Teacher Night Out

By comedyxtragedy

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Asano Gakuho has no idea what happened. He sits in the luxury bar next Koro-sensei, Irina and Karasuma after... More

Chapter 2. But It's Better If You Do
Chapter 3. I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Chapter 4. Don't Threaten Me With Good Time

Chapter 1. New Perspective

995 27 28
By comedyxtragedy

"Why am I here again?"

Asano Gakuho has no idea why he sits in there. He is sitting in one of the most exclusive bar in America, located in the top of hotel building. He looks at his drink then his companion. In his right side, a drunken yellow octopus mumbles something about his student while drooling. In his left side, a busty blonde tries to drag an annoyed man into hotel room. The effort is futile because the man is stronger than her. He keep pushing her and drinking a lot to suppress his suffering.

Asano Gakuho is a headmaster of dignified school. Why he ends up taking care of the teachers?

It all starts in the Sunday morning.

Gakuho wakes up at 3 A.M. as usual only to realize it is a winter break holiday. He runs in the morning and has a breakfast with his family. Neither Gakuho nor his son - Asano Gakushuu, makes a proper conversation. They only have family talk when his wife asks about Gakushuu's school and Gakuho's work

"I am going to go with Ren and my friends. I'll be back before dinner."

"I am going to spa today. Sorry to leave you alone!"

His son and wife have a plan. Gakuho is alone for the first time. He feels strange being the only person in big house. He has already finished his work and research about education. Asano Gakuho then realizes his lack of hobby for the first time. He decides to go out to the park instead of doing nothing.

The sky is clear and the temperature is not too cold for winter season. He arrives and looks around. It is pretty crowded since the weather is nice. There is a boy taking his dog for a walk, some women are talking in the bench and several children are playing tag. Everything is perfectly fine. However, he notices something really disturbing in there.

A huge yellow octopus in disguise observes him while taking some notes.

"I suggest you stop whatever you're doing if you still want to see your paycheck this month."

"I'M SORRY!" In a split of mili-second, Koro-sensei does a dogeza in front of Gakuho. His skin color changes purple.

#Koro-sensei weakness number 6: He is humble and subservient to his superior.

"What are you thinking, sneaking on me like that?" Gakuho asks him in cold tone. He also gives Koro-sensei a dirty look, as he is a trash or something.

"Nyuaaaa, please stop looking at me like that! I'm sorry! I am just curious with teacher activity in holiday and decide to observe every single of them! I'm terribly sorry!"

"Did you try to observe me?"

Koro-sensei changes his terrified face into much happier expression, "Actually, I am here to observe Karasuma-sensei. However, it is such a nice coincidence to meet you too."

"Karasuma from the government, where is he then?"

As Koro-sensei mentioned Karasuma, they hear a loud sound of barking dog. A tall-muscular man drags several dogs with enormous power. He looks happy, but the dogs think otherwise. They keep barking while trying to break free.

That black haired man then looks at Gakuho and Koro-sensei. He has cold sweats running all over his face.

It is Karasuma Tadaomi.

Koro-sensei reads his memo, "Every week in the 10 A.M., Karasuma-sensei has a habit of taking dog for a walk. He has been receiving complaint for neighbors and resident around his place because the dogs won't stop barking."

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" Karasuma-sensei shoots Koro-sensei with BB pistol and misses. His face is red in embarrassment.

"Nyurufufufufu~ I'm just happened to be pass the park."

"Liar!" He keeps shooting that stripped yellow-green octopus. Karasuma then notice Asano Gakuho besides Koro-sensei. He becomes more reserved and greets him in formal manner. "Good morning, Mr. Asano. It's such a coincidence to see you in here."

Gakuho smiles, "You don't need to be so formal. Outside the school, I'm only a man just like the others."

Karasuma lets out a deep breath, "Are you tailing Mr. Asano too? You have some nerves."

"No, no, no! Of course not! I still want to live!" Koro-sensei then whispers to Karasuma, "I almost didn't recognize him with his hair down."

"Me too. I thought he was someone else. He looks entirely different in casual clothes."

While Karasuma is talking to Koro-sensei, Gakuho looks after the dogs. He pats one of the big dogs. It sits and flips back the body so Gakuho can rub its stomach. "Sit."

The dog sits downs.


The dog gives their paw to Gakuho.


The dog rolls down on the ground.

"Hahahaha, good boy."

Karasuma and Koro-sensei are stoned, "Why is he so good at handling animal?!"

"All of this is your pet? You're doing a good job taking care of them."

Karasuma is curious, "How do you know?"

"Your Doberman is trained well and I can see from its body, this one likes running a lot. This American Pit Bull Terier has some scar in the body, but it's already taken care. The German Sheperd doesn't look anxious, which mean he has enough train and play. While it is not that necessary, you brush your Siberian-Husky. You also groom all of your dog's nails."

"Mr. Asano, I don't know you're so knowledgeable about dog!"

"Well, I have a pet grooming certificate and became a dog trainer in the past." He is laughing, "Taking care of animal is much easier than taking care of pubescent teen."

Somewhere in Ren's house, Gakushuu is sneezing.

Karasuma takes a glance at his watch, "It's almost times. I have to get back at home."

"Eh, already? You should hang with us!" Koro-sensei begs shamelessly to Karasuma.

#Koro-sensei weakness number 26: If he cannot gather people, he feels worthless.

