Aries || Calum Hood

By indolentcth

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"her sign was aries; aggressive, fiery, yet intimidatingly beautiful." Published: 19/04/15 ©indolentcth cover... More

Aries || Calum Hood
merry chrimus


1.6K 83 17
By indolentcth

ARIES: Wrath- Aries can act in a split second when provoked, fire fueling rash decisions over anything logical. The danger with Aries comes from moments like these, because actually, they aren't malicious personalities, and rarely manipulate or taunt, but rather act out in a moments notice with how they are feeling.


DISSIPATION CONTRIBUTED IMMENSELY to her conciliatory attempt to dismiss her distraught, cold and hostile wind bit at her cheeks, a pain she suffered through inside and out. Trembling hands stuffed deep into pockets lined with soft wool, her lips blew out warm air that swirled into the cloudy, grey sky. Her straight hair started to curl at the amount of times her fingers made contact with them, her dark brown eyes gazed over the concrete floor of the empty rooftop of her school.

He just didn't understand her.

She didn't understand why he didn't realize that she would never get hurt in this situation. It would only help herself, her tranquility. Why couldn't he fucking understand that?

For twenty-four hours, the so-called couple never contacted each other once. Her finger constantly hovered over the send button, but her pride restricted herself from doing so. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted him to be on her side. But she also knew that it would never happen. She only had her own back at the moment.

It was always like that.

Calum gave her a temporary euphoria that was snatched within the moment she indulged herself in temporary happiness. She never regretted anything, but she sure as hell wished she could've limited herself.

Maybe it would hurt less.

A cigarette dangling between her lips, Athena debated whether to light it for the first time. She never smoked an actual cigarette before, the substance merely poked at her disgusted mind, but if she could no longer result to weed, what else was there for her?

"Put that down." A demanding tone of voice startled Athena and caused the cigarette to fall onto the concrete ground, she turned her head around to see a familiar dirty blonde boy with a cup of coffee in his possession. Hair disheveled with his body dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket, he took a seat next to Athena while offering her a cough drop. "I could hear you coughing from downstairs. I don't think a cigarette would do that any good."

"Why are you here, Ashton?" Athena reluctantly grabbed the cough candy, she only agreed to eat it considering the fact that it was one of the sweet brands. Ashton chuckled at her response and ruffled her hair, his hands were extremely warm compared to her overall body temperature.

"In case you forgot, this was my original hangout place." Ashton rolled his eyes, he smelt of cologne and a tinge of cinnamon when he got closer to Athena. "I must say, I was quite shocked when Vienna heard that you and Calum are dating. Can't believe you never told me either."

"Who told her that?" Athena scrunched her eyebrows together, she bit the inside of her cheek to prevent her body from shivering again. Ashton slightly grinned at how she insisted on staying up on the rooftop instead of going to class and not having to worry about catching a cold.

"She knows everything, don't worry. Are you and Calum fighting? I mean, you're up here while he's flirting with one of the girls in his calculus class-"

"Who the fuck is he flirting with?" Athena snapped up, even though she and Calum were currently in a fight, that didn't diminish the chances of her beating up Calum and whoever the hell he was flirting with. Ashton let out a loud laugh and gestured her to sit back down.

"I'm kidding. I told Calum the same thing, and he looked ten times scarier than you do right now." Ashton winced when Athena slapped his shoulder, her heart suddenly calming down but speeding up when she realized that Calum actually got jealous because of what Ashton said. "You two are so cute. I would ask why you two are fighting, but Calum already made it obvious that it was not to be discussed. Can't you two just apologize already and have a kid or two?"

"What the fuck, Ashton?" Athena scowled only to let out a slight laugh when Ashton rolled his eyes as if his statement was completely normal.

"After dealing with Calum's ten million unborn babies spread out onto my bedsheets, I would like to personally thank you for putting a stop to his wasted sperm staining my blankets. However, I sometimes miss having to deal with him being a hassle, so if you two could have a kid, that'd be greatly appreciated. I can babysit it and shit. I'm pretty good with kids." Ashton bumped Athena's shoulder to try and convince her to carrying Calum's child, but she replied by punching his arm really hard.

"I am not going to carry his kid when I don't even have a high school diploma yet."

"So you would carry his kid after you graduate? Thanks, Athena. I can't wait." Ashton grinned widely only to be abused yet again by Athena whose cheeks were bright red (and it wasn't because of the cold this time). "Have you and Calum ever talked about your futures together?"

"Not really." Athena played with her bracelet again, the entire topic made her stomach feel really weird and her heart was starting to speed up a lot. She felt like a first grader who was experiencing her first crush and was planning out an unrealistic yet fairytale-like fantasy.

A future with Calum.

That sounded really nice, she wasn't going to lie.

