A Change In A Day

By curlysue101

846 24 35

A past not worth talking about and a new present that's crumbaling around her. Hayden'... More

A Change In A Day
Strange Places and Tears
Relaxing Smells and Neighbors
Bad News and a Miracle
Cookies and Fairytales
Once Sentence=A Thousand Memories
Possibly Benjamin?
The Truth
Ice Cream and Tour Guides
Books and New Friends
Questioning Ben's Personality
Eric's Not-So-Full Story

Avoiding the Wilson Brothers

55 1 2
By curlysue101

Sup my homeys!!! How is everyone??? Do you want to murder me because I haven't uploaded in a while!? Please forgive me?? I'll try and upload more, but school is hectic and a pain in my behind!!!

SO here is another chapter. I guess you can't really call them chapter's because they aren't that long. O.O Mystifying!!!


       I sat at the kitchen table eating my pancakes and watching the three brothers watch me with curious faces.It was really funny how they stared at me like I was a puzzle that they had to figure out. I hated that they couldn't just ask me what they were thinking, though. It drove me insane. I was getting so aggravated with their curious stares that I finally just blurted my frustration out. "Just ask me what you're thinking!"

      The seemed stunned by my outburst and Will spoke up first. "We're trying to figure out if you've lost your virginity yet and a naturally good seductress, or if you're really a slut who just dresses like a nun." I felt my face go as red as a tomato and I bit my lip. Now I regret even wanting to hear what they were thinking. Why did I even want to know? I should just get up and leave before this got worse but I continued to be dumb and sat there like an idiot.

   "Maybe I shouldn't have asked, and for your information I do not dress like I nun." I muttered shoving another chunk of sugary pancake down my throat so I wouldn't have to say anything else.

  "She's a virgin bro, there is no way a slut would say that." Will said to Bastian like I wasn't sitting right in front of them.

   I glanced over at Benjamin who happened to be my favorite at the moment. He was the quiet smart one that spoke only when spoken to. "Benjamin I think I like you the most." I said heaving a sigh and standing up to go put my plate in the sink and start the dishes.

      "I don't blame you." I heard him murmur before the distinct scrapping of chairs were heard.

    Sadly, the three brothers decided to follow me back into the kitchen. "Tell us this Hayden. Have you ever kissed a guy before?" Bastian asked hopping up on the counter. 

     I gasped and spun on my heel. "That is none of your business!" I shouted glaring at him. I felt my hands clench at my sides and the urge to punch both him and Will was strong to resist.

  "She's more innocent than we thought bro. I mean she hasn't even kissed a guy yet." Bastian said to Will. I hated how they acted like I wasn't even standing in front of them let alone on the same planet.

    "Stop talking about me like I'm not right here! I have kissed a guy before!" I blurted exasperated. I knew it was a lie, but I had to get these guys off of my case somehow.

    "Oh really? Then if you've kissed a guy before why don't you kiss me?" Will said in a husky voice. Although I hated to admit it, his voice sent shivers down my spine. It scared me. It made me feel electricity.

     "I don't want any STD's from either of you. Besides, I kiss who I want, when I want, and where I want. I don't want to kiss you. I don't want to kiss now, and I most definitely don't want to kiss here." I said folding my arms across my chest.

      "You're just a chicken. The only reason you won't kiss me is because you're afraid you might actually feel something for me." Will said in a harsh tone.

     "No, the only reason I don't want to kiss you is because your lips have herpes." I retorted angrily.

   Will glared at me and I glared right back. "I bet you're not even a good kisser. That's why you're afraid, because you think you're going to do a bad job at it." He said taking a step towards me while I backed up into the counter.

    The worst part was Benjamin and Bastian just stood there watching it all happen instead of helping me. They were such jerks. My civilized liking of Benjamin went straight to dislike. I glanced up at Will and my eyes widened as he took another step towards me.

    He blocked my only escape by placing each hand on the end of the counter next to me. Didn't they realize that someone could walk in at any moment? How dumb and desperate were these three guys?

   "Back off Will. I don't want to kiss you. I don't want you anywhere near me. Get the hell away." I said in a deadly tone attempting to shove past him. 

    He just pressed me closer to him by using the leverage of the counter. Our chests were pressed close and if he would have touched my chest with a stethoscope he would be able to hear my heart pound.

    "Will get away from me." I whispered knowing he heard my surrender.

        A smile spread across his lips and just as he leaned down to press his lips against mine my aunt walked into the room. "Hayden do you- Oh! What is the meaning of this!?" Aunt Loraine said with a death glare pointed at the three brothers.

    Saved by the aunt. I mouthed a thank you to her and noticed the wink she sent back before sneaking up to my room.

     After I shut the door behind me I pressed my back to it trying to calm my racing heart. I've never even kissed a boy before and yet I deprately wanted to feel Will's lips against mine. What was wrong with me? Why was I acting like this? I needed to protect my family from other drama's I didn't have time for a normal teenage life. Will would only complicate things.

    So right then and there I swore I would avoid the Wilson brothers at all costs.

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