"I have no time to hang out with monster like you. It's my holiday and I want to continue my work. Besides, I need to feed my pets."

Gakuho then notices something strange, "Hmm? Where is your dog Karasuma?"

Karasuma looks around the park. He lost his dogs along with Koro-sensei. In several second, Koro-sensei appears with different clothes. "I finished took your dog for a walk, I washed, groomed and feed it. Here's the photo!" Koro-sensei gives Karasuma pictures of his dogs, looking confuse than ever. "I even finished your paper work and reported it to your higher up!"

"Why are you doing your enemy job?!"

Koro-sensei squishes his tentacle on Karasuma's cheek despite his annoyance. "There, there. Now we can hang out together, right?"

Gakuho leaves them, "I'm going back to home."

Koro-sensei goes panic, "Nyuaaaa, wait a second Mr. Asano! Why don't you join us?"

Gakuho stops. He thinks from a new perspective. He has no work to do in home. Perhaps a change of pace is necessary. He turns back to Koro-sensei and Karasuma. "I think I will go with you."

"Oh, this is unusual," Karasuma smiles at his companion.

"Oh, I know one more person who can join us! Let's go!"

Gakuho and Karasuma have no idea what happen. Koro-sensei grabs them like nothing and moves with his speed. In split of second, they stand in front of a mall.

Karasuma feels kind a dizzy, "Where are we?"

"Nyurufufufu, we're going to pick up that one more person! According to my note, someone always go to this bookstore every weekend."

Gakuho is not amused, "Dragging me somewhere without my concern, paycheck will be cut."

"Hieeeee, I'm so sorry!" Koro-Sensei is doing another dogeza.

Karasuma gets a headache, "I'm starting to regret my decision..."

They are walking into the mall. Gakuho barely visits the place anymore since he always drowns himself with job. He still remembers some part of the mall. He knows the toy store where he used to buy toys for Gakushuu, ice cream stand where he used to go with Gakushuu, stationary where Gakushuu asked for new arts supply and bookstore where he bought Gakuhuu a huge encyclopedia for his 7th birthday.

"Why are we going to the book store?" Karasuma asks Koro-sensei.

Koro-sensei opens his note, "This person has a schedule to buy a book on Sunday. She must be around her.... There she is!"


A beautiful woman stands in the novel section. Her blond hair is fluttering every times she moves. She is staring at the book shelf with her clear blue eyes, looking through the title. After several second passes, she finds it. That woman takes Fifty Shade of Gray only to realize three men are watching her taking an embarrassing erotic-romance book.

That woman is Irina Jelavic.

She returns the book immediately.

"Every week, Irina-sensei always goes to bookstore to find a cheesy romance book. She is recently into ero-rom...."

"YOU'RE PERVERTED OCTOPUS!" Irina shoots him with BB bullet pistol. Of course, it is futile effort. She then notices Karasuma and Gakuho stand behind Koro-sensei. Irina becomes flustered. "Ka-Karasuma? Why are you in here?! Mr. Asano also...!"

"We are being dragged by this octopus." Karasuma tries to stab him, but failed.

"Irina-sensei, let's have a drink together!" Koro-sensei changes his clothes, "I know a good pub where we can drink!"

Irina is not interested. She prefers to stay home and enjoy her lone time. However, she loves to stay next to Karasuma. That woman flips her hair with slight blush on her cheek, "I have nothing to do anyway, I guess I give you company!"

Irina walks out with Gakuho, Karasuma and Koro-sensei follow her from behind. She enjoys all attention from every eye. Some men praise her beauty and some women feel a certain jealousy toward her.

"Whoaaa, what's a bomber shell!"

"That chick over there is super-hot!"

"Psst, looks at that woman! She has two handsome guys with her!"

"How lucky! I wish I were her!"

Irina takes a glance at Karasuma and Gakuho. It is true that they are much more handsome than average guy. Karasuma wears gray shirt with black trousers. He is barely smiling and his eyes are sharp with intimidation. That man may look stiff and tough, but he is definitely an eye candy. Gakuho is not bad either. He wears a black shirt with white trousers. His hair is not slicked back as usual, making him look younger. Irina is not even sure whether he is really forty one years old.... Seriously, what is this man secret to be that young?!

"I feel like I have a harem for one day! This is great! Everything will be perfect if only..." Irina takes an angry glance at Koro-sensei. "...that darn octopus is not in here!"

Irina knows her harem has been disrupted. Of course, it is because Koro-sensei. His unusual appearance ruins the whole image. People are whispering about his strange appearance.

"What's up with... that's weird one person behind her? He's huge!"

"Are you even sure that's human?"

Irina bites her lips. She is starting to regret her decision to join Koro-sensei. She keeps thinking and ends up bumping to people. That woman apologizes immediately, "Ah, I'm sorry."

Irina looks up at the person she bumps. He is tall and muscular. He wears black sunglasses to hide his face. In several second, they are cornered by people in black suit. Something is definitely wrong with the situation.

Karasuma can feel a pistol against his back, "We have you surrounded."

Someone presses a pistol against Gakuho head, "Don't move."

Irina face turns pale, "What the..."

Author note:

Admit it, we are all surprised to know Gakuho is 41 years old. Dang, I would love to have a husband like that :v

Edit at 6/26/2017

Changing several words and repair grammar error.

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