring into work today so I chose to carry less weight, my outfit is quite casual yet appropriate so I don't have to change my clothes. I apply some of my favourite YSL pink lip gloss and touch up my champagne coloured eye shadow with a bit of eye liner and mascara and then I grab my purse ,phone, car keys ,my money and then head out the door.
I park my car up in the basement car park and go to Starbucks and order my coffee, then Seb walks into the shop. "Hey  Seb, I forgot to tell you your suit came back from the dry cleaners yesterday it's in my car I can grab it on our way to work."
"Woah slow down, I just came in here to grab a coffee not have someone rambling, how about HI ok."
"Hi Seb"
"Hi Freya"
We gab our coffees and head to my car which is now parked next to an identical R8 just like mine and a navy blue R8 opposite it, i guess his driver isn't here today. When did that happen."Nice Car Freya, oh wait it's the same as mine" he smiles at me "haha very funny,now hold this" I give him the coffee to hold and take the suit out of the boot of my car, and he starts speaking again" if I remember clearly then I think that I'm your boss, not you being my boss"
I nudge him and he moves " what was that for."
I say to him "that's for trying to being cute"
He wears a childish grin and says " so you think I'm cute" I start to blush
"I never said that "
"But you meant to and your blushing"
"Oh please give a women a rest, plus I blush all the time, so that failed"
"Here's your suit Sir" I say sir with an emphasis on it. "And here's your coffee Miss Jenson."
"Miss Jenson would you mind holding my coffee while I put my suit in the back of my car because some idiot spilt coffee on one of my favourite suits and I finally have it back."
"Sure Sir and I think you better watch what your saying or the person who you called an idiot may just come back to spill coffee all over you hair." I say with a Cheshire grin glued to my face. 
Seb takes his coffee back from me and gives me a panty dropping smile,I try to stay calm .
We burst into a laugh replaying the scenes from a minute ago and on the way in i say hello to eva and josh who seem lovely and I think that they both have a thing for each other.
" you excited for tonight " Seb asks
" yes I am but I would be more excited if I knew where we where going so I can be prepared ."
"We'll you will just have to wait till tonight"
We step into the elevator cart.
"Plus Seb I don't even know if what I'm wearing if fine for tonight"
Then as the doors close of the cart Seb looks at me like he's checking me out he starts from the bottom and moves his eyes up my whole body and I start to blush again and he grins, I should have seen that coming cause I walked right into that one.
He finally says something " what your wearing is perfect"
" okay and I forgot to ask where are we meeting you"
" oh yeah how about we pick you up from your apartment."
"Sure, why not"
"  my address is : South Penthouse Parkside, Knightsbridge, SW1X " he types into his iPhone. And when I look up he tells me to " smile " as he takes a picture of me for the contacts and I try to hide my face but some how that picture looks incredible. " Seb I wasn't ready" I cross my arms and sulk." But you look so incredible like my very own model."
So then I start posing in the spacious elevator as we pretend that I'm at a phot shoot and he takes lots of pictures and suddenly the doors open and  I freeze as more people get on to the elevator which makes it awkward for me and Seb is smirking at me but i try to compose whats left of my self and pretend that people did not see me posing. As we reach my floor me and Seb head to Ethan's office whilst laughing and Seb shows me the picture," aww Freya you look adorable in that one"
It's a picture of me being shy and looking away and he saves that for my contact photo on his phone."we'll what can I say,I guess I'm a natural. Hey can you send those to me" and now I grab my phone out and " come one tiger woods your turn to pose, I did it and now it's your turn then afterwards we can see if we can convince Ethan as well."
" but let's go to my office quickly so no one sees us or they might then they will think we are crazy." I laugh " okay lead the way Mr Cross"
I enter his office it also has floor to ceiling windows and has a view of the city over the Thames, and had a massive glass desk in the centre of the room like mine and Ethan's but his office just looks so much cleaner and more organised then ours ."wow, great view, I've always had a thing for looking at the view when I'm working."