"You look like a five year old." Ashton poked her nose which made her face scrunch up and be covered by her hands. Ashton poked her side and continued to tease her knowing that she was completely embarrassed at this point. "You should've seen Calum though when I asked if he saw a future with you. I asked him if he saw himself living in the same place with you, waking up everyday seeing you, fighting over who does the dishes, and all that. You know how he replies? 'Shut the fuck up, Ashton' with his face completely red just like yours. And when I continued to bother, he said, 'I wouldn't be with her if I didn't'."

"You're so fucking annoying, you know that?" Athena groaned to hide the fact that she felt really jittery at the moment. She felt like a child on the night before Christmas, her heart continued to pound fast, and she just wanted to run to Calum and forget about everything already.

But she never did.

"I don't appreciate these mean words."

"And I don't appreciate you asking my boyfriend and me the same questions just to meddle with the both of us."

"You said your boyfriend." Ashton smirked and nudged Athena with his elbow. Athena glared at him really hard before looking away, not wanting to give him the same satisfaction of her getting all flustered.

"Because he is my boyfriend."

"Then you should realize that he only wants what's best for you, and you should just be the bigger person and apologize." Ashton cut out most of his playful aura and stared into the clouds, they could feel rain droplets patter onto their faces.

"I thought you said he never told you anything."

"He didn't, but someone else did. Listen, Athena, whatever happened, he means the best for you. You have to understand that." Ashton tried to convince Athena, but she just scoffed and stood up, dusting off any dirt that would've remained on her black leggings. "Wait, I didn't mean that you were wrong-"

"I've said this a million times, and I will say it again if you want. I'm doing this for myself. He doesn't understand that." Athena glanced down at Ashton whose face was filled with regret, he realized that he should've never intervened with the entire argument between the stubborn couple. "It seems like you don't either."

Athena and Calum both somewhat ignored each other the next period, it wasn't that hard since they were taking a test, and they couldn't talk to each other even if they wanted to. Grey, the irrelevant new kid, would often ask Athena to move her answers up to give him a view, but before she could do so, Calum pushed her answers closer to her body and away from Grey.

"Don't be like that dude," Grey groaned and gestured for Athena to place her answers on the edge of her desk. Athena glared at Calum —who happily mimicked her expression— and set her answers on the edge as if to challenge him. "Thanks shortie."

"Don't call me that," Athena snapped at Grey who greedily shut his mouth and started to copy her answers. Calum rolled his eyes and pushed her answers closer to her yet again so Grey wouldn't see.

"Oh come on." Grey pouted, Calum flipped him off while Athena slapped his hand off her desk.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Athena asked Calum, she narrowed her eyes at him as he clenched his jaw and soothed his own hand. Calum's eyes were dark, it was obvious that he hasn't slept in a long time. His black hood covered some of his messy hair, if he weren't so fucking annoying, Athena would probably not be able to resist him.

"Preventing you from giving out answers for no reason." Calum crossed his arms and slouched onto his chair. "But if you want to be a good little girl for new kid over here, be my fucking guest, Athena."

"I don't need you to watch over me every damn time. I can make my own decisions, you know?" Athena spat while she pushed her answers to the edge again for Grey to see. However, Grey seemed quite intimidated by the bickering, so he decided to see where this would go before copying them down.

"Don't be complaining to me once you feel like shit at the end of the day." Calum rolled his eyes causing Athena to lose all previous little thoughts of regret she had before. Athena clenched her fist, she wished dearly that she could just yell at him, but she couldn't.

"Actually, I would be happy knowing I did something for myself and someone else."  Athena clenched her fists before Grey bit his lip, wondering if he should intervene or not.  The kid just wanted some answers so he wouldn't fail another class.  However, he wasn't so lucky considering the fact that he sat in front of the smartest girl in class, but she was also the most aggressive girl in class.  And she was dating the most intimidating guy in class.  "I don't need you to be my fucking conscience."

"I think you are very kind for letting me cheat," Grey whispered which caused Calum to snap his head up and scowl at him while Athena smiled in satisfaction.  "But, Calum is just looking after you.  You shouldn't get mad about-"

"You know what, Grey?  You should've just read the damn book on your own."  Athena scoffed while pulling her answers closer to her body.  She wanted to leave the classroom almost immediately, but she knew that it would never be possible.  Calum smirked at Grey who was baffled that she got that mad, but then again, what did he expect?

Athena decided to put her head back down, dark circles rimmed her eyes due to terrors creeping back upon her during the nighttime, her horrors were a constant juggle between Luke and fighting with Calum.  She knew she needed the rest; she felt deprived of actual comfort, but her desk was the only place she could lay her head on.  Covering her head with her arms, Athena felt her eyes drooping while she pressed her lips against her bracelet before finally allowing herself to sleep.

