The Tutor: A Harry Styles/One...

By 1dsgotmorethan1thing

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“Brianna!” he said. Great. I pretended I didn’t hear him and ran down the hall. To my surprise he ran after m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
This is not a chapter but **PLEASE READ!!!**
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 17

1.7K 57 5
By 1dsgotmorethan1thing

Chapter 17

                “He’s downstairs,” I said, wrapping the blanket tighter around me. It felt good to hug someone and cry into their chest even if it was Harry. And the best part was he hugged me back (I think. I’m still not sure how I feel about Harry…). He didn’t even ask questions. Well…except for if I was okay. He heard everything on the phone, so I didn’t have to explain everything and make it awkward.

                I trailed behind Harry as he started walking down the basement stairs. He told me to stay put where I was, so I did. I could see what was going on, though. Sam was putting a bunch of stuff into the huge white bag the lady on the news was talking about. Of that stuff was the silver urn with my dad’s ashes.

                “Stop!” I said. I pushed past Harry, holding the blanket to my chest with one hand.

                “What’s wrong?” Sam said. I heard Harry approaching us in the background. “You want to get it on with me now?”

                “Put that back.” I ignored his comment. If my mum came home and my dad was gone, she would be so distraught just like all those times years ago. I never had a strong relationship with my dad, but if Sam took him, I would be so pissed off.

                “Why? What’s so special about some chrome box with pepper inside?”

                “It’s not pepper. It’s my dad.” I glanced back at Harry and he tensed up. He, just like everyone else, had no idea my dad had died. No one bothers to ask, either, to avoid hurting my feelings. It’s not like I give a shit, though. If they would ask, I would answer.

                “Your dad…” Sam mumbled. “How about if you let me bang you, I’ll let you keep this.”

                “That’s no way to talk to a woman,” Harry said suddenly.

                “Well, well, well…and how exactly would you know how to speak to a woman?” Sam challenged Harry.

                “Because I have class, and you do not.” This wasn’t the nerdy, shy Harry speaking, but the new Harry speaking. And right now, I am in love with the new Harry. He’s helping me. Maybe changing him is a bad idea…

                “Tell me you don’t want to get in her pants, too.”

                “I don’t.” I didn’t know whether to be insulted or glad.

                “I’ll be taking this, then.” Sam dropped the urn into the bag. That was it for me. I snatched the bag out of his hands, not caring about the blanket at the moment. I ran upstairs and emptied out the bag. I heard footsteps behind me.

                “Give back the damn sack!” Sam shouted at me. I saw Harry standing behind him. That was the nerdy Harry. To be honest, I know the new Harry better than the nerdy Harry. But nerdy Harry was so sweet and kind and smart and didn’t ditch school. The new Harry ditches class and talks back…but he’s so hot. Stop it, Bri, my conscience warned me. You can’t like a guy because of his looks. That’s wrong.

                “Sack?” I said. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Why not call it a bag?”

                “Have sex with me and I’ll tell you why.”

                “Stop talking like that!” Harry yelled. “Are you some insane sex-crazed person or something? Are you on drugs? She obviously doesn’t want to have sex with you, so stop begging her!” I just stared at him. What he said was…amazing. He stood up for me. Well…he does like me. I couldn’t believe it. A whole new perspective of Harry just opened up to me. Not only was he intelligent, but what he said showed me he really does care about me; I’m not just some pretty girl to him.

                “And what would you know?” Sam crossed his arms. Thank God it’s Friday. I will not be sleeping at all tonight.

                “More than you.” Harry pushed Sam out the front door. “Don’t go near her again!” He slammed the door shut.

                “Harry…” I said. I felt so awkward. I was sitting on the floor of my living room wearing just jeans and a bra. How embarrassing.

                “Did he hurt you at all?” He sat down next to me.

                “No.” I went through the bag and pulled out the urn. Of course it had opened up and half the ashes were at the bottom of the bag. I sighed. “He’s such a jerk. I don’t know why I even went out with him in the first place.” There was silence. The only noise was crickets chirping outside.

                “Thank you,” I said, breaking the silence. “I didn’t think anyone was going to show up and help me.”

                “No problem,” he said. “After I heard your voice on the other line being all panicky, and his voice whispering to you, I knew something wasn’t right, so I came.”

                “Thank you,” I whispered, a tear falling from my cheek. He brought a hand up to my face and wiped away the stray tear with his thumb.

                “Why are you crying?”

                “I don’t know.” I nervously giggled. “I’m just so overwhelmed and—“ He interrupted me with a kiss. 

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