" I have that to." And I see a different look on his face unlike anything I have ever seen before I think he's in awe and I grab my phone quickly take a picture of him.  " hey I wasn't ready"
" we'll get ready then "
"Okay I'm ready "
After a couple of minutes of taking photos I find a very funny picture of him and show him it." Hey Seb look at this."
" omg Freya you have to delete that it so embarrassing."
" then I will definitely keep this photo."
"No Freya you can't ."
" fine If you don't want me to keep this photo then try to catch me and then you can delete it but just so you know I go running every day In the mornings since high school."
"Okay, game on" he grins then starts running around the room trying to chase me and I squeal. We are having so much fun when he nearly catches me but then Ethan walks in and looks stunned.
"What are you guys doing " and I run behind Ethan and show Ethan the pictures and he starts laughing with us and the Seb shows Ethan the pictures he took of me and then I say " Ethan it's your turn to pose."
" your funny I am not posing for anyone " Ethan said.
"Oh come on if I posed I'm sure you can too" Seb said to Ethan
" ah ok fine"
" work that look " I say to Ethan as he starts to grin and me and Seb take lots of photos of him and show him. And we all laugh." God Freya that is awful you have to delete it" Ethan says." Not happening I already tried and I ended up chasing her around my office." Seb says. I laugh
Ethan starts to talk to me "I haven't had this much fun in ages thanks for that."
"your welcome just wait till tonight." And with that I'm stuck between them and just as I'm about to leave they both countdown from three but I'm not sure why and then they both kiss me on the cheek. I start to blush and stick my tongue out and say bye to the boys.
The day dragged on and it was finally the end of the day. I got in my car and drove home. I got home at 6:30 pm I was stuck in london traffic  as soon as I got home i fixed my make up and added my YSL 'Rouge Pur Couture 203 rouge rock'  matt lipstick on and kept the rest of my make up to a minimal so the attention mainly goes to my lips. Then I have the sudden urge to pee so I head to the bath room and go pee. When Zara comes out she is wearing my grey turtle neck shoulders length crop top with a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans which I think are also mine with some white nike high-tops her hair is in a half up do where as mine is down. She is wearing a lighter lip colour close to peach/ pink.
At 7:00pm there is a knock on the door. "Freya do you mind opening the door I have to get my purse and my phone"
"Yeah , ok"
I open the door and Ethan and Seb are standing there and I invite them in." Guys come in"
"And welcome to mine and Zara's penthouse."
"What do you guys think." I ask them nervously
" it's very modern like my one" says Seb.
" I love modern architecture."
"Ethan what do you think?"
" Freya I love it."
" thanks"
I give them a quick tour around the place and they seem to like it a lot.
"Guys come here." They move in closer " shall we get Zara to pose for the camera. Me and Zara used to do it all the time when we were little."
"Yeah let's do that, and speaking of Zara when am I going to meet her." Says Ethan. "  Did someone say my name?"
They all turn around and Ethan and Zara lock gazes and Zara starts to blush. As me and Seb watch them stood there frozen  like statues." I think Ethan likes your friend." Seb whispers in my ear which sends tingles down my whole body . I lean in closer and say to him " I think so too." We start to laugh and Ethan shakes Zara's hand and so does Seb. "Oh yeah Zara you know how you like owe me." "Yeah" she replies
" well I want you to pose for the camera us three have already so now it's your turn." I show her the pictures,of Seb and Ethan and the ones that Seb sent me and she starts to laugh.she looks at Ethan shyly and he grins. " okay fine" says Zara. She poses as we all take lots of pictures,of her and the boys ask for her number and send her all the pictures so we all have the pictures. Half an hour later we all leave the penthouse laughing and we get into the lift,and start joking about things. When we get to the bottom I say hi to Scott the young man at the concierge.
We get into Sebs  white Range Rover and Seb pulls out two blindfolds. "Seb what are you doing "I ask him as he blind folds me and Zara. "Blind folding  was not part of the deal."
" I know but I did say it's a surprise and I want it to stay that way so don't take the blind folds off."
"Fine but I'm trusting you guys so don't let us down."
"Jeez we won't woman."
We all laugh.
About 15 minutes later the car stops and we are allowed to take the blindfolds off,so we do and we look out to see that we are at Madame Ts.