Noises cluttered in her mind while people were passing up their tests, Athena was still asleep until she felt a hand rub her arm.  Athena snapped up to see the classroom almost empty due to students crowding at the front as she groaned and let out a soft yawn.  Her eyes teared up a bit before her eyesight adjusted to the person in front of her.  "Wake up, Athena.  The bell just rang."

A fluff of black hair finally cleared up in her eyes while she looked straight at Grey's pale blue eyes that seemed to replicate how tired she was.  His skin looked deprived of light or even sleep for that matter, and she never realized how well is name suited him until now.  Athena turned to see an empty desk on her right, and maybe it was just those After-Nap effects, but her heart sank knowing that Calum never even woke her up.  Hell, she wouldn't be surprised if he was the first one to leave right away.

"Where's my test?"  Athena groggily asked and rubbed her eyes before Grey nodded his head towards the front of the room.  

"I already turned it in for you.  Calum seemed really mad today.  Are you guys alright?"  To say Grey's respect towards Athena changed immensely from the first time he arrived at Villa Park to now would be an understatement.  He was less of an asshole, and Athena noticed that he never surrounded himself with all the girls who drooled over him during the first day of school.  

"It's none of your business."

"He loves you, you know?"  Grey nonchalantly allowed those words to slip out of his mouth without knowing how they would affect Athena.  Pausing from her attempt to stand up, Athena sat back down and furrowed her eyebrows at him.  What the hell would Grey know about love?

"Stop allowing complete bullshit to come out of your mouth, yeah?"  Athena rolled her eyes before standing up finally and grabbing her backpack before Grey grabbed her arm.  He bit his lip once she sent him a warning look while he grabbed his stuff and walked with her instead.  

"It isn't bullshit.  I know it.  Athena, please just listen to what I have to say," Grey insisted and followed her out the classroom while a throng of students made them halt.  "I know he loves you.  A person who doesn't know shit about him could see the love he has for you.  The way he looks at you.  That's not just fucking attraction, Thena-"

"Don't call me that."

"Shit -sorry."  Grey rolled his eyes at Athena before pulling her towards the teal lockers that weren't occupied by a myriad of their peers.  "My point is, he loves you a lot.  I can see it.  Now, I've never fallen in love before, but if I had to say what true love looked like, it would be the way he looks at you.  I know you two are currently fighting about something, but when you were sleeping, he would constantly rub your back whenever you stirred up.  Ever since I got to this fucking school, I knew he loved you.  Why are you so blind?"

Athena bit her lip before looking towards Calum who was with Ashton and Vienna.  The three were laughing at something Ashton joked about until Calum sobered up and stared straight at Athena before clenching his jaw and rolling his eyes once Athena scowled at him.

"I'm not blind, Grey."  Athena never broke away eye contact with Calum until he decided to join the conversation with Vienna and Ashton again.  She narrowed her eyes as anger started to fuel her mindset once again.  "I already know about love.  He doesn't."

"I can tell that this fight is impacting you more than you thought it would."  Grey began to observe Calum as well, Athena couldn't believe how unaffected Calum was about this entire fight.  Even though Ashton said he noticed Calum looked ten times scarier than usual, Athena knew deep down that was not true.  Calum had this ability to mask all his emotions and shove them deep down into his mind, away from anyone who tried to contact with him.  That's what intrigued her in the first place, yet it seemed to be what was going to push her away at last.  "You look absolutely heartbroken."

"I'm just tired."

"You're tired of fighting.  Face it, you hate fighting with Calum like this.  I can see it in your fucking eyes, Athena.  You look weak."


Out of all fucking words.

Why did she have to go through this shit just for standing up for herself?  If Calum didn't want to support her, who gives a fuck anymore?  She was fucking Athena Knight, she didn't need a stupid boyfriend to back her up and be her knight in shining armor.  She didn't need someone to give her permission as to whether she could or couldn't fight for her own damn self.

She didn't need Calum to be there for her when she decides to keep her damn sanity.

And maybe it was her drunken mind on rage spinning with empowerment or maybe it was her thread of patience finally snapping in two, but Athena set her mind on only one sudden task driven by pride.

Athena craved on the look on Luke's face when all his pride is taken away, eyes helplessly begging for mercy before Athena finally connects her throbbing fists onto his bloody face.

At last, the fire fueling in her mind managed to combust into deadly flames while her wrath ached continuously for revenge, and her pride was the gasoline added to her anger that would become too much for her mind to handle in the small tranquility it originally contained.


Finals are actually killing me.  I took a three hour nap, yet I want more sleep.  What is this?

You guys, the fight is almost here woot woot.

I'm really excited for this scene, and I've actually been planning this since the beginning of the story.

Who do you think is going to lose?  Athena or Calum


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