Masters of the Mafia

By wendy1122

52.9K 1.6K 271

With the birth of their baby, Gabby and Santi are happier than ever. The new addition to the family is their... More

Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Uno (Suit & Tie)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Dos (El Sinaloense)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Tres (El Karma)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Cuatro (Toro Encartado)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Seis (Over My Dead Body)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Siete (El Heredero)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Ocho (Padrino)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Nueve (Por Una Mujer)
Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Diez (Posiciones)

Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Cinco (I Got You)

5.6K 227 25
By wendy1122

I held on to Santiago's hand tightly to keep myself from screaming in pain. We were sitting in the back seat of an SUV driven by Gavin. Nessa was on my left side and Luca was on the passenger seat yelling his head off on the phone. He was trying to find a secure place where I could give birth to the baby but from his loud arguing I could tell things weren't going the way he wanted them too. I might end up giving birth in the damn truck!

"You can just drop us off at a hospital and I'll stay with her." Nessa said to Santiago for the hundredth time.

"No! I'm not going to leave her alone, Vanessa. I want to be there for her and the baby."

"We can't secure a whole hospital, what we can do is take you to a birthing center. Those places are much smaller and easier for us to keep the people hostage while the nurses take care of you." Luca turned back to look at me, there was a hint of worry in his eyes when he caught me squirming in my seat.

I nodded. "That's fine"

"Andiamo!" he pointed at Gavin to turn left on the stop light. (Let's go!)

Thankfully Gavin was the one driving, he seemed to be the only person in the truck that was calm and prepared to handle anything. I kept my eyes glued to the rear view mirror and he would glance back at me every once in a while with a look that seemed to tell me that everything would be alright.

"All those videos and books weren't lying" I said through gritted teeth. "Contractions are a real bitch."

We arrived at the birthing center and Luca ordered us to stay in the truck while he went in with the rest of our entourage to surround the building and make sure it was safe for Santi to stay with me.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, Gabriela." Santi said, looking upset by the fact that I had to sit outside the small clinic in pain. "If we were in Mexico this would have been so much easier."

"Stop it! I'm just glad this all happened after the agents left and not while Hayes was questioning me."

Our back door was pulled open by Luca who had a gun in his hand and we saw a male nurse standing behind him with a wheelchair. Santiago and Luca helped me get out of the truck and sit down on the chair.

"It's all clear and ready to go, we've got all staff and patients controlled. No one will get in your way. I promise." Luca assured us, once we were all inside in the waiting room.

Nessa was filling all the paperwork for me and Gavin was nowhere to be seen, probably off making sure the guards were doing their job.

"Thank you Luca." I smiled up at him.

"Good luck." He squeezed my shoulder as they wheeled me away to my own private room.

I felt relieved to have Santiago by my side the whole time. He would be able to see the birth of our child thanks to our new friend. Luca Moretti had proven to be worthy of our trust.


Our baby boy, Enrique "Kike" Joel Bustamante was born after three hours of labor. Santiago was by my side the whole time and made me feel safe and loved the whole time. I chose the name Enrique because that was the name of my paternal grandfather who passed away and Santiago decided to honor his brother Joel. After giving birth I only got to hold him for a few minutes before he was taken away by the nurses so that they could do all the testing done.

I woke up a few hours later. Santiago was sitting in small couch in the corner of the hospital room with our son. His face was full of love and adoration for the tiny baby in his arms, his pride and joy.

"I want to hold him" my voice sounded a bit scratchy but I didn't care. Santi smiled at me and walked over to the bed.

"He's been waiting for you to wake up" he carefully placed our baby boy in my arms and took a seat next to me in the bed.

I looked down at my baby and was shocked to see I could now make out a little of more of his facial features. It was all Bustamante genes. The only thing that gave off that he was a Romano was the shape of his eyes, the eye color was blue, and I hoped they stayed that way because that's what Santi's eye color is too.

"Nine months of carrying him in my womb, three hours of labor and he comes out looking exactly like his dad." I shook my head.

"We made a damn good looking baby, huh?" he grinned proudly.

"He's beautiful." I nodded with tears in my eyes. "I love him so much."

He kissed my forehead. "You and Kike are my life now. I won't ever let anyone hurt either of you."

There was a knock on the door and we looked up to see Nessa and Leo poking their heads in. "Can we see him, now?" Nessa asked excitedly.

"Yeah, c'mon in guys" I said.

They walked in with Luca following right behind them. They walked over to us to get a closer look at the new member of our family.

"Guys, meet Kike Bustamante"

"Kike? How cute!" Nessa beamed at the tiny human who stared back at her in wonder. "He looks so much like you, Santi!"

"Another boy in the family. And the Bustamante name lives on. Hell yeah!" Leo threw his arm up in triumph.

"Congratulations Santiago and Gabriela." Luca stepped up to shake both of our hands. "I hope you don't mind but I had my people contact your parents so that they can bring them to meet their grandchild, with the help of Vanessa of course."

Nessa nodded. " I called Vicky to let her know you're ok and helped Luca arrange everything for their arrival. They should be here sometime tomorrow morning."

"Thank you."

"It had completely slipped my mind to call our parents. I can't thank you enough for all your help, Luca. You've proved to be a true ally. Now I know I've done good by joining forces with you."

"Your welcome. I'm just grateful you guys agreed to come all this way to start a business that will benefit all of us, I know this whole process would have been easier if you had been in your home country but I tried my best."

"You did good, Luca." I said honestly.

"May I hold him?"

We were shocked that Luca Moretti. A ruthless leader of the Italian mafia was asking to hold a baby.

"Sure" I placed my son in his strong arms and there was a small smile on his face as he rocked back and forth from side to side.

"Benvenuto alla vita, Kike" he said to my son. (Welcome to life, Kike)

Awwwww, I've been waiting to write this chapter for so long? Y'all have no idea! What do you think? Are you excited to see more of little Kike Bustamante? What do you think his birth will bring to the story?

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