Seb says something"since we were all posing we might as well pose with celebrities." I smile at both of them."thanks guys your so sweet"
"Well that's a first"Seb says "I don't think me and Ethan have ever been called sweet" they start to laugh."you know I can always take that back"I tease them some more and then we go in and we all pose with the celebrities for each other and we take some group selfies, just like regular people not as if we were out having fun with two of the richest men in Europe to even the whole world.
"Where to next"
"Let's go to Big Ben and take selfies on tower bridge."
"Then we can eat somewhere"
"Ok let's go what are you waiting for"
We go to Big Ben and take lots of pictures then we walk along tower bridge and now we are going to go eat " hey guys where are we eating."
" what sort of food you in the mood for"
Me and Zara say "burgers" in sync and then Zara starts to talk" have I ever told you great minds think alike " we all chuckle."I guess burgers it is then so we go to Mc Donald's near the aquarium and eat our food and talk."Ethan And Seb tell us more about your selves." I say
"What do you want to know"
"Do you have any siblings"
"I have a younger sister her name is Ava" Seb tell  us
"I have a younger sister and a older brother there names are Katherine but people call her Katie and my older brother is called Christian but people call him Chris. "What about you guys.?" "I have an older very protective brother his name is Craig" Zara says to them
"Freya what about you"," I have a younger brother his name is Cole"
" hey guys do you want to do this tomorrow because I'm free and you haven't been to Greenwich, cable cars ,O2 and some other places." Ethan says to us.
" I'm free to tomorrow we can show you around a bit more" Seb says Zara replies " that would be great "
"Yeah thanks what time cause I always go for a run early in the morning"
Seb looks at me " I always run in the mornings as well" " maybe you can be running buddies" Ethan say to us and I start to blush. After we finish eating it's nearly midnight so we decide to call it a day and they walk us up to the penthouse but in the way there  Scott the guy who works at the concierge stops us and says"ma'am someone dropped this of for you"
" who was it" I say taking the bottle if Cristal champagne. " I'm not sure ma'am he did not give me his name and he says that you know him from New York."
I turn to look at the others who are stood there confused and I run to the elevator as I hear them calling my name they try to get me to stop but it's too late the elevator doors are shut,and I. Fall to the ground with tears falling down my face and it's too late I cannot stop crying . I realise that I've been on the elevator floor for some time I gather my self and rush into the penthouse shortly after I hear hushed noises of Seb ,Ethan and Zara calling me they walk into my bedroom and see me  huddled up in the corner against the window and all rush to my side at once "omg Freya what happened ? You scared the shit out of us." Zara says to me as she hugs me.
I finally have the strength to say something to her"I know who the stalker is."
Ethan and Seb look at me confused  I tell them about the martinis and sushi." As soon as Scott said that I knew him from New York , I knew exactly who he was talking about, and I always thought there was something familiar in the way he looked even though I did not see his face."
"Who is it?" Zara said to me .
" it was Nathan my ex- boyfriend  and you know what he did to me."
"What did he do ?" Seb says as his face goes red with fury.
" It was late at night and I had one too many martinis and he was with me and dropped me home that night" I replay the scenes in my mind and flinch."and later that night he broke into my apartment and tried to rape me." I say closing my eyes with more tears falling down my stained cheeks and all of a sudden Seb Is rocking me back and forth against his hard chest. It's so comfortable I could stay there forever. He smells of some very expensive body wash and a very manly scent. He kisses my forehead and wipes the tears away from my face.
"Freya look at me" he says as he cups my face."everything will be okay that psycho will not get any where near you, me and Ethan will make sure of that right Ethan."
Ethan bends down to my other side gives me a peck on the cheek and and says "yes we will after all what are friends for."I give all of them a hug " i love you guys " I say to them as a whisper which is all I can manage." We love you to " Zara says to me.
"Also just because this happened I will not let it get in my way. We are still on for tomorrow right."
Seb smiles " yes if your up for it"
"I'm definitely up for it."
""See you tomorrow guys"
An hour later I've been tucked into bed by them surrounding me until I fall asleep. I hear a door shut very faintly but I cannot tell properly.

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